Change prefix to per-function sections generated by -ffunction-sections - gcc

If I have a function foo() and use -ffunction-sections, gcc will place foo() inside its own section. Is it possible to change the prefix of .text? Such that I get instead of

I have the same problem, and I solved it using the section attribute.
The following solution is the simplest but does not create a section for each function (as the -ffunction-section parameter allows to do)
#define AT_FLASH_TEXT_SECTION(var) \
__attribute__((section(".text.flash"))) var
AT_FLASH_TEXT_SECTION(int myFunction(float param1, long param2));
So the function myFunction will appear in the section .text.flash, but also all other functions that are declared using the macro AT_FLASH_TEXT_SECTION.
To get the desired behavior I modified the macro as follows:
#define AT_FLASH_TEXT_SECTION_SYM(var, subsectionName) \
__attribute__((section(".text.flash." #subsectionName))) var
AT_FLASH_TEXT_SECTION_SYM(int myNewFunction(float param1, long param2), myNewFunction);
This is the best solution I've found so far.
Unfortunately, it is error-prone: the function name must be repeated identically in the subsectionName parameter of the AT_FLASH_TEXT_SECTION_SYM macro.
Furthermore, if two c modules contain two static functions with the same name, they will be emitted in the same section, going back to the previous problem.
I hope this helps, and maybe you can find a better solution starting from this.

No, that does not seem possible. See gcc/varasm.c (I haven't run the debugger, but am fairly sure this is the code that computes section names.)
default_unique_section (tree decl, int reloc)
switch (categorize_decl_for_section (decl, reloc))
prefix = one_only ? ".t" : ".text";
name = targetm.strip_name_encoding (name);
string = ACONCAT ((linkonce, prefix, ".", name, NULL));
set_decl_section_name (decl, string);
Besides, that might be a bad idea, as e.g. linker scripts treat sections based on their names (see ld --verbose). Something like might be a better choice, but I don't know why you want custom prefices.
As a workaround, you can assign sections manually with the section attribute.
'section ("SECTION-NAME")'
Normally, the compiler places the code it generates in the 'text'
section. Sometimes, however, you need additional sections, or you
need certain particular functions to appear in special sections.
The 'section' attribute specifies that a function lives in a
particular section. For example, the declaration:
extern void foobar (void) __attribute__ ((section ("bar")));
puts the function 'foobar' in the 'bar' section.


How to convert a v8::Local<v8::Value> into a uint32_t

Given the following code how can I convert the v8::Local<v8::Value> into a uint32_t. Or other types based on the Is* method?
v8::Local<v8::Value> value;
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(v8::Isolate::GetCurrent());
if(value->IsUint32()) {
v8::MaybeLocal<Int32> maybeLocal = value->Uint32Value(context);
uint32_t i = maybeLocal;
Your posted code doesn't work because value->Uint32Value(context) doesn't return a v8::MaybeLocal<Int32>. C++ types are your friend (just like TypeScript)!
You have two possibilities:
(1) You can use Value::Uint32Value(...) which returns a Maybe<uint32_t>. Since you already checked that value->IsUint32(), this conversion cannot fail, so you can extract the uint32_t wrapped in the Maybe using Maybe::ToChecked().
(2) You can use Value::ToUint32(...) which returns a MaybeLocal<Uint32>. Again, since you already checked that value->IsUint32(), that cannot fail, so you can get a Local<Uint32> via MaybeLocal::ToLocalChecked(), and then simply use -> syntax to call the wrapped Uint32's Value() method, which gives a uint32_t.
If you're only interested in the final uint32_t (and not in the intermediate Local<Uint32>, which you could pass back to JavaScript), then option (1) will be slightly more efficient.
Note that IsUint32() will say false for objects like {valueOf: () => 42; }. If you want to handle such objects, then attempt the conversion, and handle failures, e.g.:
Maybe<uint32_t> maybe_uint = value->Uint32Value(context);
if (maybe_uint.IsJust()) {
uint32_t i = maybe_uint.FromJust();
} else {
// Conversion failed. Maybe it threw an exception (use a `v8::TryCatch` to catch it), or maybe the object wasn't convertible to a uint32.
// Handle that somehow.
Also, note that most of these concepts are illustrated in V8's samples and API tests. Reading comments and implementations in the API headers themselves also provides a lot of insight.
Final note: you'll probably want to track the current context you're using, rather than creating a fresh context every time you need one.

