MVN Plugins downloading old versions of transitive dependencies - maven

using in my pom. Its downloading internally codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.5.15/plexus-utils-1.5.15.jar which is very old version.
downloading codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/2.0.4/plexus-utils-2.0.4.jar internally.
Even though I am making dependency management plexus-utils-3.2.1 in POM.
Can someone guide to control transitive dependency to newer versions
I have tried
How I can restrict maven to force download latest versions of transitive dependencies


`mvn clean package` is executing my project main

I have this in pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<id>make-assembly</id> <!-- this is used for inheritance merges -->
<phase>package</phase> <!-- bind to the packaging phase -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">
for some reason when I run mvn clean package it's running my server...I commented out the exec-maven-plugin, and it still launches the server, at the end of the package command, does anyone know why?
nevermind - it was running my tests as part of the package lifecycle, and the junit test started a server with similar output as my actual server! d'oh!

IntelliJ does not find pom.xml file

I'm new to this weird Maven thing and unsure how it works. My project contains a valid pom.xml file, but I am unable to do anything with it. Basically, I go to File -> Project Structure -> Libraries -> From Maven... and write pom.xml in this search field, but it does not find anything! I'm pretty sure I am doing something wrong. In general, I just want to know how to download all the libraries into a .jar format.
I use IntelliJand my pom.xml looks like this:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>A connectfour website</description>
<name>Apache v2</name>
<name>Nikita Koksharov</name>
Thank you in advance.
There are a number of things that could be going here but try this first:
Try ctrl-shift-a -> "Reimport All Maven Projects"
Views -> Tool Windows -> Maven Projects -> click top left button (looks like a refresh icon)
First of all be sure that your project it is using Maven ?! maybe it is using Gradle so on
For a Maven project, pom.xml file:
For a Gradle project, build.gradle file:
Alternatives to Apache Maven. Jira, Jenkins, Gradle, Apache Ant, and Apache Tomcat

'[TestNG] Couldn't find the testng.xml in the jar file, running all the classes' error while running test on AWS Device Farm

I am trying to run a test suite on AWS device farm, It is a Maven project, I get the following error on the device farm Parsing result document: [TestNG] Couldn't find the testng.xml in the jar file, running all the classes.
While creating the zip for AWS device farm from Maven I get the following warning:
[WARNING] The POM for org.testng:testng:jar:5.14.3 is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details.
I have the latest version of testng and surefire plugin nothing seems to help. any help on this one will be much appreciated.
My pom.xml is as follows:">
<groupId>com.pankanis.cameraplus </groupId>
<!-- -->
You need to add the testng.xml to the root of the -tests.jar file created. To do this put it in the src/test/resources directory to take advantage of the super pom configuration. Alternatively, you can create some testResources tags to reference where the testng.xml is at currently.
Hope that helps
Just added a pull request here
There is now a premium support article about this

Problems in dependencies using maven with ecplise

I do not know a lot about Maven, only the basics and that this causing me some problems.
I'm using Ecplise Luna with maven (the EMBEDDED version 3.2.1 / to manage my project. also installed JBoss Tools plugin to send my project to OpenShift. So far so good.
However, I'm facing some errors in OpenShift and researching in forums discovered that the problem is related to the 5.0.8 version of mysql-connector-java. So I went in pom.xml file from my maven project and changed the version of mysql-connector-java 5.0.8 to 5.1.38, saved the pom and theoretically my maven should download the version the new version (5.1.38) mysql-connector-java and delete the old (5.0.8), right?
Well, if that's what should happen, it is not what is happening. I could not find any errors, but in my lib folder there is only the 5.0.8 version of mysql-connector-java.
Strange that when I give clean install to build is successfully generated, and MyApp-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT / WEB-INF / lib is generated mysql-connector-java-5.0.8-bin.jar file and mysql-connector -java-5.1.38.jar.
Why this is happening? the little I understand, the maven should not replace the 5.0.8 version for 5.1.38, since I changed the version in pom.xml?
Any idea what's going on?
My pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xsi:schemaLocation="" xmlns=""
<name>PrimeFaces Maven Repository</name>
<name>Central Repository</name>
<name>Central Repository</name>
<sourceDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\src</sourceDirectory>
<scriptSourceDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\src\main\scripts</scriptSourceDirectory>
<testSourceDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\src\test\java</testSourceDirectory>
<outputDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\target\classes</outputDirectory>
<testOutputDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\target\test-classes</testOutputDirectory>
<directory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\src</directory>
<directory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\src\test\resources</directory>
<directory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\target</directory>
<outputDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\target\site</outputDirectory>
<outputDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\target\site</outputDirectory>
<outputDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\target\site</outputDirectory>
<outputDirectory>D:\Meus documentos\Projetos\Thiago\app Picos\Workspace\Picos\target\site</outputDirectory>
Maven does not import the dependencies into the 'lib'-folder of the eclipse project. Instead it will be downloaded to the local maven repository (at USER_HOME/.m2/repository). When the project is built, maven will copy all contents of your projects 'lib' folder and additionally include the referenced jars from your local repository.
I suspect that you saved the old version inside the 'lib' folder, which is why you end up with both versions.

Maven Project always unpacking libraries when running

I am using Maven in Netbeans.
I just noticed that when I run my project, it took me long because maven is always unpacking libraries.
Is there a way in which maven will unpack libraries once?
Here is my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<description>A simple version of JavaFX setup as described at</description>
<!-- Used as the 'Vendor' for JNLP generation -->
<!-- MigLayout -->
<!-- Apache Commons -->
<!-- Spring Framework -->
<!-- Dom4j -->
<!-- Jaxen -->
<!-- Hibernate Framework -->
While running your application, exec-maven-plugin is calling another java program whose executable is at ${java.home}/../bin/javafxpackager location. May be that program is unpacking libraries. If you don't want to unpacking libraries, then you can comment that plugin start from
Handle that logic inside that program.
