confusion about Spring Data Flow Server - spring-boot

I'm confused about Spring Cloud Data Flow Server deployment...
We are planning to run it on cloudfoundry, and the instructions say one should download the final server artifact (a jar) and deploy it.
On the other hand another section in the documentation describes a way on how to customize the provisioning of roles to users with some custom code. But there is no explanation on how to embed the server in a custom application so I can provide my code (via #Bean).
On a very old blog post I found a mention of #EnableDataFlowServer but this annotation is not described in the official documentation anymore - is it still valid?
There is also no way described how I could use any other security then oauth, do I really need to use oauth? how about using my own security config or even only basic authentication?
I kind of expected the same flexibility as spring cloud config server provides...

You can check the Spring Cloud Data Flow site on how to install SCDF on Cloud Foundry. The instructions in this site have the correct information set up SCDF on CF.
The #EnableDataFlowServer is intended for customizing Spring Cloud Data Flow server using/overriding the existing DataFlowServerAutoConfiguration and DataFlowControllerAutoConfiguration. This is not specific to CF though.


Pub/Sub Implementation in Spring boot

Currently in our project we already implemented firebase messaging service(FCM).We already have service account created for this. Now we need to implement a pub/sub with different google and service account.
When I try to implement this its taking default credentials.
How can we configure different service account credentials for FCM and pub/sub?
Kindly let me know how can we fix this.
default credentials
Dependencies added
Error I am facing
To explicitly provide credentials for Spring Cloud GCP Pub/Sub, use the or property.
Documentation available here.
The error you have is unrelated to GCP authentication, though -- the issue is that two different starters are defining a Jwt parsing bean. If you don't need to extract identity from Firebase, then it can be turned off with If you do need it, and com.magilhub is under your control, follow the Spring Boot suggestion and use #Qualifier to get the specific one you need.

Access remote Camunda service programmatically

I have a remote server installation of the Camunda BPM Platform (installed using the Camunda BPM Platform Helm Chart - It is working as expected and, while new to BPM, I have been able to try out some workflows and examples successfully.
I am now trying to connect to it remotely and register for thrown events. I've been following however I am stumped as to how I can get a handle to runtimeService. Other than using the REST API is there another way to connect to a remote Camunda service? I've tried using the camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-external-task-client but no RuntimeService gets initialized. Perhaps I'm missing some remote-specific configuration but I have not found anything in the documentation so far. Based on I understand that this should be possible - however, all examples I've found deal with an embedded service. Any help is appreciated!
CAMUNDA offers a Java API and a REST API. In addition there are official or community client libraries, which all rely on the REST API. The Java API is only available to code which gets deployed inside the CAMUNDA JVM.
To interact with the engine from outside the JVM you have to use the REST API. The endpoints are named after the resources, not after the Java API services. Hence you You will not find a RuntimeService endpoint on the REST API, but you will find all the functionality the RuntimeService offers, e.g. start via process-definition.
If you do not want to deploy code in the CAMUNDA JVM, then service integration is done preferably using the external task pattern. If you want to use Java, especially the new Spring Boot Starter for external task clients is fun to work with. If you prefer other languages, check out
Unfortunately there currently is no implementation type external for signal events so far. Ootb you can work with signal events for 1:n communication between different BPMN processes on the same environment. If you want to send the signal to an external event bus, then you need to add this functionality to the same JVM as a one-time effort. Here is an example for Azure event bus: The implementation would look very similar for SQS or other alternatives.
If you need to modify the container image to include custom code then you can either just add own jars to e.g. the CAMUNDA RUN Docker image as shown here:
or you could build your own image based on the Spring Boot Starter as shown here:

Netflix Archaius with Spring Cloud Config server

I followed this documentation for Archaius and some other online articles. However, presumably, each service should have Archaius or configuration related codes/dependencies(-jars) to load configuration values. My concern is that if a change is required in loading configuration, then each service has to be reloaded/redeployed.
Q1. Can anyone let me know how to keep a centralized Archaius configuration service so that client services pull configurations.
On the contrary, Spring Cloud Config server does that job - all configurations are in one place. But I feel that it lacks loading configurations from a custom resource - data loads from a database as Archaius provides, for example.
Q2. Is there a work around to make Config Server loads configurations from Archaius ?
For Q1, you should look at the 2.x branch of Archaius, specifically This is configured to make a rest call to some service which will front your Config. At Netflix, we have a rest service backed by Cassandra. Naturally, you can back that with whatever you would like. But fair warning, this Archaius setup was made for Guice and requires a bit of manual setup. It is not quite as seamless as you might expect if you've been working with Spring Boot/Cloud starters for example.
For Q2, Spring Cloud Config does indeed support loading data from a DB. Also, in my experience with the Spring products, they are almost always quite easy to extend to your own purposes if you'd like to do something more custom.
General suggestion: If you have no other need/use of Archaius aside from remote config and you are a Spring user, I'd suggest just going with Spring Cloud. It would be far easier to configure and probably serve your requirements just fine.
Archaius provides a way to deal with reading dynamically changing Config with minimal performance impact. If you're not in Spring, or happen to need fast access to dynamic properties, consider Archaius.

How to practice with Spring cloud in local machine?

I am new and just started to explore Spring Cloud. Would like to know how to practice with examples in local (laptop). It appears to need a cloud environment. And most of them are available only for few days. So any pointers to try out features like
Distributed/versioned configuration, Service registration and discovery ,Routing Service-to-service calls, Load balancing Circuit and Breakers Global locks
You can check out the Spring guides where we guide you, step by step, to achieve what you have described. You can check out the link here for the Ribbon guide - and the link to all of the guides
You can also check this blog, service discovery, routing and load balancing.
Spring Cloud, Eureka and Zuul
For Distributed/versioned configuration, check this one
Quick Intro to Spring Cloud Configuration
Also one example, that brings all of that together Spring Cloud Bootstrapping

Example for Spring Cloud Consul with Ribbon for client side load balancing

I see that spring-cloud-consul is live in [] but I hardly see any reference examples.
I am mainly looking for Service Registration and Service Discovery with Consul and Ribbon as client side load balancer. Could someone give a sample application or an example to refer. I also checked in the git repository for spring-cloud-consul, didn't find any examples there[]
There is an example in the main repo, spring-cloud-consul-sample, that uses the LoadBalancerClient of which there is a ribbon implementation that will use consul to populate the server list.
I wasn't able to find much information about Consul and Ribbon, but I have found more information about Eueka (it's used by Netflix and it also does service registration/distcovery similiar to Consul). This Spring project seems to be a lot more active. Info about it can be found here:
This blog post demonstrates how to use spring cloud with Eueka and Ribbon:
There is also a repo for the tutorial:
If you still want to use Consul instead of Eueka, here is a sample project, you should be able to use this along with the blog post above to build a working example:
I wrote a demo project using Spring Cloud Consul and Spring Cloud Netflix.
I'm using Consul as a service registry, and Ribbon/Hystrix/Feign are used to simplify API service clients.
The project is hosted on GitHub:
