How to search Zoho custom module using API v2? - zoho

I am using an access token with ZohoCRM.modules.custom.READ.
When I send a GET request to, I get the following error.
"details": {},
"message": "the module name given seems to be invalid",
"status": "error"
What am I doing wrong and how do I define the module I am trying to pull data from (it is called CustomModule2)?

Figured it out...
First, needed to go to{org_id}/settings/modules to find the actual name of CustomModule2 which is Adresses livraison.
Then, needed to go to{org_id}/settings/api/modules to find the API name for Adresses livraison which is Adresses_livraison.
Finally, needed to go to{org_id}/settings/api/modules/CustomModule2?step=FieldsList to find the API name of the field I wanted to use as a search criteria (it was Compte].
The final query using httpie is as follows.
http GET \
Authorization:"Zoho-oauthtoken {access_token}" \
Zoho is up there in the most awkward developer experiences I have encountered.

Just an update for anyone still looking into this, because I noticed that the links aren't always the same, depending on whether it's a sandbox or not, etc. So the steps are:
Go to your CRM page/dashboard and click on the Settings (cogwheel icon) on the top-right, next to your account image.
A bunch of items in panel boxes open. In the panel named "Developer Space" choose APIs
There it opens a bunch of tabs and sub-tabs and a Dashboard (As shown on the image below). The "Dashboard" sub-tab should be selected, all you have to do is switch to the sub-tab "API-Names"


Azure AD graph API to filter users with onPremisesExtensionAttributes [extensionAttribute6]

I need to filter users with the onPremisesExtensionAttributes [extensionAttribute6] is there a graph API call for it?
As #Tinywa suggested in the comment:
onPremisesExtensionAttributes contains extensionAttributes 1-15 for
the user. Note that the individual extension attributes are neither
selectable nor filterable.
You can get all the results first and use your own code logic to filter them.
Or you can consider using extensionProperty as a workaround. Create the extensionProperty and assign value for the users, and then query users with filtering with this extensionProperty. For detailed steps to create extensionProperty and assign value for users, you can refer to this answer.
It looks like they've updated the BETA Graph API so that extension attributes (onPremisesExtensionAttributes) are now filterable.
Try the below in Graph Explorer. You'll need to change the extensionAttribute1 eq 'Employee' part to a query that will actually work in your active directory environment.$count=true&$filter=onPremisesExtensionAttributes/extensionAttribute1 eq 'Employee'&$orderBy=displayName&$select=displayName,mail,onPremisesExtensionAttributes
Please note that this is the BETA Graph API so I guess that means Microsoft hasn't finalized it, so it might change or never get fully released.
EDIT: I also just learned that if you're using this filter via the Graph API, you must add the following header or you'll an error:
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("ConsistencyLevel", "eventual");
The Graph Explorer has this header by default, I guess.
Here's where I found this answer: Get Extended Properties on User using Microsoft Graph
Here's the error I was getting:
Property 'extensionAttribute1' does not exist as a declared property or extension property.

How to set multiple locations in Outlook compose form?

I am currently working on an Angular outlook addin using Microsoft Graph API. I have to set and get Outlook item data in compose form. I referred the link Get and set data items in outlook compse form for doing that. In the case of location, I used
But it will take only string. In the case of multiple locations, I cant use this property. Is there any other way to implement the setting of multiple location in Outlook compose form?
You can use EnhancedLocation Preview API to set one or more locations that are associated with email ids. You need to use addAsync and passing the locations to be added to the current list of locations as locationIdentifiers.
In read and compose mode, enhancedlocation will return an object of type EnhancedLocation, on which you can perform add/get/remove operation.
var locations = [
"id": "",
"type": Office.MailboxEnums.LocationType.Room
Also be aware that this API is provided as a preview for developers and may change based on the feedback. It is wise not use this API in a production environment.

Thunderbird - Get the user email address

I am developing a Mozilla Thunderbird plug-in and need to get the user's email address.
Question: How do I retrieve this address?
I will use it inside a JavaScript.
You should first keep in mind that a user can have multiple e-mail addresses (from multiple accounts or even multiple identities for one account), and you have to decide in which one you are interested.
Note: there may exist an easier way then described below, e.g. a helper function in the existing Thunderbird Code. You could try to search comm-central for it
You somehow have to get the nsIMsgIdentity for the identity you are interested in. It has an email property, with the e-mail adress as a string.
One way to get all Identities should be via the allIdentities of nsIMsgAccountManager (didn't test it).
Use the follwing code to get the nsIMsgAccountManager:
let accountManager = MailServices.accounts
If you have an nsIArray of nsIMsgIdentity, you can use the following code to loop over them:
for (let identity in fixIterator(identities, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgIdentity)) {
References which could be useful:
Overview of some interesting interfaces:
Some account example Code:

Hikamarket - How to edit the "Vendors' add product" form

I'm wondering how can I drop some of fields in the Vendors' add product form. Ex. I'd like to remove "acl", "weight", "currency" ect.
I tried to turn them off in Access Level setting of Hikamarket. But it didn't work. Also, I edited the PHP files but after doing that, the form gives errors that there's no entry to save...
I found the solution. I'd edited Vendor's access level. But didn't get to the result. Now, I edited Product access level in Market > configuration > access level.
Now I got the field I need and have dropped the rest of the fields.

