Dynamically change 'cleanup' config property for Codeception's Doctrine2 module - functional-testing

I'm trying to create a functional test suite in which I would like to have some test cases incrementally filling Doctrine repository with some entities. In fact I'm storing images in Postgres database. E.g. in first test case I create and store image. In the second test case which #depends on first one I would like to check if extracted image equals to provided in the first. This workflow works well while setting Doctrine2 'cleanup' setting to false. But I don't want to have this option hardcoded since there are other kinds of test cases I would like to execute in 'cleanup' = true environment. Is it possible to set this option dynamically? Can't find info in docs.


Is there a way to specify a where condition for all tests in a model in DBT?

I would like to write some tests for my dbt model. I only want the tests to test certain rows (data within the last month). I could write a where clause for every single test in yml file like so:
- not_null
where: "current_date-date_column<=30"
However, I was wondering if there is some shortcut to put the clause on the model and have the where clause apply to all tests of the model (which is a lot easier to write and also means I don't have to worry about forgetting if I add more tests).
This article givers an example on how to do that for project level but I don't want the whole project just one model.
Any config that can be applied in the dbt_project.yml can be scoped to specific directories or resources. However, tests are their own resources, independent of the models they test, and currently (dbt v1.2), it is not possible apply config to all tests for a given model.
As a workaround, you could consider putting the .yml file that defines the tests for that model in a directory by itself, and applying the config to a directory.
Apply where to a whole project:
+where: "date_column = current_date"
Apply where only to .yml files nested in the models/marts/finance/ directory:
+where: "date_column = current_date"
Apply where to a specific test:
+where: "date_column = current_date"
See the docs for resource-path for more info

Gherkin for CYPRESS - How to format GHERKIN for long test cases with multiple validation points throughout the test

I understand that within this framework users are unable to call scenarios within scenarios.
I am trying to create End to End test cases where there are validation points at multiple stages of the test.
Using 'bad' gherkin syntax the process for the scenario would be something like:
Given Item A exists
When User processes Item
Then Warning is displayed
When User accesses Item
Then Warning is not displayed
When User finalises Item
Then Item status = "CURRENT"
And Record Status = "COMPLETED"
The first thing I considered was breaking the scenario into 3 distinct GWT scenarios.
That is fine.
However suppose I now want to create a new end to end scenario that can re-use one of the 3 scenarios created (as you would re-use a function).
How do I do this without duplication of Gherkin code?
I cannot use Background as the sections that I require to re-use are in the middle of the execution.
Steps prior and after may be different.
IN SUMMARY: I am trying to re-use a GWT scenario that is common for many end to end scenarios where the end to end scenarios are inherently different.
Any feedback or assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers and thanks,
I think I know what you mean. I have done some "meta" scenario's. For example there are ones that test login, maintaining details and creating an account that are very fine grained. Then I have scenario's that test things further along the way, assuming that the happy path has been taken up to that point. So imagine having a scebnario called:
The user is logged in and has successfully created an account and is at the add product screen
For that, in the step definition, I would just combine function calls with hardcoded values:
#When("^The user is logged in and has successfully created an account and is at the add product screen$")
def addProducts(String val) {
navLibrary.loginAsUser("user", "password")
navLibrary.createAccount("some", "params", "you", "need")
navLibrary.navToProducts("some param")
And then start with the finer details in new separate steps. You have to think system design, and cascading. For me it meant a lot of initial rework as the tests started growing, but now it's a breeze. Pick the right level of reusability. It is testing code, so it doesn't have to subscribe perfectly to all the programming precepts. It must work, and it must be low maintenance in the long run.
I didn't use Cypress though. My tests are in Groovy with Selenium and Cucumber.

Spring boot: Override property value

Into my application-pre.properties file there's coded this property:
In order to fill it, I'm using -Dspring-boot.run.arguments=--spring.config.additional-location=scheduler-config.properties.
I need to set BACKOFFICE_SERVICE property, otherwise spring doesn't start. So, it means that scheduler.url-backoffice comes to http://localhost:8080.
I 've added another line after that in order override its value.
My surprise is its value is not changed. I mean, scheduler.url-backoffice's value is http://localhost:8080 instead of http://localhost:8081.
I'm not able to change application-pre.properties content file.
Use multiple application properties files.
One can ship in the jar;
this contains the defaults.
For me, defaults translates to either the prod values,
if there is only one set of prod values,
or the developer local values (which should cause failures in production).
The second file contains the environment specific property values that
override the defaults.
You must change your startup values to achieve this.
Here is an example:
Edit: in response to "still not working".
It seems like you need much more than the "simple" approach I described above.
For that,
check out section 24. Externalized Configuration in the Spring Boot Reference Guide.
There are many techniques to override configuration values;
all are covered in the reference guide.

QTP Visibility Issue with a strange solution

I'm testing a Java web application on QTP. In one screen, not all fields are visible initially (ie: they're 'below the fold'), so this:
Browser("x").Page("y").JavaApplet("z").JavaInternalFrame("a").JavaEdit("txtName").Set "bob"
Causes an unspecified error to occur.
But if I change it slightly, to:
Browser("x").Page("y").JavaApplet("z").JavaInternalFrame("a").JavaEdit("txtName").Object.SetText "bob"
It works fine. Why?
If the object Properties for the JavaEdit Box which is set by the Developers is different from other similar objects. hence it has to be done in that way.
There are many instance like where one cell of the Java Table is set by the value using SetCellData for the Edit operation and for a same kind operation usually we use Type / SendKey methods.

Best way to associate data files with particular tests in RSpec / Ruby

For my RSpec tests I would to automatically associate data files with each test. To clarify, if my tests each require an xml file as input data and then some xpath statements to validate the responses they get back I would like to externalize the xml and xpath as files and have the testing framework easily associate them with the particular test being run by using the unique ID of the test as the file(s) name. I tried to get this behavior but the solution isn't very clean. I wrote a helper method that takes the value of "description" and combines it with FILE to create a unique identifier which is set into a global variable that other utilities can access. The unique identifier is used to associate the data files I need. I have to call this helper method as the first line of every test, which is ugly.
If I have an RSpec example that looks like this:
describe "Basic functions of this server I'm testing" do
it "should give me back a response" do
# Sets a global var to: "my_tests_spec.rb_should_give_me_back_a_response"
TestHelper::who_am_i __FILE__, description
Is there some better/cleaner/slicker way I can get an unique ID for each test that I could use to associate data files with? Perhaps something build into RSpec I'm unaware of?
Thank you,
I just learned about the nifty global before and after hooks. I can hide the unique ID creation code there. It makes things much cleaner. I'll probably go with this solution unless there's an even slicker way to acquire a unique ID for each test. Thanks
