Call to a member function toBase() on array - laravel

I am trying to use resource collection and I am receiving this error " Call to a member function toBase() on array"
The following code is in my resource :
class dataCollection extends ResourceCollection
* Transform the resource collection into an array.
* #param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* #return array
public function toArray($request)
return [
'data' => $this->collection
and here is code from the controller:
$projects = count(Project::all());
$services = count(Service::all());
$users = count(User::all());
$technologies = count(Technology::all());
$customers = count(Customer::all());
$data = [
'projects' => $projects,
'services' => $services,
'users' => $users,
'technologies' => $technologies,
'customers' => $customers
return new dataCollection($data);
Can someone help me please?

I'm not sure what your end goal is, but it appears the problem is that, as the error says, you are sending the wrong type of data into a collection. The resource collection method in this case is looking for a set of objects, and you are sending an array.
By the manual, its looking for something like this with a collection of User objects:
UserResource::collection(User::all()); // User collection, not the raw data array
If you are trying to send data back to someone via some API or json, I think you already have what you need - perhaps skip the whole resource collection method if you can? So try this:
$data = [
'projects' => Project::count(),
'services' => Service::count(),
'users' => User::count(),
'technologies' => Technology::count(),
'customers' => Customer::count()
return json_encode($data);
Note I changed the code a little to make it more efficient for you - you don't need to assign into variables first - and by calling ::all() plus count(), it is going to make much heavier database queries
The toArray() method on the resource would actually re-convert objects into the type of array you have above - so I suggest you test by skipping the circular process.


store and update an array as json in mysql database laravel 9

I have values that I want to store in the database, I have declared the type as json and cast it as an array:
protected $casts = [
'favourites' => 'array'
however, I'm not sure how to add and update and read the values inside, any ideas?
controller function:
public function addtofav()
$id = request()->get('id');
$user = auth()->user();
return response(['id'=> $id],200);
Quoting from the Laravel documenations:
adding the array cast to that attribute will automatically deserialize
the attribute to a PHP array when you access it on your Eloquent
therefore, no need to make any encoding or decoding to your values before any update or create, just keep it as an array and Eloquent will take care of that, since you have the $cast array as below:
protected $casts = [
'options' => 'array',
Actually you should use many to many but if you want to use array, you don't encode or decode.
public function addtofav()
$id = request()->get('id');
$user = auth()->user();
$favourites = $user->favourites;
$user->favourites = $favourites
return response(['id'=> $id],200);

laravel testing web routes

I have a web route for manufactures module (Backed route that handle resource)
Route::resource('/admin/manufactures', App\Http\Controllers\Back\ManufacturerController::class);
I have create a create a ManufacturerRequest with a simple rule name=>required
and i want to use Laravel Test to test the resource (CRUD)
In my controller the store method is as follow
public function store(ManufacturerRequest $request)
I have a simple test
$response = $this->post('/admin/manufactures' ,
'_token' => csrf_token(),
'name' => 'test'
which is return 403, but besides that the store Method takes ManufacturerRequest object that handles validation, and in the case of the test i pass an array because it only accepts array.
So how can I create a Test that "simulate" form and pass request to controller in order to test validation and CRUD
What you want to do is very easy and is also explained on the Documentation, it is very important that you fully read the documentation so you have a rough idea of what you can do with the framework, specially because you are new with it.
As you did not specify which version you are using, I will be using Laravel 8, but it is roughly the same across the board.
Based on your code:
Resource route
Route::resource('/admin/manufactures', ManufacturerController::class);
public function store(ManufacturerRequest $request)
You need to change your controller to:
public function store(ManufacturerRequest $request)
Yes, just remove the $request->validate(); as the framework will automatically resolve the FormRequest and authorize and validate. If you read part of the validate explanation you will see this:
So, how are the validation rules evaluated? All you need to do is type-hint the request on your controller method. The incoming form request is validated before the controller method is called, meaning you do not need to clutter your controller with any validation logic.
So, when the first line of the controller is run, it means the FormRequest passed the authorization check and validated the input.
What you can also update on your controller is:
public function store(ManufacturerRequest $request)
See I have changed $request->all() with $request->validated(), validated will only return the fields you have a key on the FormRequest's rules, if you use all you will be passing everything you have on the request (also passing non-validated data and that is not good).
Before you try anything, I recommend you read my answer on this post, so you can have a clearer picture about testing.
So, you are getting a 403 maybe because you have a middleware asking for you to be logged in, and you did not use $this->actingAs().
Just because you did not share the FormRequest rules, I will just give a super small example. If you have a this rule inside:
'name' => ['required', 'string'],
What you can do to test that is:
public function test_manufacturer_is_created(): void
$user = User::factory()->create();
$response = $this->actingAs($user)
->post('/admin/manufactures', ['name' => $name = 'Manufacturer 1']);
'name' => $name
* #depends test_manufacturer_is_created
public function test_unauthorized_error_is_thrown_when_the_user_is_not_logged_in(): void
$response = $this->post('/admin/manufactures', ['name' => 'Manufacturer 1']);
* #depends test_manufacturer_is_created
* #dataProvider invalidDataProvider
public function test_error_should_be_returned_when_invalid_data_is_sent($value, bool $deleteField): void
$user = User::factory()->create();
$response = $this->actingAs($user)
! $deleteField ? ['name' => $value] : []
public function invalidDataProvider(): array
return [
'Missing name' => [null, true],
'Empty name' => ['', false],
'Null name' => [null, false],
'Array name' => [[], false],
'Number name' => [123, false],
'Boolean name' => [true, false],
Have in mind I used a lot of things in here:
I have tested if the normal insertion works, if it is checking the a valid name is input (FormRequest rules) and that if the user is not logged in it should throw an unauthorized exception.
I have used #depends, that is used to run tests ONLY if the dependant test passes, that way we can prevent running the "negative" tests just because the normal flow did not succeed, so it makes no sense to run the other ones and also get a "the test did not pass".
I have also used #dataProvider, that is used to share data with a test, so instead of copy-pasting the test a lot of times with data variation, you just vary what data you want the test to use.

