In this program, I look for a file on the hard drive to choose by name, extension, name and extension, until the code became large, I wanted to know how to reduce it a little.
How to reduce if conditions number of lines in Ruby?
What is the best way to reduce the following condition in Ruby?
require "colorize"
new_name_file = {}
loop do
puts "Will we search for the file by name(1), extension(2), name extension(3) or exit programm(4)?"
print "\n>>>>>> ".magenta
name_extension = gets.to_i
if name_extension == 1 # =========== search file name =================
puts "Enter file name (test, lesson, ruby....etc.) "
print "\n>>>>>> ".cyan
file_name = gets.strip.downcase
puts "Name the hard drive on which we will search for the file(C, D, E, F....e.t.c.): "
print "\n>>>>>> ".green
hdd_search = gets.strip.capitalize
# search file hdd
contents = Dir.glob("#{hdd_search}:/**/#{file_name}.*")
elsif name_extension == 2 # ========= search by file extension =============
puts "Enter file extension(txt, rb, jpg, csv, json) "
print "\n>>>>>> ".cyan
file_extension = gets.strip.downcase
# on which drive we will search put the letter
puts "Name the hard drive on which we will search for the file(C, D, E, F....e.t.c.): "
print "\n>>>>>> ".green
hdd_search = gets.strip.capitalize
# search file hdd
contents = Dir.glob("#{hdd_search}:/**/*.#{file_extension}")
elsif name_extension == 3 # ========= search by name and file extension =============
puts "Enter a name and file extension(test.txt, test.rb, test.jpg, test.csv, test.json..etc) "
print "\n>>>>>> ".cyan
file_extension_name = gets.strip
# on which drive we will search put the letter
puts "Name the hard drive on which we will search for the file(C, D, E, F....e.t.c.): "
print "\n>>>>>> ".green
hdd_search = gets.strip.capitalize
# search file hdd
contents = Dir.glob("#{hdd_search}:/**/#{file_extension_name}")
elsif name_extension == 4
puts "Exit programm".red
contents.each do |txt_name|
z_name = File.basename(txt_name) # file name
path = File.expand_path(txt_name) # path file
new_name_file[z_name] = path # everything in the hash
new_name_file.each do |k, v| # hash output
puts "file : ".cyan + "#{k} " + " path:".cyan + "#{v}"
You can wrap the code inside the conditions in a method:
def process_file(file_types)
puts "Enter file name (#{file_types.join(',')}....etc.) "
print "\n>>>>>> ".cyan
file_name = gets.strip.downcase
puts "Name the hard drive on which we will search for the file(C, D, E, F....e.t.c.): "
print "\n>>>>>> ".green
hdd_search = gets.strip.capitalize
# search file hdd
contents = Dir.glob("#{hdd_search}:/**/#{file_name}.*")
file_types = {
"1" => ['test', 'lesson', 'ruby']
"2" =>
loop do
puts "Will we search for the file by name(1), extension(2), name extension(3) or exit programm(4)?"
print "\n>>>>>> ".magenta
name_extension = gets
if name_extension == '4'
puts "Exit programm".red
You can Rubyize this code a lot by trimming down what the main loop does and focus on the job of getting input and delegating:
class Tester
def select
loop do
puts "Will we search for the file by name(1), extension(2), name extension(3) or exit programm(4)?"
print "\n>>>>>> "
input = gets.chomp
search_method = "search_#{input}"
if (respond_to?(search_method))
contents = send(search_method)
contents.each do |txt_name|
z_name = File.basename(txt_name) # file name
path = File.expand_path(txt_name) # path file
new_name_file[z_name] = path # everything in the hash
puts "Unknown input: #{input.inspect}, method #{search_method} not defined."
Then you can engage this with:
This dynamically dispatches to methods that follow a simple naming
convention. To add another method, define one:
def search_1
puts "Enter file name (test, lesson, ruby....etc.) "
print "\n>>>>>> ".cyan
file_name = gets.strip.downcase
puts "Name the hard drive on which we will search for the file(C, D, E, F....e.t.c.): "
print "\n>>>>>> ".green
hdd_search = gets.strip.capitalize
# search file hdd
These methods should return the contents to be displayed. That's pretty simple.
You can take this a step further by defining classes instead of methods where you can instantiate them and iterate over their results, moving this a lot closer to recommended object-oriented design patterns.
When I run the following code taken from the Learn Ruby the Hard Way Course Exercise 16,
filename = ARGV.first
target = open(filename, 'w+')
puts "Now I'm going to ask you for three lines."
print "line 1: "
line1 = $stdin.gets.chomp
print "line 2: "
line2 = $stdin.gets.chomp
print "line 3: "
line3 = $stdin.gets.chomp
puts "I'm going to write these to the file."
target.write(line1 + "\n" + line2 + "\n" + line3)
puts "And now I'm going to print the file to prove I have altered it."
puts "And finally, we close it."
the line puts does not print the three input lines, even though the text file does change.
I have tried changing the mode used by the open method and adding a new open method before calling the read method. Creating a separate program with the same script to read and print text file works as expected.
How can I read a file I have just written to? Why does it not work when I write and read within the same program?
why does it not work when I write and read within the same program
The answer is that when you write to a file, your IO stream is set to the end of where you have written. When you read, it continues from this point. In this case, after writing, you have reached the end of the file and there is nothing else to 'read'. You can use IO#rewind to reroll to the beginning and print out what was just written to through the IO Stream.
filename = 'Test.txt'
target = open(filename, 'w+')
text = '12345'
target.write(text) # target points to EOF
# Note that if you print target.write(), it will tell you the 'index' of where the IO stream is pointing. In this case 5 characters into the file.
puts "And now I'm going to rewind the file"
puts target.rewind # go back to the beginning of the file.