Google image search says api no longer available

I am using google image search API. Till yesterday it was working, but today morning it says "This API is no longer available"
Is it officially closed, Or any error at my side
{"responseData": null, "responseDetails": "This API is no longer available.", "responseStatus": 403}
The answer I found was using Google's Custom Search Engine (CSE) API. Note that this is limited to 100 free requests per day.
Creating cx and modifying it to search for images
Create custom search engine at based on your search criteria.
Choose sites to search (leave this blank if you want to search the entire web, otherwise you can enter a site to search in one particular site)
Enter a name and a language for your search engine.
Click "create." You can now find cx in your browser URL.
Under "Modify your search engine," click the "Control Panel" button. In the "edit" section you will find an "Image Search" label with an ON/OFF button, change it to ON. Click "update" to save your changes.
Conducting a search with the API
The API endpoint url is
The following JSON parameters are used for this API:
q: specifies search text
num: specifies number of results. Requires an integer value between 1 and 10 (inclusive)
start: the "offset" for the results, which result the search should start at. Requires an integer value between 1 and 101.
imgSize: the size of the image. I used "medium"
searchType: must be set to "image"
filetype: specifies the file type for the image. I used `"jpg", but you can leave this out if file extension doesn't matter to you.
key: an API key, obtained from
cx: the custom search engine ID from the previous section
Simply make a GET request by passing above parameters as JSON to the API endpoint (also listed above).
Note: If you set a list of referrers in the search engine settings, visiting the URL via your browser will likely not work. You will need to make an AJAX call (or the equivalent from another language) from a server specified in this list. It will work for only the referrers which were specified in the configuration settings.
Now You can search images with Custom image search API.
You can do this with two steps:
Go to -
Here you must create new Search Engine. Do this and enable Image Search at there.
Screen(i am Russian... sorry)
then get this search engine ID. To do this press at Get Code button:
And there find line with cx = "here will be your CUSTOM_SEARCH_ID":
Ok. It's done, now second step:
Go to google Console -
Press to Create project button, enter the name and other required information.
Pick this project and go to Enable Apis
Now find Custom Search Engine.
And Enable it.
Now we must go to Credentials and create new Server Key:
Ok. Now we can use Image Search.
Replace the SERVER_KEY and CUSTOM_SEARCH_ID and call this request.
Limit: for free you can search only 100 images per day.
If this is just for your own purposes (not for production) and you're not planning to abuse Google Image Search, you can simply extract first image URL from Google search results using JSOUP.
For example:
Code to retrieve image URL of the first thumbnail:
public static String FindImage(String question, String ua) {
String finRes = "";
try {
String googleUrl = "" + question.replace(",", "");
Document doc1 = Jsoup.connect(googleUrl).userAgent(ua).timeout(10 * 1000).get();
Element media ="[data-src]").first();
String finUrl = media.attr("abs:data-src");
finRes= "<img src=\"" + finUrl.replace("&quot", "") + "\" border=1/>";
} catch (Exception e) {
return finRes;
question - image search term
ua - user agent of the browser
After I read several responses I compiled a response with images:
Access the website:, on the page you will find this part, so click in the button Get a Key:
Create or select a project, and then NEXT:
Copy the API KEY:
Access the website to create your CX:, write some random domain like “”, (after we will delete), select a language, and define some name for your search engine. Click on the Button CREATE.
Will see this page, then click in Control Panel:
Copy the Search engine ID for later (this is your CX). After you can set to search in all websites (active Search the entire web, select on the random website then click on the button Delete) and you can active Image search. So will see like this:
And Using REST you can get the results, using this example code (searching for flower):
<html lang="pt">
<title>JSON Custom Search API Example</title>
<div id="content"></div>
function hndlr(response) {
for (var i = 0; i < response.items.length; i++) {
var item = response.items[i];
// in production code, item.htmlTitle should have the HTML entities escaped.
document.getElementById("content").innerHTML += "<br>" + item.htmlTitle;
<script src=""></script>
The base code is found here:
After setting your API_KEY (key) and your SEARCH ENGINE KEY (cx), the result will see like this:
Thanks to #Vijay Shegokar, #aftamat4ik and #Alladinian
This is the full URL template to be used
We can eliminate unnecessary parameters.{searchTerms}&num={count?}&start={startIndex?}&lr={language?}&safe={safe?}&cx={cx?}&cref={cref?}&sort={sort?}&filter={filter?}&gl={gl?}&cr={cr?}&googlehost={googleHost?}&c2coff={disableCnTwTranslation?}&hq={hq?}&hl={hl?}&siteSearch={siteSearch?}&siteSearchFilter={siteSearchFilter?}&exactTerms={exactTerms?}&excludeTerms={excludeTerms?}&linkSite={linkSite?}&orTerms={orTerms?}&relatedSite={relatedSite?}&dateRestrict={dateRestrict?}&lowRange={lowRange?}&highRange={highRange?}&searchType={searchType}&fileType={fileType?}&rights={rights?}&imgSize={imgSize?}&imgType={imgType?}&imgColorType={imgColorType?}&imgDominantColor={imgDominantColor?}&alt=json
I am using
Change the API url to
Google Custom Image search
Provide the same parameters along with with API KEY and CX.
More Info and Explorer
The Yahoo Boss API is a reasonable substitute, although it's not free and the results are not quite as good.
UPDATE: YAHOO BOSS JSON Search API will discontinue on March 31, 2016
SerpAPI enables to search through Google Images and returns a clean json. it integrates with most of the programming languages: python, php, java, golang, nodejs...
Google limit the number of search per day.
but this service provides unlimited searches...
looks like we need to implement google custom search API
says so on top of the page you provided yourself
