Clicking the radio button is not updating the layout when using databinding in RCPTT - eclipse-rcptt

As you can see from the image, the Right button is checked but the label says LEFT AREA which should be RIGHT AREA
Script used in RCPTT
get-button Right | click
Here's the sample snippet of the ui. When a button is checked, a label will show up saying which button is clicked.
DataBindingContext dataBindingContext = new DataBindingContext();
IObservableValue<Boolean> left = new WritableValue<>( true, Boolean.class );
IObservableValue<Boolean> right = new WritableValue<>( false, Boolean.class );
Composite sampleComposite = new Composite( parent, SWT.NONE );
sampleComposite.setLayout( GridLayoutFactory.fillDefaults().numColumns( 2 ).create() );
Button leftBtn = new Button( sampleComposite, SWT.RADIO );
leftBtn.setText( "Left" );
dataBindingContext.bindValue( WidgetProperties.buttonSelection().observe( leftBtn ), left );
Button rightBtn = new Button( sampleComposite, SWT.RADIO );
rightBtn.setText( "Right" );
dataBindingContext.bindValue( WidgetProperties.buttonSelection().observe( rightBtn ), right );
StackLayout stackLayout = new StackLayout();
Composite stackComposite = new Composite( sampleComposite, SWT.NONE );
stackComposite.setLayout( stackLayout );
Label leftLbl = new Label( stackComposite, SWT.NONE );
leftLbl.setText( "LEFT AREA" );
Label rightLbl = new Label( stackComposite, SWT.NONE );
rightLbl.setText( "RIGHT AREA" );
ISideEffect.create( () -> {
stackLayout.topControl = left.getValue() ? leftLbl : rightLbl;
} );

I was able to fix this issue by creating my own custom ecl command that sends selection event and deselect every radio button in the same composite and just select the target radio button. looks like aut is not deselecting the surrounding radio button when you use click command


How to disable widget content nesting in CKEditor?

I have an editable custom widget that can be placed in CKEditor 4 by
clicking a button in the toolbar - works fine = does not allow nesting
drag & drop from outside of the editor - allows nesting
I do not want to let user to have nested content of the widget. On the other hand I do want users to able to edit the content of the widget.
click the button to insert widget's content. Click inserted text and the button becomes not available for clicking. Click some other text and you would be able to insert again. This is desired behavior.
the widget button will not be present in the final version of the CKEditor application / widget. Only drag&drop way of inserting text will be available
Insert two widgets in the editor and try to drag&drop one inside the other one. It will not work. This is desired behavior.
Now try to insert a widget and then insert another one by drag&drop of the text "master or editable" into existing widget. It will be possible.
Could someone help me to set CKEditor a way so nesting is NOT possible?
Working jsfiddle.
init: function( editor ) {
editor.widgets.add( 'simplebox', {
button: 'Create a simple box',
'<div class="simplebox">' +
'<h2 class="simplebox-title">Title</h2>' +
'<div class="simplebox-content"><p>Content<br>.<br>.<br>.</p></div>' +
editables: {
title: {
selector: '.simplebox-title',
allowedContent: 'br strong'
content: {
selector: '.simplebox-content',
allowedContent: 'p br ul ol li strong em'
'div(!simplebox); div(!simplebox-content); h2(!simplebox-title)',
requiredContent: 'div(simplebox)',
upcast: function( element ) {
return == 'div' && element.hasClass( 'simplebox' );
} );
} );

How to set the navigation controller to take the user to a different view in xamarin ios

My initial view has this code
if (CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Denied ||
CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.Restricted ||
CLLocationManager.Status == CLAuthorizationStatus.NotDetermined)
Core.FirstLaunch = true;
NavigationController.PushViewController(new LocationServicesVerifyViewController(), false);
NavigationController.PushViewController(new JobListViewController(), false);
If the location is not enabled, the location services verify controller is shown, however, the menu has a back button which is taking the user to license activation screen.
How can I change the back button to Job list and clicking it will take the user to job list controller instead?
Solution 1: You need to replace the backbutton and associate an action handler. You could either use text or an image for the Back Button. To do this, in your ViewDidLoad override, add this:
var _backButton = new UIBarButtonItem()
Title = "Back",
// Image = UIImage.FromBundle("back_navbar").OriginalRendering(), Need to add the image in Resources for this to work
TintColor = UIColor.FromRGB(0, 70, 113) // Change this to your app colours
_backButton.Clicked += _backButton_Clicked;
NavigationItem.SetLeftBarButtonItem(_backButton, animated: true);
And then handle the button press as shown:
void _backButton_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
var controller = new JobListViewController();
this.PresentViewController(controller, true, null);
Solution 2: You could also just remove the unwanted LicenseActivation view controller from the navigation stack so going back won't go to that page. So when you are leaving the LicenseActivation page, in the ViewWillDisappear override, add this code:
var oldControllers = this.NavigationController.ViewControllers;
var newControllers = new UIViewController[oldControllers - 1];
int index = 0;
foreach (var item in oldControllers) {
if (item != this)
newControllers [index] = item;
this.NavigationController.ViewControllers = newControllers;
Solution 3:
Just use a modal for the LicenseActivation page, so that as soon as you Accept the LicenseActivation, it closes the modal and goes to the next page.
So you are pushing views on to the navigation stack, e.g.,
NavigationController.PushViewController(new LocationServicesVerifyViewController(), false);
so when you press back you are popping the stack and going to the last view. If you don't want this type of navigation you could do this:
Don't push the LocationServicesVerifyViewController to the navigation controller. Rather present it modally like this:
PresentModalViewController(new LocationServicesVerifyViewController(), false);
You will need a close button on LocationServicesVerifyViewController to dismiss.
I would present the JobListViewController by pushing to the navigation controller first then check for the location inside JobListViewController then present the modal LocationServicesVerifyViewController if needed.
Do you need a whole view controller for this? You could just present a popup:
var locationServiceAlertController = UIAlertController.Create("Location Services are off", "Your company... Bla", UIAlertControllerStyle.Alert);
locationServiceAlertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Enable", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, alert => Console.WriteLine ("Do your enable stuff")));
locationServiceAlertController.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("Cancel", UIAlertActionStyle.Cancel, alert => Console.WriteLine ("Cancel was clicked")));
PresentViewController(locationServiceAlertController, true, null);

