How to add multiple Headers files path in a Makefile? - makefile

I am trying to compile uleds.c driver and this driver includes multiple files existing under this path :
I want now to modify my Makefile and add this path so I can compile correctly uleds.c
This is my Makefile :
#CC=arm-poky-linux-gnueabi-gcc -march=armv7-a -marm -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard -mcpu=cortex-a5 --sysroot=/opt/poky-atmel/2.5.3/sysroots/cortexa5hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi
obj-m += uleds.o
KERNEL_SOURCE := /opt/poky-atmel/2.5.3/sysroots/cortexa5hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/lib/modules/4.14.73-linux4sam-6.0-dirty
${CC} ${KERNEL_SOURCE} uleds.c
${CC} $(INC) ${KERNEL_SOURCE} clean
Any suggestions for that ? Thank you

This appears to be an attempt at a kbuild file,.
You should not be manually compiling the file yourself using your default rule. Instead, you should be running the kernel's makefile, and have it compile the driver based on obj-m and friends.
Your makefile would look like so:
ccflags-y += -I some/other/dir
obj-m += uleds.o
# default to build against running kernel if KDIR not
# specified:
KDIR ?= /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build
$(MAKE) -C $(KDIR) M=$$PWD
If you call make from the driver's directory, it will in turn call make from your kernel directory, which will know everything about the kernel and will be able to properly build your module.
Notice that by default, the built-in kernel's clean target will remove all generated *.[oas] files, so no need for a special clean target. Also, by default, the kernel's makefile will include its own include directories, so you likely don't need to do anything special for that. In case you do need to include from somewhere else, you can add a -I directive to the ccflags-y as shown in the example.
See Linux Kernel Makefiles and Building External Modules for details.

Simplest is:
${CC} -I/opt/poky-atmel/2.5.3/sysroots/cortexa5hf-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi/usr/src/kernel/include/linux uleds.c
Try reading the following to get familiar with other GCC (compiler) options:


Default link script in GNU Make

I have this very simple makefile:
P = hello_world.exe
OBJECTS = main.o
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -O3
CC = clang
$(P): $(OBJECTS)
When I run make it will compile main.c but it will not link to hello_world.exe. Shouldn't that be happening automatically?
My environment is cygwin 64bit.
The output of make -p is here:
There's no default rule for .exe files that I'm aware of (or can find in that output).
You'll need to write one yourself.
If your output was hello_world and you had a hello_world.c/hello_world.cpp source file and also a main.c/main.cpp file then your makefile as written would work I believe (since the default %: %.o rule would apply and your added prerequisite would be added to the hello_world prerequisite list).

Compile multiple executables from multiple source directories to single bin directory using makefile