Encrypted Array Won't Save in Eloquent Model

I'm having an odd error with saving an encrypted array in Laravel. The model never updates even when save() is called.
There are no console or SQL errors.
When the encryption is disabled, there are no errors and the model updates successfully.
In a Controller, I'm calling the model like so:
$userData = UserData::where('user_id', $user_id)->first();
I then pull the array:
$encryptedData = $userData->app_data;
And I want to add to this array e.g.
$encryptedData['new'] = 'axy';
$encryptedData['time'] = time();
I then update the model and save it:
$userData->app_data = $encryptedData;
However, here is where the problem starts. The model does not update. It remains as if nothing happens. Hence if I refresh(), I get the same data as if I had never added the two new entries. When I log it, it looks like this:
[token] => xyz
[access_token] => abc
After the addition of two new entries:
[token] => xyz
[access_token] => abc
[new] => 'axy'
[time] => 1234
And after the save() and refresh():
[token] => xyz
[access_token] => abc
The model looks like this:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Crypt;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Encryption\DecryptException;
class UserData extends Model
protected $fillable = [
'user_id', 'app_data'
protected $casts = [
'user_id' => 'int',
'app_data' => 'array'
public function getAppDataAttribute($value)
try {
return decrypt($value);
catch (DecryptException $e) {
return $value;
public function setAppDataAttribute($value)
$this->attributes['app_data'] = encrypt($value);
Why are my additions to the array not being saved?
Edit: The strangeness continues
If I call:
UserData::where('id', $userData->id)->update(['app_data' => $encryptedData]);
Then the model does update and does not encrypt, HOWEVER, when I refresh and log the new 'app_data' field, it is returned as a JSON string and not an array as before. I need to cast/decode it to an array each time I want to use it.
Couple of things to look for.
1) The Laravel encrypter uses the app key. Make sure you have one in your .env file. If not, run php artisan key:generate
2) I assume the array is correctly formatted like this:
'token' => 'xyz', // You have a = here and no commas after any other value
'access_token' => 'abc'
3) Depending on what you are storing this as, you can test by serializing the array before encrypting it:
$arr = serialize($encryptedData); // After you have added new data to the array
$userData->app_data = $arr;
This is automatic in Laravel, but may give you a help hunting the bug. Test with your mutator using encryptString() and manually unserialize / decryptString() to see if any odd behavior by stepping through the values as they are mutated.

Sending an array to index via Algolia's Laravel Search Framework

I'm having some difficulty sending an array to be indexed in Algolia because I have to encode it to save it to the database first.
$algoliaAgent = AlgoliaAgent::firstOrCreate([
'FirstName' => $item->FirstName,
'LastName' => $item->LastName,
'AgentRecId' => $item->AgentRecId,
'Style' => json_encode(explode(',', $item->Style))
The resulting index in Algolia looks like this:
Is there a method to decode the value before sending it to Algolia?
I believe you are looking for the json_encode and json_decode methods.
Also, see the Laravel Scout documenation for more information about what is indexed.
By default, the entire toArray form of a given model will be persisted to its search index. If you would like to customize the data that is synchronized to the search index, you may override the toSearchableArray method on the model:
The final solution was to modify the pushToIndex() method to intercept the the loop that sends the object to Algolia.
Something like this:
public function pushToIndex()
/** #var \AlgoliaSearch\Laravel\ModelHelper $modelHelper */
$modelHelper = App::make('\AlgoliaSearch\Laravel\ModelHelper');
$indices = $modelHelper->getIndices($this);
/** #var \AlgoliaSearch\Index $index */
foreach ($indices as $index) {
if ($modelHelper->indexOnly($this, $index->indexName)) {
$temp = $this->getAlgoliaRecordDefault($index->indexName);
$temp['Style'] = $this->castArray($temp['Style']);
public function castArray($raw) {
$arrayString = '';
if(is_string($raw)) {
$arrayString = explode(",",$raw);
return $arrayString;

Laravel convert an array to a model

i have an array as follows
'topic' =>
array (
'id' => 13,
'title' => 'Macros',
'content' => '<p>Macros. This is the updated content.</p>
'created_at' => '2014-02-28 18:36:55',
'updated_at' => '2014-05-14 16:42:14',
'category_id' => '5',
'tags' => 'tags',
'referUrl' => '',
'user_id' => 3,
'videoUrl' => '',
'useDefaultVideoOverlay' => 'true',
'positive' => 0,
'negative' => 1,
'context' => 'macros',
'viewcount' => 60,
'deleted_at' => NULL,
I would like to use this array and convert/cast it into the Topic Model . Is there a way this can be done.
Try creating a new object and passing the array into the constructor
$topic = new Topic($array['topic']);
For creating models from a single item array:
$Topic = new Topic();
For creating a collection from an array of items:
Here is a generic way to do it, not sure if there is a Laravel-specific method -- but this is pretty simple to implement.
You have your Topic class with its properties, and a constructor that will create a new Topic object and assign values to its properties based on an array of $data passed as a parameter.
class Topic
public $id;
public $title;
public function __construct(array $data = array())
foreach($data as $key => $value) {
$this->$key = $value;
Use it like this:
$Topic = new Topic(array(
'id' => 13,
'title' => 'Marcos',
object(Topic)#1 (2) {
string(6) "Marcos"
It seems that you have data of an existing model there, so:
First, you can use that array to fill only fillable (or not guarded) properties on your model. Mind that if there is no fillable or guarded array on the Topic model you'll get MassAssignmentException.
Then manually assign the rest of the properties if needed.
Finally use newInstance with 2nd param set to true to let Eloquent know it's existing model, not instantiate a new object as it would, again, throw an exception upon saving (due to unique indexes constraints, primary key for a start).
$topic = with(new Topic)->newInstance($yourArray, true);
$topic->someProperty = $array['someProperty']; // do that for each attribute that is not fillable (or guarded)
To sum up, it's cumbersome and probably you shouldn't be doing that at all, so the question is: Why you'd like to do that anyway?
Look at these two available methods in L5 newInstance and newFromBuilder
e.g with(new static)->newInstance( $attributes , true ) ;
I would likely create the new instance of the object and then build it that way, then you can actually split some useful reusable things or defaults into the model otherwise what's the point in pushing an array into a model and doing nothing with it - very little besides for normalization.
What I mean is:
$topic = new Topic();
$topic->id = 3489;
$topic->name = 'Test';
And the model would simply be a class with public $id;. You can also set defaults so if you had like resync_topic or whatever property, you can set it as 0 in the model rather than setting 0 in your array.
I came across this question looking for something else. Noticed it was a bit outdated and I have another way that I go about handling the OPs issue. This might be a known way of handling the creation of a model from an array with more recent versions of Laravel.
I add a generic constructor to my class/model
public function __construct(array $attributes = [])
Then when I want to create a new instance of the model from an array I make a call like this
$topic = new Topic($attrs);
// Then save it if applicable
$topic->save(); // or $topic->saveOrFail();
I hope someone finds this helpful.
