kotlin : unit test with mock injection (mockK) - spring-boot

I followed step by step instructions from many blogs for implementing a mock with MockK:
class SWServiceImplTest {
lateinit var externalApi: ExternalApiService
lateinit var SWService: SWServiceImpl
fun setUp() = MockKAnnotations.init(this)
fun SWCharacterReturnsCorrectValues() {
every { externalApi.get<Characters>(Utils.SW_API) } returns mockCharacters()
val result = SWService.swCharacter!!
assertEquals("blue", result.first().color?.toLowerCase())
assertEquals(result.size, 3)
I want to inject externalApi into my SWService service and mock the get method of the injected object (externalApi) but it seems that the mock is ignored.
logs :
15:09:54.497 [main] DEBUG io.mockk.impl.instantiation.AbstractMockFactory - Creating mockk for <error "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: kotlin/coroutines/intrinsics/IntrinsicsKt"> name=externalApi#1
15:09:56.820 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate - HTTP GET https://xxx.xxx/
15:09:57.038 [main] DEBUG org.springframework.web.client.RestTemplate - Accept=[application/json, application/*+json]
org.springframework.web.client.RestClientException: No HttpMessageConverter for java.lang.Object and content type ""
In my SWService file, externalApi is initialized in a companion object :
companion object{
val api = ExternalApiService()
Something wrong in my implementation ?

Kotlin generates a inner class for companion object {} called Companion. This Companion class would have only getters for the fields declared (in your case getApi()). But the field is maintained by outer class SWService.
So equivalent java class for SWService would look like.
public final class SWService {
private static final ExternalApiService api = new ExternalApiService();
public static final class Companion() {
public final ExternalApiService getApi() {
return SWService.api;
Now you want to mock api which is static field. This can be done using powermockito.
Add this dependency,
testImplementation "org.powermock:powermock-api-mockito2:2.0.0-beta.5"
And in your test,
public final class SWServiceTest {
lateinit var api: ExternalApiService
var service = SWService()
fun setUp() {
Whitebox.setInternalState(SWService::class.java,"api", api);
Hope it helps.


Error when mocking a repository in unit test of a spring webflux application (using JUnit and Mockito)?

I am yet to find a solution to this.
My Test class:
#WebFluxTest(controllers = {PatronController.class})
#Import({PatronService.class}) //to satisfy PatronController dependency.
class PatronFunctionsSpec {
private Patron patron;
private Mono<Patron> patronMono;
private final PatronService patronService = Mockito.mock(PatronService.class);
private PatronRepository patronRepository;
private WebTestClient client;
void init(Patron injectedPatron) {
patron = injectedPatron;
patronMono = Mono.just(patron);
//Patron Story: patron wants to create an account with us
#DisplayName("Creating a patron.")
class CreatingPatron {
#DisplayName("PatronService.create() returns success msg in Response obj after creating patron.")
void getResponseObjFromServiceCreate() {
Flux<Patron> patronFlux = Flux.from(patronMono);
PatronService patronService = new PatronService(patronRepository);
Mono<Response> responseStream = patronService.create(Mono.just(patron));
Mono<Response> expectedResponseStream = Mono.just(new Response("Welcome, patron. Can't show emojis yet -- sorry."));
assertEquals(expectedResponseStream, responseStream);
See my PatronService class with its code:
public class PatronService {
private final PatronRepository patronRepository;
public PatronService(PatronRepository patronRepository) {
this.patronRepository = patronRepository;
* persists patron via PatronRepo
public Mono<Response> create(Mono<Patron> patronMono) {
return Mono.just(new Response("Welcome, patron. Can't find the emojis yet -- sorry."));
I am testing the PatronService's create(), so need to mock and stub PatronRepository and its function respectively. But the problem is: after running the test case, I get this exception:
java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "reactor.core.publisher.Flux.subscribe()" because "patronFlux" is null
at com.budgit.service.PatronService.create(PatronService.java:26)
How can I fix this?

#Transactional in Spring Boot - I believe prerequisites are covered (public, external invocation), but testing indicates no transaction

I'm trying to get a Kotlin function to operate transactionally in Spring Boot, and I've looked at several sources for information, such as https://codete.com/blog/5-common-spring-transactional-pitfalls/ and Spring #Transaction method call by the method within the same class, does not work?. I believe I have the prerequisites necessary for the #Transactional annotation to work - the function is public and being invoked externally, if my understanding is correct. My code currently looks like this:
interface CreateExerciseInstance {
operator fun invoke(input: CreateExerciseInstanceInput): OpOutcome<CreateExerciseInstanceOutput>
class CreateExerciseInstanceImpl constructor(
private val exerciseInstanceRepository: ExerciseInstanceRepository, // #Repository
private val activityInstanceRepository: ActivityInstanceRepository, // #Repository
private val exerciseInstanceStepRepository: ExerciseInstanceStepRepository // #Repository
) : CreateExerciseInstance {
override fun invoke(input: CreateExerciseInstanceInput): OpOutcome<CreateExerciseInstanceOutput> {
val exerciseInstanceRecord = ... // no in-place modification of repository data
val activityInstanceRecords = ...
val exerciseInstanceStepRecords = ...
return try {
} catch (e: Exception) {
My test currently looks like this:
class CreateExerciseInstanceTest {
private lateinit var exerciseInstanceRepository: ExerciseInstanceRepository
private lateinit var exerciseInstanceStepRepository: ExerciseInstanceStepRepository
private lateinit var activityInstanceRepository: ActivityInstanceRepository
fun `does not commit to exercise instance or activity repositories when exercise instance step repository throws exception`() {
... // data setup
val exerciseInstanceStepRepository = mockk<ExerciseInstanceStepRepository>()
val exception = Exception("Something went wrong")
every { exerciseInstanceStepRepository.save(any<ExerciseInstanceStepRecord>()) } throws exception
val createExerciseInstance = CreateExerciseInstanceImpl(
exerciseInstanceRepository = exerciseInstanceRepository,
activityInstanceRepository = activityInstanceRepository,
exerciseInstanceStepRepository = exerciseInstanceStepRepository
val outcome = createExerciseInstance(...)
assert(outcome is Outcome.Failure)
val exerciseInstances = exerciseInstanceRepository.findAll()
val activityInstances = activityInstanceRepository.findAll()
The test fails with:
to be equal to:
but was not.
at assertThat(exerciseInstances.count()).isEqualTo(0). Is the function actually non-public or being invoked internally? Have I missed some other prerequisite?
This test doesn't say anything about your component not being transactional.
First, you create an instance yourself rather than using the one created by Spring. So Spring knows nothing about this instance, and can't possibly warp it into a transactional proxy.
Second, the component doesn't throw any runtime exception, So Spring doesn't rollback the transaction.

#PostConstruct method runs before flyway

I know this kind of question has been asked before.
I have a method which is annotated with #PostConstruct.
The methods assumes that all Flyway scripts have been executed before invocation.
It seems that Flyway also uses #PostConstruct annotated methods and that these methods are called after my method.
I tried to annotate my method with #DependOn and different flyway beennames.
Unfortunately without success. Can anybody help me.
I would set a dependency on the FlywayMigrationInitializer in the constructor. When the Initializer is created and set up, the migrations are run.
Or you can depend on the flywayInitializer bean (#DependsOn("flywayInitializer")). The bean is named flywayInitializer, of the class FlywayMigrationInitializer and it is created in FlywayAutoConfiguration.java.
FlywayMigrationInitializer implements InitializingBean and calls the migrate method in the afterPropertiesSet method.
// #DependsOn("flywayInitializer")
public class TestPostConstruct {
public TestPostConstruct(FlywayMigrationInitializer flywayForceInitialization) {
public void testPostConstruct() {
log.info("----> in testPostConstruct");
The Spring Boot log:
INFO 4760 --- [main] o.f.core.internal.command.DbMigrate : Successfully applied 1 migration to schema "PUBLIC" (execution time 00:00.130s)
INFO 4760 --- [main] c.example.flywayinit.TestPostConstruct : ----> in testPostConstruct
For new Flyway this work (use Flyway callbacks)
class FlywayConfig(env: Environment) {
private val env: Environment
init {
this.env = env
#Bean(initMethod = "migrate")
fun flyway(dbLoadService: DbLoadService): Flyway {
return Flyway(
//запуск загрузки из базы после окончания миграции
.callbacks(FlywayMigrationsCompleteCallback {
class FlywayMigrationsCompleteCallback(private val callback: () -> Unit) : Callback {
override fun supports(event: Event?, context: Context?): Boolean {
return event == Event.AFTER_MIGRATE
override fun canHandleInTransaction(event: Event?, context: Context?): Boolean {
return true
override fun handle(event: Event?, context: Context?) {
override fun getCallbackName(): String {
return FlywayMigrationsCompleteCallback::class.simpleName!!
class DbLoadService(private val certificateRepository:CertificateRepository) {
#Volatile var certificate: List<Certificate>?=null
fun loadAllCertificateInformation(){
val findAll = certificateRepository.findAll()
runBlocking {
certificate = findAll.toList()

