How to set multiple locations in Outlook compose form? - outlook

I am currently working on an Angular outlook addin using Microsoft Graph API. I have to set and get Outlook item data in compose form. I referred the link Get and set data items in outlook compse form for doing that. In the case of location, I used
But it will take only string. In the case of multiple locations, I cant use this property. Is there any other way to implement the setting of multiple location in Outlook compose form?

You can use EnhancedLocation Preview API to set one or more locations that are associated with email ids. You need to use addAsync and passing the locations to be added to the current list of locations as locationIdentifiers.
In read and compose mode, enhancedlocation will return an object of type EnhancedLocation, on which you can perform add/get/remove operation.
var locations = [
"id": "",
"type": Office.MailboxEnums.LocationType.Room
Also be aware that this API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on the feedback. It is wise not use this API in a production environment.


Azure AD graph API to filter users with onPremisesExtensionAttributes [extensionAttribute6]

I need to filter users with the onPremisesExtensionAttributes [extensionAttribute6] is there a graph API call for it?
As #Tinywa suggested in the comment:
onPremisesExtensionAttributes contains extensionAttributes 1-15 for
the user. Note that the individual extension attributes are neither
selectable nor filterable.
You can get all the results first and use your own code logic to filter them.
Or you can consider using extensionProperty as a workaround. Create the extensionProperty and assign value for the users, and then query users with filtering with this extensionProperty. For detailed steps to create extensionProperty and assign value for users, you can refer to this answer.
It looks like they've updated the BETA Graph API so that extension attributes (onPremisesExtensionAttributes) are now filterable.
Try the below in Graph Explorer. You'll need to change the extensionAttribute1 eq 'Employee' part to a query that will actually work in your active directory environment.$count=true&$filter=onPremisesExtensionAttributes/extensionAttribute1 eq 'Employee'&$orderBy=displayName&$select=displayName,mail,onPremisesExtensionAttributes
Please note that this is the BETA Graph API so I guess that means Microsoft hasn't finalized it, so it might change or never get fully released.
EDIT: I also just learned that if you're using this filter via the Graph API, you must add the following header or you'll an error:
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ConsistencyLevel", "eventual");
The Graph Explorer has this header by default, I guess.
Here's where I found this answer: Get Extended Properties on User using Microsoft Graph
Here's the error I was getting:
Property 'extensionAttribute1' does not exist as a declared property or extension property.

How to search Zoho custom module using API v2?

I am using an access token with ZohoCRM.modules.custom.READ.
When I send a GET request to, I get the following error.
"details": {},
"message": "the module name given seems to be invalid",
"status": "error"
What am I doing wrong and how do I define the module I am trying to pull data from (it is called CustomModule2)?
Figured it out...
First, needed to go to{org_id}/settings/modules to find the actual name of CustomModule2 which is Adresses livraison.
Then, needed to go to{org_id}/settings/api/modules to find the API name for Adresses livraison which is Adresses_livraison.
Finally, needed to go to{org_id}/settings/api/modules/CustomModule2?step=FieldsList to find the API name of the field I wanted to use as a search criteria (it was Compte].
The final query using httpie is as follows.
http GET \
Authorization:"Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}" \
Zoho is up there in the most awkward developer experiences I have encountered.
Just an update for anyone still looking into this, because I noticed that the links aren't always the same, depending on whether it's a sandbox or not, etc. So the steps are:
Go to your CRM page/dashboard and click on the Settings (cogwheel icon) on the top-right, next to your account image.
A bunch of items in panel boxes open. In the panel named "Developer Space" choose APIs
There it opens a bunch of tabs and sub-tabs and a Dashboard (As shown on the image below). The "Dashboard" sub-tab should be selected, all you have to do is switch to the sub-tab "API-Names"

How to access View Template Properties for Revit and compare them in Real Time?