Alternate syntax on introspecting modules/classes/etc

I'm rewriting a framework from Perl5 to Perl6 for my work purposes. At some place I need to collect information from other modules/classes by executing a public sub they might provide; or they may not. So, it necessary to find out if the sub is present. This is not a big deal when a module is referenced directly (Foo::<&my-sub>) or by a symbolic name in a string (&::("Foo")::my-sub). But for the simplicity of it I would like to allow to pass module names as-is (lets say collector is the method collecting the info):
self.collector( Foo );
Where Foo could be the following:
module Foo {
use Bar;
use Baz;
our sub my-sub { Bar, 'Baz' }
And this is where I'm missing something important from Perl6 syntax because the following:
method collector ( $mod ) {
my $mod-name = $mod.WHO;
my #mods;
with &::($mod-name)::my-sub {
#mods.push: &$_();
is currently the only way I can perform the task.
I didn't try a type capture yet though. Should work as expected, I guess. So, the question is more about extending my knowelge of the syntax.
The final solution from the exchange with Vadim in the comments on their question. It's arguably insane. They think it's beautiful. And who am I to argue? .oO( Haha, hoho, heehee... )
my $pkg-arg = (Int, 'Int').pick;
my \pkg-sym = $pkg-arg && ::($pkg-arg);
my \sub-ref = &pkg-sym::($subname);
There are two obviously useful ways to refer to a package:
Its symbolic name. Int is the symbolic name of the Int class.
Its string name. 'Int' is the string name of the Int class.
Vadim, reasonably enough, wants a solution for both.
In the solution in this answer I simulate the two types of argument by randomly picking one and assigning it to $pkg-arg:
my $pkg-arg = (Int, 'Int').pick;
Now we need to normalize. If we've got a symbolic name we're good to go. But if it's a string name, we need to turn that into the symbolic name.
Vadim showed a couple ways to do this in the comments on their question. This solution uses a third option:
my \pkg-sym = $pkg-arg && ::($pkg-arg);
If $pkg-arg is a symbolic name, it'll be False. With a False LHS the && short-circuits and returns its LHS. If $pkg-arg is a string name, then the && will instead return its RHS, which is ::($pkg-arg) which is a symbol lookup using $pkg-arg as a string name.
The upshot is that pkg-sym ends up containing a package symbolic name (or a Failure if the lookup failed to find a matching symbolic name).
Which leaves the last line. That looks for a sub named $subname in the package pkg-sym:
my \sub-ref = &pkg-sym::($subname);
The & is needed to ensure the RHS is treated as a reference rather than as an attempt to call a routine. And pkg-sym has to be a sigilless identifier otherwise the code won't work.
At the end of these three lines of code sub-ref contains either a Failure or a reference to the wanted sub.

