I'm trying to play a little bit with Knet.jl and CNNs. Every example I found requires the input for CNN to be in the form of [dim1, dim2, n_of_channels, N] where N is a number of the actual images.
I'm a bit new to Julia and I don't know how to accomplish this.
I loaded images from some private directory and pushed them to a vector, so that their length is N.
images = Vector()
for img_file in readdir(dir)
img = load("$dir/$img_file")
images = vcat(images, [img])
"320-element Array{Any,1}"
However in the following example xtrn is stored as 28x28x1x60000 Array and that is what I would like to accomplish with the private dataset.
using Knet; include(Knet.dir("data","mnist.jl"))
xtrn,ytrn,_,_= mnist()
I'm aware of functions as channelview, reshape and it's seems they should provide solution but I played with them a bit and got DimensionMismatch error all the time. I guess there's something I miss.
I don't have the files you are using in your example. But I would use cat in conjunction with a generator. Here's an example of something you can do:
julia> reduce((x,y)->cat(x, y, dims=4), rand(3,3) for _ in 1:3)
3×3×1×3 Array{Float64,4}:
[:, :, 1, 1] =
0.366818 0.847529 0.209042
0.281807 0.467918 0.68881
0.179162 0.222919 0.348935
[:, :, 1, 2] =
0.0418451 0.256611 0.609398
0.65166 0.281397 0.340405
0.11109 0.387638 0.974488
[:, :, 1, 3] =
0.454959 0.37831 0.554323
0.213613 0.980773 0.743419
0.133154 0.782516 0.669733
In order to do this with your files, this might work (untested):
images = reduce((x,y)->cat(x, y, dims=4), load(joinpath(dir, img_file)) for img_file in readdir(dir))
BTW. You should not initialize vectors like this:
images = Vector()
This makes an untyped container, which will have very bad performance. Write e.g.
images = Matrix{Float32}[]
This initializes an empty vector of Matrix{Float32}s.
Just to fill in the answer of DNF, this code results in Array in the form of [dim1, dim2, 1, N]:
images = reduce((x,y)->cat(x, y, dims=4), load(joinpath(dir, img_file)) for img_file in readdir(dir))
I wanted the 3rd dimension to be the channel and hence, the expected output is produced by:
images = reduce((x, y) -> cat(x, y, dims=4), permutedims(channelview(load(joinpath(dir, img_file))), (2, 3, 1)) for img in readdir(dir))
How can I implement animation in wxmaxima? Suppose I have a function f(x) = x^a and I want to plot a graph in the form of a gif animation with a variable parameter a. The documentation says:
delay = 100,
file_name = "zzz",
terminal = 'animated_gif,
there will be three frames with a delay of 1 second (100 delay = 1 sec). In Maxima, you can use the 'for' loop. How to insert the for loop correctly into the draw() environment so that the number of frames can be adjusted by the cycle counter and the function being drawn depends on the counter?
I don't think draw recognizes for loops. Try building up the list of frames via map and/or makelist. Append any additional arguments to the list of frames, and then say apply('draw, mylist). Something like:
myfunctions: makelist (x^i, i, 1, n);
myframes: map (lambda ([e], gr2d (explicit (e, x, -1, 1))), myfunctions);
mylist: append ([delay = 100, file_name = "zzz", terminal = 'animated_gif], myframes);
apply ('draw, mylist);
where n is the number of frames you want.
I have been away from Mathematica for quite a while and am trying to fix some old notebooks from v4 that are no longer working under v11. I'm also a tad rusty.
I am attempting to use functional minimization to fit a polynomial of variable degree to an arbitrary function (F) given a starting guess (ao) and domain of interest (d). Note that while F is arbitrary, its nature is such that the integral of the product of F and a polynomial (or F^2) can always be evaluated algebraically.
