Displaying data with query component on Pentaho CDE - pentaho-cde

I want to display a data (in my case, a String) by using Query component on Pentaho CDE. However, nothing is displayed.
Here is what I did:
On DataSource Panel:
The query is
select city_name from tb_city where city_id='1';
and it gives 'NYC' as result.
Then On Component Panel - Query Component:
With a JS function on Post Execution:
function f() {
document.getElementById('header_c').innerHTML =myresult;
where header_c is the name of the column where I want to display the query result.
I think there's no prob with this function and other stuffs because when I change myresult to any string like 'HELLO' in the function, it's displayed.
Does anyone have an idea where's wrong? I verified and the query has no prob.

write this code in your post fetch. where abc is Result Var
function fun(abc) {
document.getElementById('qq1').innerHTML =abc.resultset;


Paginate count(*) query issue

Laravel Version: 8.0
PHP Version: 7.3.0
Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.7.34
Describe the Bug
When I use paginate for pagination the data it call the count( * ) query every time even I pass the column name like count(['id']), and the count( * ) query scan all row in the table.
Table name is users and it has 45 column
Route::get("users", "UsersController#index");
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Api\V1;
class UsersController extends Controller
public function index()
return User::paginate(10 , ['id']);
Call users route
Telescope showing me that two queries
Actual result
Expected result
Steps To Solution:
The following image shows that I had done changes as per our functionality, It will take the first column name from the passed in the paginate method array of $columns params and that query does not scan all columns of the users tables.
Final Results:
I have tired to solving this issue any other way or idea then please let me know
Its not recommended to ever touch the vendor files, you can always just override the functionality inside of your model, you can also pass in the columns to override the getCountForPagination() and you can also pass the columns to simplePaginate() that doesn't invoke any counting!
In order to optimize the query to count and paginate, you can do it like this:
//We will call the query on the model
$program = Program::query()->getQuery();
//count the query by specific columns
$thePaginationCount = $program->getCountForPagination(['id']);
//paginate the results using simplePaginate and select the columns we want:
$thePaginatedProgram = $program->simplePaginate(10, ['id', 'name']);
return 'test: '.$thePaginatedProgram;
Will result like this:
select count(`id`) as aggregate from `programs`
select `id`, `name` from `programs` limit 11 offset 0
As you can see it will only load what we specify and its very efficient!
Final Note:
If you just want to paginate without the count, you can always call Model::simplePaginate($amount, [$columns...])

Oracle APEX - I need help to setup dynamic search filter on IG report

I have an IG region where I disabled the toolbar and created my custom search item.
I want user to be able to type the first three characters of a name on the search item (named P8_SEARCH) and the IG report will only show the name(s) that starts with those 3 characters.
This should happen without clicking any button. The IG report query is shown below:
select member_id, first_name, last_name , address, dob, home_phone, cell_phone,
email_address from member_profile where first_name like '%'||:P8_SEARCH||'%';
I also created dynamic action with key release event and True action Execute JavaScript Code shown below:
var keyPressCount=0;
$("#P8_SEARCH").on("keypress", () => {
if (keyPressCount < 2) {
} else {
$s("P8_SEARCH", apex.item( "P8_SEARCH" ).getValue());
How can I achieve this without submitting the page? I will appreciate any suggestion. Example:
Set an static_id for your IG region, in the dynamic action add apex.region("yourStaticId").refresh();to your JS code, this will refresh only the region.
something like this:
var keyPressCount=0;
$("#P8_SEARCH").on("keypress", () => {
if (keyPressCount < 2) {
} else {
$s("P8_SEARCH", apex.item( "P8_SEARCH" ).getValue());
If the search items are stored in an associated table, my idea is that you could associate a PL/SQL expression to execute using a Process. This process could be executed on a custom action.
Another idea is that you associate the dynamic action with a hidden button press, and make the JavaScript code click on the button. Then, you can 'simulate' the existence of a trigger for your dynamic action with key release event
What do you think?

Find Data Using Laravel Framework

I want match data from "jobTable" based on job id then i got 5 data within this 5 data i have userId i want to show data from "userTable" based on userID. Then i will catch it on variable and i want to show it on my view then i will show it using loop.
If i do this below code it shows all data from my userTable not show based on matched JobID base UserId Details.
public function applyUser($jobId){
$applyUsers=ApplyInfo::where('job_id', $jobId)->get();
//5 rows found, with in this 5 rows everybody has userId I want to show data from user table based on this found userId and pass value a variable then i will loop it on view page.
foreach ($applyUsers as $applyUser){
return view('front.user.apply-user-details', ['applyUsersDtials'=>$applyUsersDtials]);
//when i do that that time show all data based on my user table not show based on my JobId
First of all in your code $applyUsersDtials is a variable it should be an array. Next when you need to find a single row you just need to use find(). Try this-
public function applyUser($jobId){
$applyUsers = ApplyInfo::where('job_id', $jobId)->get();
$applyUsersDtials = [];
foreach ($applyUsers as $applyUser){
$applyUsersDtials[] = Employee::find($applyUser->user_id);
return view('front.user.apply-user-details',
['applyUsersDtials' => $applyUsersDtials]);

Sorting a Google SpreadSheet or Google Doc table by column

I've made a script that takes data from a spreadsheet , creates a Google Doc and presents selected rows in a Table format in the Doc. Now I'd like to be able to sort that table Alphabetically before the table is created. I've tried using a couple of different approaches like this
function onEdit(){
var sh = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var editedCell = sh.getActiveRange().getColumnIndex();
if(editedCell == 2) {
var range = sh.getRange("A2:B10");
range.sort({column: 2});
This kind of sort works but only onEdit(). I'd like to sort before edit or find away to sort the table as the Google Doc is being generated.
Does anyone have any suggestions.
Many thanks in advance.
Use the onOpen() function instead of the onEdit() function.
Note that you will have to open the document, not just refresh the page to get the function to run.

When using entity framework Where does this syntax return all records locally before doing the where

db.AdDetails.Where( u => u.OwnerGUID == CurrentUserProviderKey)
I have an adDetails table that has an OwnerGUID field.
I want to pull out only ad details that belong to the currenly logged in user.
My query does not show any where clauses in the SQL when I look at it in the debugger.
Can someone help me figure out what is wrong with my statement and if all rows in the table will be brought back then all 10K records put though a where on the webserver?
I am really new to this.
Using the Where extension method will filter down the results.
Queries in Entity Framweork are not executed until you iterate over them. If you do:
var query = db.Where(u => u.OwnerGUID == key);
This does not execute the query. When you do the following:
var list = list.ToList();
foreach( var item in query) { ... }
That is when the query will be executed in SQL. The results should be filtered with your WHERE clause at this point.
