How do I pass an enum variant to match on as a function parameter? - enums

I would like to pass in the parameters what arm of the enum I need to match, something like this:
enum D {
C(u64, u64),
let a = D.A(10);
println!(a.is_of(D.A)); // true
println!(a.is_of(D.B)); // false
I know I can use matching rules for this, but I'd like this is_of method to take as an input of the enum options for my purposes.

You cannot.
It is not possible to pass types as function parameters.
Enum variants are not types to start with.
If you are OK using a macro instead of a function, see
How do I assert an enum is a specific variant if I don't care about its fields?
The matches crate
See also:
Compare enums only by variant, not value
Can traits be used on enum types?
Can struct-like enums be used as types?
Is there a way to use existing structs as enum variants?


Is it possible to reference constants in struct field tag definitions?

I have database and JSON models which use struct field annotation for various purposes, namely specifying enumerations, which values are acceptable for validations, etc.
A database model example:
type QRCode struct {
Algorithm string `json:"algorithm" gorm:"type:enum('hmac-sha3-256-v1')" validate:"oneof=hmac-sha3-256-v1"`
PublicCode []byte `json:"token" gorm:"size:32" validate:"len=32"`
UserType string `json:"user_type" gorm:"type:enum('admin','member')" validate:"one_of=admin member"`
So in this case, there are a few different constants:
public key size, which I have in constants.QRCodePublicCodeLength
algorithm, which I have in constants.QRCodeAlgorithmV1
user type, which I have in constants.UserTypeAdmin and constants.UserTypeMember
It would be very nice to be able to embed these constants in the field tags so that there is truly one source of truth for everything, but I don't know if this is possible in Go.
Can I use constants in struct field tag definitions?
Can I use constants in struct field tag definitions?
No, this is not possible.

How to write several implementation of the same method that have a different signature

I have several implementation of the same method SetRateForMeasure:
package repartition
type Repartition interface {
Name() string
Compute(meters []models.Meter, totalsProd, totalsConso map[string]float64) []models.Meter
SetRateForMeasure(meter models.Meter, measure models.Measure, total float64) float64
Then, in my code (in repartition.go), I call it:
rate := repartition.SetRateForMeasure(meter, measure, total)
where repartition is the interface defined before.
Thing is, when I add a new implementation of this method, the arguments of my functions might differ.
For example, the static repartition use a static percentage that is only used in this case.
I end up adding parameters so that I have a common interface to all methods, but it results that there is a lot of unused parameters depending on the implementation.
If I add it to common interface, it will be unused for the other definitions.
I tried to remove this method from my interface definition, but now
rate := repartition.SetRateForMeasure()
is no more defined.
How should I organize my code ?
There is no function overloading in Go, so you cannot declare the same function with different arguments. There's a few ways you can implement this though:
You can add multiple functions with different names and signatures
You can change the function to accept a struct instead of arguments
SetRateForMeasure(args SetRateOptions) float64
type SetRateOptions struct {
Meter models.Meter
Measure models.Measure
Total float64
Percentage *float64 // If nil, use default percentage
... // more parameters as needed
Go doesn't support method overriding. You either ​define methods with different names that take different parameters
​ or you can declare the method to accept a parameter struct.
type SetRateParams struct {
Meter models.Meter
Measure models.Measure
Total float64
type Repartition interface {
SetRateForMeasure(params SetRateParams) float64
Optionally, you can declare params in your structs as pointers, so you can represent "not-provided" semantics with nil instead of using the zero-value. This might be relevant in case of numerical params where 0 could be a valid value.
Using a struct param has also the advantage that you don't have to change all the call sites in case you decide to add an additional param 6 months from now (you just add it to the struct).
There are also worse solutions with interface{} varargs, for the sake of stating what is possible, but unless you loathe type safety, I wouldn't recommend that.

How are enums augmentable?