I'm trying to create a makefile for a suite of programs that I am working on. The programs are all written in fortran and the source files are contained in different directories. I can't seem how to figure out how to get things to work. My current sumfile is
#Compiler and compiler flag variables
F_FLAGS=-O2 -fbounds-check -Wall
F_FLAGSDB=-g -fbounds-check -Wall
#paths to libraries
# Paths to directories
# Get file names of component source files
#get names of files in src1
FORT_FILES=$(wildcard ./SRC1/*.f)
#get names of files in src2
FORTFILES+=$(wildcard ./SRC2/*.f)
#get names of files in src3
FORTFILES+=$(wildcard ./SRC3/*.f)
#get file names for output
EXE_FILES=$(addprefix $(BIN_DIR),$(notdir $(patsubst %.f, % , $(FORTFILES))))
# make commands
# Set the default option to compile the library with optimization
default: all
# create all command
all: $(EXE_FILES)
#echo toolkit has been built with optimization
#If compiling for debugging replace the compiler flags to remove optimization and add debugging
#Run compiler with debugging flags
debug: $(EXE_FILES)
#echo toolkit has been built with debugging
# Compile all of the source files into executables
$(EXE_FILES): % : %.f
# install the library in /usr/local/lib
cp -p $(BIN_DIR)* /usr/local/bin/toolkit/
# remove executable files for a clean build
rm $(BIN_DIR)*
The problem I am running into is that I get the following error when I try to run make:
make: *** No rule to make target `Display.f', needed by `Display'. Stop.
which I am assuming is because I have lost the directory that the source file comes from. Can someone help me here? I am totally stuck and don't know how to proceed.
In addition (this is more a general question about make), is there a way to tell make to recompile everything if the COMMON_LIB changes?
Thanks for your help!
Suppose your source files are
1) There is a flaw here:
EXE_FILES=$(addprefix $(BIN_DIR),$(notdir $(patsubst %.f, % , $(FORTFILES))))
This will produce
BINalpha BINbeta BINgamma BINdelta
when I think you intended
BIN/alpha BIN/beta BIN/gamma BIN/delta
A simple fix:
EXE_FILES=$(addprefix $(BIN_DIR)/,$(notdir $(patsubst %.f, % , $(FORTFILES))))
2) Now look at the static pattern rule:
$(EXE_FILES): % : %.f
So to build BIN/alpha, Make must first find BIN/alpha.f, which doesn't exist. To make it look for alpha.f, do this:
$(EXE_FILES): $(BIN_DIR)/% : %.f
3) How to find the sources?
You could do some delicate coding to help Make remember where it found alpha.f, but there's no need when we can use the vpath directive:
vpath %.f SRC1 SRC2 SRC3
4) One last look at that rule:
This command:
Will produce e.g. BIN/BIN/alpha, which is silly. A non-PHONY Make rule should produce a file whose name is the target of the rule. It prevents a lot of trouble.
A few further refinements may be possible, once you have this working perfectly.

Need help in understanding Makefile for Kernel Module

I am a newbie in Kernel Development. I was trying to understand the following makefile for Hello World! program. But I am not able to figure it out completely.
obj-m += hello.o
sudo make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) modules
sudo make -C /lib/modules/$(shell uname -r)/build M=$(PWD) clean
I am not able to understand what is meant by 'obj-m += hello.o' . I know m here means module and thats it.
Also why are we not defining the dependencies of hello.o
And lastly I am not able to figure out completely the compiling rules defined under all: and clean:
Any help would be highly appreciated.!!
obj-m is a Makefile variable. It actually consists of 2 parts: 'obj' means that the referred target is a kernel object, while 'm' part means that the object is to be build like a module.
The variable is considered by kernel build rules. As kernel modules follow a certain convention, running your Makefile will result in creation of module hello.ko from source file hello.c (if everything works properly).
The 'obj' variable may take different suffixes as well. For example 'obj-y' will try to link the referred object into the main kernel image, instead of creating a module. The suffix may also refer to a kernel .config file variable, like this:
obj-$(CONFIG_HOTPLUG) += hotplug.o
In this case, if CONFIG_HOTPLUG is set to 'y' the hoplug object will be compiled into the main kernel; if set to 'm' then a separate hotplug.ko loadable module will be created. If not set to anything (resulting in 'obj-'), hotplug will be omitted outright.

Cmake vs make sample codes?