CKEditor. How to distinguish window.getSelection() when cursor is at the start position and there is no selection

Currently I am working on the task where it is needed:
to add special button to the CKEditor toolbar
this button should open dialog
dialog window is custom we don`t use default config but this.
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('addTextButton', {
// ...
new CKEDITOR.dialogCommand('addTextDialog', {
allowedContent: true
editor.ui.addButton('addTextButton', {
// ...
we can select some text from the dialog window and paste it into CKEditor on the place of cursor
I decided to implemente this functionality in this way:
-firstly I catch beforeDestroy event
-then I am taking the position of cursor by window.getSelection()
ckeditorInstance.on('beforeDestroy', event => {
this.ngModel = event.editor.getData();
this.start = event.editor.window.$.getSelection();
this.cursorPosition = event.editor.window.$.getSelection().anchorOffset;
const range = this.start.getRangeAt(0);
if (this.start.anchorOffset !== 0) {
if (this.start.anchorOffset === 0) {
// there I have to add condition whether it is the start
position of cursor or there wasn`t selection at all
The question is:
If is it possible to find whether it is the start position of cursor or there wasn`t selection at all.
In all this cases window.getSelection() returns the same object with anchorOffset = 0
Than I have to implement logic for adding text from dialog window to CKEditor
at the start when position of cursor is 0 and at the end when there is no selection.

How to handle click event for sap.ui.commons.Area in OpenUI5

I am using the ImageMap control to make multiple clickable areas on an image.
var oImage = new sap.ui.commons.Image("i1");
oImage.setAlt("alternative image text for i1");
var oMap = new sap.ui.commons.ImageMap();
var aArea1 = new sap.ui.commons.Area ("Area1", {shape: "rect", alt: "Bee", href: "", coords: "40,20,100,80"});
var aArea2 = new sap.ui.commons.Area ("Area2", {shape: "circle", alt: "Flower", href: "", coords: "170,60,30"});
When I click on aArea1, aArea2 instead of href click event should be invoke and in that I can write some popup dialog.
The sap.ui.commons.Area doesn't expose a press event itself, but passes it to the parent ImageMap.
So if you want to handle the press event of an Area, you'll have to hook your logic up to the ImageMap and read the event argument to find out which area has been pressed.
Please refer to,output for an example of how this works.

jqGrid : Image not changing in edit window when pressing the previous and next arrow

I have a jqGrid and in which there is a column which holds an image. When the user click on the edit icon from the page then in the edit window the photo is visible and that has been done by the following command in the edit section of the navGrid -
recreateForm: true,
beforeInitData: function () {
var cm = jQuery("#list3").jqGrid('getColProp', 'img'),
selRowId = jQuery("#list3").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
cm.editoptions.src = '/BDED_WEB/resources/images/user'+selRowId+'.jpg';
But if I want to go back and forward to the data set by pressing the previous and next arrow in the edit window, then all the data changed but the image is not changing. That means the beforeInitData method is not getting called when the user is clicking on pData or nData button.
How can I change the image also in the edit window when the user press the next and previous arrow buttons?
It looks like you use the demo which I created for the answer.
To implement changing of the image on clicking on the "Next", "Prev" buttons of the edit form (marked yellow on the image below)
one can use afterclickPgButtons callback which set src attribute.
afterclickPgButtons: function () {
var $self = $(this),
selRowId = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow");
// "img" below is the column name which have edittype: "image"
$("#img").attr("src", "/BDED_WEB/resources/images/user" + selRowId + ".jpg");
The demo demonstrates the modified version of the original demo.