In Raku, HOWs must expose a list of archetypes through an archetypes method, which is used to determine what broader features of types a type implements, e.g. parametricity or composability. I noticed Metamodel::EnumHOW (the HOW used with enums) has the augmentable archetype, which is given to types that can be extended after composition with the augment keyword when the MONKEY-TYPING pragma is enabled.
My first guess at why enums would be augmentable would be to allow enum values to be added, so I tried writing this:
use v6;
enum Foo <foo bar baz>;
augment enum Foo <qux>;
say qux;
But this throws:
bastille% raku test.raku
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/morfent/test.raku
Redeclaration of symbol 'Foo'.
at /home/morfent/test.raku:5
------> augment enum Foo⏏ <qux>;
So they're probably not intended to be augmented in this way.
My next guess was that they're intended to be augmentable with regards to the enum values, not the enum type itself. augment, interestingly, doesn't take into account what HOW a type actually has when you tell it what kind of type you're augmenting, so I tried augmenting an enum like you would a class:
use v6;
enum Foo <foo bar baz>;
augment class Foo {
proto method is-foo(::?CLASS:D: --> Bool:D) {*}
multi method is-foo(foo: --> True) { }
multi method is-foo(::?CLASS:D: --> False) { }
Which works:
bastille% raku test.raku
But this doesn't feel like how you're intended to augment enums to me. This usage of augment is rather weird, and there isn't any implication that this should be possible to do from its documentation. How are you intended to augment enums?
FAQ doesn't appear to have any code? What is it doing?
is-foo is rather heavy-handed with how it uses features of signatures and parameters. It depends on the following:
Constant values may be used like types in signatures. This includes enum values, which are dealt with at compile-time.
A routine can be made to always return a constant value by making one its signature's return value's type.
Variables for any given parameter in a signature are optional.
When a colon is placed after the first parameter like this, that first parameter is the signature's invocant. In the case of methods, this allows you to type self however you want.
::?CLASS is an alias for the class whose scope a method is declared in. This exists in class and role bodies, so despite Foo not really being a class, that is what the symbol is referring to.
:D is a type smiley denoting that a type should only typecheck against its own instances, not type objects that typecheck like it.
Since foo is a more specific type than ::?CLASS:D (an alias for Foo:D), when invoking this method on foo, the foo multi will be selected and True will get returned, but in any other case, the ::?CLASS:D multi will be selected and False will be returned.
In Java you can add almost arbitrary attributes and functions to enums. So I do think augment in the way you describe could make sense. For example:
enum Days(Monday => 1, Tuesday => 2, Wednesday => 3, Thursday => 4, Friday => 5, Saturday => 6, Sunday => 7);
augment class Days {
proto method is-weekend(::?CLASS:D: --> Bool:D) {*}
multi method is-weekend(Saturday: --> True) { }
multi method is-weekend(Sunday: --> True) {}
multi method is-weekend(::?CLASS:D: --> False) { }
proto method days-til-weekend(::?CLASS:D: --> Int:D) {*}
# there is probably a better way to express this, but
# hopefully the concept is clear
multi method days-til-weekend(Monday: --> 4) {}
say Wednesday.days-til-weekend;

Generalizing a function for an enum

I have an enum that looks like this
pub enum IpNetwork {
Each of those variants represents either a IPv4 or v6 CIDR. Now, Ipv4Network and Ipv6Network each has a method to get the prefix defined like this
// For Ipv4Network
pub fn prefix(&self) -> u8
// For Ipv6Network
pub fn prefix(&self) -> u128
How do I generalize the prefix method for the IpNetwork enum? I know that I can just have u128 as the return type, but is that approach idiomatic?
So you want a prefix function that operates on the IpNetwork type, but are unsure what the return type should be. Below is a possible approach you could follow.
The argument against using an enum
As bheklilr mentioned in a comment, one of the alternatives is introducing an enum: pub enum Prefix { V4(u8), V6(u128) }.
This could make sense depending on your use case, but it seems like overkill to me here. In the end, you would end up pattern matching on the result of your generic prefix function. In that case, you could better pattern match on the IpNetwork object itself and call its corresponding prefix function.
The case for u128
If you just want to obtain the integer value and don't need to differentiate between IPV4 and IPV6, returning an integer seems to be the way to go. A u8 can be casted to u128 without any problem and the overhead is negligible.
As far as I know the standard library doesn't hold functionality for generic numeric types. You could, however, define a trait and implement it for u8 and u128.
Also, there is the num crate, which does basically that.

Using Generic with Func as a parameter

My code is simply:
public override C Calculator<C>(Team[] teams, Func<Team, C> calculatorFunc)
return teams.Average(calculatorFunc);
I get this error:
Error 2 The type arguments for method 'System.Linq.Enumerable.Average(System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable, System.Func)' cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly.
How can I fix this?
You can't - at least in the current form. There is no Average overload available that works on completely generic values (i.e. for all types C as you specified).
Average needs lists of numbers (int, double, float ...) or a conversion function that produces numbers. In the current form, you could call Calculator<string> and it would make absolutely no sense to compute the average of strings.
You'll just have to restrict the method to a specific numeric type (or provide overloads), but generics simply won't work.
The Enumerable.Average method does not have an overload which works on a generic type. You're trying to call Average<TSource>(IEnumerable<TSource>, Func<TSource, C>), which does not exist.
In order to use average, you'll need to specify one of the types (for C) that actually exists, such as double, decimal, etc.
Instead of writing:
Calculate(team, calcFunc);
You will have to write:
Calculate<MyClass>(team, calcFunc);
However, you really should know what calculatorFunc is returning --- I'm going to assume that all of the ones you use return the same value type (whether it be decimal or int of float). In which case, you could define it as:
public override int Calculator(Team[] teams, Func<Team, int> calculatorFunc)
return teams.Average(calculatorFunc);
Then you have no generics in the declaration at all to worry about.