# => 0
puts "And now I'm going to print the file to prove I have rewound it."
puts # read the file, target now points to EOF.
# => '12345'
target.close"my/file/path", "r") do |f|
f.each_line do |line|
puts line
File is closed automatically at end of block
It is also possible to explicitly close file after as above (pass a block to open closes it for you):
f ="my/file/path", "r")
f.each_line do |line|
puts line
Credit to:
I have a school assignment that I need help with.
This is the description of the assignment:
Ruby program that can hold these values:
It shall be possible for a user:
To enter these three types of values.
Search for a value of type Artifacts, Values or Assumptions.
The program shall use loops and at least one class definition.
The only function that won't work out for me are these lines:
f="Artefacts", "r")
puts "Search for information regarding cultural information"
userinput = gets.chomp
if File.readlines("Artefacts").include?('userinput')
puts "We have found your input."
puts "We have not found your input."
No matter what the user inserts, it only displays "We have not found your input".
Part A: get user input and write to file
def write_to_file(path, string)
# 'a' means append
# it will create the file if it doesnt exist, 'a') do |file|
file.write string + "\n"
path = "Artefacts"
num_inputs = 3
num_inputs.times do |i|
puts "enter input (#{i + 1} / #{num_inputs}):"
write_to_file path, gets.chomp
puts `cat #{path}`
# if you entered "foo" for each input,
# this will show:
# foo
# foo
# foo
Part B: read a file and check if it contains a string:
path = "./Artefacts"
query = "foo"
text = path
# this will be a string with all the text
lines = File.readlines path
# this will be an array of strings (one for each line)
is_text_found = text.include? query
# or
is_text_found = lines.any? do |line|
line.include? query
I am trying to accept the first_name, the middle name, and the last name of the user and then display the abbreviated first, middle name of the user with the unaltered last name. I've written the following code and managed to get for a single user.
h =
puts "Enter the first name for user"
h["First_name"] = gets.capitalize
puts "Enter the Middle name for user"
h["Middle_name"] = gets.capitalize
puts "Enter the Last name for user"
h["Last_name"]= gets.capitalize
puts "The name entered is #{h["First_name"][0]}" +
"." + "#{h["Middle_name"][0]}" + "." + "#{h["Last_name"]}"
I want this to happen for five users repeatedly, and display all five name at the end. Can any one help me find a solution for this problem?
Put the whole thing in an array (and end the block with h):
a = do
h =
puts "Enter the first name for user"
h["First_name"] = gets.capitalize
puts "Enter the Middle name for user"
h["Middle_name"] = gets.capitalize
puts "Enter the Last name for user"
h["Last_name"] = gets.capitalize
In the end, a will have five hashes of the kind you had. You might want to put chomp after each gets to get rid of the newline character.
You can print each name by iterating over a.
a.each do |h|
puts "The name entered is " + h["First_name"][0] +
"." + h["Middle_name"][0] + "." + h["Last_name"]
Couldn't find a better way to write the following:
def get_name
print "Please enter your name: "
name = ""
loop do
break if (name = gets.chomp).match(/^[[:alpha:]]+$/)
print "Please enter your name again (must be one or more letters): "
How can I write this ruby method in a better way?
Problem with your code is that it's trying to do two quite different functions at the same time: validating format and handling user input. Better to separate the two. What do you think of this?
def format_ok?(name)
name =~ /\A[[:alpha:]]+\z/
def get_name
print "Please enter your name: "
loop do
name = gets.chomp
return name if format_ok?(name)
print "Please enter your name again (must be one or more letters): "
Here's another way to write it:
def get_name
print "Please enter your name: "
until gets =~ /^[[:alpha:]]+$/
print "Please enter your name again (must be one or more letters): "
It reads a line from standard input until it matches the regular expression, printing an error message otherwise. Upon success, it returns the chomped line (gets assigns to $_).
Just to provide one more variation:
def prompt_name(p)
puts p
def get_name
name = ''
name = prompt_name("Please enter your name #{name.empty? ? '' : 'again '}:") while name !~ /\A[[:alpha:]]+\z/
how about this?
def get_name
print "Please enter your name: "
name = gets.chomp
until name =~ /[[:alpha:]]/
print "Please enter your name again (must be one or more letters): "
name = gets.chomp
puts "your name is #{name}"
> get_name
# Please enter your name: 3212
# Please enter your name again (must be one or more letters): 12Gagan
# your name is 12Gagan
This seems to work correctly and display the results I want
Dir["/Users/ondrovic/RubyTest/**/*.txt"].each do |i|
puts if File.readlines(i).grep(/test/).any?
Why when I try like this does it not populate info
print "Enter search dir"
src = gets
print "Enter search term"
trm = gets
puts "Looking in #{src} for #{trm}"
Dir["#{src}/**/*.txt"].each do |i|
puts if File.readlines(i).grep(/"#{trm}"/).any?
I have also tried it this way
Dir[src + "/**/*.txt"].each do |i|
puts if File.readlines(i).grep(/ + trm + /).any?
Working code
require 'colorize'
print "Enter search dir\n".green
src = gets.chomp
print "Enter search term\n".blue
trm = gets.chomp
puts "Looking in #{src} for #{trm}"
Dir["#{src}/**/*.txt"].each do |i|
puts if File.readlines(i).grep(/#{trm}/).any?
The return value of the gets includes trailing newline:
>> gets
=> "asdf\n" # <----
Remove it using String#chomp:
print "Enter search dir"
src = gets.chomp
print "Enter search term"
trm = gets.chomp
In addition to that, the pattern /"#{trm}"/ includes ". Remove them:
Alternatively, you can use Regexp::new: