New MicrosoftTeams.authentication.getAuthToken is not a MS Graph Bearer: token? - microsoft-teams

In the Single Sign-On for Teams
I have the call microsoftTeams.authentication.getAuthToken(authTokenRequest); working; that is, it successfully returns a token resolving to my Azure Active Directory (AAD) successfully. All good. Surprisingly easy. JWT returns with correct audience and scopes (as I have set in my tenant's AAD)
However what I get back when I decode the JWT this seems to just be an Authentication Token, not an Access Token.
Looking at the sample at Task Meow/teams.auth.service.js Does not seem to show how to swap the Auth for the Access Token.
I assume the code will look something like the method getToken() ... but since I have already spent 10+ working days on auth (old ADAL OH MY GOODNESS WAS THIS HORRIBLE) ...
I was wondering if there are any other good samples of MicrosoftTeams.js Authenticate / Auth Token / MSAL Access token out there?

Anyway, I did solve my problem by the following
Follow TaskMeow example through the abstractions ofauth.service.js > sso.auth.service.js > teams.auth.service.js
As I wanted additional AAD scopes (Files.ReadWrite.All to access the Sharepoint Online files in Teams and Groups.ReadWrite.All - to add Tabs) my getToken() method in teams.auth.service.js is something like the following:
getToken() {
if (!this.getTokenPromise) {
this.getTokenPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.ensureLoginHint().then(() => {
(reason, token, error) => {
if (!error) {
} else {
reject({ error, reason });
return this.getTokenPromise;
Editorial Comment:
Authentication in Microsoft Teams is too difficult
There seems to be many "approaches" in the documentation
The present "SSO" flow still has flaws, and is in "Developer Preview"
If you are an SPA developer it is just too difficult. I am (obviously) not an expert on Authentication -- so current "recipes" are imperative.
This is especially the case if you want more than the default "scopes" as described in Single Sign-on ... and most of the "good stuff" in Microsoft Graph is outside of these default scopes.

Also, this snippet may help.
If you follow the recommended Taskmeow in your Microsoft Teams app, you will get a quick appearance of the Redirect URI (aka /tab/silent-start)
To solve this, adal.js caches the user and access token.
So you can add a check in login()
login() {
if (!this.loginPromise) {
this.loginPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.ensureLoginHint().then(() => {
// Start the login flow
let cachedUser = this.authContext.getCachedUser();
let currentIdToken = this.authContext.getCachedToken(this.applicationConfig.clientId);
if (cachedUser && currentIdToken) {
} else {
url: `${window.location.origin}/silent-start.html`,
width: 600,
height: 535,
successCallback: result => {
failureCallback: reason => {
return this.loginPromise;


aurelia app with AD b2c Hosted on Azure, redirects back to login on Edge and Firefox

I have an Aurelia app that authenticates with Azure B2C using the Msal JavaScript library.
It is Hosted on an Azure app service, It works fine in Chrome but in Edge and Firefox i get redirected back to the Azure B2C login screen when the app starts.
This is my main.ts:
aurelia.start().then((a) => {
let auth: Auth = a
setTimeout(() => {
.then(() => {
.catch((e) => {
}, 2000);
This is the isAuthenticated method:
isAuthenticated() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let cachedUser = this
if (cachedUser == null) {
this.authenticated = false;
return reject();
let token = this._getTokentInternal();
if (token) {
this.authenticated = true;
return resolve();
} else {
return reject();
This works fine when i run on Localhost with the Aurelia cli, all three browsers work, but when i publish to azure, Edge and Firefox keep getting a rejected promise response from the isAuthenticated method even though azure login was successful, this forces a redirect to login.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
Can anyone point me in the right direction to resolve this?
It seems that my login method cleared the window.location.hash, I removed that line and it seems to be working now

