Creating a custom view - ruby

I am trying to create a landing page for an event for people to visit to see the events details. I have created the view, added a route to the event resources and made changes to the controller but something has been done incorrectly.
Here is my code:
resources :events do
resources :guests
match '/landing_page', to:'events#landing_page', as: :landing_page, :via =>[:get, :post]
# resources :guestlists
def landing_page
#event = Event.find(params[:id])
When I open the landing page i get the following error:
"ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find Event without an ID):"

In case anyone else runs into this, I wanted to document Sergio's last comment here which I believe leads to the outcome I think most people will be looking for. Nesting this inside of a member block should get you an ideal outcome:
resources :events do
member do
get :landing_page
Running rake routes should now show /events/:id/landing_page(.:format) so you can use the same method you use in your show method that just asks for params[:id].
I was wracking my brain for a while on this as rails resources seem to be dwindling on the interwebs.


Unable to route in ruby on rails as I encounter specific error

I'm using rails 5.0 and I get the
PostsController#index is missing a template for this request format and variant. request.formats: ["text/html"] request.variant: []
NOTE! For XHR/Ajax or API requests while trying to input my url/posts.
my routing.rb file is below:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'posts/index' => 'posts#index'
resources: posts
my posts_controller.rb looks like below:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def index
I want to know specifically what I'm doing wrong. I've just started to learning Ruby on Rails.
Template is missing. You need to create a file ie index.html.erb under directory /app/views/posts/index.html
GET profiles/employees- Should display all the employees
GET profiles/employees/:id should display a specfic employee
GET profiles/donors - Should display all the donors
GET profiles/donors/:id - Should display a specfic donor
routes in ruby on rails behave in the same way as href tag in rails
we use get for link and if we want toi perform any action on button then w e have to use button.
if you have any doubt let me know in detail.
for more details refer this
if we write only localhost:3000/employees then bydefault our application will redirect to index page.
The issue is template missing you are missing the template file index.html.erb
I have notice that on your snapshot you named the template file as index.html.erb.txt
remove the .txt and rename to index.html.erb Then it should work
Also you don't need to declare the routes as
get 'posts/index' => 'posts#index'
Just declare the resources: posts is enough. You may check the routes using the rake routes command on your rails console
Rename the file index.html.erb.txt to index.html.erb

Rails routing issue - URL works, though button to link to it won't

I'm writing what is currently a very inelegant program to generate fitness plans, and have an issue with the routing. I want buttons on my index page linking to certain bodyparts and a plan generator, and the pages themselves are working when I navigate to them directly. However, the buttons on my index view won't work, kicking out a routing error: 'No route matches [POST] "/exercises/index"'.
For example, dropping the URL for '/exercises/legs' or '/exercises/generator' into my browser loads the page as it should be, though <%= button_to "Legs", 'exercises/legs' %> (as well as redirecting to exercises_legs_path and every other option I've thought of) gives the error.
Sure this is something pretty straightforward I'm missing (very new to this), and any advice would be great!
The database currently contains columns for the :id, ':move' (i.e. press up) and ':bodypart' (i.e. legs).
Here are my routes:
Helper HTTP Verb Path Controller#Action
GET /exercises/:bodypart(.:format) exercises#bodypart
exercises_generator_path GET /exercises/generator(.:format) exercises#generator
exercises_index_path GET /exercises/index(.:format) exercises#index
root_path GET / exercises#index
exercises_path GET /exercises(.:format) exercises#index
POST /exercises(.:format) exercises#create
new_exercise_path GET /exercises/new(.:format) exercises#new
edit_exercise_path GET /exercises/:id/edit(.:format) exercises#edit
exercise_path GET /exercises/:id(.:format) exercises#show
PATCH /exercises/:id(.:format) exercises#update
PUT /exercises/:id(.:format) exercises#update
DELETE /exercises/:id(.:format) exercises#destroy
And my routes.rb file:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/exercises/:bodypart', to: 'exercises#bodypart'
get '/exercises/generator', to: 'exercises#generator'
get 'exercises/index'
root :to => 'exercises#index'
resources :exercises
Thanks in advance, and let me know if there's anything else I've got that would help with this.
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/exercises/:bodypart', to: 'exercises#bodypart', as: 'exercises_bodypart'
get '/exercises/generator', to: 'exercises#generator'
get 'exercises/index'
root :to => 'exercises#index'
resources :exercises
instead of
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/exercises/:bodypart', to: 'exercises#bodypart'
get '/exercises/generator', to: 'exercises#generator'
get 'exercises/index'
root :to => 'exercises#index'
resources :exercises