Spring 5 Reactive - WebExceptionHandler is not getting called

I have tried all 3 solutions suggested in what is the right way to handle errors in spring-webflux, but WebExceptionHandler is not getting called. I am using Spring Boot 2.0.0.M7. Github repo here
class RoutesConfiguration {
private lateinit var testService: TestService
private lateinit var globalErrorHandler: GlobalErrorHandler
fun routerFunction():
RouterFunction<ServerResponse> = router {
("/test").nest {
GET("/") {
class GlobalErrorHandler() : WebExceptionHandler {
companion object {
private val log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GlobalErrorHandler::class.java)
override fun handle(exchange: ServerWebExchange?, ex: Throwable?): Mono<Void> {
log.info("inside handle")
/* Handle different exceptions here */
when(ex!!) {
is ClientException -> exchange!!.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
is Exception -> exchange!!.response.statusCode = HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR
return Mono.empty()
When I change Spring Boot version to 2.0.0.M2, the WebExceptionHandler is getting called. Do I need to do something for 2.0.0.M7?
As per Brian's suggestion, it worked as
fun globalErrorHandler() = GlobalErrorHandler()
You can provide your own WebExceptionHandler, but you have to order it relatively to others, otherwise they might handle the error before yours get a chance to try.
the DefaultErrorWebExceptionHandler provided by Spring Boot for error handling (see reference documentation) is ordered at -1
the ResponseStatusExceptionHandler provided by Spring Framework is ordered at 0
So you can add #Order(-2) on your error handling component, to order it before the existing ones.
An error response should have standard payload info. This can be done by extending AbstractErrorWebExceptionHandler
ErrorResponse: Data Class
data class ErrorResponse(
val timestamp: String,
val path: String,
val status: Int,
val error: String,
val message: String
ServerResponseBuilder: 2 different methods to build an error response
default: handle standard errors
webClient: handle webClient exceptions (WebClientResponseException), not for this case
class ServerResponseBuilder(
private val request: ServerRequest,
private val status: HttpStatus) {
fun default(): Mono<ServerResponse> =
fun webClient(e: WebClientResponseException): Mono<ServerResponse> =
GlobalErrorHandlerConfiguration: Error handler
class GlobalErrorHandlerConfiguration #Autowired constructor(
errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes,
resourceProperties: ResourceProperties,
applicationContext: ApplicationContext,
viewResolversProvider: ObjectProvider<List<ViewResolver>>,
serverCodecConfigurer: ServerCodecConfigurer) :
) {
init {
setViewResolvers(viewResolversProvider.getIfAvailable { emptyList() })
override fun getRoutingFunction(errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?): RouterFunction<ServerResponse> =
RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.all(), HandlerFunction<ServerResponse> { response(it, errorAttributes) })
private fun response(request: ServerRequest, errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?): Mono<ServerResponse> =
ServerResponseBuilder(request, status(request, errorAttributes)).default()
private fun status(request: ServerRequest, errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?) =
HttpStatus.valueOf(errorAttributesMap(request, errorAttributes)["status"] as Int)
private fun errorAttributesMap(request: ServerRequest, errorAttributes: ErrorAttributes?) =
errorAttributes!!.getErrorAttributes(request, false)

How can I get a list of instantiated beans from Spring?