Invalid signature while validating Azure ad access token, but id token works

I am getting invalid signature while using to validate my azure ad access token. My id token, however, validates just fine!
I have seen and tried the solutions suggested in
Invalid signature while validating Azure ad access token
but neither works for my access token.
The access and Id token is generated via Adal.js:
var endpoints = {
"": ""
var configOptions = {
tenant: "<ad>", // Optional by default, it sends common
clientId: "<app ID from azure portal>",
postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
endpoints: endpoints,
window.authContext = new AuthenticationContext(configOptions);
Why can I validate my ID token, but not my access token?
Please refer to thread :
but if look at the Jwt.Header you will see a 'nonce'. This means you need special processing. Normal processing will fail.
So if nonce includes in access token , validate signature with or JwtSecurityToken won't success .
If anyone else has invalid signature errors, you should check this comment :
Solved the issue for my configuration.
Essentially, if you are getting access tokens to access your own resource server and not the Graph API, your scopes parameter should be [CLIENT_ID]/.default (and if you are using the access token to access the Graph API, you don't need to validate the token yourself)
Thanks to Nan Yu I managed to get token that can be validated by any public jwt validator like
(couldn't put my comment in the comments section under Nan Yu's answer because its too long).
So as I understand the point from the discussion mentioned by Nan Yu that by default Azure AD generates tokens for Microsoft Graph and these tokens use special signing mechanism so that it is not possible to validate signature using public validators (except Microsoft's validator which most probably knows what mysterious special handling means :) ).
To get access token not for Microsoft Graph that can be validated using public validators I had to:
Remove any Microsoft Graph related scopes (by default I had only one scope configured User.Read so removed it in appConfig > API permissions)
create a custom scope for your application (appConfig > Expose an API > Add scope ...) this scope will look like api://{application-id}/scope-name
add just created scope in the application API permissions (appConfig > API permissions > Add api permission > My APIs > select your application > Delegated Permissions > Check your scope > Add permission)
then use this scope in your openid client scopes, in my case I have: openid offline_access {application-id}/scope-name
Note that in the openid client config newly created scope is used without api:// prefix (offline_access I have to enable refresh_token can be ignored if refresh token mechanism is not used)
Well thanks to #Antoine I fix my code. Here I will let my personal vue.js plugin that is working for everybody else reference:
import { PublicClientApplication } from '#azure/msal-browser'
import { Notify } from 'quasar'
export class MsalService {
_msal = null
_store = null
_loginRequest = null
constructor (appConfig, store) {
this._store = store
this._msal = new PublicClientApplication(
auth: {
clientId: appConfig.auth.clientId,
authority: appConfig.auth.authority
cache: {
cacheLocation: 'localStorage'
this._loginRequest = {
scopes: [`${appConfig.auth.clientId}/.default`]
async handleResponse (response) {
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', response)
const accounts = this._msal.getAllAccounts()
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setAccounts', accounts)
if (accounts.length > 0) {
this._msal.acquireTokenSilent(this._loginRequest).then(async (accessTokenResponse) => {
// Acquire token silent success
// Call API with token
// let accessToken = accessTokenResponse.accessToken;
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', accessTokenResponse)
}).catch((error) => {
message: JSON.stringify(error),
color: 'red'
// Acquire token silent failure, and send an interactive request
if (error.errorMessage.indexOf('interaction_required') !== -1) {
this._msal.acquireTokenPopup(this._loginRequest).then(async (accessTokenResponse) => {
// Acquire token interactive success
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setResponse', accessTokenResponse)
}).catch((error) => {
// Acquire token interactive failure
message: JSON.stringify(error),
color: 'red'
async login () {
// this._msal.handleRedirectPromise().then((res) => this.handleResponse(res))
// await this._msal.loginRedirect(this._loginRequest)
await this._msal.loginPopup(this._loginRequest).then((resp) => this.handleResponse(resp))
async logout () {
await this._store.dispatch('auth/setAccounts', [])
await this._msal.logout()
// "async" is optional;
// more info on params:
export default ({
}) => {
const msalInstance = new MsalService(
app.appConfig, store
Vue.prototype.$msal = msalInstance
app.msal = msalInstance
PD: using quasar framework
If you are using msal.js library with react, add this to your auth configuration.
scopes: [`${clientId}/.default`]
Editing scopes fixed issue for me