For the sake of example, I'll use the following inputs:
ao = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }
d = { -1, 1 }
F = Sin[x]
To do so, I create an array of 'indexed' variables
polyCoeff = Array[a,Length[a],0]
Result: polycoeff = {a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]}
I then create the polynomial itself using the following
genPoly[{},x_] := 0
genPoly[a_List,x_] := First[a] + x genPoly[Rest[a],x]
poly = genPoly[polyCoeff,x]
Result: poly = a[0] + x (a[1] + x (a[2] + x a[3]))
I then define my objective function as the integral of the square of the error of the difference between this poly and the function I am attempting to fit:
Q = Integrate[ (poly - F[x])^2, {x, d[[1]],d[[2]]} ]
result: Q = 0.545351 - 2. a[0.]^2 + 0.66667 a[1.]^2 + .....
And this is where things break down. poly looks just as I expected: a polynomial in x with coefficients that look like a[0], a[1], a[2], ... But, Q is not exactly what I expected. I expected and got a new polynomial. But not the coefficients contained a[0.], a[1.], a[2.], ...
The next step is to create the initial guess for FindMinimum
init = Transpose[{polyCoeff,ao}]
Result: {{a[0],1},{a[1],2},{a[3],3},{a[4],4}}
This looks fine.
But when I make the call to FindMinimum, I get an error because the coefficients passed in the objective (a[0.],a[1.],...) do not match those passed in the initial guess (a[0],a[1],...).
S = FindMinimum[Q,init]
So I think my question is how do I keep Integrate from changing the arguments to my coefficients? But, I am open to other approaches as well. Keep in mind though that this is "legacy" work that I really don't want to have to completely revamp.
Thanks much for any/all help.
I am currently working with mathematica and I got stuck on some technicalities.
Rvec[R_] := UnitVector[Length[R], RandomInteger[{1, Length[R]}]]
Fvec[R_] := R - Rvec[R] + Rvec[R]
vec[R_] := Module[{S = Fvec[R]}, If[Count[S, -1] > 0, R, S]]
Loop[R_, n_] := For[i = 1; L = R, i < n + 1, i++, L = vec[L]; Print[L]]
The idea is that I now have a loop going that will randomly subtract one number from one entry in a set and add it to another in the next iteration, but with the catch that no entry can drop below zero. The output I then get is a set of outcomes put beneath each other.
Having done that I would like to know how I could put the entire output in the form of one matrix:
Instead of having the output like that, I would like to have it in matrix form, as in having this set of outputs placed in a larger set containing those sets as elements. This would greatly help me, as I would be able to manipulate and work with the entire output.
If you need to make matrix by consequently adding vector by vector, you can do like this:
vector = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
matrix = {}; (* Initialize matrix *)
Do[matrix = Append[matrix, vector], 5]; (* Construct matrix by adding line by line*)
MatrixForm[matrix] (* Print matrix *)
Please tell me If I didn't understanf youy problem properly.
Suppose I have:
A = rand(1,10,3);
B = rand(10,16);
And I want to get:
C(:,1) = A(:,:,1)*B;
C(:,2) = A(:,:,2)*B;
C(:,3) = A(:,:,3)*B;
Can I somehow multiply this in a single line so that it is faster?
What if I create new tensor b like this
for i = 1:3
b(:,:,i) = B;
Can I multiply A and b to get the same C but faster? Time taken in creation of b by the loop above doesn't matter since I will be needing C for many different A-s while B stays the same.
Permute the dimensions of A and B and then apply matrix multiplication:
C = B.'*permute(A, [2 3 1]);
If A is a true 3D array, something like A = rand(4,10,3) and assuming that B stays as a 2D array, then each A(:,:,1)*B would yield a 2D array.
So, assuming that you want to store those 2D arrays as slices in the third dimension of output array, C like so -
C(:,:,1) = A(:,:,1)*B;
C(:,:,2) = A(:,:,2)*B;
C(:,:,3) = A(:,:,3)*B; and so on.
To solve this in a vectorized manner, one of the approaches would be to use reshape A into a 2D array merging the first and third dimensions and then performing matrix-muliplication. Finally, to bring the output size same as the earlier listed C, we need a final step of reshaping.
