How to set a watchOS minimum deployment target? - xcode

I just upgraded to Xcode Version 10.3 (10G8) and can now no longer run my app on the watch simulator. I get the error message
Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm runs watchOS 5.3, which is lower than
XXX’s minimum deployment target. Change your project’s minimum
deployment target or upgrade Apple Watch Series 2 - 38mm’s version of
However, the deployment target of the Watch target as well as the Watch Extension target are both set to 4.0. 4.0 is also the highest deployment target that I can set in Xcode.
I thought these were the minimum deployment targets, but maybe they are not.
Any suggestions?


Can i upload an iPA with lower build number?

I have uploaded an IPA with below details:
version - 1.0.4
build - 1.0.4
the above IPA is in my Activity section in iTunes connect.
My question is can I upload an IPA with below detail:
version - 1.0.5
**build - 1.0**
Please suggest.
YES You can do it, if the app version is changed from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5 than you can set the build version to 1.0
It's allowed with iOS, although macOS it is not.
All of the builds that you provide for a particular version of your app is called that version's "release train" (eg. 1.0.4, 1.0.5, etc). For iOS Apps you can use the same build numbers again in different release trains if you want to.
For macOS apps, build numbers must monotonically increase even across
different versions. In other words, for macOS apps you cannot use the
same build numbers again in different release trains. iOS apps have
no such restriction and you can re-use the same build numbers again in
different release trains.
↳ Version Numbers and Build Numbers

Fabric doesn't show latest iPhone App build by Xcode(6.4)

My coworker set up the Xcode+Fabric environment before he left, and we have several old build shown in Fabric, which we were able to distribute to team members.
Now I did a new build (say build 21) within Xcode and I'm able to run with iPhone simulator and it indeed shows build 21 there. But when I open fabric from the menu bar I still only see the old build 20.
Is there an additional step I need to do to make build 21 show up within Fabric thus we can distribute this new version?
Many Thanks in advance.

Google iOS SDK fails to archive (use of undeclared identifier errors)

I have attempted to archive my project for submission to App Store, however, every time I get errors "use of undeclared identifier" for everything related to google iOS SDK. The application itself runs and builds flawlessly with the discussed SDK integrated, the only thing that fails is the archive process. I have tried both cocoa pods and manual method of integration (separately, of course). Furthermore, I used the latest xCode versions (6.4 and 7 beta 4) on two different macs running OS X 10.10.4. This is the guide I have been using.
Your issue has something to do with the configuration of archiving in combination with your Release settings. If you change the scheme settings Command + < to use the Debug configuration for archiving, you may be able to successfully archive your app. This means that somewhere you are probably not matching the Debug and Release configurations.
See the following screenshot for example project Build Settings that are missing the Swift bridging header in release:
Add bridge.h to the release configuration and you will be able to build with the Release schema and you will be able to archive under release configuration.

Xcode Version & Build Number and submission to iTunes Connect

Hopefully this is a simple question and I'm struggling to understand how xCode & iTunes Connect use and check the xCode applications Version & Build numbers. Also I'm dealing with a legacy application that has never managed the build numbers correctly and is already available via iTunes.
What I'm trying to do is use the version number for exactly that, versioning and want to have version number as follows:
1.1.4 etc etc
The build number we increment each time we issue an internal build and is just a number similar to 102, this just increases.
My understanding so far is that when I upload a new version of the application the build number has to be greater than the previous release. But does this process take into account the version number. So....
Version : 1.0.0 Build : 100 <<<<< This is the initial iTunes release
Version : 1.0.0 Build : 101 <<<<< For this the build number must be greater than previous
Version : 1.0.1 Build : 001 <<<<< Would this work and Itunes accept it?
If this is not how it works I'm assuming there's no way to reset version & build number so they work correctly once they have been submitted to iTunes?
What XCode shows as Build in the General tab of the target properties is in fact the Long Version String and what it shows as Version is the Short Version String.
When you submit an update to the iTunesConnect, both the Version and the build have to be greater than the previous version and build on the AppStore.
From Apple Developer site:
Build - CFBundleVersion in info.plist
Version -
CFBundleShortVersionString in info.plist
The Version is what shows up on the iTunes App Store and the Build is what only the developer and iTunes Connect can see.

iPhone apps with a deployment target lower than 4.3 should include an armv6 architecture

I have a problem :-( When I build my application for release XCode shows a warning saying:
iPhone apps with a deployment target lower than 4.3 should include an armv6 architecture (current IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET = "3.0", ARCHS = "armv7").
But how can I set armv6 in my build settings? I'm using XCode 4.2 and here's my build settings:
I haven't used the version, but the current Xcode won't support signing for iOS 2.0 , so when iOS 5 comes out, 3.0 might have the same issue of not being supported
This is from (This site has helped me resolve so many errors, so props to Mike D.)
In Xcode navigate to Build Settings and find Architectures group (it’s on the top, so hard to miss). Add armv6 to Architectures line. It should contain armv6, armv7 or Standard (armv6 armv7)
Set Base SDK to Latest iOS (currently set to iOS …)
Uncheck Build Active Architecture Only or set it to NO.
Valid Architectures must show armv6 armv7
When your project uses your own dependent libraries, build them with the same (correct) configuration.