I am trying to list the view template’s properties so we can compare them with another old template.
For example what model elements are hidden or have overrides in a given template or which Revit links have been hidden or overridden in a given template.
View Template
I’m looking to devise a View Template Compare tool and access to the owner and creator of them.
public void ApplyViewTemplateToActiveView()
Document doc = this.ActiveUIDocument.Document;
View viewTemplate = (from v in new FilteredElementCollector(doc)
where v.IsTemplate == true && v.Name == "MyViewTemplate"
select v)
using (Transaction t = new Transaction(doc,"Set View Template"))
doc.ActiveView.ViewTemplateId = viewTemplate.Id;
With Revit API you can access with:
GetTemplateParameterIds Method / ViewTemplateId Property
The Revit API exposes almost all the ViewTemplate properties.
For instance this method returns all the Visibility/Graphic Overrides for a specific category:
The only thing I couldn't get for a ViewTemplate are the "includes", but all the rest seems to be there.
The list or properties "not included" can be retrieved with GetNonControlledTemplateParameterIds().
Yes, and no.
Yes, I guess you can use Forge Model Derivative API to export RVT file and then build a dashboard around the View Templates data. That's assuming that View Templates data actually gets exported when the model is translated. That data is not attached to any geometry so I would not be surprised if it was skipped. The question here is why? This is like renting a 16-wheel truck to move a duffel bag across the street.
No, if your intention is to directly interact with the RVT model. Forge can view it, but to push anything back or request changes to the model, is not available yet. Then again, I am not even sure that the view template data is available via model derivative exports.
This brings me another alternative. Why not just collect the data using Revit API, the standard way and then push it out to a Database and build on top of that? There is no reason to employ Forge for any of that.
Thanks Jeremy, I had dig into your amazing website and also some solution that Konrad post in the Dynamo Forum about this. In Revit seems pretty achievable, you filter the View that is View Template and then extracts these properties, is it correct?.
I am wondering if someone can point me in the right direction with Forge.
Some amazing guys are developing a BQL
BQL(Building Query Language) is a query language for buildings, similar to how SQL is a query language for databases. It is fast and flexible. BQL helps improve efficiency for QA/QC (quality assurance and quality control), and building data extraction without leaving Revit. I am also trying these and I would like to understand if there are some works where I could start with Forge next week about this.

Filter records based on current user in PowerApps

I want to filter records on my browse screen with email of current user.I used Office 365 Users Connection. 
Logic Which I have written on items property of browse screen:
SortByColumns(Search(Filter('Time Entries', User().Email= Office365Users.MyProfile().Mail) , TextSearchBox1.Text, "cf_name"), "createdon", If(SortDescending1, Ascending,Descending))
Part of this filter cannot be evaluated remotely due to service limitations.The local evaluation may produce suboptimal or partial results.
Try changing the Onstart of your app to Set(CurrentUser,User()) and then instead of User().Email = Office365Users.Myprofile().Mail use CurrentUser.Email = Office365Users.Myprofile()

Get a list of Active Directory Users along with their Full Name and Email

I need to retrieve a list of Active Directory users and their attributes using Delphi 2010.
I've seen a few similar questions on SO (e.g. Delphi - Find primary email address for an Active Directory user), but they all seem to require the user name before any additional information can be retrieved.
I had written an article for [The Delphi Magazine] way back when..... if you have access to a backlog of those magazines, it's in issue no. 62 (October 2000) - unfortunately, it seems those back issues aren't available for purchase anymore :-(
It's too long of an article and a code sample to post here.... basically it's about wrapping the IDirectorySearch interface in a nicer Delphi-like shell. You pass in a base container where to search, you define an LDAP filter, and you define a set of attributes you're interested in - then you search and get back basically an enumerator for the results, which you can get one by one.
In the end, I discovered TJvObjectPickerDialog, part of JVCL. It wraps the Windows Select Object dialog and does everything I need with very little coding. Just set the required properties and call execute. The selected user objects are returned along with the attributes that you set in the 'Attributes' property.