I was wondering if there was any sample code for Makefiles (make) and CMakeLists.txt (cmake) that both do the same thing (the only difference being that one is written in make and the other in cmake).
I tried looking for 'cmake vs make', but I never found any code comparisons. It would be really helpful to understand the differences, even if just for a simple case.
The following Makefile builds an executable named prog from the sources
prog1.c, prog2.c, prog3.c and main.c. prog is linked against libmystatlib.a
and which are both also built from source. Additionally, prog uses
the library libstuff.a in stuff/lib and its header in stuff/include. The
Makefile by default builds a release target, but offers also a debug target:
CC = gcc
CPP = g++
RANLIB = ar rcs
RELEASE = -c -O3
DEBUG = -c -g -D_DEBUG
INCDIR = -I./stuff/include
LIBDIR = -L./stuff/lib -L.
LIBS = -lstuff -lmystatlib -lmydynlib
PROGOBJS = prog1.o prog2.o prog3.o
prog: main.o $(PROGOBJS) mystatlib mydynlib
$(CC) main.o $(PROGOBJS) $(LIBDIR) $(LIBS) -o prog
debug: CFLAGS=$(DEBUG)
debug: prog
mystatlib: mystatlib.o
$(RANLIB) libmystatlib.a mystatlib.o
mydynlib: mydynlib.o
$(CPP) -shared mydynlib.o -o
%.o: %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) $< -o $#
%.o: %.cpp
$(CPP) $(CFLAGS) $(INCDIR) -fPIC $< -o $#
Here is a CMakeLists.txtthat does (almost) exactly the same, with some comments to underline the
similarities to the Makefile:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8) # stuff not directly
project(example) # related to building
include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/stuff/include) # -I flags for compiler
link_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/stuff/lib) # -L flags for linker
set(PROGSRC prog1.c prog2.c prog3.c) # define variable
add_executable(prog main.c ${PROGSRC}) # define executable target prog, specify sources
target_link_libraries(prog mystatlib mydynlib stuff) # -l flags for linking prog target
add_library(mystatlib STATIC mystatlib.c) # define static library target mystatlib, specify sources
add_library(mydynlib SHARED mydynlib.cpp) # define shared library target mydynlib, specify sources
#extra flags for linking mydynlib
#set_target_properties(mydynlib PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-fPIC")
In this simple example, the most important differences are:
CMake recognizes which compilers to use for which kind of source. Also, it
invokes the right sequence of commands for each type of target. Therefore, there
is no explicit specification of commands like $(CC) ..., $(RANLIB) ... and so on.
All usual compiler/linker flags dealing with inclusion of header files, libraries, etc.
are replaced by platform independent / build system independent commands.
Debugging flags are included by either setting the variable CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Debug",
or by passing it to CMake when invoking the program: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug.
CMake offers also the platform independent inclusion of the '-fPIC' flag (via
the POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE property) and many others. Still, more obscure settings can be implemented by hand in CMake just as well as in a Makefile (by using COMPILE_FLAGS
and similar properties). Of course CMake really starts to shine when third party
libraries (like OpenGL) are included in a portable manner.
The build process has one step if you use a Makefile, namely typing make at the command line. For CMake, there are two steps: First, you need to setup your build environment (either by typing cmake <source_dir> in your build directory or by running some GUI client). This creates a Makefile or something equivalent, depending on the build system of your choice (e.g. make on Unixes or VC++ or MinGW + Msys on Windows). The build system can be passed to CMake as a parameter; however, CMake makes reasonable default choices depending on your system configuration. Second, you perform the actual build in the selected build system.