How can flex return multiple terminals at one time

In order to make my question easy to understand I want to use the following example:
The following code is called nonblock do-loop in fortran language
DO 20 I=1, N ! line 1
DO 20 J=1, N ! line 2
! more codes
20 CONTINUE ! line 4
Pay attention that the label 20 at line 4 means the end of both the inner do-loop and the outer do-loop.
I want my flex program to parse the feature correctly: when flex reads the label 20, it will return ENDDO terminal twice.
Firstly, because I also use bison, so every time bison calls yylex() to get one terminal. If I can ask bison to get terminals from yylex() in some cases, and from another function in other cases, maybe I could solve this problem, however, I got no idea here then.
Of course there are some workarounds, for eample, I can use flex's start condition but I don't think it is a good solution. So I ask if there's any way to solve my question without a workaround?
It is easy enough to modify the lexical scanner produced by (f)lex to implement a token queue, but that is not necessarily the optimal solution. (See below for a better solution.) (Also, it is really not clear to me that for your particular problem, fabricating the extra token in the lexer is truly appropriate.)
The general approach is to insert code at the top of the yylex function, which you can do by placing the code immediately after the %% line and before the first rule. (The code must be indented so that it is not interpreted as a rule.) For non-reentrant scanners, this will typically involve the use of a local static variable to hold the queue. For a simple but dumb example, using the C API but compiling with C++ so as to have access to the C++ standard library:
/* This code will be executed each time `yylex` is called, before
* any generated code. It may include declarations, even if compiled
* with C89.
static std::deque<int> tokenq;
if (!tokenq.empty()) {
int token = tokenq.front();
return token;
[[:digit:]]+ { /* match a number and return that many HELLO tokens */
int n = atoi(yytext);
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
The above code makes no attempt to provide a semantic value for the queued tokens; you could achieve that using something like a std::queue<std::pair<int, YYSTYPE>> for the token queue, but the fact that YYSTYPE is typically a union will make for some complications. Also, if that were the only reason to use the token queue, it is obvious that it could be replaced with a simple counter, which would be much more efficient. See, for example, this answer which does something vaguely similar to your question (and take note of the suggestions in Note 1 of that answer).
Better alternative: Use a push parser
Although the token queue solution is attractive and simple, it is rarely the best solution. In most cases, code will be clearer and easier to write if you request bison to produce a "push parser". With a push parser, the parser is called by the lexer every time a token is available. This makes it trivial to return multiple tokens from a lexer action; you just call the parser for each token. Similarly, if a rule doesn't produce any tokens, it simply fails to call the parser. In this model, the only lexer action which actually returns is the <<EOF>> rule, and it only does so after calling the parser with the END token to indicate that parsing is complete.
Unfortunately, the interface for push parsers is not only subject to change, as that manual link indicates; it is also very badly documented. So here is a simple but complete example which shows how it is done.
The push parser keeps its state in a yypstate structure, which needs to be passed to the parser on each call. Since the lexer is called only once for each input file, it is reasonable for the lexer to own that structure, which can be done as above with a local static variable [Note 1]: the parser state is initialized when yylex is called, and the EOF rule deletes the parser state in order to reclaim whatever memory it is using.
It is usually most convenient to build a reentrant push parser, which means that the parser does not rely on the global yylval variable [Note 2]. Instead, a pointer to the semantic value must be provided as an additional argument to yypush_parse. If your parser doesn't refer to the semantic value for the particular token type, you can provide NULL for this argument. Or, as in the code below, you can use a local semantic value variable in the lexer. It is not necessary that every call to the push parser provide the same pointer. In all, the changes to the scanner definition are minimal:
/* Initialize a parser state object */
yypstate* pstate = yypstate_new();
/* A semantic value which can be sent to the parser on each call */
YYSTYPE yylval;
/* Some example scanner actions */
"keyword" { /* Simple keyword which just sends a value-less token */
yypush_parse(pstate, TK_KEYWORD, NULL); /* See Note 3 */
[[:digit:]]+ { /* Token with a semantic value */
yylval.num = atoi(yytext);
yypush_parse(pstate, TK_NUMBER, &yylval);
"dice-roll" { /* sends three random numbers */
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
yylval.num = rand() % 6;
yypush_parse(pstate, TK_NUMBER, &yylval);
<<EOF>> { /* Obligatory EOF rule */
/* Send the parser the end token (0) */
int status = yypush_parse(pstate, 0, NULL);
/* Free the pstate */
/* return the parser status; 0 is success */
return status;
In the parser, not much needs to be changed at all, other than adding the necessary declarations: [Note 4]
%define api.pure full
%define api.push-pull push
If you were building a reentrant lexer as well, you would use the extra data section of the lexer state object instead of static variables.
If you are using location objects in your parser to track source code locations, this also applies to yylloc.
The example code does not do a good job of detecting errors, since it doesn't check return codes from the calls to yypush_parse. One solution I commonly use is some variant on the macro SEND:
#define SEND(token) do { \
int status = yypush_parse(pstate, token, &yylval); \
if (status != YYPUSH_MORE) { \
yypstate_delete(pstate); \
return status; \
} \
} while (0)
It's also possible to use a goto to avoid the multiple instances of the yypstate_delete and return. YMMV.
You may have to modify the prototype of yyerror. If you are using locations and/or providing extra parameters to the push_parser, the location object and/or the extra parameters will also be present in the yyerror call. (The error string is always the last parameter.) For whatever reason, the parser state object is not provided to yyerror, which means that the yyerror function no longer has access to variables such as yych, which are now members of the yypstate structure rather than being global variables, so if you use these variables in your error reporting (which is not really recommended practice), then you will have to find an alternative solution.
Thanks to one of my friends, he provide a way to achieve
If I can ask bison to get terminals from yylex() in some cases, and from another function in other cases
In flex generated flex.cpp code, there is a macro
/* Default declaration of generated scanner - a define so the user can
* easily add parameters.
#ifndef YY_DECL
#define YY_DECL_IS_OURS 1
extern int yylex (void);
#define YY_DECL int yylex (void)
#endif /* !YY_DECL */
so I can "rename" flex's yylex() function to another function like pure_yylex().
So my problem is solved by:
push all terminals I want to give bison to a global vector<int>
implement a yylex() function by myself, when bison call yylex(), this function will firstly try to get terminals from a that global vector<int>
if vector<int> is empty, yylex() calls pure_yylex(), and flex starts to work

