How to handle click event for sap.ui.commons.Area in OpenUI5 - imagemap

I am using the ImageMap control to make multiple clickable areas on an image.
var oImage = new sap.ui.commons.Image("i1");
oImage.setAlt("alternative image text for i1");
var oMap = new sap.ui.commons.ImageMap();
var aArea1 = new sap.ui.commons.Area ("Area1", {shape: "rect", alt: "Bee", href: "", coords: "40,20,100,80"});
var aArea2 = new sap.ui.commons.Area ("Area2", {shape: "circle", alt: "Flower", href: "", coords: "170,60,30"});
When I click on aArea1, aArea2 instead of href click event should be invoke and in that I can write some popup dialog.

The sap.ui.commons.Area doesn't expose a press event itself, but passes it to the parent ImageMap.
So if you want to handle the press event of an Area, you'll have to hook your logic up to the ImageMap and read the event argument to find out which area has been pressed.
Please refer to,output for an example of how this works.


Make Firefox Addon tab feels like chrome://newtab

I'm working on some chrome/firefox extension and what I want to accomplish is as similar UX as possible between these two. I've already understood that while in chrome you can (through manifest.json) register to override chrome://newtab, in firefox it's not such an easy job. What I want to accomplish in firefox is that once user click on browser action button - it opens new tab with my local HTML page. This codes do just that:
var buttons = require('sdk/ui/button/action');
var tabs = require('sdk/tabs');
var wuntils = require('sdk/window/utils');
var handleClick = function (state) {{
"url": "./pages/index.html",
"isPinned": false
var button = buttons.ActionButton({
id: "mozilla-link",
label: "Visit Mozilla",
icon: {
"16": "./assets/logo.png",
"32": "./assets/logo.png",
"64": "./assets/logo.png"
onClick: handleClick
Problem with this approach is that once new tab is opened theres resource://.... URL in the address bar. I've noticed that some other extensions managed to remove it and keep address bar empty but if I try to change tab.url property it starts redirection loop...
Any ideas how to make it look like a new tab but keep address bar empty?

jqGrid : Image not changing in edit window when pressing the previous and next arrow

I have a jqGrid and in which there is a column which holds an image. When the user click on the edit icon from the page then in the edit window the photo is visible and that has been done by the following command in the edit section of the navGrid -
recreateForm: true,
beforeInitData: function () {
var cm = jQuery("#list3").jqGrid('getColProp', 'img'),
selRowId = jQuery("#list3").jqGrid('getGridParam', 'selrow');
cm.editoptions.src = '/BDED_WEB/resources/images/user'+selRowId+'.jpg';
But if I want to go back and forward to the data set by pressing the previous and next arrow in the edit window, then all the data changed but the image is not changing. That means the beforeInitData method is not getting called when the user is clicking on pData or nData button.
How can I change the image also in the edit window when the user press the next and previous arrow buttons?
It looks like you use the demo which I created for the answer.
To implement changing of the image on clicking on the "Next", "Prev" buttons of the edit form (marked yellow on the image below)
one can use afterclickPgButtons callback which set src attribute.
afterclickPgButtons: function () {
var $self = $(this),
selRowId = $self.jqGrid("getGridParam", "selrow");
// "img" below is the column name which have edittype: "image"
$("#img").attr("src", "/BDED_WEB/resources/images/user" + selRowId + ".jpg");
The demo demonstrates the modified version of the original demo.

Firefox ToolBar Button When Click Changes DOM?

New to firefox development and trying my best to figure this out.
Say I want to call a function in tap_browser.js that will modify the DOM when the user clicks on the toolbar widget, how would I do this?
This is the code I have so far
toolbarID: "nav-bar", // <-- Place widget on Navigation bar
id: "tap-icon",
label: "Tap",
contentURL: data.url("favicon.png"),
contentScriptFile: [data.url("tap_browser.js")]
I'm currently using a library to create the toolbar widget here:
I don't know too much SDK but I helped someone with something that does. Check this out:
var my_wid = widgets.Widget({
id: "my-widget",
label: "CLIIIICK",
content: "CLICK ME",
width: 100,
onClick: function()
require('sdk/window/utils').getMostRecentBrowserWindow().gBrowser.contentDocument.documentElement.innerHTML = 'hi';
what this does is it shows a panel with 0 width and height, you can put stuff in there, and when it shows it executes the onShow function to change the html of the current document. its not recommended to use innerHTML, addons arent accepted. Im just showing you a quick and dirty copy paste example. One that is different from the sdk doc page "Modifying the Page Hosted by a Tab"

CKEditor dialog input field above tab elements

I'm building a simple dialog plugin to replace the default link tool. The design calls for a particular layout that is difficult to achieve with the CKEdit dialog definition: We want a single field to appear above the tab elements in the dialog (see illustration).
Can anyone suggest a way that this might be implemented? Thanks!
As far as I can tell it is not possible to achieve this using the built-in dialog definition.
I was able to get around this limitation by building my dialog plugin using the iframedialog plugin. This basically pops up a CKEditor dialog window and loads an external URL into it. You can do anything you want in that iframe, and then return the text to CKEditor when the user presses the OK button.
A simple example:
// plugins/iframelink/plugin.js
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('iframelink', {
requires: ['iframedialog'],
init: function(editor){
// title
'Insert a Link',
// src
this.path + 'dialogs/link.html',
// minWidth
// minHeight
// onContentLoad
var cmd = editor.addCommand('iframelink', {exec: iframelinkOnclick});
editor.ui.addButton('iframelink', {
label: 'Insert a Link (Special Link Tool)',
command: 'iframelink',
icon: this.path + 'images/world_link.png'
function iframelinkOnclick(editor){
dialog = editor.openDialog('msiteslinkDialog');
// plugins/iframelink/dialogs/iframelink.js
$(function() {
if (typeof(window.parent.CKEDITOR) != 'undefined') {
CKEDITOR = window.parent.CKEDITOR;
var dialog = CKEDITOR.dialog.getCurrent();
var editor = dialog.getParentEditor();
// Get value of the selected text:
var selection = editor.getSelection().getSelectedText();
// Do something when the user presses the OK button:
var okListener = function(ev) {
link = yourFunctionToDoSomethingClever();
dialog.removeListener("ok", okListener);
// Bind the OK button to your okListener method:
dialog.on("ok", okListener);
So you can make the dialog look any way you want:

How to get selected text using the Firefox Add-On SDK?

I'm trying to create a Firefox add-on using the online Add-On SDK.
I'm starting with something simple - I want to add a toolbar button that reads the current selected text.
The documentation for the Selection object makes this looks simple enough:
var selection = require("selection");
if (selection.text)
This doesn't seem to work for me, I just get null.
Here's my complete code:
var selection = require("selection");
id: "widgetID1",
label: "Test Mozilla Widget",
contentURL: "",
onClick: function(event) {
console.log('selection.text = ' + selection.text);
I've also tried to create the selection object inside the onClick even, with the same effect.
I am able to use the select event to get notified on new selections, so I guess I can use that instead (and keep the value), but I wonder why the above code isn't working... What am I doing wrong?
The selection variable as defined will only have the selected text as long as it is in focus. Clicking on the widget icon takes focus away from the selected text, so it sees no text selected.
Thats why it works when used inside the listener function.
To confirm this, I tried logging its value when a toolbar button is pressed (using the toolbarbutton module), and it works. Pressing a toolbar button (presumably) does not steal focus.
Here's the code, and you can test it online too:
var selection = require("selection");
var tbb = require("toolbarbutton").ToolbarButton({
id: "test",
label: "test",
image: "",
onCommand: function(event) {
console.log('selection = ' + JSON.stringify(selection)); // works!
Here is a solution using the select event:
var selection = require("selection");
var selectedText = '';
function selectionChanged(event){
//todo: check for selection.isContiguous
selectedText = selection.text;
selection.on('select', selectionChanged);
id: "widgetID1",
label: "Test Mozilla Widget",
contentURL: "",
onClick: function(event) {
console.log('Selection: ' + selectedText);
