How to make Sass not to compile my partial files? - sass

I'm trying to make my SCSS files more modular by splitting it into individual partial files. It's all well until suddenly I have a bunch of .css and files in my partials directory because I've, naturally, saved all of them, and the Sass watcher dutifully compiled all of them too.
How do I achieve a clean structure like Bootstrap's while not having to manually delete every partial .css files? Ideal scenario is that every time I edit and save the partial files, Sass watcher compiles only the main .scss file.
I'm using VS Code on Mac with a Sass watcher plugin. Is it achievable in this environment?
A partial is simply a Sass file named with a leading underscore. You
might name it something like _partial.scss. The underscore lets Sass
know that the file is only a partial file and that it should not be
generated into a CSS file. Sass partials are used with the #import
directive. (#import is soon to be deprecated, with a move to #use and #forward instead.
Thanks Arkellys.

Ideally you have a main .scss file, like style.scss for example, and then the other partials exist, like _header.scss for example.
Once you have a partial like that, it's prudent to import it in the main .scss file, at the top of the file. In this case, it would be #import 'header';
Notice that we do not import the underscore...
If you don't have any errors after this, and it's still not compiling then check whether you have properly referenced the compiled css in the head of your html.


How to add scss file as styleUrl in component?

I am wondering if it is possible to add .scss file in my component in Angular 2?
Let's say I have the following:
template: `
<div class="button" [ng-class]="{active: isOn, disabled: isDisabled}"
Click me!
styleUrl: ['style.scss'],
directives: [NgClass]
Is compiling the scss file to css the only way to achive what I am trying to do?
It is possible, but you need to make server able to support this type of files, e.g. compile them on the fly during request, or maybe take precompiled CSS files from cache. In any case, the response when you navigate to
GET /approot/component/path/style.scss
needs to be valid text/css type. By default no webserver is going to do it. It is totally possible with Express, Apache, etc. but it requires configuration.
Another option is to use styles instead of styleUrls and require SCSS with bundlers like webpack:
styles: [require('style.scss')]
Above should work, but the notation is not that nice.
Finally, I would probably go with
styleUrls: ['style.css']
... and use SCSS for development, making sure my watch/build task compiles scss->css and puts style.css just next to style.scss in the same directory (on in the dist, wherever it needs to be). So you work with SCSS and never touch generated CSS, which is there only to be consumed by app.
styleUrls for now must be only css files list, so you need to provide the name of .css file to apply for components, so simple to think about provide the name of compiled .css file from .scss file, I found very helpful link to make that and with very well explained example:
This even should work in long term, hopefully the angular 2 somehow support the .scss and internally compile it.
I recomend adding scss files through import:
import 'style-loader!./your-scss-file-name.scss';
make sure the file url is correct.

My sublime doesnt recognize #import. What should i do to import another css through sass?

I tried several times to use #import 'reset' in my sass code. Unfortunately its not importing. The rest of the code sublime highlights and recognise with no problem. What should I do to #import the reset.css through sass?
When #importing CSS files into your SASS, you need to specify file extension (e.g. #import "reset.css";). See documentation.
Note: Importing file with .css extension will result in a real "CSS import" at runtime instead of inline SASS-like import. If you want to inject the contents of the file into your compiled CSS, change file extension to .scss.

Jekyll and Sass sourcemaps

I'm using gulp-ruby-sass to compile my css and generate source maps for a site built on Jekyll. The source maps are being generated. When I inspect a style, a Sass partial is identified as the source of that style. But when I click on the filename, I'm taken to an empty window. I need my entire scss directory copied into the _site directory when the site is generated. But Jekyll ignores all files prefixed with an underscore, so all Sass partials are automatically excluded. I've tried adding, scss, scss/_sass_partial.scss, and scss/**/*.scss to the include property of Jekyll's _config.yml. This property is supposed to force inclusion of files that would otherwise be automatically excluded such as .htaccess. But this does not work for my Sass partials. Jekyll includes the partials only if the underscore is removed. Does anyone know a way of dealing with this?
This will work :
- _sass_partial.scss
But you can also add a gulp task :
gulp.task('copy_sass', function(){

Using Sass sourcemaps with multiple files included

I'm moving my workflow to use sourcemaps with Sass, and it was going well, but I'm having trouble with it overwriting my main.scss every time I make a change in Chrome Devtools.
My file structure is like this:
scss - main.scss
|- inc
|- etc...
and main.scss contains multiple #import "inc/mixins"; lines, obviously each with different filenames.
I created a sourcemap, using sass --sourcemap scss/main.scss css/main.css and then started watching the files using sass --sourcemap --watch scss:css, (all found in this tut).
I've also mapped working files in Chrome Devtools.
It works initially, in that if I examine the elements in DevTools, I see the code in SCSS. If I edit a value, it overwrites my scss/main.scss with the contents of css/main.css, which is massively weird.
Anyone shed any light on this?
So, I figured it out.
I followed the tut to get this working, but had mapped the local files incorrectly.
If you are manually setting up SASS sourcemapping, you must be careful to map included files to the correct locations. Somehow I had one mapped to main.scss, and so it was overwriting it on changes.

Save SASS to same as origin files

I am using sass with prepros compiler and sublime editor. I need to have each scss file complied with the same file name.
For example:
I currently have-
and they are all compiles into style.css to create one full style sheet.
I wish to have a style folder with
which will be done automatically when saving and compiling like I normally do.
How can I accomplish this?
Thank you
Check this link out.
It states that you can adjust your project structure (in your case CSS folders) in project settings.
If I remember correctly you may have to buy it so that you can compile more than 4 or 5 Sass files, but I may be wrong.
Also check that you aren't "only" importing sass partials because of this:
Any Sass and Scss file (i.e. including partials) imported by another
file are not shown in the files list but they are still watched by Prepros.
The parent file is re-compiled whenever any of the imported files are changed.
