Magento 2: Transactional Email Preview Error - magento

I'm trying to get some transactional email templates working however when I try to preview them, I get redirected to the 'Email Templates' page and get ' An error occurred. The email template can not be opened for preview.'
I checked var/log/system.log and get the following whenever I try to preview the email template:
main.INFO: Broken reference: the 'notification.messages' tries to reorder itself towards 'user', but their parents are different: 'header.inner.right' and 'header' respectively. [] []
I also checked the XML files in vendor/magento/module-email and didn't see anything out of the usual.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

In case anyone runs into this issue, unlocking the config fixed this for me. The config.php file had multiple settings that were locked so once I reverted this, the previews started to work again.
I'm not sure what specifically caused this however this is what fixed it for me!


Oracle WebCenter - can't edit assets

I get the following error message when I try to edit assets:
You can't modify this asset, as it has been scheduled for publishing. Please try again after the publish operation has completed. If this condition persists, please contact your system administrator.
Also, when I try to remove these assets from the Publishing Queue (Publishing>Select Destination>Assets ready to be published>Unapprove), I get the following error message:
Cannot unapprove deleted assets.
Has anyone encountered these issues and found a solution?
Many thanks.
It's not normally possible to see deleted assets in the UI, so it seems there may be some corruption. As a workaround you can use SitesExplorer or a db tool (squirrel, sqlplus, etc), to change the cs_status column on the affected asset(s) from 'VO' to 'ED'. Then you can try again to remove them from the publish queue.

Magento cant make an order

I have an installation of Magento 1.9.2. I am using a custom theme, and anytime I try and place an order it kicks off the Ajax on the page and then stops with no error messages, but does leave a log:
ERR (3): User Error: Some transactions have not been committed or rolled back in /html/lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php on line 4039
I have spent 2 days trying to get to the bottom of this with no joy. It doesn't matter what payment method I use its always the same.
You should try to log all MySQL queries to see what wrong here. lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.
Open the file lib/Varien/Db/Adapter/Pdo/Mysql.php and change the value of the protected property $_debug to true. You can also change the value of $_logQueryTime which is especially handy when debugging slowdowns. Once you make this change all queries will be logged in the file var/debug/pdo_mysql.log
Hope this will help you. Please put your corrupted query here if you fixed it.
I had today the same problem. Magento with a custom theme. Everything worked fine, expect the checkout-process. The custom theme used the PHP short open tag <? php code ?> . After enabling short_open_tag in the php.ini, everything works fine.

I can't enable or disable modules. I'm getting "An error occurred while saving this configuration"

I have a new fairly fresh install of Magento I installed two custom payment method modules that are working fine. But now whenever I try to disable or enable any Payment Method or Shipping Method it gives me an error like this:
An error occurred while saving this configuration: Warning:
preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in
on line 57
Do you have any idea why?
I found the problem. It was caused by a patch I applied to fix to a previous BUG. :P
So I disabled all custom modules and I was still getting the same error. I logged what was happening and it seems that some core modules are sending an array to be saved.
Like PayPal Express Checkout for instance. One of the config options is the Time of Day in the SFTP credentials for Settlement Report Settings. It's composed by three different drop-downs and it's sending an array to be saved!
In the Shipping Methods, UPS has a config options called Allowed Methods, and it's also sending an array!
I still don't know why it wasn't happening before and now it is. They shouldn't be encrypting everything. Any clues?
I had the same issue, its a known bug, try this around line no. 135 on code/core/mage/Adminhtml/model/config/data.php
// add this code
if (isset($fieldConfig->backend_model)) {
$backendClass = $fieldConfig->backend_model;
} // before this
if (!$backendClass) {
$backendClass = 'core/config_data';
This actually is a reported bug in Magento that seems to affect encrypted config settings (passwords, API keys, etc.).
Try disabling the first of the modules, log out of the admin panel, clear /var/cache and see if the problem still exists. If it does, do the same with the second module.
The problem should be gone. Now that you know which module causes the problems you can either decide to try another module instead or debug to see whats going wrong.
Put a breakpoint on line 57 in /app/code/core/Mage/Adminhtml/Model/System/Config/Backend/Encrypted.php to see what goes wrong. It seems that the second parameter is not a string (might be null for example due to wrong configuration or something) when its given to the preg_match function. Maybe this helps you to identify the problem.
Disabling modules through the back office isn't a good idea as it only disables the block output, if you would like to disable a module you should go to app/etc/modulesand there you should find Module_Name.xmlfile - in this file just put false in active node.

Magento site showing error

I'm new to magento. I have been developing a site for the last few months. The site is almost completed. I planned to launch it within a couple of days but now the problem is it's showing some error like
"There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 783283926636"
The error log number is changing accordingly. I searched a lot of communities but I didn't find the solution. I came to know that the file is coming from var/reports/783283926636. While I keep on refreshing the site does come back. Please tell me the solution for this problem.
Check permissions for var folder, they should be 777 to enable correct work of your store.
Anthony, you need to check that file, it contains a more detailed explanation of the error. Magento does not show it on the web page, to prevent exposing vital information.
in your public_html dir you got folder error
rename local.xml.sample to local.xml
then your error will be visible on frontend and you'll be able to see what's going on
it can be anything
Here is the solution:
Navigate to the "errors" folder.
Change local.xml.sample to local.xml
You should now see a new list of crazy errors all over the Magento page - this is okay.
Open magento/lib/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php and look for:
protected $_options = array(
'cache_dir' => 'null',
Change it to:
protected $_options = array(
'cache_dir' => 'tmp/',
Save it.
Now the final step is to go create a tmp folder in the root Magento folder.
That's it.

Magento doesn't save my catalog_product_set, what can I do?

I 've installed magento and it seems to work, but if I want to save a new Catalog_product_set with different attributes then I get Internal Error Message with Status Code 500
Does anyone have the same problem?
Thanks in advance
cheers tabaluga
Your screenshot (and from the looks of it Magento's error page) clips the edge of the error off. Seeing the rest of the error message might be important. Regardless, it looks like Magento is trying to load a config file w/ simplexml, and cannot find that file.