Sources and build instructions are available at
Grab some software that uses CMake as its buildsystem (there's plenty of opensource projects to choose from as an example). Get the source code and configure it using CMake. Read resulting makefiles and enjoy.
One thing to keep in mind that those tools don't map one-to-one. The most obvious difference is that CMake scans for dependencies between different files (e.g. C header and source files), whereas make leaves that to the makefile authors.
If this question is about a sample Makefile output of the CMakeList.txt file then please check the cmake-backend sources and generate one such Makefile. If it is not then adding to the reply of #Roberto I am trying to make it simple by hiding the details.
CMake function
While Make is flexible tool for rules and recipe, CMake is a layer of abstraction that also adds the configuration feature.
My plain CMakeLists.txt will look like the following,
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
file(GLOB testapp_SOURCES *.cc)
add_executable(testapp ${testapp_SOURCES})
Note, that CMake hides how the build can be done. We only specified what is the input and output.
The CMakeLists.txt contains list of function-calls that are defined by cmake.
(CMake function) Vs Make rules
In Makefile the rules and recipes are used instead of functions . In addition to function-like feature, rules and recipes provide chaining. My minimalistic Makefile will look like the following,
-include ""
While the will look like the following,
SOURCES=$(wildcard *.cpp)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS)
.PHONY: all clean
-include $(DEPS)
Starting from the scratch I shall start with a Makefile like the following,
all: testapp.bin
testapp.bin:sourcea.o sourcb.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $# $^ $(LFLAGS) $(LIBS)
.PHONY: all clean
$(RM) $(OBJECTS) testapp.bin
I got this snippet from here and modified it. Note that some implicit-rules are added to this file which can be found in the makefile-documentation. Some implicit variables are also relevant here.
Note, that Makefile provides the detail recipe showing how the build can be done. It is possible to write to keep the details defined in one file. In that way the makefile can be reduced as I showed earlier.
Internal Variables in CMake and Make
Now getting little advanced, in CMake we can set a compiler flag like the following,
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS "-Wall")
Please find out more about CMake default variables in CMakeCache.txt file.
The CMake code above will be equivalent to Make code below,
CFLAGS = -Wall
Note that CFLAGS is an internal variable in Make, the same way, CMAKE_C_FLAGS is internal variable in CMake .
adding include and library path in CMake
We can do it in cmake using functions.
target_include_directories(testapp PRIVATE "myincludes")
mytest mylibrarypath
target_link_libraries(testapp ${testapp_LIBRARIES})
Vs adding include and library path in Make
We can add include and libraries by adding lines like the following,
INCLUDES += -Imyincludes
LIBS += -Lmylibrarypath -lmytest
Note this lines above can be generated from auto-gen tools or pkg-config. (though Makefile is not dependent of auto-config tools)
CMake configure/tweek
Normally it is possible to generate some config.h file just like auto-config tools by using configure_file function. It is possible to do more trick writing custom functions. And finally we can select a config like the following,
cmake --build . --config "Release"
It is possible to add some configurable option using the option function.
Makefile configure/tweak
If somehow we need to compile it with some debug flag, we can invoke the make like,
I think internal variables, Makefile-rules and CMake-functions are good start for the comparison, good luck with more digging.


