Can Elastic APM track Java Garbage Collection? - elasticsearch

Is there a way for me to track garbage collection of my Java application using Elastic APM and the associated Java APM agent?
I'm using Spring Boot, if that makes a difference.
Out-of-the-box I'm able to see the heap and non-heap memory utilization, but I'm not sure if there is also a way to view garbage collection.

The JVM GC metrics tracked right now are jvm.gc.alloc, jvm.gc.time, and jvm.gc.count.
If you are looking for additional ones, which ones would those be? And could you open an issue with the details.

Please import from saved objects option -


In-memory elastic search

I have a scenario where I want to query database once and after that want to cache the whole data in memory.
I got the suggestion for in-memory elastic search, I have googled it understand what it is and how can I implement it in my spring boot application, but I didn't find any appropriate solution.
Any suggestion on this like how can I implement this in my spring boot app and what would be the approach.
There used to be an in-memory storage type in Elasticsearch in 1.x, but it has been removed in 2.x and later versions. If your working set is small enough it might be mapped to memory in full, but you cannot really control that other than having enough memory.
If you want to run an embedded / in-process Elasticsearch with your Spring Boot application that feature was removed in 5.x and this blog post explains why.

Spring ehcache vs Memcached?

I have worked on spring cahing using ehcache . To me it is like same with different set of API exposed and their implementation.
What's the difference in terms of features provided between them
apart from API/implementation ?
Update:- I have already seen Hibernate EHCache vs MemCache but that question is mainly from hibernate perspective but my question is in general for any caching service . Answer to that question also states there is not much difference in terms of features
Aside from the API differences you noted, the major difference here is going to be that memcached lives in a different process while Ehcache is internal to the JVM - unless configured to store on disk or in a cluster.
This mainly means that with Memcached you always need a serialized version of your objects and you always interact with a different process, remote or not.
Ehcache, and other JVM based caching solutions, start with a on-heap based cache initially which allows lookups to be simply about handling references to your Java objects.
Of course this means that the objects keep living in the Java heap, increasing memory pressure. In the case of Ehcache 3.x you have the option to move to offheap memory and more, allowing to grow the cache without impacting JVM heap.
At this point, the benefit of Memcached may be that you want non Java clients to access it.
And the final decision really is in your hands. Caches are consuming memory to provide reduced latency. What works for you may be different than what works for others. You have to measure and decide.

Too Many objects in single instance of ObjectMapper SerializerCache causing memory leak

We are running a spring boot based service with which, we are having GC issues on running perf tests. When we looked at the heap dump on Eclipse plugin "Memory Analysis Toolkit" (MAT), we found below:
One instance of "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper" loaded by "org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader # 0x1000050b8" occupies 2,057,443,904 (93.15%) bytes. The memory is accumulated in one instance of "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.SerializerCache" loaded by "org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader # 0x1000050b8".
org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader # 0x1000050b8
Not really sure what's going on here. Why is SerializerCache holding onto so many objects in Map, and, how to clear it out.
SpringIO: 2.0.6.RELEASE
The SpringIO 2.0.6.RELEASE uses jackson version 2.6.7, which, incidentally, doesn't show up on the Jackson release page of master branch (
I upgraded my application to use jackson version 2.8.1 and it fixed the issues.

Application monitoring performance in scala

I have a web service written in scala and built on top of twitter finagle RPC system. Now we are hitting some performance issues. We have external API components and database layer.
I am planning of installing Zipkin in order to have a service level tracing system. This will allow me to know where the bottleneck is at the service level.
I am wondering though if there are framework out there to monitor the performance inside my application layer. The application is a suite of filters that are applied consecutively to my data and I would like to know which filter take time to compute. I heard about JVM profiling but it seems a little overkill for what I want to do. What would you recommend ? Thanks for your help.
Well before starting digging into JVM stuff or setting up all the infrastructure needed by Zipkin you could simply start by measuring some application-level metrics.
You could try the library metrics via this scala api.
Basically you manually set up counters and gauges at specific points of your application that will help you diagnose your bottleneck problem.

how to monitor memory in a spring + tomcat application?

i have a spring application that i want to optimize , its using much memory, it was fine when few people used it, but numbers scaled a little and i have no idea where to start . Is there a way of knowing which class and methods take what kind of resources ?
I think JMX will be a good start. Using Spring's JMX support, it will be very easy to configure your beans to integrate with JMX.
The best way to start with this is using a profiler. There are a lot of products out there. I personally like YourKit. It's a matter of preference. Using a profiler you can easily find out the number of instantiated classes from where in the code. You might simply have a memory leak.
In general I think it's a good idea to set up your application server/servlet container to expose their internals over JMX. You'll just have to enable the JMX agent by setting JVM startup parameters. You can then connect to your server and monitor CPU and memory consumption using JConsole or VisualVM. VisualVM provides a simple profiling plugin.
