Resources extraction conflict between maven-dependency-plugin and maven-war-plugin? - maven

I used to have some resources from dependencies extracted into the resulting WAR of my project (as an overlay). But since I added a call to the unpack goal of the dependencies plugin, it appears that only the resources from the ZIP archive are embedded into that WAR.
<overlay />
What I want is to add the ZIP resources to the already existing resources. But I end up with only the ZIP resources, here.
Does anybody knows about an issue or sees what I'm doing wrong here?
Thanks very much for any help or suggestion.

I finally found out that overlays can handle different types, so here is the answer:
<overlay />
There is no need for maven-dependency-plugin.


Maven : get version from dependency of the present dependency

I have a pom.xml that contains some projects
Now, i initialized an other project and its pom.xml as below
<version>???</version> <!-- I need to specify the version that is in the aggregator pom.xml -->
I tried to remove the field and I thought maven would look for the version specified in the dependency for exemple :
but it didn't work.
Is there a way to handle versions through dependencies ?

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec in maven project it doesn't run

my pom.xml
there are some dependency and plugin that i added anyone can help me ??
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>">
Using a plugin as a depency is wrong. If you like to execute a plugin you need to define that in an execution block
<!-- optional -->

Report is not generated, If I run my test cases(JUnit) through Maven?

I am New to JUnit and Maven. I am running my JUnit testcases through maven. Build is getting succeed but index.html is not generated. How can I generate the index.html?
This is my project structure after build succeeded.
And My POM.xml is as follows,
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
If you are expecting maven-surefire-report-plugin to generate the report, then it will do so, only if you run the site goal (mvn site). Otherwise, as you can see, the reports are available in target\surefire-reports folder.
You should navigate to the directory where you pom.xml exist.Using this command cd E:/TestProject and then run the site goal. For e.g. mvn site

Cannot run maven install for osmdroid

I have checked out osmdroid project and was trying to run "maven install", however; I run into this error every time.
Failed to execute goal (default-generate-sources) on project OpenStreetMapViewer: The plugin requires Maven version 3.1.1
and shows this error hint beside the code:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration:
3.8.0:consume-aar (execution: default-consume-aar, phase: compile)
Here is my POM:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>OSMdroid parent</name>
<description>An Android library to display OpenStreetMap views.</description>
<name>Apache License 2.0</name>
<system>Google Project</system>
<!-- TODO -->
<!-- Android included libraries -->
<!-- -->
<!-- test dependencies -->
<!-- this profile is activated when using 'mvn release:perform' -->
<!-- it signs artifacts before staging to Sonatype -->
<archiveDirectory />
The plugin
requires Maven version 3.1.1
Are you sure you have the latest version of Maven installed (>= 3.1.1)?
I managed to build the project by using an older version of "" plugin..
A version that doesn't require maven 3.1.1

Strange bug in OSGi bundle

I have a WAR package turned into OSGi bundle. I want to use PrimeFaces into the package. This is the POM file of the bundle:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Read all OSGi configuration info from this optional file -->
<!-- By default, we don't export anything -->
<plugin> <!-- Need to use this plugin to build war files -->
<!-- Use version 2.1-beta-1, as it supports the new property failOnMissingWebXml -->
<!-- add bundle plugin generated manifest to the war -->
<!-- For some reason, adding Bundle-ClassPath in maven-bundle-plugin
confuses that plugin and it generates wrong Import-Package, etc.
So, we generate it here.
<!-- We don't have a web.xml -->
<!-- Enable this plugin for all modules -->
<name>The Glassfish repository</name>
<name>PrimeFaces Maven Repository</name>
<description>Module History Module</description>
When I deploy the bundle into Glassfish and I open the JSF page in order to use Primefaces components I get this error:
Warning: This page calls for xml namespace declared with prefix p but no taglibtrary exist for that namespace
If I replace the part with simple WAR package configuration Primefaces are working. It seems that there is something wrong into the POM configuration. Do you find something strange?
Best Wishes
Not sure what you are doing. We have a test WAB that uses primefaces which is working fine. You can find it here and compare and see what's wrong with your app:
I won't reply here further. Contact us in glassfish users list.