The implementation would look something like this -
%// Get size and then the final output C
[m,n,r] = size(A);
out = permute(reshape(reshape(permute(A,[1 3 2]),[],n)*B,m,r,[]),[1 3 2]);
Sample run -
>> A = rand(4,10,3);
B = rand(10,16);
C(:,:,1) = A(:,:,1)*B;
C(:,:,2) = A(:,:,2)*B;
C(:,:,3) = A(:,:,3)*B;
>> [m,n,r] = size(A);
out = permute(reshape(reshape(permute(A,[1 3 2]),[],n)*B,m,r,[]),[1 3 2]);
>> all(C(:)==out(:)) %// Verify results
ans =
As per the comments, if A is a 3D array with always a singleton dimension at the start, you can just use squeeze and then matrix-multiplication like so -
C = B.'*squeeze(A)
EDIT: #LuisMendo points out that this is indeed possible for this specific use case. However, it is not (in general) possible if the first dimension of A is not 1.
I've grappled with this for a while now, and I've never been able to come up with a solution. Performing element-wise calculations is made nice by bsxfun, but tensor multiplication is something which is woefully unsupported. Sorry, and good luck!
You can check out this mathworks file exchange file, which will make it easier for you and supports the behavior you're looking for, but I believe that it relies on loops as well. Edit: it relies on MEX/C++, so it isn't a pure MATLAB solution if that's what you're looking for.
I have to agree with #GJSein, the for loop is really fast
0.7050 0.3145
Here's the timer function
function time
n = 1E7;
A = rand(1,n,3);
B = rand(n,16);
t = [];
C = {};
C{length(C)+1} = squeeze(cell2mat(cellfun(#(x) x*B,num2cell(A,[1 2]),'UniformOutput',false)));
t(length(t)+1) = toc;
for i = 1:size(A,3)
C{length(C)+1}(:,i) = A(:,:,i)*B;
t(length(t)+1) = toc;
I am writing a debug function, which prints a variable name, and its value. I call this debug function with a list of variables from anywhere in the program. So the idea is for it to work like this:
debug[var_List] := Module[{values = ReleaseHold[var], i},
For[i = 1, i <= Length[values], i++,
Print[var[[i]], " = ", values[[i]]]
Now I use the above, like this
x = 3; y = 5;
debug[{HoldForm[x], HoldForm[y]}]
and I see in the console the following
x = 3
y = 5
But I have a large program and long list of variables at different places I want to debug. And I do not want to type HoldForm to each variable to make up the list to call the debug[] function. Much easier to Map it if possible. Less typing each time. But this does not work:
debug[ Map[HoldForm,{x,y}]]
The reason is that {x,y} was evaluated before HoldForm got hold of it. So I end up with a list that has the values in it, like this:
3 = 3
5 = 5
I could not find a way to Map HoldForm without the list being evaluated.
The best I could find is this:
debug[HoldForm[Defer[{x, y}]]]
which gives the following output from the above debug[] function:
{x,y} = {3,5}
Since Defer[{x, y}] has length 1, and it is just one thing, I could not break it up to make a 2 column list like in the above example.
It will be better if I can get an output of the form
x = 3
y = 5
easier to match the variable with its value since I have many variables.
question is: Any one knows of a programming trick to convert HoldForm[{x,y}] to {HoldForm[x],HoldForm[y]}
Just use Thread:
Thread[HoldForm[{x, y}]]
Map[HoldForm, Unevaluated[{x, y}]]
Here is a longer alternative demonstrating use of Hold, found in Roman Maeder's Programming In Mathematica (3rd ed.), page 137:
e1 = Hold[{x, y}];
e2 = MapAt[Hold, e1, {1, 0}];
e3 = Map[HoldForm, e2, {2}];
e4 = MapAt[ReleaseHold, First[e3], {0}];
I did a PrintIt function using attributes that does what you want. I posted it here https://stackoverflow.com/a/8270643/884752, I repeat the code:
SetAttributes[System`ShowIt, HoldAll];
System`ShowIt[code__] := System`ShowIt[{code}];
System`ShowIt[code_] :=
With[{y = code},
Print[Defer[code = y]];
SetAttributes[System`PrintIt, {HoldAll,Listable}];
System`PrintIt[expr_] := System`ShowIt[expr];