Creating a List in prolog recursively - prolog

i would like to create a list in prolog where in each recursive step i add an element to the list.My code:
N is 0.
This supposedly runs recursions adding a or b to the List depending on N.However this [a|List] does not add an element in each recursion.What is the correct way to do this?

You basically need to write three clauses. First, the clause for N = 0.
solve(0, []).
When N is less than (or equal to) 5, you want to add b to the list. You also need to check that N is not negative, otherwise your program will recurse at infinity. You also need to calculate N - 1 with the is predicate.
solve(N, [b | L]) :-
N >= 0,
N =< 5,
M is N - 1,
solve(M, L).
The third clause is for the case where N is greater than 5, where a is added to the list.
solve(N, [a | L]) :-
N > 5,
M is N - 1,
solve(M, L).
Querying for solve(2, L) and solve(7, L) yields respectively:
L = [b, b] % N = 2
L = [a, a, b, b, b, b, b] % N = 7

I assume you are trying to do this:
solve(0, []).
solve(N, [a|List]):-
N > 5,
solve(N, [b|List]):-
N =< 5,


Impossible for me to solve: Simple recursion does not take integers for indexing a list....source_sink does not exist?

This recursion should slice IL to IR out of the list Lin and hand result LOut...
slice(_,IL,IR,LOut) :-
slice(Lin,IL,IR,LOut) :-
IK is IL + 1,
Input / Output:
?- slice([1,2,3,4],2,3,X).
ERROR: source_sink `'3'' does not exist
ERROR: source_sink `'4'' does not exist
X = [] .
I m also new to Prolog, but I think this recursion must somehow work. Also I'm not really known to the error codes in Prolog, but after checking multiple times I just have to give up... I hope you guys can help me.
slice(_,IL,IR,LOut) :-
[LOut]. % <-- this line causes source_sink error.
That syntax [name] tries to load the file as Prolog source code. By the time your code gets there, LOut is [3,4] so it tries to load the files and, and they don't exist (thankfully, or else who knows what they could do).
I think this recursion must somehow work
It won't; you are appending to a list as you go down into the recursion, which means you will never see the result.
The following might be a close version which works, at least one way:
slice(_,IL,IR,[]) :-
IR < IL.
slice(Lin,IL,IR,[X|LOut]) :-
IR >= IL,
IK is IL + 1,
?- slice([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], 2, 5, X).
X = [2, 3, 4, 5]
See how [X|LOut] in the second rule's header puts X in the result that you get, and append/3 is not needed, and LOut finishes down in the recursion eventually as [] the empty list from the first rule, and all the X's are prepended on the front of it to make the result on the way down into the recursion, which is tail recursion, so it doesn't need to go back up, only forward, since there's nothing left to be done after the recursive call.
Since the "cons" is done before the recursion, this is known as "tail recursion modulo cons" in other languages, but in Prolog it is just tail, and the list is being built top-down on the way forward, as opposed to being built bottom up on the way back:
Lin=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], slice( Lin, 2, 5, R)
nth0(2,Lin,X2), R=[X2|R2], slice( Lin, 3, 5, R2)
nth0(3,Lin,X3), R2=[X3|R3], slice( Lin, 4, 5, R3)
nth0(4,Lin,X4), R3=[X4|R4], slice( Lin, 5, 5, R4)
nth0(5,Lin,X5), R4=[X5|R5], slice( Lin, 6, 5, R5)
R5 = [].
I think findall/3 provides a readable readable solution for your problem:
slice(Lin,IL,IR,LOut) :-
?- slice([1,2,3,4],2,3,X).
X = [3, 4].
If you expect a different outcome, use standard arithmetic comparison operators (=<,>=) instead of between/3.
I think you want:
list_elems_slice(Start, End, Lst, Slice) :-
list_elems_slice_(Lst, 1, Start, End, Slice).
list_elems_slice_([H|T], N, N, End, [H|Slice]) :-
list_elems_slice_capture_(T, N, End, Slice).
list_elems_slice_([_|T], N, Start, End, Slice) :-
N1 is N + 1,
list_elems_slice_(T, N1, Start, End, Slice).
list_elems_slice_capture_(_, N, N, []).
list_elems_slice_capture_([H|T], N, End, [H|Slice]) :-
N1 is N + 1,
list_elems_slice_capture_(T, N1, End, Slice).
Result in swi-prolog:
?- list_elems_slice(S, E, [a,b,c], Slice).
S = E, E = 1,
Slice = [a] ;
S = 1,
E = 2,
Slice = [a, b] ;
S = 1,
E = 3,
Slice = [a, b, c] ;
S = E, E = 2,
Slice = [b] ;
S = 2,
E = 3,
Slice = [b, c] ;
S = E, E = 3,
Slice = [c] ;
Assuming that the point of this exercise is to teach you to think recursively, I would approach the problem as follows.
To get what you want is essentially two separate operations:
You first must discard some number of items from the beginning of the list, and then
Take some number of items from what's left over
That gives us discard/3:
discard( Xs , 0 , Xs ) .
discard( [_|Xs] , N , Ys ) :- N > 0 , N1 is N-1, discard(Xs,N1,Ys) .
and take/3, very nearly the same operation:
take( _ , 0 , [] ) .
take( [X|Xs] , N , [Y|Ys] ) :- N > 0 , N1 is N-1, take(Xs,N1,Ys) .
Once you have those two simple predicates, slice/4 itself is pretty trivial:
% slice( List , Left, Right, Sublist )
slice( Xs, L, R, Ys ) :- % to slice a list,
L =< R, % - the left offset must first be less than or equal to the right offset
N is R-L, % - compute the number of items required, and then
discard(Xs,L,X1), % - discard the first L items, and
take(X1,N,Ys). % - take the next N items
. % Easy!
Another approach would be to use append/3:
slice( Xs , L, R, Ys ) :-
length(Pfx,L), % - construct of list of the length to be discarded
append(Pfx,Sfx,Xs), % - use append to split Xs
N is R-L, % - compute the number of items required
length(Ys,N), % - ensure Ys is the required length
append(Ys,_,Sfx) % - use append to split off Ys
. % Easy!

Finding prime factors in Prolog

prime_factors(N, [_:_]) :- prime_factors(N, [_:_], 2).
prime_factors(N, [_:_], D) :- N mod D == 0, N1 is N div D,
prime_factors(N1, [_:D], D).
prime_factors(N, [_:_], D) :- N mod D =\= 0, D1 is D+1, prime_factors(N, [_:_], D1).
This is my proposed solution to find the prime factors of an input N.
When I try to run it I am getting an error about such a predicate/2 not existing - is my syntax somehow wrong with the extended predicate/3?
Using a second parameter that only seems to unify in the second case, does not seem to make much sense. Furthermore this is not the way you construct a list in Prolog anyway, since:
the "cons" has syntax [H|T], so then it should be [_|_];
by using underscores the predicates are not interested in the values, you each time pass other parameters; and
in Prolog one typically does not construct lists with answers, typically backtracking is used. One can use findall/3 to later construct a list. This is usually better since that means that we can also query like prime_factor(1425, 3) to check if 3 is a prime factor of 1425.
We can thus construct a predicate that looks like:
prime_factor(N, D) :-
find_prime_factor(N, 2, D).
find_prime_factor(N, D, D) :-
0 is N mod D.
find_prime_factor(N, D, R) :-
D < N,
(0 is N mod D
-> (N1 is N/D, find_prime_factor(N1, D, R))
; (D1 is D + 1, find_prime_factor(N, D1, R))
For example:
?- prime_factor(1425, R).
R = 3 ;
R = 5 ;
R = 5 ;
R = 19 ;
?- prime_factor(1724, R).
R = 2 ;
R = 2 ;
R = 431 ;
If we want a list of all prime factors, we can use findall/3 for that:
prime_factors(N, L) :-
findall(D, prime_factor(N, D), L).
For example:
?- prime_factors(1425, R).
R = [3, 5, 5, 19].
?- prime_factors(1724, R).
R = [2, 2, 431].
?- prime_factors(14, R).
R = [2, 7].
?- prime_factors(13, R).
R = [13].

Prolog subgroup of list of size n

I'm trying to create a rule to determine if a list is a sublist of size n of another list.
isSubgroup(+Subgroup, +Group, +N)
For example, isSubgroup([1, 2, 4], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3) would return True
However, isSubgroup([4, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3) would return False (because of the different order)
I thought of checking for each member of the subgroup whether or not it's a member of the large group, but that would ignore the order.
Is the idea feasible?
Really, try to write an inductive relation. Meanwhile, library(yall) coupled with library(apply) can make one liner:
isSubgroup(S,G,N) :- length(S,N),
As #WillemVanOnsem suggested, an inductive solution:
subGroups([], []).
subGroups([X|Xs], [X|Ys]):-
subGroups(Xs, Ys).
subGroups(Xs, [_|Ys]):-
subGroups(Xs, Ys).
subGroupsN(Options, N, Solution) :-
length(Solution, N),
subGroups(Solution, Options).
We can define this predictate by an inductive definition. A Subgroup is a subgroup of Group if:
the Subgroup is an empty list;
the first element of the Subgroup is the same as the first element of Group, and the rest of the Subgroup is a subgroup of the rest of the Group;
the Subgroup is a subgroup of the rest of the Group.
We need to update N accordingly such that, if the Subgroup is empty, then the length is 0:
isSubgroup([], _, 0). %% (1)
isSubgroup([H|TS], [H|TG], N) :- %% (2)
N1 is N-1,
isSubgroup(TS, TG, N1).
isSubgroup(S, [_|TG], N) :- %% (3)
isSubgroup(S, TG, N).
The above however results in duplicate trues for the same subgroup. This is due to the fact that we can satisfy the predicate in multiple ways. For example if we call:
isSubgroup([], [1,2], 0).
then it is satisfied through the fact (1), but the last clause (3) also calls this with isSubgroup([], [1], 0)., that will then get satisfied through the fact (1), etc.
We can avoid this by making the last clause more restrictive:
isSubgroup([], _, 0). %% (1)
isSubgroup([H|TS], [H|TG], N) :- %% (2)
N1 is N-1,
isSubgroup(TS, TG, N1).
isSubgroup([HS|TS], [_|TG], N) :- %% (3)
isSubgroup([HS|TS], TG, N).
The above works for the given "directions" (all arguments should be grounded, are "input"). But typically one wants to use a predicate in other directions as well. We can implement a version that works basically when we use arguments as "output" as well, and still make use of tail-call optimization (TCO):
isSubgroup(S, G, N) :-
isSubgroup(S, G, 0, N).
isSubgroup([], _, L, L). %% (1)
isSubgroup([H|TS], [H|TG], L, N) :- %% (2)
L1 is L+1,
isSubgroup(TS, TG, L1, N).
isSubgroup([HS|TS], [_|TG], L, N) :- %% (3)
isSubgroup([HS|TS], TG, L, N).
For example:
?- isSubgroup([1,4,2], G, N).
G = [1, 4, 2|_2974],
N = 3 ;
G = [1, 4, _2972, 2|_2986],
N = 3 ;
G = [1, 4, _2972, _2984, 2|_2998],
N = 3 ;
G = [1, 4, _2972, _2984, _2996, 2|_3010],
N = 3 .
Here Prolog is thus able to propose groups for which [1,4,2] is a subgroup, and it is capable to determining the length N of the subgroup.
We can query in the opposite direction as well:
?- isSubgroup(S, [1,4,2], N).
S = [],
N = 0 ;
S = [1],
N = 1 ;
S = [1, 4],
N = 2 ;
S = [1, 4, 2],
N = 3 ;
S = [1, 2],
N = 2 ;
S = [4],
N = 1 ;
S = [4, 2],
N = 2 ;
S = [2],
N = 1 ;
Prolog can, for a given group [1,4,2] enumerate exhaustively all possible subgroups, together with N the length of that subgroup.

creating a list in prolog based on an other list

i am a begginer in prolog and i want to write a code that creates a list based on another list.I wrote this :
create([_],N,J,K,J):- N>K.
create([X|Xs],N,L,K,J):- X==N , N1 is N + 1 , create(Xs,N1,[-1|L],K,J).
create([X|Xs],N,L,K,J):-N1 is N + 1 , create([X|Xs],N1,[0|L],K,J).
K is the size of the output list.
N is a counter .
L is the output.
X is the input list.
?- create([1,2],1,[],5,N).
N = [0, 0, 0, 0, -1]
i would like to get a list with size equal to 5(K) filled with zeros except the positions that are specified in the input list on which the value will be -1(I didnt reverse it).
I think your code should be - note the list is built in the head, to avoid reversing)
create(_ ,N,K, []) :- N > K, !.
create([N|Xs],N,K,[-1|L]) :- !, N1 is N + 1, create(Xs,N1,K,L).
create( Xs ,N,K,[ 0|L]) :- N1 is N + 1, create(Xs,N1,K,L).
It requires the zeros positions sorted.
Otherwise, the more idiomatic - and cryptic -
create(Ps, N,K, L) :- findall(D, (
( memberchk(P,Ps) -> D = -1 ; D = 0)), L).
will work regardless the ordering.

Prolog Find N prime numbers

I have a problem with the recursive function of Prolog. I believe I am not implementing it right and need help.
I need to generate the first N prime numbers and return it in a list. Generating the prime number is not an issue, but rather, generating it in a list is the issue I have.
This is the part of the relevant code:
genList(_, 0, _).
genList(X, N, PrimeList, PrimeList):-
N > 0,
X1 is X +1,
N1 is N -1,
genList(X1,N1,[X|PrimeList], [X|PrimeList]),!.
genList(X, N, PrimeList, PrimeList):-
X1 is X + 1,
genList(X1,N,PrimeList, PrimeList).
This is what I type into the Prolog interpreter:
genList(1,N, [],L).
For the 1st line, how do I make the base case such that when N=0, I stop recursing? Is this correct?
As for the next 2 clauses, I am having difficulty in thinking in terms of logic programming. I definitely feel that this is not logic programming style.
I want to say that when isPrime(X) fails, we continue to the next number without saving anything, but when isPrime(X) is true, then we recurse and continue to the next number, saving X.
How do I do that in Prolog?
First of all, you shouldn't need 4 arguments to your main predicate if you only want two. Here you want the list of the first primes up to N. So an argument for N and an argument for the list should be enough:
primeList(N, L) :-
% eventually in the body a call to a worker predicate with more arguments
Now here, your logic is explained in those terms:
primeList(N, [N|L]) :-
% If we're not at the base case yet
N > 0,
% If N is a prime
NewN is N - 1,
% Let's recurse and unifie N as the head of our result list in the head
% of the predicate
primeList(NewN, L).
primeList(N, L) :-
% Same as above but no further unification in the head this time.
N > 0,
% Because N isn't a prime
\+ isPrime(N),
NewN is N - 1,
primeList(NewN, L).
To that you'd have to add the base case
primeList(0, []).
You could rewrite that with cuts as follows:
primeList(0, []) :- !.
primeList(N, [N|L]) :-
NewN is N - 1,
primeList(NewN, L).
primeList(N, L) :-
NewN is N - 1,
primeList(NewN, L).
Here's what you meant to write:
genList(N, L) :- genList(2, N, L, []).
genList(X, N, L, Z):- % L-Z is the result: primes list of length N
N > 0 ->
( isprime(X) -> L=[X|T], N1 is N-1 ; L=T, N1 is N ),
X1 is X + 1,
L = Z.
The if-then-else construct embodies the cuts. And you're right, it's essentially a functional programming style.
We can introduce a little twist to it, disallowing requests for 0 primes (there's no point to it anyway), so that we also get back the last generated prime:
genList(1, [2], 2) :- !.
genList(N, [2|L], PN) :- N>1, L=[3|_], N2 is N-2, gen_list(N2, L, [PN]).
gen_list(N, L, Z) :- L=[P|_], X is P+2, gen_list(X, N, L, Z).
gen_list(X, N, L, Z) :- % get N more odd primes into L's tail
N > 0 ->
( isprime(X) -> L=[_|T], T=[X|_], N1 is N-1 ; L=T, N1 is N ),
X1 is X + 2,
L = Z. % primes list's last node
Run it:
?- genList(8,L,P).
L = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19]
P = 19
This also enables us to stop and continue the primes generation from the point where we stopped, instead of starting over from the beginning:
?- L = [3|_], gen_list(8, L, Z), Z=[P10|_], writeln([2|L]),
gen_list(10, Z, Z2), Z2=[P20], writeln(Z).
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29|_G1037]
P10 = 29
P20 = 71
