Spring boot: Override property value - spring-boot

Into my application-pre.properties file there's coded this property:
In order to fill it, I'm using -Dspring-boot.run.arguments=--spring.config.additional-location=scheduler-config.properties.
I need to set BACKOFFICE_SERVICE property, otherwise spring doesn't start. So, it means that scheduler.url-backoffice comes to http://localhost:8080.
I 've added another line after that in order override its value.
My surprise is its value is not changed. I mean, scheduler.url-backoffice's value is http://localhost:8080 instead of http://localhost:8081.
I'm not able to change application-pre.properties content file.

Use multiple application properties files.
One can ship in the jar;
this contains the defaults.
For me, defaults translates to either the prod values,
if there is only one set of prod values,
or the developer local values (which should cause failures in production).
The second file contains the environment specific property values that
override the defaults.
You must change your startup values to achieve this.
Here is an example:
Edit: in response to "still not working".
It seems like you need much more than the "simple" approach I described above.
For that,
check out section 24. Externalized Configuration in the Spring Boot Reference Guide.
There are many techniques to override configuration values;
all are covered in the reference guide.


UI5 - Load proper i18n_xy.properties at onInit and later on manually

We have the requirement, that we shall host an SAPUI5 application inside a java-application's host, which our vendor offered to us by implementing and exposing jxbrowser.
This vendor's java application offers an api, which can be accessed from within our SAPUI5 application.
This java api offers also an environment (or config-settings), where, amongst a rich set of settings, also a user language can be obtained.
And this language is neither a sap-logon language param nor is it guaranteed to be always the language which is set up in the "jx-browser" ( if possible at all, like in all real browsers ), and it uses the standard i18n _xy_AB acronym's naming style.
And I want to load the proper i18n_xy.properties at onInit of my first view and set them in the code.
We do have currently 4 of them ( _de,_it,_fr ), and the fallback is also present.
I am a little idiot, because I found some quick n dirty code, but this was about one month ago and I simply forgot the link and all of that. So now I need to ask( and maybe even for a best practice solution to this...)
So, additionally, another (my personal) requirement is, that, once I retrieve the right i18n file, I want to set it, in a way, that, whenever later on, I would use
info = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle().getText("obfuscated");
I always obtain the right text in the right language.
What I think of, is: Load the proper file ( according to the environment settings from the api ) in onInit, set this i18n as the proper one for the rest of the application's runtime and use a easy name for it, which will then be referred to as, maybe this:
info = this.getView().getModel("i18n_loaded").getResourceBundle().getText("obfuscated");
Is this possible, is this the right way, and , if not, which one is, according to some kind of guidelines, the best practice for this scenario ?
You can pass the parameter in the url:
Or set the default language in your JavaScript code:
I was not completely aware, that the determination of the used locale also works the other way around.
Meaning, if the ressource bundle contains e.g. 4 i18's,called i18_en, i18_it, i18_de, i18_fr, and the either the app is set up by
or the url-param, this not only means, that:
All ui-elements will be translated propery, once the locale's acronym is properly spotted
ALSO this is automatically replaced by the proper spotted ressource file and the translated text is retrieved properly....
info = this.getView().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle().getText("obfuscated");
I was aware of how this fallback determination of a locale works, but I was not aware that it works also the other way around.
I close my question and i do not care about any rewards.

What NOREPLACE means at netflix's nebula plugin?

I was using netflix's nebula. Looking here, I saw this line:
fileType [org.freecompany.redline.payload.Directive] - Default for types, e.g. CONFIG, DOC, NOREPLACE, LICENSE
I didn't find any doc about the actual meaning of this enum, but I've found the original code.
Now I want an actual description of this enum. I thought NOREPLACE is releated to being not allowed to replace the file. But I want to be sure and don't rely on assumptions.
I have only seen noreplace as an additional attribute on a config file, e.g. %config(noreplace). It means that if the user has edited the file, the installer should put its new version as filename.rpmnew; by default %config files are replaced with the user one put as filename.rpmold .

Desperately looking for a non empty $_ENV in Laravel

I have a console task ran through:
->cron('* * * * *')
The task is run, it can invoke different services, everything is fine in the world. However I have one specific tasks invoking a different class where the configuration is not loaded.
For specific reasons I wish to read my configuration in $_ENV (it allows me to do some key value iteration and process some keys specifically based on a pattern). But here $_ENV remains empty, I can read configuration through config() or env().
This never happens through HTTP calls nor through some command lines call (I haven't been able to understand the difference in the scheduler call and command line invocation).
Laravel 5.6
EDIT: this question is kept here because I didn't manage to find the existing relevant one Why is my $_ENV empty?
Found my solution here: Why is my $_ENV empty?
Basically $_ENV is not populated on a systematic basis but only if the flag E is in your variables_order ini variable. So if you stumble one the same problem, I suggest a quick check.
The fix is obviously to fix your ini file.

MVC3 localization code generator

I am trying to add two localization resource files into my MVC3 App_GlobalResources.
I add Global.resx and then Gloabl.fr.resx. However, only the first one generates code in .designer.cs. The second one just generate an empty file.
Can anybody help me out?
Thanks a lot.
That is how its supposed to work. The .designer.cs class is a strongly typed class so that you can type.
#Global.mystring and it will return a localised (depending on the UICulture) string.
The designer file doesn't actually contain the localised strings, it just contains a bunch of properties which (in turn) return the localised string.. this is why you wouldn't need more than one class.
Perhaps you are trying to find a way of retrieving the resources for different cultures e.g. fr?
You need to set the UICulture to "fr". Either manually or by setting the following element in the web config:
<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto"/>
This would do it automatically based on your browser settings

QTP Visibility Issue with a strange solution

I'm testing a Java web application on QTP. In one screen, not all fields are visible initially (ie: they're 'below the fold'), so this:
Browser("x").Page("y").JavaApplet("z").JavaInternalFrame("a").JavaEdit("txtName").Set "bob"
Causes an unspecified error to occur.
But if I change it slightly, to:
Browser("x").Page("y").JavaApplet("z").JavaInternalFrame("a").JavaEdit("txtName").Object.SetText "bob"
It works fine. Why?
If the object Properties for the JavaEdit Box which is set by the Developers is different from other similar objects. hence it has to be done in that way.
There are many instance like where one cell of the Java Table is set by the value using SetCellData for the Edit operation and for a same kind operation usually we use Type / SendKey methods.
