SSRS: How to change value to negative in matrix based on column value - ssrs-2012

I have a matrix in SSRS which looks something like this:
Account DR/CR Amount
(acc_num) (drcr) (sum(amount)) = expression below
Total (sum(amount))
it returns this table
Account DR/CR Amount
123456789 CR 5000
DR 1000
Total 6000
987654321 CR 3000
DR 2000
Total 5000
Table should provide total amount for Credit and Debit items for specific account. Column DR/CR represents whether the item is credit or debit. I need to change DR amount to negative sign so it will be 5000-1000=4000 for account 123456789
I used expression for this in column Amount and first row in matrix:
This did not work and basically DR amount stayed the same
expected result
Account DR/CR Amount
123456789 CR 5000
DR -1000
Total 4000
987654321 CR 3000
DR -2000
Total 1000
Thank you
edit1: ok I realized that this is not a good way to do it. Matrix consists of data from sourcedata and totals are calculating from source data too, so changing +/- in matrix doesn't change totals
edit2: I changed expression in source data and matrix doesn't reflect the change for some reason. So I guess I run out of options. What do you think?
I also tried expression for totals:
=SUM((iif(Fields!DRCR.Value = CR, Sum(Fields!AmountLocal.Value),0))),(iif(Fields!DRCR.Value = DR, Sum((Fields!AmountLocal.Value)*(-1)),0))
returned end of statement missing error

Looks like you did most of the work on this answer for us. Yes, you are correct -- changing the value of the CR column doesn't change the value coming from the dataset so you do need to use an expression in the totals row. Looks like you may just have some misplaced or unnecessary parenthesis in that last expression. Try the following expression.
=SUM(iif(Fields!DRCR.Value = CR, Sum(Fields!AmountLocal.Value),0),(iif(Fields!DRCR.Value = DR, Sum((Fields!AmountLocal.Value)*(-1)),0)))
You had an unnecessary set of parenthesis around the CR IIF statement and the outermost SUM was being closed after that same IIF when it needed to be at the end.
I also want to recommend a tool like Notepad++ that has syntax highlighting. Basically, you highlight each parenthesis and you can easily see where it is matching up and address any issues on complex expressions like this one.


How to get the sum of values of a column in tmap?

I have 2 columns - Matches(Integer), Accounts_type(String). And i want to create a third column where i want to get proportions of matches played by different account types. I am new to Talend & am facing issue with this for past 2 days & did a lot of research but to no avail. Please help..
You can do it like this:
You need to read your source data twice (I used tFixedFlowInput_1 and tFixedFlowInput_2 with the same data). The idea is to calculate the total of your matches in tAggregateRow_1, it simply does a sum of all Matches without a group by column, then use that as a lookup.
The tMap then joins your source data with the calculated total. Since the total will always be one record, you don't need any join column. You then simply divide Matches by Total as required.
This is supposing you have unique values in Account_type; if you don't, you need to add another tAggregateRow between your source and tMap_1, in order to get sum of Matches for each Account_type (group by Account_type).

PowerBI filter table based on value of measure_A OR measure_B [duplicate]

We are trying to implement a dashboard that displays various tables, metrics and a map where the dataset is a list of customers. The primary filter condition is the disjunction of two numeric fields. We want to the user to be able to select a threshold for [field 1] and a separate threshold for [field 2] and then impose the condition [field 1] >= <threshold> OR [field 2] >= <threshold>.
After that, we want to also allow various other interactive slicers so the user can restrict the data further, e.g. by country or account manager.
Power BI naturally imposes AND between all filters and doesn't have a neat way to specify OR. Can you suggest a way to define a calculation using the two numeric fields that is then applied as a filter within the same interactive dashboard screen? Alternatively, is there a way to first prompt the user for the two threshold values before the dashboard is displayed -- so when they click Submit on that parameter-setting screen they are then taken to the main dashboard screen with the disjunction already applied?
Added in response to a comment:
The data can be quite simple: no complexity there. The complexity is in getting the user interface to enable a disjunction.
Suppose the data was a list of customers with customer id, country, gender, total value of transactions in the last 12 months, and number of purchases in last 12 months. I want the end-user (with no technical skills) to specify a minimum threshold for total value (e.g. $1,000) and number of purchases (e.g. 10) and then restrict the data set to those where total value of transactions in the last 12 months > $1,000 OR number of purchases in last 12 months > 10.
After doing that, I want to allow the user to see the data set on a dashboard (e.g. with a table and a graph) and from there select other filters (e.g. gender=male, country=Australia).
The key here is to create separate parameter tables and combine conditions using a measure.
Suppose we have the following Sales table:
Customer Value Number
A 568 2
B 2451 12
C 1352 9
D 876 6
E 993 11
F 2208 20
G 1612 4
Then we'll create two new tables to use as parameters. You could do a calculated table like
Number = VALUES(Sales[Number])
Or something more complex like
Value = GENERATESERIES(0, ROUNDUP(MAX(Sales[Value]),-2), ROUNDUP(MAX(Sales[Value]),-2)/10)
Or define the table manually using Enter Data or some other way.
In any case, once you have these tables, name their columns what you want (I used MinNumber and MinValue) and write your filtering measure
Filter = IF(MAX(Sales[Number]) > MIN(Number[MinCount]) ||
MAX(Sales[Value]) > MIN('Value'[MinValue]),
1, 0)
Then put your Filter measure as a visual level filter where Filter is not 0 and use MinCount and MinValues column as slicers.
If you select 10 for MinCount and 1000 for MinValue then your table should look like this:
Notice that E and G only exceed one of the thresholds and tha A and D are excluded.
To my knowledge, there is no such built-in slicer feature in Power BI at the time being. There is however a suggestion in the Power BI forum that requests a functionality like this. If you'd be willing to use the Power Query Editor, it's easy to obtain the values you're looking for, but only for hard-coded values for your limits or thresh-holds.
Let me show you how for a synthetic dataset that should fit the structure of your description:
Desktop table:
Here you see an Input table and a subset table using two Slicers. If the forum suggestion gets implemented, it should hopefully be easy to change a subset like below to an "OR" scenario:
Transaction Value > 1000 OR Number or purchases > 10 using Power Query:
If you use Edit Queries > Advanced filter you can set it up like this:
The last step under Applied Steps will then contain this formula:
= Table.SelectRows(#"Changed Type2", each [NPurchases12] > 10 or [TransactionValue12] > 1000
Now your original Input table will look like this:
Now, if only we were able to replace the hardcoded 10 and 1000 with a dynamic value, for example from a slicer, we would be fine! But no...
I know this is not what you were looking for, but it was the best 'negative answer' I could find. I guess I'm hoping for a better solution just as much as you are!

How can I get the values in the Matrix on my SSRS report to repeat?

