How to compare Variable with CSV file content in Jmeter - jmeter

I have HTTP request whose response is below
"DATA": {
"G_1": {
"OR_ID": "100400",
"G_2": {
"OR_ID": "100500",
"LEGAL_ENTITY": "Test1 ",
"G_2": {
"OR_ID": "100100",
I need to get OR_ID from the above response, which I am able to do it using Regular exp extractor.
There is Input CSV file which has multiple rows. For the CSV file, i need to check the OR_ID exists or not in column 2, if exists then I have to take columns 5 and 7 and pass it to my next post request in the body. In CSV the same OR_ID repeated, so i need repeat post request for all the repeated values of OR_ID in csv. CSV file has no header.
441919244,100010,QUTRN,TEST Inc.,100100,TEST,VCG and A, INC,USD,3409.0900,O,ICO-VCG-0140,2019-10-31,52 945,USD,USD,359409.0900,359409.0900,359409.0900,Processed,93901372,File,2019111NG52.csv,
441919028,100400,QUQED,TEST MEDICAL EDUCATION INC.,100020,QUINC,TEST INC.,USD,12.340,O,ICO-INC-8718,2019-10-31,52 729,USD,USD,12.3400,12.3400,12.3400,Processed,93901372,,File,20191113NG52.csv,
Can you please help.

Assuming that you can extract the OR_ID from the JSON response following solution could be useful.
In the CSV Data Set Config Element or Random CSV Data Set Config plugin read the CSV file assign the variable names to the respective columns
variable names = C1,OR_ID,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9
Add a While Controller as a parent to the CSV Data Set config elements and the HTTP Request where you want to send data from the CSV file.
This will check EOF in the column 2 of the CSV file. Hence please add
as the last line of the CSV file.
Add IF controller to the HTTP Request with following condition
OR_ID_J is the OR_ID picked from the JASON response.
Use ${C5} and ${C7} in the places where you want to insert the data from the CSV file.
Reset the OR_ID to "" using a JSSR223 Sampler with following
vars.put("OR_ID", "");
Sample Test Plan is available in GitHub


How to load json record to json colum in postgres with apache nifi?

This is my flow file content:
The final result should look like that in Postgres :
| test |
the table is: json_test
the column name is test
Those steps shows how i tried to solve the problem:
My method was to store the json record in a variable as string with "ExtractText":
the attribute data take only some key-values from the json not the entire record:
data = {"a":"b",
so i have a problem in the regex expression.
next i used PutSQL with the following SQL statement:
Unfortunately the result isn't the wanted one.
I need to know the exact expression that i should set in ExtractText to get the entire json record in a variable as string.
The sql statement should be:
insert into schema.table_name(column_name) values(the_variable_where the flowfile data was stored)

How to store json object in a variable using apache nifi?

The following flowfile is the response of an "InvokeHttp":
I did a "SplitJson", i got each json record as a single flowfile
flowfile 1:
flowfile 2:
flowfile 3:
I want to store each json record in each flowfile in a variable like that:
variable1 = "{"data1":"[{....},{...},{....}]","info":"data-from_site"}"
variable2 = "{"data2":"[{....},{...},{....}]","info":"data-from_site"}"
variable3 = "{"data3":"[{....},{...},{....}]","info":"data-from_site"}"
can someone show me how to store the json record in a variable !
If I understand correctly what you want to do (by "variable", do you mean what is called "attribute" in NiFi?), you can use the EvaluateJsonPath processor configured with:
flowfile-attribute as Destination
json as Return type

How can I fetch XML of a record in Netsuite using SuiteScript?

I am trying to fetch xml data of a Sales Order record but I can't find a way to do it.
The data appears when we add '&xml=t' to the url of a record.
I want to fetch all the data in XML format into a variable.
Found the answer.
Just use record.load and store it in a variable.
var objRecord = record.load({
type: record.Type.SALES_ORDER,
id: 157,
isDynamic: true,
Logging this varialbe won't help, as there is character limit of 3999 characters. You can store it in File Cabinet.

Jmeter, How to get one of response result to assign to next request

I have a response for request #1: 2 step codes that correspond with stepId as below.
In next request, I want to use only stepId = stepId that I assign from CSV file
"stepName":"To be checked",
For example if you need to get stepCode value where stepId is 17 you can use JSON Extractor and the following JSON Path query:
$..[?(#.stepId == '17')].stepCode
You can replace this 17 with a variable coming from the CSV Data Set Config like:
$..[?(#.stepId == '${your_variable_from_csv}')].stepCode
Json Path Operators
JMeter's JSON Path Extractor Plugin - Advanced Usage Scenarios

Passing values to parameters in Jmeter

Suppose I have a variable in the RequestParameter as StudentList list where StudentList is a class as follows:
class StudentList
List<Students> stud=new ArrayList<Students>();
and Students is a class having fields firstName,lastName etc.How to pass values to the list variable in Jmeter as a request parameter?
You can pass values to the list variable in Jmeter via CSV Data Set Config. Where you have to create first .CSV file with values and set the parameters in the HTTP request. Below are shared steps with screenshots of results.
Create an HTTP request under the Thread group and change the name to "Student"
Select CSV Data Set Config from Config Element under the same Thread Group
Create .CSV file with values related firstname and lastname and set the loop count in the Thread Group as 3 as there are 3 records available in CSV file
CSV File
Set Path in CSV Data Set Config under Filename and Set the variable name as
CSV Dat Set Config
Set the parameter in value with the $ sign as per the attached screenshot.
Request Parameter
Select View Result Tree from Listener under the same Thread Group
Save the Test plan and Run or Start.
Under the view result tree, when clicking on each request you will find firstname and last name under each request parameter.
Student 1
Student 2
Student 3
