unable to obtain access token silently using msal.js if user is logged in from msal .net code - msal

I downloaded the example from GitHub to experiment with Azure AD B2C https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-b2c-dotnet-webapp-and-webapi
I have reconfigured this Web App for my AADB2C and all works well.
To also experiment with MSAL.js, I added a new page that implements the get access token for logged in user. User is logged in using server side code.
However, I was not able to get cached user session for the logged user as it seems MSAL.js dose not know the user already logged in from the server side code and vise-versa.
here is the code I used to get the logged user session and try to get token silently.
if (msalInstance.getAccount()) {
var tokenRequest = {
scopes: ["user.read", "mail.send"]
.then(response => {
// get access token from response
// response.accessToken
.catch(err => {
// could also check if err instance of InteractionRequiredAuthError if you can import the class.
if (err.name === "InteractionRequiredAuthError") {
return msalInstance.acquireTokenPopup(tokenRequest)
.then(response => {
// get access token from response
// response.accessToken
.catch(err => {
// handle error
} else {
// user is not logged in, you will need to log them in to acquire a token
the msalInstance.getAccount() function will always return null even the user has already logged in using the Microsoft.Identity Code (MSAL C# lib).
If anyone could if it is possible to get access token silently if the user is logged in using service side code.

Had the same issue.
Strangely the developers Msal.js have security concerns when your .js-application
adopts the session started in your .net-application. Although client side is not the right place to put that kind of security mechanism.
Here is where i found that info: related issue on github
You can adopt the .net-started session in your .js-application with msal.js by adding session id or login_hint to acquireTokenSilent(). More info can be found here: official msal.js documentation


how to use revoke all valid access/refresh tokens of a particular user in openiddict (2.0.1)

Is there any way to trigger revoke all valid token of a user in openiddict version 2.0.1,
I added following code in my controller (took reference from Openiddict github issue #642 ,#380,#381)-
//code to use OPenIddictTokenManager class with dependency injection
OpenIddictTokenManager tokenManager
//logic to logout all active tokens//
foreach (var token in await _tokenManager.FindBySubjectAsync(user.Id))
if (await _tokenManager.IsValidAsync(token))
await _tokenManager.RevokeAsync(token);
And starup.cs file server options-
.AddServer(options =>
if (HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
//I also tried with server and validation options.UseReferenceTokens(), but getting error: 401 "invalid_grant". Sometime 500 internal server error.
Can you please give any fix?

Nuxt Auth + socialite manual login

I am trying to use the Nuxt Auth module and socialite for social logins. I have an API in Laravel 8 and a client in NuxtJS.
I am wondering if someone could tell me:
If my logic here is ok?
How to manually log user with nuxt auth (manually set token and user)?
So currently here is my flow for social logins:
Click on login with google makes an API call to my backend where I get redirect URL from socialite to google.
My frontend redirects me to the google login page, then back to my frontend app after I picked the account.
I send the google code to the backend to callback endpoint for socialite which then grabs me the google user. In same place after I deal with users in my app I am returning the token which I create by doing return $this->okResponse(['token' => $nativeUser->createToken('social-login')->accessToken]);
At this point I am back in my front end with the token which then I am trying to set this.$auth.setUserToken(response.data.token) which apparently does not equal logging the user in. So it looks like this:
mounted() {
this.$axios.get(`login/social/google/callback`, {params: {code: this.$route.query.code}}).then(response => {
// this.$auth.strategy.token.set(response.data.token)
if (this.$auth.loggedIn) {
console.log('I am logged in!')
} else {
console.log('I am NOT logged in!', this.$auth)
I am not logged in. Do I have to manually set loggedIn, 'User' and token? Or this is just madness? The only other thing I see here as a solution is my own custom strategy but this seems like total overkill.
Not sure if this is the best way but I ended up doing something like this.
mounted() {
this.$axios.get(`login/social/google/callback`, {params: {code: this.$route.query.code}}).then(response => {
if (this.$auth.loggedIn) {
console.log('I am logged in!')
} else {
console.log('I am NOT logged in!', this.$auth)
This seems to be working ok.

Laravel Sanctum Vue.js - How to check if session is expired

I'm starting up a learning project with Laravel, VueJS. I'm using Sanctum cookie based.
I have got the authentication working with the help of several tutorials, but none of the tutorials covers the piece of checking if your session is expired or not. The tutorials that where covering it where using LocalStorage, and what I red about is that you should avoid LocalStorage.
I'm looking for a simple possibility to check if a user is still authenticated and if not, then redirect them to the login page, or even better, show a modal to login and go further where they are.
22 jan 2021 Still haven't got he answer :(
I'm fairly new to VueJS, Vuex and so on :)
Thanks for the help !
Try this, its what I've been using so far. Its not very ideal but works out fine so far until I can make it better.
Put this in App.vue created method
// each call needs csrf token to work, so we call this on app load once.
axios.get(axios.rootURL + '/sanctum/csrf-cookie').catch(() => {
alert('Something went wrong, Contact admin <br> ErrorCode: csrf')
// this part is not necessary, you may adapt as required
// let isLoggedIn = localStorage.getItem('isLoggedIn') ? true : false
// this.setIsLoggedIn(isLoggedIn)
config => {
return config
error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
// this is the actual part you need, here we check on each call
// if we get error 401 which is unauthenticated we redirect to login. That's it
response => {
return response
error => {
if (error.response.status === 401) {
this.$router.push({ name: 'login' })
return Promise.reject(error)

New MicrosoftTeams.authentication.getAuthToken is not a MS Graph Bearer: token?

In the Single Sign-On for Teams
I have the call microsoftTeams.authentication.getAuthToken(authTokenRequest); working; that is, it successfully returns a token resolving to my Azure Active Directory (AAD) successfully. All good. Surprisingly easy. JWT returns with correct audience and scopes (as I have set in my tenant's AAD)
However what I get back when I decode the JWT this seems to just be an Authentication Token, not an Access Token.
Looking at the sample at Task Meow/teams.auth.service.js Does not seem to show how to swap the Auth for the Access Token.
I assume the code will look something like the method getToken() ... but since I have already spent 10+ working days on auth (old ADAL OH MY GOODNESS WAS THIS HORRIBLE) ...
I was wondering if there are any other good samples of MicrosoftTeams.js Authenticate / Auth Token / MSAL Access token out there?
Anyway, I did solve my problem by the following
Follow TaskMeow example through the abstractions ofauth.service.js > sso.auth.service.js > teams.auth.service.js
As I wanted additional AAD scopes (Files.ReadWrite.All to access the Sharepoint Online files in Teams and Groups.ReadWrite.All - to add Tabs) my getToken() method in teams.auth.service.js is something like the following:
getToken() {
if (!this.getTokenPromise) {
this.getTokenPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.ensureLoginHint().then(() => {
(reason, token, error) => {
if (!error) {
} else {
reject({ error, reason });
return this.getTokenPromise;
Editorial Comment:
Authentication in Microsoft Teams is too difficult
There seems to be many "approaches" in the documentation
The present "SSO" flow still has flaws, and is in "Developer Preview"
If you are an SPA developer it is just too difficult. I am (obviously) not an expert on Authentication -- so current "recipes" are imperative.
This is especially the case if you want more than the default "scopes" as described in Single Sign-on ... and most of the "good stuff" in Microsoft Graph is outside of these default scopes.
Also, this snippet may help.
If you follow the recommended Taskmeow in your Microsoft Teams app, you will get a quick appearance of the Redirect URI (aka /tab/silent-start)
To solve this, adal.js caches the user and access token.
So you can add a check in login()
login() {
if (!this.loginPromise) {
this.loginPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.ensureLoginHint().then(() => {
// Start the login flow
let cachedUser = this.authContext.getCachedUser();
let currentIdToken = this.authContext.getCachedToken(this.applicationConfig.clientId);
if (cachedUser && currentIdToken) {
} else {
url: `${window.location.origin}/silent-start.html`,
width: 600,
height: 535,
successCallback: result => {
failureCallback: reason => {
return this.loginPromise;

Invalid signature while validating Azure ad access token, but id token works

I am getting invalid signature while using jwt.io to validate my azure ad access token. My id token, however, validates just fine!
I have seen and tried the solutions suggested in
Invalid signature while validating Azure ad access token
but neither works for my access token.
The access and Id token is generated via Adal.js:
var endpoints = {
"https://graph.windows.net": "https://graph.windows.net"
var configOptions = {
tenant: "<ad>.onmicrosoft.com", // Optional by default, it sends common
clientId: "<app ID from azure portal>",
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
endpoints: endpoints,
window.authContext = new AuthenticationContext(configOptions);
Why can I validate my ID token, but not my access token?
Please refer to thread : https://github.com/AzureAD/azure-activedirectory-identitymodel-extensions-for-dotnet/issues/609
but if look at the Jwt.Header you will see a 'nonce'. This means you need special processing. Normal processing will fail.
So if nonce includes in access token , validate signature with JWT.io or JwtSecurityToken won't success .
If anyone else has invalid signature errors, you should check this comment : https://github.com/AzureAD/microsoft-authentication-library-for-js/issues/521#issuecomment-577400515
Solved the issue for my configuration.
Essentially, if you are getting access tokens to access your own resource server and not the Graph API, your scopes parameter should be [CLIENT_ID]/.default (and if you are using the access token to access the Graph API, you don't need to validate the token yourself)
Thanks to Nan Yu I managed to get token that can be validated by any public jwt validator like jwt.io
(couldn't put my comment in the comments section under Nan Yu's answer because its too long).
So as I understand the point from the discussion mentioned by Nan Yu that by default Azure AD generates tokens for Microsoft Graph and these tokens use special signing mechanism so that it is not possible to validate signature using public validators (except jwt.ms Microsoft's validator which most probably knows what mysterious special handling means :) ).
To get access token not for Microsoft Graph that can be validated using public validators I had to:
Remove any Microsoft Graph related scopes (by default I had only one scope configured User.Read so removed it in appConfig > API permissions)
create a custom scope for your application (appConfig > Expose an API > Add scope ...) this scope will look like api://{application-id}/scope-name
add just created scope in the application API permissions (appConfig > API permissions > Add api permission > My APIs > select your application > Delegated Permissions > Check your scope > Add permission)
then use this scope in your openid client scopes, in my case I have: openid offline_access {application-id}/scope-name
Note that in the openid client config newly created scope is used without api:// prefix (offline_access I have to enable refresh_token can be ignored if refresh token mechanism is not used)
Well thanks to #Antoine I fix my code. Here I will let my personal vue.js plugin that is working for everybody else reference:
import { PublicClientApplication } from '#azure/msal-browser'
import { Notify } from 'quasar'
export class MsalService {
_msal = null
_store = null
_loginRequest = null
constructor (appConfig, store) {
this._store = store
this._msal = new PublicClientApplication(
auth: {
clientId: appConfig.auth.clientId,
authority: appConfig.auth.authority
cache: {
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
this._loginRequest = {
scopes: [`${appConfig.auth.clientId}/.default`]
async handleResponse (response) {
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', response)
const accounts = this._msal.getAllAccounts()
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setAccounts', accounts)
if (accounts.length > 0) {
this._msal.acquireTokenSilent(this._loginRequest).then(async (accessTokenResponse) => {
// Acquire token silent success
// Call API with token
// let accessToken = accessTokenResponse.accessToken;
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', accessTokenResponse)
}).catch((error) => {
message: JSON.stringify(error),
color: 'red'
// Acquire token silent failure, and send an interactive request
if (error.errorMessage.indexOf('interaction_required') !== -1) {
this._msal.acquireTokenPopup(this._loginRequest).then(async (accessTokenResponse) => {
// Acquire token interactive success
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', accessTokenResponse)
}).catch((error) => {
// Acquire token interactive failure
message: JSON.stringify(error),
color: 'red'
async login () {
// this._msal.handleRedirectPromise().then((res) => this.handleResponse(res))
// await this._msal.loginRedirect(this._loginRequest)
await this._msal.loginPopup(this._loginRequest).then((resp) => this.handleResponse(resp))
async logout () {
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setAccounts', [])
await this._msal.logout()
// "async" is optional;
// more info on params: https://quasar.dev/quasar-cli/boot-files
export default ({
}) => {
const msalInstance = new MsalService(
app.appConfig, store
Vue.prototype.$msal = msalInstance
app.msal = msalInstance
PD: using quasar framework
If you are using msal.js library with react, add this to your auth configuration.
scopes: [`${clientId}/.default`]
Editing scopes fixed issue for me