pragma directives for gcc

I have a code compiled with ghs compiler in which the sections have been defined in c code as
#pragma ghs section data = ".shareddata"
// some c code
#pragma ghs section data = default
how do we define pragmas for sections using gcc for the above thing
In general, gcc discourages the use of pragmas, instead suggesting that you use attributes for both functions and variables.
From the GCC manual ("Declaring Attibutes of Functions"):
Normally, the compiler places the code it generates in the text section. Sometimes, however, you need additional sections, or you need certain particular functions to appear in special sections. The section attribute specifies that a function lives in a particular section. For example, the declaration:
extern void foobar (void) __attribute__ ((section ("bar")));
puts the function foobar in the bar section.
From "Specifying Attributes of Variables"
Normally, the compiler places the objects it generates in sections like data and bss. Sometimes, however, you need additional sections, or you need certain particular variables to appear in special sections, for example to map to special hardware. The section attribute specifies that a variable (or function) lives in a particular section. For example, this small program uses several specific section names:
struct duart a __attribute__ ((section ("DUART_A"))) = { 0 };
struct duart b __attribute__ ((section ("DUART_B"))) = { 0 };
char stack[10000] __attribute__ ((section ("STACK"))) = { 0 };
int init_data __attribute__ ((section ("INITDATA")));
/* Initialize stack pointer */
init_sp (stack + sizeof (stack));
/* Initialize initialized data */
memcpy (&init_data, &data, &edata - &data);
/* Turn on the serial ports */
init_duart (&a);
init_duart (&b);
Use the section attribute with global variables and not local variables, as shown in the example.
You may use the section attribute with initialized or uninitialized global variables but the linker requires each object be defined once, with the exception that uninitialized variables tentatively go in the common (or bss) section and can be multiply “defined”. Using the section attribute changes what section the variable goes into and may cause the linker to issue an error if an uninitialized variable has multiple definitions. You can force a variable to be initialized with the -fno-common flag or the nocommon attribute.
Some file formats do not support arbitrary sections so the section attribute is not available on all platforms. If you need to map the entire contents of a module to a particular section, consider using the facilities of the linker instead.

Can I know data type from variable name in GCC?

I want to know data type using variable name
My final goal is getting a function signature for making a function stub(skeleton code)
but GCC error message just notify only undefined function name
Can I see a symbol table? (for inferencing function signature)
for example, foo.c is like below
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int n = 0;
n = foo();
return 0;
I want to make a function stub
so I want to know function foo has no parameter and returns an integer value
What should I do?
I think below:
linker error message say function foo is undefined
read line 5
n = foo();
inspect type of n using symbol table
is it right?
sorry for my bad english
please teach me inferencing a function signature
Inject his code into your source file:
typedef struct { int a; char c; } badtype_t;
badtype_t badtype;
then replace the error line like this:
n = badtype; //foo();
or if you want the type foo returns:
badtype = foo();
then you will get some error like this:
incompatible types when initializing type ‘int’ using type ‘badtype_t’
and you can get the type int.
or if you want the type of foo itself:
foo * 2
then you will get some error like this:
invalid operands to binary * (have 'int (*)()' and 'int')
and you can get the type int (*)() (that is, function taking nothing and returning an int).
It seems ok, but this strategy will not be good enough. Using the left-hand side of an expression is not enough to determine the return-type of the function. In particular, there may be no left-hand side at all, simply: foo();. What then?
If you just want to see a symbol table, that's what nm is for.
For example, if you get an error linking foo.o and bar.o together, you can do this:
nm -a foo.o
That will show you all the symbols defined in module foo.
But I don't see why you think this would help. C symbols do not have any type information. There may be enough metadata to distinguish extern linkage, and/or to tell whether a symbol function or data, but that's it. There is no way to tell an int from a float, or a function taking two ints and returning a double from a function taking a char * and returning a different char *.
So, you have some function named foo defined somewhere, and you want to know what its type is.
If you don't actually have a prototype for foo somewhere in your #included header files, this is easy:
If you're using C99, your code is invalid.
Otherwise, foo must take no arguments and return int, or your code is invalid.
And this isn't one of those "technically invalid, but it works on every platform" cases; it will break. For example, with gcc 4.2 for 64-bit x86 linux or Mac, if you do this:
double foo(double f) { return f*2; }
Then, without a header file, call it like this:
double f = foo(2.0);
printf("%f\n", f);
If compiled as C89, this will compile and link just fine (clang or gcc 4.8 will give you a warning; gcc 4.2 won't even do that by default), and run, and print out 2.0. At least on x86_64; on ARM7, you'll corrupt the stack, and segfault if you're lucky. (Of course it actually does double something—either your 2.0 or some random uninitialized value—but it can't return that to you; it's stashed it in an arbitrary floating-point register that the caller doesn't know to access.)
If it is in a header file, you can always search for it. emacs, graphical IDEs, etc. are very good at this. But you can use the compiler to help you out, in two ways.
First, just do this:
gcc -E main.c > main.i
less main.i
Now search for /foo, and you'll find it.
Or you can trick the compiler into giving you an error message, as in perreal's answer.
