i'm upfrading (rewrite) a application from Prism 5.0 to
Here i'm looking for a way to set a modul as startmodul and, change the order of initialization of Moduls.
I know how to do this in Prism 5.0 but have no idea how it works in 7.xxx.
Could you tell me what I am doing wrong? I've downloaded and installed extension MVVMCross available on https://www.mvvmcross.com/. I've installed it using Tools/Extensions and Updates in VisualStudio 2017 environment. When I created new MVVMCross Multi-Page Xamarin Forms Application then for two existing pages, all works perfectly.
I next needed to add ContentPage, but I have a problem since my new Xamarin Forms ContentPage is not correct: file *.cs is visible in my solution but *.xaml is hidden.
The version of MVVMCross and MVVMCross.binding (core, forms, platform) are 5.2.1 and Xamarin.Forms is and Xamarin.Essentials is 1.5.2.
Could anyone explain to me why I can't add a new page? Thank you in advance.
All steps attached as screens...
Yes Lucas Zhang - MSFT, you may be right. It looks like a problem with version of Xamarin.Forms or MVVMCross. I'm not sure what more? I had version 15.7.xx of VS2017. After creating new MVVMCross Multi-Page Xamarin.Forms application I have versions: MVVMCross (all libraries) 5.2.1, Xamarin.Forms Then I've not got any errors but I couldn't add new ContentPage.
Below all my steps which I made myself to resolve this problem:
I've installed VS2019 too, but it has not resolved the problem.
I've updated Xamarin.Forms to the latest stable version but I had on both version of VS the same problem after updating:
Error NETSDK1022 Duplicate 'EmbeddedResource' items were included. The .NET SDK includes 'EmbeddedResource' items from your project directory by default.
I've read the article on Stack Overflow about this but I couldn't fix the problem.
But then it was possible to add correct new ContentPage.
In my opinion, the best solution is to update Xamarin.Forms and fix the problem with Duplicate Resource. If you know what to do for this, tell me please.
Finally, I've back to my old version of VS2017 and I've updated it to the latest version 15.9.22. Now, I can create ContentPage and application works but from my point of view doesn't work perfectly. I can add picture to this comment but in my Solution after adding new Page I have two separate files in Page folder: *xaml, *.cs. They don't have connection like other pages (like on the screen below). But it works.
I think if I update Xamarin.Forms and I fix Duplicate Resource problem, It will work perfectly.
I had a lot of problem after updating Xamarin.Forms therefore I've returned and I've installed update of VS2017.
It would be perfect to describe how we can fix similar problems :-)
How to include component in Xamarin.Forms?
Please suggest some component which supports dialog box, select pictures from library which is supported in Xamarin.Forms.
Because as per my knowledge, components can be added only to device specific project but not in common Forms project in Xamarin.Forms.
Option 1 (ok) - Components :
as Jason stated, create an interface in the common library.
then create wrapper implementations within each device-specific project.
like each variation to the same interface using DependencyService
your common code will talk to the right instance of that interface, after it has been automatically injected.
Option 2 (worst) - Components :
if you can, use a Shared Library for your common Forms code.
then use compiler directives (#if #endif ...) in your class to separate device-specific implementation and probably different namespaces as well.
Option 3 (best) - Non-Components :
instead of using Xamarin Components, use NuGet in your PCL/SharedLib, and get the awesome Acr.XamForms, it has a User Dialogs and a Camera/Gallery lib
There is also Forms Labs with Video & Image pickers.
Include the component in your device-specific project, then use the Xamarin Forms' DependencyService to inject that device specific behavior into your common Forms project.
https://developer.android.com/design/wear/patterns.html#Selection hints the use of WearableListView to create a wearable compatible ListView, but there is no details on how to actually implement it. How can I use it?
I have found a sample project in Android SDK folder (android-sdk\samples\android-20\wearable\Notifications) that has implemented this
I'd like to use qualifiers on my layout folders as per the android documentation, but the designer in VS doesn't seem to support them. For example layout-w600dp doesn't get sent to the emulator; the default axml file from the layout folder is used.
Does anyone know if these settings are supported in Monodroid? If so, how do you make them take effect?
I think w600dp requires a certain api level to work - maybe 3.2 - see http://android-developers.blogspot.co.uk/2011/07/new-tools-for-managing-screen-sizes.html
I want to know where I can get access to the NinePatch images specifically for Monodroid. I want to change the default coloring from blue to orange (if I was doing this in Java it would already be orange).
All I need is to change an edittext so that it's default colors are different. I have seen
which is really helpful but only as far as vanilla Android is concerned. I tried following the instructions, but I found the standard orange java images, not the Mono ones, which are blue.
Minimum framework is 2.2. I know that I am getting the java images because when I go to C:\Android\android-sdk\platforms there is no android-2.2 folder.
I'm not really sure what you are referring to. Mono for Android does not ship any NinePatch images. Mono for Android simply provides a thin binding over the Java API, it does not do anything custom.
Maybe it is triggered by changing your Android target framework?
I found my answer - and thank goodnesss it did not involve changing the 9Patches!
You can make an xml in the drawable folder which describes your button, textbox, etc. and make a selector with a solid tag, pressed event, etc. (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/drawable-resource.html)
Then you can set up the colors as a constant set in the Values folder and boom! Solution!