Using SitePrism with Rspec and Capybara feature specs

I recently discovered SitePrism via the rubyweekly email.
It looks amazing. I can see its going to be the future.
The examples I have seen are mostly for cucumber steps.
I am trying to figure out how one would go about using SitePrism with rspec.
Assuming #home_page for the home page, and #login_page for the login_page
I can understand that
#home_page.load # => visit #home.expanded_url
however, the part I am not sure about, is if I think click on for example the "login" link, and the browser in Capybara goes to the login page - how I can then access an instance of the login page, without loading it.
#home_page =
# Here I know the login page should be loaded, so I can perhaps do
#login_page =
#login_page.should be_displayed
That seems like it might work. So, when you know you are supposed to be on a specific page, you create an instance of that page, and somehow the capybara "page" context, as in page.find("a[href='/sessions/new']") is transferred to the last SitePrism object?
I just feel like I am missing something here.
I'll play around and see what I can figure out - just figured I might be missing something.
I am looking through the source, but if anyone has figured this out... feel free to share :)
What you've assumed turns out to be exactly how SitePrism works :) Though you may want to check the epilogue of the readme that explains how to save yourself from having to instantiate page objects all over your test code. Here's an example:
# our pages
class Home < SitePrism::Page
class SearchResults < SitePrism::Page
# here's the app class that represents our entire site:
class App
def home
def results_page
# and here's how to use it:
#first line of the test...
#app =
#app.home.search_field.set "sausages"
#app.results_page.should be_displayed

No route matches [GET] "/"...Sometimes

So I'm a bit of a Rails n00b, so I'll apologize if this is really simple. When I access my server from another computer, I get this message:
No route matches [GET] "/"
And if I try to go to my subpages (Well, currently I only have one), I get something along these lines:
Unknown action
The action 'index' could not be found for AwebpageController
But here's the catch: this only happens sometimes. The rest of the time, the standard RoR homepage loads, and going to serves up the page fine.
My Routes.rb looks like this:
Wobsite::Application.routes.draw do
resources :awebpage
And awebpage_controller.rb looks like this:
class AwebpageController < ApplicationController
And yes, index.html.erb for Awebpage does exist. It's all so simple that I don't understand what's going wrong. Oh, and my webserver is Thin (Not sure if that matters). Thanks in advance for any help!
You might want to add this to the top of your routes file to set the default controller and page for your site (i.e.
root :to => "AwebpageController#index"
To remove the default Ruby on Rails webpage you'll also want to delete the index.html file in your /public/ directory.
Also, although not required, in your controller you're missing the function definition for index.
class AwebpageController < ApplicationController
def index
Normally you'd do application logic and serve up a view in this function; however if you do nothing RoR automatically loads the view associated with the page (index.html.erb).
If after all this you're still having a problem perhaps explicitly add index to the AwebpageController in your routes file; perhaps rails is only mapping to Awebpage/index and not

How much should interfaces of elements in Page Objects be abstracted?

I have a page object called LineItemsPage
class LineItemsPage
attr_accessor :add_line_item_button
def initialize(test_env)
#browser = test_env[:browser]
#action_bar = #browser.div(:id => 'lineitems_win').div(:class => 'window-body').div(:class => 'actionbar')
#add_line_item_button = #action_bar.img(:class => 'button add')
def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
#browser.send sym, *args, &block
I use it like so:
When /^I click on Add Item and enter the following values:$/ do |table|
#line_items_page =
I'm wondering if I should be abstracting the click, by adding something like the following to my LineItemsPage class:
def add_item
And then using it like so:
I'm looking for best practices, either with regards to Page Object in particular or Ruby in general. I feel that encapsulating the interface by using add_item() is going a bit far, but I'm wondering if I'm unaware of issues I might run into down the road if I don't do that.
Personally, I try to make my page object methods be in the domain language with no reference to the implementation.
I used to do something like, however it has caused problems in the following scenarios:
1) The add line item was changed from a button to a link.
2) The process for adding a line item has changed - say its now done by a right-click or it has become a two step process (like open some dropdown and then click the add line).
In either case, you would have to locate all the places you add line items and update them. If you had all the logic in the add_item page object method, you would only have to update the one place.
From an implementation perspective, I have found that Cheezy's page object accessors work pretty well. However, for image buttons (or any of your app's custom controls), I would add additional methods to the PageObject::Accessors module. Or if they are one off controls, you can add the methods directly to the specific page object.
Update - Reply to Comment Regarding Some Starting Points:
I have not come across too much documentation, but here are a couple links that might help:
1) The Cheezy Page Object project wiki - Gives a simple example to get started
2) Cheezy's blog posts where the page object gem first started. Note that the content here might not be exactly how the gem is currently implemented, but I think it gives a good foundation to understanding what he is trying to achieve. This in turn makes it easier to understand what is happening when you have to open up and modify the gem to fit you needs.