I know there must be a simple answer to this, but I can't find it.
I have added a couple of textboxes to a Matrix in a BIDS/SSRS report. I've given these textboxes values such as:
It works (after a fashion); when I run the report (either on the Preview tab, or on the Report Server site) I see the first corresponding data value on the report - but only one.
I would think that once a value has been assigned via expressions such as "=Fields!WEEK1USAGE.Value", each value would display (rows would automatically be added).
There must be some property on the Matrix or the textbox that specified this, but I can't see what it might be.
Here is how my report looks (very minimalistic, so far) in the Layout pane:
...and after running, on the Preview tab:
Obviously, I want the report to display as many rows as necessary, not just one. The textboxes do have a "RepeatWith" property, but there description doesn't sound interesting/useful/promising.
I don't see any property on the Matrix control that looks right, either.
I thought maybe the designer was only showing one row of values, and ran the report on the server, too, but there also it just shows the two values.
So what do I need to do to get all the data for a provided field?
Matrices are for display of grouped data and summary information, usually in a horizontally expanding pivot table type of format. Is a matrix really what you are after? Looking at your expression you have =Fields!Week1Usage.Value but in a matrix what I expect to see would be at least =Sum(Fields!Week1Usage.Value) or even better just =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). Then you would have ProactDescription as your row group and the week as your column group and it would all just work out everything for you, grouping and summing by Proact vertically and expanding the weeks out horizontally.
What seems to be happening is that you have no grouping on rows or columns and no aggregation so it is falling back to the default display which is effectively the First function - it displays the first row of data and as far as the matrix is concerned it has done its job because there is no grouping.
Without knowing your problem or data, I'll make up a scenario that might be what you are doing and discuss how the matrix does the heavy lifting to solve that problem. Let's say you have usage data for multiple Proacts. Each time one is used you record the usage amount and the date and time it is used. It could be used multiple times per day but certainly multiple times in a week. So you might be able to get the times each Proact is used from a table like so:
SELECT ProactDescription, TimeUsed, Usage
FROM ProactUsage
ORDER BY ProactDescription, TimeUsed
In your report you want to show the total weekly usage for each Proact over multiple weeks. Something like this:
Proact Week1 Week2 Week3 ...
Description Usage Usage Usage ...
Anise, Fennel 1 CT 20.00 22.50 16.35 ...
St John's Wort 15.20 33.90 28.25 ...
and so on. Using a dataset based on the SQL above we create a matrix and in the row group properties we group on =Fields!ProactDescription.Value and in the column group properties we group on a week expression like =DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today) and then in the intersection of the row and column we put =Sum(Fields!Usage.Value). To display the header of the column nicely put an expression like
="Week " & DateDiff(DateInterval.Week, Fields!TimeUsed.Value, Today)
The matrix automatically does all the summing by week and product and expands the weeks horizontally for as many as you are reporting. For bonus points you can also put totaling at the end of the columns and the rows to show the total use of that Proact for the period (row total) and total use of all Proacts in that week (column total).

How do I add percentage to Report Viewer row

I have a question about the visual studio report builder (rdlc files).
I have a row group with counts of records per doctor:
The count of records is used in the first column. The column grouping repeats the "No" and "%" columns per "PatientComfort" value.
How do I get the percentage column to show the percentage of each "No" column per row?
I would want this type of thing:
Comfort1 Comfort2 Comfort3
No % No % No %
Dr Smith 17 31% 34 62% 4 7%
Dr Jones 22 37% 15 25% 22 38%
Thanks for you help.
For the denominator, you need to get the total for each doctor, so you have to specify the Scope of the aggregate used in the denominator. The % expression will look something like:
=Sum(Fields!no.Value) / Sum(Fields!no.Value, "doctor")
With an example based on your data:
I set up at test report as the following:
The % expression is the one specified above. This gives the correct results, give or take some rounding/sorting differences:
Added after comment
It sounds like you can just change the expression to:
=Count(Fields!no.Value) / Count(Fields!no.Value, "Endoscopist")
You're just changing the aggregate type from Sum to Count; you don't need to apply further aggregates to the Count value.
The principle, taking the current Scope aggregate and comparing it to a parent Scope, is still the same.
If you're still having issues please supply an example DataSet definition with a few lines of data along with your desired results.

Oracle spool Number rounding

I am calculating sum of all sales order (by multiplying quantity and price of a sales order - assume one sale order has only one item and using the sum function) in SQL query and I am spooling the output to a CSV file by using spool C:\scripts\output.csv.
The numeric output I get is truncated/rounded e.g. the SQL output 122393446 is made available in CSV as 122400000.
I tried to google and search on stackoverflow, but I could not get any hints about what can be done to prevent this.
Any clues?
I think it is a xls issue.
Save as xls.
format column -> number with 2 decimals for example.
Initially I thought it might have something to do with the width of the number format which normally is 10 (NUMWIDTH) in sqlplus, but your result numeric width is 9, so that can not be the problem. Please check your query if you use a numeric type that doesn't have the required precission, and thus makes inexact calculations.
