Optimizing bit-waste for custom data encoding - algorithm

I was wondering what's a good solution to make it so that a custom data structure took the least amount of space possible, and I've been searching around without finding anything.
The general idea is I may have a some kind of data structure with a lot of different variables, integers, booleans, etc. With booleans, it's fairly easy to use bitmasks/flags. For integers, perhaps I only need to use 10 of the numbers for one of the integers, and 50 for another. I would like to have some function encode the structure, without wasting any bits. Ideally I would be able to pack them side-by-side in an array, without any padding.
I have a vague idea that I would have to have way of enumerating all the possible permutations of values of all the variables, but I'm unsure where to start with this.
Additionally, though this may be a bit more complicated, what if I have a bunch of restrictions such as not caring about certain variables if other variables meet certain criteria. This reduces the amount of permutations, so there should be a way of saving some bits here as well?
Example: Say I have a server for an online game, containing many players. Each player. The player struct stores a lot of different variables, level, stats, and a bunch of flags for which quests the player has cleared.
struct Player {
int level; //max is 100
int strength //max is
int int // max is 500
/* ... */
bool questFlag30;
bool questFlag31;
bool questFlag32;
/* ... */
and I want to have a function that takes an vector of Players called encodedData encode(std::vector<Player> players) and a function decodeData which returns a vector from the encoded data.

This is what I came up with; it's not perfect, but it's something:
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <bitset>
#include <assert.h>
/* Data structure for packing multiple variables, without padding */
struct compact_collection {
std::vector<bool> data;
/* Returns a uint32_t since we don't want to store the length of each variable */
uint32_t query_bits(int index, int length) {
std::bitset<32> temp;
for (int i = index; i < index + length; i++) temp[i - index] = data[i];
return temp.to_ulong();
/* */
void add_bits(int32_t value, int32_t bits) {
assert(std::pow(2, bits) >= value);
auto a = std::bitset<32>(value).to_string();
for (int i = 32 - bits; i < 32; i++) data.insert(data.begin(), (a[i] == '1'));
int main() {
compact_collection myCollection;
std::cout << myCollection.query_bits(0,6);
return 0;


Sorting multiple arrays using CUDA/Thrust

I have a large array that I need to sort on the GPU. The array itself is a concatenation of multiple smaller subarrays that satisfy the condition that given i < j, the elements of the subarray i are smaller than the elements of the subarray j. An example of such array would be {5 3 4 2 1 6 9 8 7 10 11},
where the elements of the first subarray of 5 elements are smaller than the elements of the second subarray of 6 elements. The array I need is {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11}. I know the position where each subarray starts in the large array.
I know I can simply use thrust::sort on the whole array, but I was wondering if it's possible to launch multiple concurrent sorts, one for each subarray. I'm hoping to get a performance improvement by doing that. My assumption is that it would be faster to sort multiple smaller arrays than one large array with all the elements.
I'd appreciate if someone could give me a way to do that or correct my assumption in case it's wrong.
A way to do multiple concurrent sorts (a "vectorized" sort) in thrust is via the marking of the sub arrays, and providing a custom functor that is an ordinary thrust sort functor that also orders the sub arrays by their key.
Another possible method is to use back-to-back thrust::stable_sort_by_key as described here.
As you have pointed out, another method in your case is just to do an ordinary sort, since that is ultimately your objective.
However I think its unlikely that any of the thrust sort methods will give a signficant speed-up over a pure sort, although you can try it. Thrust has a fast-path radix sort which it will use in certain situations, which the pure sort method could probably use in your case. (In other cases, e.g. when you provide a custom functor, thrust will often use a slower merge-sort method.)
If the sizes of the sub arrays are within certain ranges, I think you're likely to get much better results (performance-wise) with block radix sort in cub, one block per sub-array.
Here is an example that uses specific sizes (since you've given no indication of size ranges and other details), comparing a thrust "pure sort" to a thrust segmented sort with functor, to the cub block sort method. For this particular case, the cub sort is fastest:
$ cat t1.cu
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/host_vector.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
#include <thrust/scan.h>
#include <thrust/equal.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#define USECPSEC 1000000ULL
const int num_blocks = 2048;
const int items_per = 4;
const int nTPB = 512;
const int block_size = items_per*nTPB; // must be a whole-number multiple of nTPB;
typedef float mt;
unsigned long long dtime_usec(unsigned long long start){
timeval tv;
gettimeofday(&tv, 0);
return ((tv.tv_sec*USECPSEC)+tv.tv_usec)-start;
struct my_sort_functor
template <typename T, typename T2>
__host__ __device__
bool operator()(T t1, T2 t2){
if (thrust::get<1>(t1) < thrust::get<1>(t2)) return true;
if (thrust::get<1>(t1) > thrust::get<1>(t2)) return false;
if (thrust::get<0>(t1) > thrust::get<0>(t2)) return false;
return true;}
// from: https://nvlabs.github.io/cub/example_block_radix_sort_8cu-example.html#_a0
#define CUB_STDERR
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cub/block/block_load.cuh>
#include <cub/block/block_store.cuh>
#include <cub/block/block_radix_sort.cuh>
using namespace cub;
// Globals, constants and typedefs
bool g_verbose = false;
bool g_uniform_keys;
// Kernels
template <
typename Key,
__launch_bounds__ (BLOCK_THREADS)
__global__ void BlockSortKernel(
Key *d_in, // Tile of input
Key *d_out) // Tile of output
// Specialize BlockLoad type for our thread block (uses warp-striped loads for coalescing, then transposes in shared memory to a blocked arrangement)
// Specialize BlockRadixSort type for our thread block
typedef BlockRadixSort<Key, BLOCK_THREADS, ITEMS_PER_THREAD> BlockRadixSortT;
// Shared memory
__shared__ union TempStorage
typename BlockLoadT::TempStorage load;
typename BlockRadixSortT::TempStorage sort;
} temp_storage;
// Per-thread tile items
// Our current block's offset
int block_offset = blockIdx.x * TILE_SIZE;
// Load items into a blocked arrangement
BlockLoadT(temp_storage.load).Load(d_in + block_offset, items);
// Barrier for smem reuse
// Sort keys
// Store output in striped fashion
StoreDirectStriped<BLOCK_THREADS>(threadIdx.x, d_out + block_offset, items);
int main(){
const int ds = num_blocks*block_size;
thrust::host_vector<mt> data(ds);
thrust::host_vector<int> keys(ds);
for (int i = block_size; i < ds; i+=block_size) keys[i] = 1; // mark beginning of blocks
thrust::device_vector<int> d_keys = keys;
for (int i = 0; i < ds; i++) data[i] = (rand()%block_size) + (i/block_size)*block_size; // populate data
thrust::device_vector<mt> d_data = data;
thrust::inclusive_scan(d_keys.begin(), d_keys.end(), d_keys.begin()); // fill out keys array 000111222...
thrust::device_vector<mt> d1 = d_data; // make a copy of unsorted data
unsigned long long os = dtime_usec(0);
thrust::sort(d1.begin(), d1.end()); // ordinary sort
os = dtime_usec(os);
thrust::device_vector<mt> d2 = d_data; // make a copy of unsorted data
unsigned long long ss = dtime_usec(0);
thrust::sort(thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(d2.begin(), d_keys.begin())), thrust::make_zip_iterator(thrust::make_tuple(d2.end(), d_keys.end())), my_sort_functor());
ss = dtime_usec(ss);
if (!thrust::equal(d1.begin(), d1.end(), d2.begin())) {std::cout << "oops1" << std::endl; return 0;}
std::cout << "ordinary thrust sort: " << os/(float)USECPSEC << "s " << "segmented sort: " << ss/(float)USECPSEC << "s" << std::endl;
thrust::device_vector<mt> d3(ds);
unsigned long long cs = dtime_usec(0);
BlockSortKernel<mt, nTPB, items_per><<<num_blocks, nTPB>>>(thrust::raw_pointer_cast(d_data.data()), thrust::raw_pointer_cast(d3.data()));
cs = dtime_usec(cs);
if (!thrust::equal(d1.begin(), d1.end(), d3.begin())) {std::cout << "oops2" << std::endl; return 0;}
std::cout << "cub sort: " << cs/(float)USECPSEC << "s" << std::endl;
$ nvcc -o t1 t1.cu
$ ./t1
ordinary thrust sort: 0.001652s segmented sort: 0.00263s
cub sort: 0.000265s
(CUDA 10.2.89, Tesla V100, Ubuntu 18.04)
I have no doubt that your sizes and array dimensions don't correspond to mine. The purpose here is to illustrate some possible methods, not a black-box solution that works for your particular case. You probably should do benchmark comparisons of your own. I also acknowledge that the block radix sort method for cub expects equal-sized sub-arrays, which you may not have. It may not be a suitable method for you, or you may wish to explore some kind of padding arrangement. There's no need to ask this question of me; I won't be able to answer it based on the information in your question.
