How to remove key of JSON and return entire thing as Content? - apache-nifi

My attribute employee has below JSON value:
{"testQuery": {"$set": {"name":"Harsh"} }}
I want to send the {"$set": {"name":"Harsh"} } to a customizedProcessor as flowFile content not as attribute, need to perform the following,
Remove the testQuery key from the JSON value of attribute employee,
Convert the value of testQuery to flowFile content and return.

I assume you have employee attribute in the flow file with value:
{"testQuery": {"$set": {"name":"Harsh"} }}
Flow to get {"$set": {"name":"Harsh"} } as a flow file content:
1. ReplaceText - to store attribute into content
Replacement Value = ${employee}
2. EvaluateJsonPath - to extract required json value and put into content
Destination = flowfile-content
value = $.testQuery


How to store json object in a variable using apache nifi?

The following flowfile is the response of an "InvokeHttp":
I did a "SplitJson", i got each json record as a single flowfile
flowfile 1:
flowfile 2:
flowfile 3:
I want to store each json record in each flowfile in a variable like that:
variable1 = "{"data1":"[{....},{...},{....}]","info":"data-from_site"}"
variable2 = "{"data2":"[{....},{...},{....}]","info":"data-from_site"}"
variable3 = "{"data3":"[{....},{...},{....}]","info":"data-from_site"}"
can someone show me how to store the json record in a variable !
If I understand correctly what you want to do (by "variable", do you mean what is called "attribute" in NiFi?), you can use the EvaluateJsonPath processor configured with:
flowfile-attribute as Destination
json as Return type

How to compare Variable with CSV file content in Jmeter

I have HTTP request whose response is below
"DATA": {
"G_1": {
"OR_ID": "100400",
"G_2": {
"OR_ID": "100500",
"LEGAL_ENTITY": "Test1 ",
"G_2": {
"OR_ID": "100100",
I need to get OR_ID from the above response, which I am able to do it using Regular exp extractor.
There is Input CSV file which has multiple rows. For the CSV file, i need to check the OR_ID exists or not in column 2, if exists then I have to take columns 5 and 7 and pass it to my next post request in the body. In CSV the same OR_ID repeated, so i need repeat post request for all the repeated values of OR_ID in csv. CSV file has no header.
441919244,100010,QUTRN,TEST Inc.,100100,TEST,VCG and A, INC,USD,3409.0900,O,ICO-VCG-0140,2019-10-31,52 945,USD,USD,359409.0900,359409.0900,359409.0900,Processed,93901372,File,2019111NG52.csv,
441919028,100400,QUQED,TEST MEDICAL EDUCATION INC.,100020,QUINC,TEST INC.,USD,12.340,O,ICO-INC-8718,2019-10-31,52 729,USD,USD,12.3400,12.3400,12.3400,Processed,93901372,,File,20191113NG52.csv,
Can you please help.
Assuming that you can extract the OR_ID from the JSON response following solution could be useful.
In the CSV Data Set Config Element or Random CSV Data Set Config plugin read the CSV file assign the variable names to the respective columns
variable names = C1,OR_ID,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9
Add a While Controller as a parent to the CSV Data Set config elements and the HTTP Request where you want to send data from the CSV file.
This will check EOF in the column 2 of the CSV file. Hence please add
as the last line of the CSV file.
Add IF controller to the HTTP Request with following condition
OR_ID_J is the OR_ID picked from the JASON response.
Use ${C5} and ${C7} in the places where you want to insert the data from the CSV file.
Reset the OR_ID to "" using a JSSR223 Sampler with following
vars.put("OR_ID", "");
Sample Test Plan is available in GitHub

Jmeter, How to get one of response result to assign to next request

I have a response for request #1: 2 step codes that correspond with stepId as below.
In next request, I want to use only stepId = stepId that I assign from CSV file
"stepName":"To be checked",
For example if you need to get stepCode value where stepId is 17 you can use JSON Extractor and the following JSON Path query:
$..[?(#.stepId == '17')].stepCode
You can replace this 17 with a variable coming from the CSV Data Set Config like:
$..[?(#.stepId == '${your_variable_from_csv}')].stepCode
Json Path Operators
JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin - Advanced Usage Scenarios

nifi extracttext from a JSON attribute that is commar delimited

Hi I am fairly new to apache nifi and I need to extract a suburb from a json string
flowfile looks like this
{"UserName:"John Doe", "Address":"22 smith st, Smithville, NSW","IP":"}
The suburb is always the 2nd last value in the commar delimited list of the "address" attribute. Sometime it wont be in the 2nd position from left as there might be something like
{"UserName:"John Doe", "Address":"Level 10, 22 smith st, Smithville, NSW","IP":"}
I have tried to use extract text with regex [^,]+(?=,[^,]*$)
but was not able to make it extract the attribute correctly.
I think you haven't use extractText for extract the Json values and it is not proper way to do it.
You can EvaluateJsonPath processor for extract "Address" of the Json attribute with help of following configurations.
Just configure those attributes for destination to be "flowfile-content" and Return Type to be "Json".
Now you have to add new property named "Address":$.Address.
Here you can receive address of json will be stored in attribute named "Address" then you can extract 2nd column of the suburb present in Address like ${Address:substringBeforeLast(','):substringAfterLast(',')}.
Look at this expression guide which may useful for you.

Transform data with NIFI

What's the best practice with NIFI to extract an attribute in a flowfile and transform it in a Text Format Example :
{ "data" : "ex" } ===> My data is ex
How can I do this with NIFI wihtout using a executeScript Processor
You could use ExtractText to extract the values into attributes. If you added a property in ExtractText like foo = {"(.+)" : "(.+)"} then your flow file would get two attributes for each of the capture groups in the regex:
foo.1 = data
foo.2 = ex
Then you can use ReplaceText with a Replacement Value of:
My ${foo.1} is ${foo.2}