I understand that CFLAGS (or CXXFLAGS for C++) are for the compiler, whereas CPPFLAGS is used by the preprocessor.
But I still don't understand the difference.
I need to specify an include path for a header file that is included with #include -- because #include is a preprocessor directive, is the preprocessor (CPPFLAGS) the only thing I care about?
Under what circumstances do I need to give the compiler an extra include path?
In general, if the preprocessor finds and includes needed header files, why does it ever need to be told about extra include directories? What use is CFLAGS at all?
(In my case, I actually found that BOTH of these allow me to compile my program, which adds to the confusion... I can use CFLAGS OR CPPFLAGS to accomplish my goal (in autoconf context at least). What gives?)
The implicit make rule for compiling a C program is
$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
where the $() syntax expands the variables. As both CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS are used in the compiler call, which you use to define include paths is a matter of personal taste. For instance if foo.c is a file in the current directory
make foo.o CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include"
make foo.o CFLAGS="-I/usr/include"
will both call your compiler in exactly the same way, namely
gcc -I/usr/include -c -o foo.o foo.c
The difference between the two comes into play when you have multiple languages which need the same include path, for instance if you have bar.cpp then try
make bar.o CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include"
make bar.o CFLAGS="-I/usr/include"
then the compilations will be
g++ -I/usr/include -c -o bar.o bar.cpp
g++ -c -o bar.o bar.cpp
as the C++ implicit rule also uses the CPPFLAGS variable.
This difference gives you a good guide for which to use - if you want the flag to be used for all languages put it in CPPFLAGS, if it's for a specific language put it in CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS etc. Examples of the latter type include standard compliance or warning flags - you wouldn't want to pass -std=c99 to your C++ compiler!
You might then end up with something like this in your makefile
The CPPFLAGS macro is the one to use to specify #include directories.
Both CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS work in your case because the make(1) rule combines both preprocessing and compiling in one command (so both macros are used in the command).
You don't need to specify . as an include-directory if you use the form #include "...". You also don't need to specify the standard compiler include directory. You do need to specify all other include-directories.
You are after implicit make rules.
To add to those who have mentioned the implicit rules, it's best to see what make has defined implicitly and for your env using:
make -p
For instance:
%.o: %.c
which expands
This will also print # environment data. Here, you will find GCC's include path among other useful info.
In make, when it comes to search, the paths are many, the light is one... or something to that effect.
C_INCLUDE_PATH is system-wide, set it in your shell's *.rc.
$(CPPFLAGS) is for the preprocessor include path.
If you need to add a general search path for make, use:
VPATH = my_dir_to_search
... or even more specific
vpath %.c src
vpath %.h include
make uses VPATH as a general search path so use cautiously. If a file exists in more than one location listed in VPATH, make will take the first occurrence in the list.
I installed httpd on Ubuntu 18.04 using the CPPFLAGS variable for the -DLINUX flag. When run, CPPFLAGS scans the code from top to bottom, file by file, looking for directives before compiling, and will not be extended by other meaningful things like size optimization, flags that do not increase the size of the output file; under the type of processor; to reduce the size of the code and speed up the program; disable all variables except case. The only difference between CPPFLAGS and CFLAGS is that CFLAGS can be set to specify additional switches to be passed to the compiler. That is, the CFLAGS environment variable creates a directory in the installation path (eg CFLAGS=-i/opt/include) to add debugging information to the executable target's path: include general alarm messages; turning off alarm information; independent location generation; display compiler driver, preprocessor, compiler version number.
Standard way to set CPPFLAGS:
sudo ./configure --enable-unixd=DLINUX #for example
list of some known variables:
CPPFLAGS - is the variable name for flags to the C preprocessor.
CXXFLAGS - is the standard variable name for flags to the C++ compiler.
CFLAGS is - the standard name for a variable with compilation flags.
LDFLAGS - should be used for search flags/paths (-L) - i.e. -L/usr/lib (/usr/lib are library binaries).
LDLIBS - for linking libraries.
CPPFLAGS seems to be an invention of GNU Make, referenced in some of its built-in recipes.
If your program is built by some Free software distributions, you may find that some of them require packages to interpolate this variable, using CPPFLAGS for passing down options like -D_WHATEVER=1 for passing down a macro definition.
This separation is a poor idea and completely unnecessary in the GNU environment because:
There is a way to run gcc to do preprocessing only (while ignoring compiler options unrelated to preprocessing).
The stand-alone GNU cpp is tolerant to compiler options, such as -W warnings that do not pertain to preprocessing and even code generation options like -fstrict-aliasing and the linker-pass through like -Wl,--whatever.
So generally speaking, build systems that need to call the stand-alone preprocessor for whatever reason can just pass it $(CFLAGS).
As an application developer writing a Makefile, you cannot rely on the existence of CPPFLAGS. Users who are not insider experts in open source building won't know about CPPFLAGS, and will do things like make CFLAGS=-Dfoo=bar when building your program. If that doesn't work, they will be annoyed.
As a distro maintainer, you cannot rely on programs to pull in CPPFLAGS; even otherwise well-behaved ones that pull in CFLAGS, LDFLAGS and LDLIBS.
It's easy enough for the application developers to write GNU Make code to separate preprocessor flags out of $(CFLAGS):
cpp_only_flags := $(foreach arg, \
$(CFLAGS), \
$(or $(filter -D%,$(arg)), \
$(filter -U%,$(arg)), \
$(filter -I%,$(arg)), \
$(filter -iquote%,$(arg)), \
$(filter -W%,$(arg)), \
$(filter -M%,$(arg)))) \
$(CPPFLAGS) # also pull this in
#echo cpp_only_flags == $(cpp_only_flags)
$ make CFLAGS="-Wall -I/path/to/include -W -UMAC -DFOO=bar -o foo.o -lm"
cpp_only_flags == -Wall -I/path/to/include -W -UMAC -DFOO=bar
In the case of the GNU compiler and preprocessor, this is probably unnnecessary; but it illustrates a technique that could be used for non-GNU compilers and preprocessors, in a build system based on GNU Make.