Google authentication with Angular2 and ASP.NET core Web API app

I'm creating an web application in Angular2 and i'd like to use Google for the user to login and use the application. Basically, once the user is logged in with Google, he will navigate in the site and make some AJAX call via Angular to the ASP.NET Core Web API.
In my mind, I though that all these calls should contain a JWT (issued by Google) and the ASP.NET Core Web Api would validate the token and then process the request if the token is valid. Simple enough... However, I'm struggling to find out how this could be achieved. All I found is posts talking about how to login via Google in order to use Google APIs. In my case, I don't need any Google API but the login one.
So far, I have this:
export class GoogleAuthenticationService {
private auth: any;
constructor(private userService: UserService) {
public bindLoginButton(element: any) {
this.ensureApiIsLoaded().then(() => {
this.auth.attachClickHandler(element, {}, (user) => {
let profile = user.getBasicProfile();
this.userService.set(profile.getName(), profile.getEmail(), user.getAuthResponse().id_token, AuthenticationType.Google);
// TODO: Better type definition of the promise
private ensureApiIsLoaded() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
gapi.load('auth2', () => {
this.auth = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: "CLIENT_ID",
cookiepolicy: 'single_host_origin',
scope: 'profile email'
Basically, I'm just initializing "gapi" with my client ID, then I define some properties in the "UserService". This works pretty well. Moreover, I'm using the value returned by user.getAuthResponse().id_token for every call to my web service (I did this following this article). The next step was to try and validate the token in C# (like the sample in Java) but I didn't find any valid resources talking about that and the class used in the Java code does not exists in C#...
Is it that complicated or am I just on the wrong path and this is totally not how the web application is supposed to work. Could someone give me some pointers about this scenario that is, according to me, quite common.

Meteor-Validate multi OAuth account in 'onCreateUser'

I am trying to login to single user with multi OAuth (facebook, google) login service. Here is what I try.
In Client:
'click #signInByFacebook': function (e) {
Meteor.loginWithFacebook({requestPermissions: ['public_profile', 'email', 'user_about_me', 'user_photos']}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
showError($('.alert'), err, 'login');
showSuccess($('.alert'), 'login');
Session.set('notAdmin', !Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ["admin"]));
'click #signInByGoogle': function (e) {
Meteor.loginWithGoogle({requestPermissions: ['profile', 'email', 'openid']}, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
showError($('.alert'), err, 'login');
showSuccess($('.alert'), 'login');
Session.set('notAdmin', !Roles.userIsInRole(Meteor.user(), ["admin"]));
In Server:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
if (options.profile) {
user.profile = options.profile;
var sameuser = Meteor.users.findOne({$or: [{'emails.address': getEmail(user)}, {'': getEmail(user)}, {'': getEmail(user)}]});
if (sameuser) {
if ( {
Meteor.users.update({_id: sameuser._id}, {$set: {'services.facebook':}});
if ( {
Meteor.users.update({_id: sameuser._id}, {$set: {'':}});
console.log('register success');
return user;
This code will check if any user logined with facebook/google has the
same email or not with current sign in. If they are the same, just
update information to old account. If not, create new user.
This works great, but there is a problem with the 'return ;' in server code. I dont know what should I return to stop create user and auto login to the user that has same email. Anybody can help this issue ? Thank you.
The only way to stop creation of the new user is to throw an exception, but that will also prevent logging in as the existing user.
However, your general approach is insecure. Consider a user who has a Google account with a strong password and a Facebook account with a weak one. When he uses the Google account to authenticate with your app, he doesn't (and shouldn't) expect that someone who gains access to his Facebook account will be able access your app as him.
A better approach is to require that the user be logged into both services simultaneously before merging the services. The good news is that this also means that you don't need to worry about logging in after preventing the creation of the new user, because the user will already be logged in. Something like this might work:
Accounts.onCreateUser(function (options, user) {
if (options.profile) {
user.profile = options.profile;
var currentUser = Meteor.user();
if (currentUser) {
if ( {
Meteor.users.update({_id: currentUser._id}, {$set: {'services.facebook':}});
if ( {
Meteor.users.update({_id: currentUser._id}, {$set: {'':}});
throw new Meteor.Error(Accounts.LoginCancelledError.numericError, "Service added to existing user (or something similar)");;
console.log('register success');
return user;
There are still a couple loose ends. First, I think Meteor expects OAuth credentials to be "pinned" to the user that they are associated with, so you probably need to repin the credentials you are copying.
Second, the above approach bypasses the validateLoginAttempt() callbacks. If you, or any package you are using, has registered any such callbacks, they won't be called when logging in using the second service, so they won't be able to prevent any such logins that they might consider invalid.
You can address both of these issues and skip the onCreateUser() callback as well, by just adding my brettle:accounts-add-service package to your app.

Restrict Login Email with Google OAuth2.0 to Specific Domain Name

I can't seem to find any documentation on how to restrict the login to my web application (which uses OAuth2.0 and Google APIs) to only accept authentication requests from users with an email on a specific domain name or set of domain names. I would like to whitelist as opposed to blacklist.
Does anyone have suggestions on how to do this, documentation on the officially accepted method of doing so, or an easy, secure work around?
For the record, I do not know any info about the user until they attempt to log in through Google's OAuth authentication. All I receive back is the basic user info and email.
So I've got an answer for you. In the OAuth request you can add and it will restrict authentication to users from that domain (I don't know if you can do multiple domains). You can find hd parameter documented here
I'm using the Google API libraries from here: so I had to manually edit the /auth/apiOAuth2.php file to this:
public function createAuthUrl($scope) {
$params = array(
'redirect_uri=' . urlencode($this->redirectUri),
'client_id=' . urlencode($this->clientId),
'scope=' . urlencode($scope),
'access_type=' . urlencode($this->accessType),
'approval_prompt=' . urlencode($this->approvalPrompt),
if (isset($this->state)) {
$params[] = 'state=' . urlencode($this->state);
$params = implode('&', $params);
return self::OAUTH2_AUTH_URL . "?$params";
I'm still working on this app and found this, which may be the more correct answer to this question.
Client Side:
Using the auth2 init function, you can pass the hosted_domain parameter to restrict the accounts listed on the signin popup to those matching your hosted_domain. You can see this in the documentation here:
Server Side:
Even with a restricted client-side list you will need to verify that the id_token matches the hosted domain you specified. For some implementations this means checking the hd attribute you receive from Google after verifying the token.
Full Stack Example:
Web Code:
gapi.load('auth2', function () {
// init auth2 with your hosted_domain
// only matching accounts will show up in the list or be accepted
var auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: "",
hosted_domain: 'your-special-domain.example'
// setup your signin button
auth2.attachClickHandler(yourButtonElement, {});
// when the current user changes
auth2.currentUser.listen(function (user) {
// if the user is signed in
if (user && user.isSignedIn()) {
// validate the token on your server,
// your server will need to double check that the
// `hd` matches your specified `hosted_domain`;
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
auth2.then(function() { auth2.signOut(); });
Server Code (using googles Node.js library):
If you're not using Node.js you can view other examples here:
const GoogleAuth = require('google-auth-library');
const Auth = new GoogleAuth();
const authData = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(your_auth_creds_json_file));
const oauth = new Auth.OAuth2(authData.web.client_id, authData.web.client_secret);
const acceptableISSs = new Set(
['', '']
const validateToken = (token) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!token) {
oauth.verifyIdToken(token, null, (err, ticket) => {
if (err) {
return reject(err);
const payload = ticket.getPayload();
const tokenIsOK = payload &&
payload.aud === authData.web.client_id &&
new Date(payload.exp * 1000) > new Date() &&
acceptableISSs.has(payload.iss) &&
payload.hd === 'your-special-domain.example';
return tokenIsOK ? resolve() : reject();
When defining your provider, pass in a hash at the end with the 'hd' parameter. You can read up on that here.
E.g., for config/initializers/devise.rb
config.omniauth :google_oauth2, 'identifier', 'key', {hd: ''}
Here's what I did using passport in node.js. profile is the user attempting to log in.
//passed, stringified email login
var emailString = String(profile.emails[0].value);
//the domain you want to whitelist
var yourDomain = '';
//check the x amount of characters including and after # symbol of passed user login.
//This means '' must be the final set of characters in the attempted login
var domain = emailString.substr(emailString.length - yourDomain.length);
//I send the user back to the login screen if domain does not match
if (domain != yourDomain)
return done(err);
Then just create logic to look for multiple domains instead of just one. I believe this method is secure because 1. the '#' symbol is not a valid character in the first or second part of an email address. I could not trick the function by creating an email address like 2. In a traditional login system I could, but this email address could never exist in Google. If it's not a valid Google account, you can't login.
Since 2015 there has been a function in the library to set this without needing to edit the source of the library as in the workaround by aaron-bruce
Before generating the url just call setHostedDomain against your Google Client
$client->setHostedDomain("HOSTED DOMAIN")
For login with Google using Laravel Socialite
use Laravel\Socialite\Facades\Socialite;
return Socialite::driver('google')
->with(['hd' => ''])