I don't claim correctness for this code or any other code that I post. Anyone using any code I post does so at their own risk. I merely claim that I have attempted to address the questions in the original posting, and provide some explanation thereof. I am not claiming my code is defect-free, or that it is suitable for any particular purpose. Use it (or not) at your own risk.

Are std::get<> and std::tuple<> slower then raw pointers?

I have an C++11 application where I commonly iterate over several different structure of arrays for various algorithms. Raw CPU performance is important for this app.
The array elements are fundamental types (int, double, ..) or simple struct. The array are typically tens of thousands of elements long. I often need to iterate several arrays at once in a given loop. So typically I would need one pointer for each array of whatever type. So times I need to increment five individual pointers which is verbose.
Based on these answers about tuples,
Why is std::pair faster than std::tuple
C++11 tuple performance
I hoped there was no overhead to using tuples to pack the pointers together into a single object.
I thought it might be nice to implement a cursor like object to assist in iterating, since missing the increment on a particular pointer would be an annoying bug.
auto pts = std::make_tuple(p1, p2, p3...);
allow you to bundle a bunch of variables together in a typesafe way. Then you can implement a variadic template function to increment each pointer in the tuple in a type safe way.
When I measure performance, the tuple version was slower then using raw pointers. But when I look at the generated assembly I see additional mov instructions in the tuple loop increment. Maybe due to the fact the std::get<> returns a reference? I had hoped that would be compiled away...
Am I missing something or are raw pointers just going to beat tuples when used like this? Here is a simple test harness. I threw away the fancy cursor code and just use a std::tuple<> for this test
On my machine, the tuple loop is consistently twice as slow as the raw pointer version for various data sizes.
My system config is Visual C++ 2013 x64 on Windows 8 with a release build. I did try turning on various optimization in Visual Studio such as
Inline Function Expansion : Any Suitable (/Ob2)
but it did not seem to change the time result for my case.
I did need to do two extra things to avoid aggressive optimization by VS
1) I forced the test data array to allocated on the heap, not the stack. That made a big difference when I timed things, possibly due to memory cache effects.
2) I forced a side effect by writing to static variable at the end so the compiler would not just skip my loop.
struct forceHeap
__declspec(noinline) int* newData(int M)
int* data = new int[M];
return data;
void timeSumCursor()
static int gIntStore;
int maxCount = 20;
int M = 10000000;
// compiler might place array on stack which changes the timing
// int* data = new int[N];
forceHeap fh;
int* data = fh.newData(M);
int *front = data;
int *end = data + M;
int j = 0;
for (int* p = front; p < end; ++p)
*p = (++j) % 1000;
BEGIN_TIMING_BLOCK("raw pointer loop", maxCount);
int* p = front;
int sum = 0;
int* cursor = front;
while (++cursor != end)
sum += *cursor;
gIntStore = sum;// force a side effect
printf("%d\n", gIntStore);
// just use a simple tuple to show the issue
// rather full blown cursor object
BEGIN_TIMING_BLOCK("tuple loop", maxCount);
int sum = 0;
auto cursor = std::make_tuple(front);
while (++std::get<0>(cursor) != end)
sum += *std::get<0>(cursor);
gIntStore = sum; // force a side effect
printf("%d\n", gIntStore);
delete[] data;

Algorithm to match sets with overlapping members

Looking for an efficient algorithm to match sets among a group of sets, ordered by the most overlapping members. 2 identical sets for example are the best match, while no overlapping members are the worst.
So, the algorithm takes input a list of sets and returns matching set pairs ordered by the sets with the most overlapping members.
Would be interested in ideas to do this efficiently. Brute force approach is to try all combinations and sort which obviously is not very performant when the number of sets is very large.
Edit: Use case - Assume a large number of sets already exist. When a new set arrives, the algorithm is run and the output includes matching sets (with at least one element overlap) sorted by the most matching to least (doesn't matter how many items are in the new/incoming set). Hope that clarifies my question.
If you can afford an approximation algorithm with a chance of error, then you should probably consider MinHash.
This algorithm allows estimating the similarity between 2 sets in constant time. For any constructed set, a fixed size signature is computed, and then only the signatures are compared when estimating the similarities. The similarity measure being used is Jaccard distance, which ranges from 0 (disjoint sets) to 1 (identical sets). It is defined as the intersection to union ratio of two given sets.
With this approach, any new set has to be compared against all existing ones (in linear time), and then the results can be merged into the top list (you can use a bounded search tree/heap for this purpose).
Since the number of possible different values is not very large, you get a fairly efficient hashing if you simply set the nth bit in a "large integer" when the nth number is present in your set. You can then look for overlap between sets with a simple bitwise AND followed by a "count set bits" operation. On 64 bit architecture, that means that you can look for the similarity between two numbers (out of 1000 possible values) in about 16 cycles, regardless of the number of values in each cluster. As the cluster gets more sparse, this becomes a less efficient algorithm.
Still - I implemented some of the basic functions you might need in some code that I attach here - not documented but reasonably understandable, I think. In this example I made the numbers small so I can check the result by hand - you might want to change some of the #defines to get larger ranges of values, and obviously you will want some dynamic lists etc to keep up with the growing catalog.
#include <stdio.h>
// biggest number you will come across: want this to be much bigger
#define MAXINT 25
// use the biggest type you have - not int
#define BITSPER (8*sizeof(int))
// max number in a cluster
#define CSIZE 5
typedef struct{
unsigned int num[NWORDS]; // want to use longest type but not for demo
int newmatch;
int rank;
} hmap;
// convert number to binary sequence:
void hashIt(int* t, int n, hmap* h) {
int ii;
for(ii=0;ii<n;ii++) {
int a, b;
a = t[ii]%BITSPER;
b = t[ii]/BITSPER;
// print binary number:
void printBinary(int n) {
unsigned int jj;
jj = 1<<31;
while(jj!=0) {
printf(" ");
// print the array of binary numbers:
void printHash(hmap* h) {
unsigned int ii, jj;
for(ii=0; ii<NWORDS; ii++) {
jj = 1<<31;
printf("0x%08x: ", h->num[ii]);
// find the maximum overlap for set m of n
int maxOverlap(hmap* h, int m, int n) {
int ii, jj;
int overlap, maxOverlap = -1;
for(ii = 0; ii<n; ii++) {
if(ii == m) continue; // don't compare with yourself
else {
overlap = 0;
for(jj = 0; jj< NWORDS; jj++) {
// just to see what's going on: take these print statements out
int bc = countBits(h->num[ii] & h->num[m]);
printBinary(h->num[ii] & h->num[m]);
printf("%d bits overlap\n", bc);
overlap += bc;
if(overlap > maxOverlap) maxOverlap = overlap;
return maxOverlap;
int countBits (unsigned int b) {
int count;
for (count = 0; b != 0; count++) {
b &= b - 1; // this clears the LSB-most set bit
return count;
int main(void) {
int cluster[20][CSIZE];
int temp[CSIZE];
int ii,jj;
static hmap H[20]; // make them all 0 initially
for(jj=0; jj<20; jj++){
for(ii=0; ii<CSIZE; ii++) {
temp[ii] = rand()%MAXINT;
hashIt(temp, CSIZE, &H[jj]);
for(ii=0;ii<20;ii++) {
printf("max overlap: %d\n", maxOverlap(H, ii, 20));
See if this helps at all...

Simple random number generator that can generate nth number in series in O(1) time

I do not intend to use this for security purposes or statistical analysis. I need to create a simple random number generator for use in my computer graphics application. I don't want to use the term "random number generator", since people think in very strict terms about it, but I can't think of any other word to describe it.
it has to be fast.
it must be repeatable, given a particular seed.
Eg: If seed = x, then the series a,b,c,d,e,f..... should happen every time I use the seed x.
Most importantly, I need to be able to compute the nth term in the series in constant time.
It seems, that I cannot achieve this with rand_r or srand(), since these need are state dependent, and I may need to compute the nth in some unknown order.
I've looked at Linear Feedback Shift registers, but these are state dependent too.
So far I have this:
int rand = (n * prime1 + seed) % prime2
n = used to indicate the index of the term in the sequence. Eg: For
first term, n ==1
prime1 and prime2 are prime numbers where
prime1 > prime2
seed = some number which allows one to use the same function to
produce a different series depending on the seed, but the same series
for a given seed.
I can't tell how good or bad this is, since I haven't used it enough, but it would be great if people with more experience in this can point out the problems with this, or help me improve it..
EDIT - I don't care if it is predictable. I'm just trying to creating some randomness in my computer graphics.
Use a cryptographic block cipher in CTR mode. The Nth output is just encrypt(N). Not only does this give you the desired properties (O(1) computation of the Nth output); it also has strong non-predictability properties.
I stumbled on this a while back, looking for a solution for the same problem. Recently, I figured out how to do it in low-constant O(log(n)) time. While this doesn't quite match the O(1) requested by the author, It may be fast enough (a sample run, compiled with -O3, achieved performance of 1 billion arbitrary index random numbers, with n varying between 1 and 2^48, in 55.7s -- just shy of 18M numbers/s).
First, the theory behind the solution:
A common type of RNGs are Linear Congruential Generators, basically, they work as follows:
random(n) = (m*random(n-1) + b) mod p
Where m and b, and p are constants (see a reference on LCGs for how they are chosen). From this, we can devise the following using a bit of modular arithmetic:
random(0) = seed mod p
random(1) = m*seed + b mod p
random(2) = m^2*seed + m*b + b mod p
random(n) = m^n*seed + b*Sum_{i = 0 to n - 1} m^i mod p
= m^n*seed + b*(m^n - 1)/(m - 1) mod p
Computing the above can be a problem, since the numbers will quickly exceed numeric limits. The solution for the generic case is to compute m^n in modulo with p*(m - 1), however, if we take b = 0 (a sub-case of LCGs sometimes called Multiplicative congruential Generators), we have a much simpler solution, and can do our computations in modulo p only.
In the following, I use the constant parameters used by RANF (developed by CRAY), where p = 2^48 and g = 44485709377909. The fact that p is a power of 2 reduces the number of operations required (as expected):
#include <cassert>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <cstdlib>
class RANF{
// MCG constants and state data
static const uint64_t m = 44485709377909ULL;
static const uint64_t n = 0x0000010000000000ULL; // 2^48
static const uint64_t randMax = n - 1;
const uint64_t seed;
uint64_t state;
// Constructors, which define the seed
RANF(uint64_t seed) : seed(seed), state(seed) {
assert(seed > 0 && "A seed of 0 breaks the LCG!");
// Gets the next random number in the sequence
inline uint64_t getNext(){
state *= m;
return state & randMax;
// Sets the MCG to a specific index
inline void setPosition(size_t index){
state = seed;
uint64_t mPower = m;
for (uint64_t b = 1; index; b <<= 1){
if (index & b){
state *= mPower;
index ^= b;
mPower *= mPower;
#include <cstdio>
void example(){
RANF R(1);
// Gets the number through random-access -- O(log(n))
R.setPosition(12345); // Goes to the nth random number
printf("fast nth number = %lu\n", R.getNext());
// Gets the number through standard, sequential access -- O(n)
for(size_t i = 0; i < 12345; i++) R.getNext();
printf("slow nth number = %lu\n", R.getNext());
While I presume the author has moved on by now, hopefully this will be of use to someone else.
If you're really concerned about runtime performance, the above can be made about 10x faster with lookup tables, at the cost of compilation time and binary size (it also is O(1) w.r.t the desired random index, as requested by OP)
In the version below, I used c++14 constexpr to generate the lookup tables at compile time, and got to 176M arbitrary index random numbers per second (doing this did however add about 12s of extra compilation time, and a 1.5MB increase in binary size -- the added time may be mitigated if partial recompilation is used).
class RANF{
// MCG constants and state data
static const uint64_t m = 44485709377909ULL;
static const uint64_t n = 0x0000010000000000ULL; // 2^48
static const uint64_t randMax = n - 1;
const uint64_t seed;
uint64_t state;
// Lookup table
struct lookup_t{
uint64_t v[3][65536];
constexpr lookup_t() : v() {
uint64_t mi = RANF::m;
for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){
v[i][0] = 1;
uint64_t val = mi;
for (uint16_t j = 0x0001; j; j++){
v[i][j] = val;
val *= mi;
mi = val;
friend struct lookup_t;
// Constructors, which define the seed
RANF(uint64_t seed) : seed(seed), state(seed) {
assert(seed > 0 && "A seed of 0 breaks the LCG!");
// Gets the next random number in the sequence
inline uint64_t getNext(){
state *= m;
return state & randMax;
// Sets the MCG to a specific index
// Note: idx.u16 indices need to be adapted for big-endian machines!
inline void setPosition(size_t index){
static constexpr auto lookup = lookup_t();
union { uint16_t u16[4]; uint64_t u64; } idx;
idx.u64 = index;
state = seed * lookup.v[0][idx.u16[0]] * lookup.v[1][idx.u16[1]] * lookup.v[2][idx.u16[2]];
Basically, what this does is splits the computation of, for example, m^0xAAAABBBBCCCC mod p, into (m^0xAAAA00000000 mod p)*(m^0xBBBB0000 mod p)*(m^CCCC mod p) mod p, and then precomputes tables for each of the values in the 0x0000 - 0xFFFF range that could fill AAAA, BBBB or CCCC.
RNG in a normal sense, have the sequence pattern like f(n) = S(f(n-1))
They also lost precision at some point (like % mod), due to computing convenience, therefore it is not possible to expand the sequence to a function like X(n) = f(n) = trivial function with n only.
This mean at best you have O(n) with that.
To target for O(1) you therefore need to abandon the idea of f(n) = S(f(n-1)), and designate a trivial formula directly so that the N'th number can be calculated directly without knowing (N-1)'th; this also render the seed meaningless.
So, you end up have a simple algebra function and not a sequence. For example:
int my_rand(int n) { return 42; } // Don't laugh!
int my_rand(int n) { 3*n*n + 2*n + 7; }
If you want to put more constraint to the generated pattern (like distribution), it become a complex maths problem.
However, for your original goal, if what you want is constant speed to get pseudo-random numbers, I suggest to pre-generate it with traditional RNG and access with lookup table.
EDIT: I noticed you have concern with a table size for a lot of numbers, however you may introduce some hybrid model, like a table of N entries, and do f(k) = g( tbl[k%n], k), which at least provide good distribution across N continue sequence.
This demonstrates an PRNG implemented as a hashed counter. This might appear to duplicate R.'s suggestion (using a block cipher in CTR mode as a stream cipher), but for this, I avoided using cryptographically secure primitives: for speed of execution and because security wasn't a desired feature.
If we were trying to create a secure stream cipher with your requirement that any emitted sequence be trivially repeatable, given knowledge of its index...
...then we could choose a secure hash algorithm (like SHA256) and a counter with a lot of bits (maybe 2048 -> sequence repeats every 2^2048 generated numbers without reseeding).
HOWEVER, the version I present here uses Bob Jenkins' famous hash function (simple and fast, but not secure) along with a 64-bit counter (which is as big as integers can get on my system, without needing custom incrementing code).
Code in main demonstrates that knowledge of the RNG's counter (seed) after initialization allows a PRNG sequence to be repeated, as long as we know how many values were generated leading up to the repetition point.
Actually, if you know the counter's value at any point in the output sequence, you will be able to retrieve all values generated previous to that point, AND all values which will be generated afterward. This only involves adding or subtracting ordinal differences to/from a reference counter value associated with a known point in the output sequence.
It should be pretty easy to adapt this class for use as a testing framework -- you could plug in other hash functions and change the counter's size to see what kind of impact there is on speed as well as the distribution of generated values (the only uniformity analysis I did was to look for patterns in the screenfuls of hexadecimal numbers printed by main()).
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
class CHashedCounterRng {
static unsigned JenkinsHash(const void *input, unsigned len) {
unsigned hash = 0;
for(unsigned i=0; i<len; ++i) {
hash += static_cast<const unsigned char*>(input)[i];
hash += hash << 10;
hash ^= hash >> 6;
hash += hash << 3;
hash ^= hash >> 11;
hash += hash << 15;
return hash;
unsigned long long m_counter;
void IncrementCounter() { ++m_counter; }
unsigned long long GetSeed() const {
return m_counter;
void SetSeed(unsigned long long new_seed) {
m_counter = new_seed;
unsigned int operator ()() {
// the next random number is generated here
const auto r = JenkinsHash(&m_counter, sizeof(m_counter));
return r;
// the default coontructor uses time()
// to seed the counter
CHashedCounterRng() : m_counter(time(0)) {}
// you can supply a predetermined seed here,
// or after construction with SetSeed(seed)
CHashedCounterRng(unsigned long long seed) : m_counter(seed) {}
int main() {
CHashedCounterRng rng;
// time()'s high bits change very slowly, so look at low digits
// if you want to verify that the seed is different between runs
const auto stored_counter = rng.GetSeed();
cout << "initial seed: " << stored_counter << endl;
for(int i=0; i<20; ++i) {
for(int j=0; j<8; ++j) {
const unsigned x = rng();
cout << setfill('0') << setw(8) << hex << x << ' ';
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "The last line again:" << endl;
rng.SetSeed(stored_counter + 19 * 8);
for(int j=0; j<8; ++j) {
const unsigned x = rng();
cout << setfill('0') << setw(8) << hex << x << ' ';
cout << endl << endl;
return 0;

How to sort with less precision on keys with Thrust library

I have a set of integer values and I want to sort them using Thrust. Is there a possiblity for using only some high bits/low bits in this sorting. If possible I do not want to use user defined comparator, because it changes the used algorithm from radix-sort to merge-sort and increases elapsed time quite much.
I think when all the numbers have the same value on a bit, the bit is skipped while sorting, so is it feasible to use the lowest possible bit number and hope it will be sufficient. (ie: for 5 bits using char with 8 bits and setting upper 3 bits to 0)
sort<4, 0>(myvector.begin(), myvector.end())
sort<4, 1>(myvector.begin(), myvector.end())
sort using only 4 bits, high or low..
Something similar to
Thrust's interface abstracts away algorithm implementation details such as the fact that one of the current sorting strategies is a radix sort. Due to the possibility that the underlying sort implementation could change from version to version, backend to backend, or even invocation to invocation, there is no way for the user to communicate the number of bits to sort.
Fortunately, such explicit information generally isn't necessary. When appropriate, Thrust's current sorting implementation will inspect the sorting keys and omit superfluous computation amidst zeroed bits.
How about using transformer_iterator?
Here is a short example (sort by first bit) and you can write your own unary function for your purpose.
#include <iostream>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/iterator/transform_iterator.h>
#include <thrust/sort.h>
using namespace std;
struct and_func : public thrust::unary_function<int,int>
__host__ __device__
int operator()(int x)
return 8&x;
int main()
thrust::device_vector<int> d_vec(4);
d_vec[0] = 10;
d_vec[1] = 8;
d_vec[2] = 12;
d_vec[3] = 1;
thrust::sort_by_key(thrust::make_transform_iterator(d_vec.begin(), and_func()),
thrust::make_transform_iterator(d_vec.end(), and_func()),
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
cout<<d_vec[i]<<" ";
return 0;
