Pub/Sub Implementation in Spring boot - spring-boot

Currently in our project we already implemented firebase messaging service(FCM).We already have service account created for this. Now we need to implement a pub/sub with different google and service account.
When I try to implement this its taking default credentials.
How can we configure different service account credentials for FCM and pub/sub?
Kindly let me know how can we fix this.
default credentials
Dependencies added
Error I am facing

To explicitly provide credentials for Spring Cloud GCP Pub/Sub, use the or property.
Documentation available here.
The error you have is unrelated to GCP authentication, though -- the issue is that two different starters are defining a Jwt parsing bean. If you don't need to extract identity from Firebase, then it can be turned off with If you do need it, and com.magilhub is under your control, follow the Spring Boot suggestion and use #Qualifier to get the specific one you need.


Can one have more than one OAUTH2 servers in quarkus?

One can define an OAUTH2 server easily based on the quarkus documentation.
How should I configure quarkus if I have to give the option to the users to choose their own OAUTH2 provider (github, gitlab, whatever)?
One solution can be running separate Quarkus instances for each OAuth2 provider.
If you need to have all requests to be sent to same path and port, a mediator instance can be created for handling requests and sending them to appropriate instance with chosen OAuth2 provider.

confusion about Spring Data Flow Server

I'm confused about Spring Cloud Data Flow Server deployment...
We are planning to run it on cloudfoundry, and the instructions say one should download the final server artifact (a jar) and deploy it.
On the other hand another section in the documentation describes a way on how to customize the provisioning of roles to users with some custom code. But there is no explanation on how to embed the server in a custom application so I can provide my code (via #Bean).
On a very old blog post I found a mention of #EnableDataFlowServer but this annotation is not described in the official documentation anymore - is it still valid?
There is also no way described how I could use any other security then oauth, do I really need to use oauth? how about using my own security config or even only basic authentication?
I kind of expected the same flexibility as spring cloud config server provides...
You can check the Spring Cloud Data Flow site on how to install SCDF on Cloud Foundry. The instructions in this site have the correct information set up SCDF on CF.
The #EnableDataFlowServer is intended for customizing Spring Cloud Data Flow server using/overriding the existing DataFlowServerAutoConfiguration and DataFlowControllerAutoConfiguration. This is not specific to CF though.

Automatically renew AWS credentials in a Spring Boot application using Spring Cloud Vault

I'm trying to create a Spring Boot application that regularly fetch data from AWS S3.
The AWS S3 credentials are fetched from Vault using Spring Cloud Vault when the application start.
My issue is that AWS S3 credentials have a limited lifespan due to Vault policy so I have to restart my application from time to time to obtain new credentials from Vault
Is there a way to automatically restart bean using those credentials?
No, there is no automatism, but you can do this yourself.
The longer read
Spring Boot and Spring Cloud aren't really intended for applying continuous updates to the configuration without interruption. Spring Cloud Config ships with Refresh Scope support that allows to annotate beans with #RefreshScope and trigger a refresh of the beans that get re-initialized. This approach requires either integration with a message bus or triggering the refresh endpoint.
The other alternative, which is limited to AWS functionality, is providing an own AWSCredentialsProvider implementation that is backed by a Vault PropertySource that applies rotation to your credential. This requires you to provide a bit of code that integrates with VaultConfigurer or even directly via SecretLeaseContainer to get secret lifecycle event callbacks. See here for an integration example.
There is a ticket asking for the same question that contains background why this pattern isn't widely applicable.

Spring Boot Oauth2 mapping google users to mine

I'm just wrapping my head on Oauth2. I have a Spring boot app with its own users and roles system handled by Spring Security 5. Internally I use email to identify users, I want people who registered with their gmail addresses to be able to log in through Oauth2. Or, more generally, how do I make one of my users log in to my app using Oauth2? If you need code or more information just ask. Thanks in advance.
As far as I understood your question, you are looking for a general approach to authenticate users for using your Spring Boot application with the help of OAuth2 protocol.
In your case you will probably use Google as an authentication provider and your application as resource server, according to the OAuth2 standard wording. First at all to answer your general question, there are different ways of using OAuth2 to authenticate users. A good starting points are these links:
To find the proper way of implementing OAuth2 for your usecase I recommend using this decision tree:
For starting to implement OAuth2 in Spring Boot you can use several Spring Security projects with further documentation:

How can I use multiple Oauth2 SSO Servers on a single Spring boot application with Spring Cloud Security Oauth2?

I'd like to give users the option to login to a Spring Boot web application using their Google or Facebook account.
I checked The Spring Cloud Security documentation and also This GitHub issue to add such SSO functionality, but on both they only show how to configure one SSO server, so it's either Google or Facebook.
How can I add both options? on the web front-end I will add a button for each option so the users can choose which account to use, either Google or Facebook.
Or I am choosing the wrong package and should use something different altogether to achieve this?
You basically have to install a separate authentication filter for each provider. There's a tutorial here:
