Size limits on stringstream for embedded - c++11

Keen to use stringstream on an STM32 for handling data that gets sent over various UART connections to radio modules (wifi, BLE, Zigbee, etc). I am running FreeRTOS, if that matters.
Very concerned about the dynamic memory allocation in the STL lib causing unhandled overflows (I have to have "-fno-exceptions").
I can handle buffer overruns myself in a simple writer method, so that isn't an issue, but I want to be certain that the stringstream never tries to increase it's memory beyond a pre-set limit.
Currently I just use char* buffers, but, I want to find a better solution.
I want to be able to do something like this.
#include <sstream> // std::stringstream
class Wifi
std::stringstream* ss;
ss.set_max_size(1024); // 1kB


Using Thrust Functions with raw pointers: Controlling the allocation of memory

I have a question regarding the thrust library when using CUDA.
I am using a thrust function, i.e. exclusive_scan, and I want to use raw pointers. I am using raw (device) pointers because I want to have full control of when the memory is allocated and deallocated.
After the function call, I will hand over the pointer to another data structure and then free the memory in either the destructor of this data structure, or in the next function call, when I recompute my (device) pointers. I came across for example this problem here now, which recommends to wrap the data structure in a device_vector. But then I run into the problem that the memory is freed once my device_vector goes out of scope, which I do not want. Having the device pointer globally is also not an option, since I am hacking code, i.e. it is used as a buffer and I would have to rewrite a lot if I wanted to do something like that.
Does anyone have a good workaround regarding this? The only chance I do see right now is to rewrite the thrust-function on my own, only using raw device-pointers.
EDIT: I misread, I can wrap it in a device_ptr instead of a device_vector.
Asking further though, how could I solve this if there wasn't the option of using a device_ptr?
There is no problem using plain pointers in thrust methods.
For data on the device do:
struct DoSomething {
__device__ int operator()(int item) { return 1; }
int* IntData;
cudaMalloc(&IntData, sizeof(int) * count);
auto dev_data = device_pointer_cast(IntData);
thrust::generate(dev_data, dev_data + count, DoSomething());
thrust::sort(dev_data, dev_data + count);
For data on the host use plain malloc/free and raw_pointer_cast instead of device_pointer_cast.
See: thrust: Memory management

Successfully de-referenced userspace pointer in kernel space without using copy_from_user()

There's a bug in a driver within our company's codebase that's been there for years.
Basically we make calls to the driver via ioctls. The data passed between userspace and driver space is stored in a struct, and the pointer to the data is fed into the ioctl. The driver is responsible to dereference the pointer by using copy_from_user(). But this code hasn't been doing that for years, instead just dereferencing the userspace pointer. And so far (that I know of) it hasn't caused any issues until now.
I'm wondering how this code hasn't caused any problems for so long? In what case will dereferencing a pointer in kernel space straight from userspace not cause a problem?
In userspace
struct InfoToDriver_t data;
data.cmd = DRV_SET_THE_CLOCK;
data.speed = 1000;
ioctl(driverFd, DEVICE_XX_DRIVER_MODIFY, &data);
In the driver
device_xx_driver_ioctl_handler (struct inode *inode, struct file *filp, unsigned int cmd, unsigned long arg)
struct InfoToDriver_t *user_data;
// what we've been doing for years, BAD
// But somehow never caused a kernel oops until now
user_data = (InfoToDriver_t *)arg;
if (user_data->cmd == DRV_SET_THE_CLOCK)
{ .... }
// what we're supposed to do
copy_from_user(user_data, (void *)arg, sizeof(InfoToDriver_t));
if (user_data->cmd == DRV_SET_THE_CLOCK)
{ ... }
A possible answer is, this depends on the architecture. As you have seen, on a sane architecture (such as x86 or x86-64) simply dereferencing __user pointers just works. But Linux pretends to support every possible architecture, there are architectures where simple dereference does not work. Otherwise copy_to/from_user won't existed.
Another reason for copy_to/from_user is possibility that usermode side modifies its memory simultaneously with the kernel side (in another thread). You cannot assume that the content of usermode memory is frozen while accessing it from kernel. Rougue usermode code can use this to attack the kernel. For example, you can probe the pointer to output data before executing the work, but when you get to copy the result back to usermode, this pointer is already invalid. Oops. The copy_to_user API ensures (should ensure) that the kernel won't crash during the copy, instead the guilty application will be killed.
A safer approach is to copy the whole usermode data structure into kernel (aka 'capture'), check this copy for consistency.
The bottom line... if this driver is proven to work well on certain architecture, and there are no plans to port it, there's no urgency to change it. But check carefully robustness of the kernel code, if capture of the usermode data is needed, or problem may arise during copying from usermode.

How to call MmGetPhysicalMemoryRanges in driver to get memory range?

I am writing a driver in which i want the exact range of RAM. I came to know about memory manager routines inside windows kernel. I am planning to include MmGetPhysicalMemoryRanges routine in my driver also to get memory range.
I don't know how to add these routines into driver..
Anyone please tell me how to write this routine??What is its syntax???
MmGetPhysicalMemoryRanges (
typedef struct _PHYSICAL_MEMORY_RANGE {

fastest way to pass data inside process using zeromq

Writing my first zeromq application so sorry about simple question.
In my financial software I receive quotes from stock exchange. Each update looks like that:
struct OrderUpdate {
uint32_t instrumentId;
uint32_t MDEntryID;
uint32_t MDUpdateAction; // 0 - New 1 - Change 2 -Delete
double /*decimal*/ MDEntryPx;
double /*decimal*/ MDEntrySize;
uint32_t RptSeq;
uint32_t MDEntryTime;
uint32_t OrigTime;
char MDEntryType;
I do not allocate this structures at runtime, instead i pre-allocate and then reuse (reconfigure) them.
I need to pass this structures from c++ to c# (later c++ to c++ cause will move to Linux).
What zeromq techniques should I use? As far as I understand I should:
use PUB-SUB because i have one reader and one writer
use inproc as a fasters transport (I understand limitations and OK to have them)
use zero-copy to deliver my OrderUpdate structure to zeromq publisher buffer
Am I correct about that and probaly you can suggest more?

How can I force MacOS to release MADV_FREE'd pages?

My program has a custom allocator which gets memory from the OS using mmap(MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE). When it no longer needs memory, the allocator calls either munmap or madvise(MADV_FREE). MADV_FREE keeps the mapping around, but tells the OS that it can throw away the physical pages associated with the mapping.
Calling MADV_FREE on pages you're going to need again eventually is much faster than calling munmap and later calling mmap again.
This almost works perfectly for me. The only problem is that, on MacOS, MADV_FREE is very lazy about getting rid of the pages I've asked it to free. In fact, it only gets rid of them when there's memory pressure from another application. Until it gets rid of the pages I've freed, MacOS reports that my program is still using that memory; in the Activity Monitor, its "Real Memory" column doesn't reflect the freed memory.
This makes it difficult for me to measure how much memory my program is actually using. (This difficulty in measuring RSS is keeping us from landing the custom allocator on 10.5.)
I could allocate a whole bunch of memory to force the OS to free up these pages, but in addition to taking a long time, that could have other side-effects, such as causing parts of my program to be paged out to disk.
On a lark, I tried the purge command, but that has no effect.
How can I force MacOS to clean out these MADV_FREE'd pages? Or, how can I ask MacOS how many MADV_FREE'd pages my process has in memory?
Here's a test program, if it helps. The Activity Monitor's "Real Memory" column shows 512MB after the program goes to sleep. On my Linux box, top shows 256MB of RSS, as desired.
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#define SIZE (512 * 1024 * 1024)
// We use MADV_FREE on Mac and MADV_DONTNEED on Linux.
#ifndef MADV_FREE
int main()
char *x = mmap(0, SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
// Touch each page we mmap'ed so it gets a physical page.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 1024) {
x[i] = i;
madvise(x, SIZE / 2, MADV_FREE);
fprintf(stderr, "Sleeping. Now check my RSS. Hopefully it's %dMB.\n", SIZE / (2 * 1024 * 1024));
return 0;
mprotect(addr, length, PROT_NONE);
mprotect(addr, length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE);
Note as you say, madvise is lazier, and that is probably better for performance (just in case anyone is tempted to use this for performance rather than measurement).
Use MADV_FREE_REUSABLE on macOS. According to Apple's magazine_malloc implementation:
On OS X we use MADV_FREE_REUSABLE, which signals the kernel to remove the given pages from the memory statistics for our process. However, on returning that memory to use we have to signal that it has been reused.
Chromium, for example, also uses it:
MADV_FREE_REUSABLE is similar to MADV_FREE, but also marks the pages with the reusable bit, which allows both Activity Monitor and memory-infra to correctly track the pages.
I've looked and looked, and I don't think this is possible. :\
We're solving the problem by adding code to the allocator which explicitly decommits MADV_FREE'd pages when we ask it to.