I have several beans in my Spring context that have state, so I'd like to reset that state before/after unit tests.
My idea was to add a method to a helper class which just goes through all beans in the Spring context, checks for methods that are annotated with #Before or #After and invoke them.
How do I get a list of instantiated beans from the ApplicationContext?
Note: Solutions which simply iterate over all defined beans are useless because I have many lazy beans and some of them must not be instantiated because that would fail for some tests (i.e. I have a beans that need a java.sql.DataSource but the tests work because they don't need that bean).
For example:
public static List<Object> getInstantiatedSigletons(ApplicationContext ctx) {
List<Object> singletons = new ArrayList<Object>();
String[] all = ctx.getBeanDefinitionNames();
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory clbf = ((AbstractApplicationContext) ctx).getBeanFactory();
for (String name : all) {
Object s = clbf.getSingleton(name);
if (s != null)
return singletons;
I had to improve it a little
AbstractApplicationContext context;
public void cleanup() {
private void resetAllMocks() {
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = context.getBeanFactory();
for (String name : context.getBeanDefinitionNames()) {
Object bean = beanFactory.getSingleton(name);
if (Mockito.mockingDetails(bean).isMock()) {
I am not sure whether this will help you or not.
You need to create your own annotation eg. MyAnnot.
And place that annotation on the class which you want to get.
And then using following code you might get the instantiated bean.
ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider scanner = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(false);
scanner.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(MyAnnot.class));
for (BeanDefinition beanDefinition : scanner.findCandidateComponents("com.xxx.yyy")){
This way you can get all the beans having your custom annotation.
applicationContext.getBeanDefinitionNames() does not show the beans which are registered without BeanDefinition instance.
package io.velu.core;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class Core {
public static void main(String[] args) {
AnnotationConfigApplicationContext context = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(Core.class);
String[] singletonNames = context.getDefaultListableBeanFactory().getSingletonNames();
for (String singleton : singletonNames) {
Console Output
As you can see in the output, environment, systemProperties, systemEnvironment beans will not be shown using context.getBeanDefinitionNames() method.
Spring Boot
For spring boot web applications, all the beans can be listed using the below endpoint.
class ExportController {
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.OK)
String[] registeredBeans() {
return printBeans();
private String[] printBeans() {
AutowireCapableBeanFactory autowireCapableBeanFactory = applicationContext.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory();
if (autowireCapableBeanFactory instanceof SingletonBeanRegistry) {
String[] singletonNames = ((SingletonBeanRegistry) autowireCapableBeanFactory).getSingletonNames();
for (String singleton : singletonNames) {
return singletonNames;
return null;
I've created a gist ApplicationContextAwareTestBase.
This helper class does two things:
It sets all internal fields to null. This allows Java to free memory that isn't used anymore. It's less useful with Spring (the Spring context still keeps references to all the beans), though.
It tries to find all methods annotated with #After in all beans in the context and invokes them after the test.
That way, you can easily reset state of your singletons / mocks without having to destroy / refresh the context.
Example: You have a mock DAO:
public void MockDao implements IDao {
private Map<Long, Foo> database = Maps.newHashMap();
public Foo byId( Long id ) { return database.get( id ) );
public void save( Foo foo ) { database.put( foo.getId(), foo ); }
public void reset() { database.clear(); }
The annotation will make sure reset() will be called after each unit test to clean up the internal state.
Using the previous answers, I've updated this to use Java 8 Streams API:
private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
public void resetMocks() {
ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory = ((AbstractApplicationContext) applicationContext).getBeanFactory();
.map(n -> beanFactory.getSingleton(n))
// My ConfigurableListableBeanFactory isn't compiled for 1.8 so can't use method reference. If yours is, you can say
// .map(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory::getSingleton)
.filter(b -> Mockito.mockingDetails(b).isMock())
