given the constants
mu = 20.82;
ex = 1.25;
kg1 = 1202.76;
kp = 76.58;
kvb = 126.92;
I need to invert the function
f[Vpx_,Vgx_] := Vpx Log[1 + Exp[kp (1/mu + Vgx/(Vpx s[Vpx]))]];
s[x_] := 1 + kvb/(2 x^2);
so that I get a function of two variables, the second one being Vgx.
I tried with
t = InverseFunction[Function[{Vpx, Vgx}, f[Vpx, Vgx]], 1, 2];
tested with t[451,-4]
It takes so much time that every time I try it I stop the evaluation.
On the other side, working with only one variable, everything works:
Vgx = -4;
t = InverseFunction[Function[{Vpx}, f[Vpx,Vgx]]];
It's my fault? the method is inappropriate? or it's a limitation of Wolfram Mathematica?
Teodoro Marinucci
P.S. For everyone interested it's a problem related to the Norman Koren model of triodes.
As I said in my comment, my guess is that InverseFunction first tries to solve symbolically for the inverse, e.g. Solve[Function[{Vpx, Vgx}, f[Vpx, Vgx]][X, #2] == #1, X], which takes a very long time (I didn't let it finish). However, I came across a system option that seems to turn this off and produce a function:
With[{opts = SystemOptions["ExtendedInverseFunction"]},
SetSystemOptions["ExtendedInverseFunction" -> False],
t = InverseFunction[Function[{Vpx, Vgx}, f[Vpx, Vgx]], 1, 2],
t[451, -4]
(* 199.762 *)
A couple of notes:
According to the documentation, InverseFunction with exact input should produce an exact answer. Here some of the parameters are approximate (floating-point) real numbers, so the answer above is a numerical approximation.
The actual definition of t depends on f. If f changes, then a side effect will be that t changes. If that is not something you explicitly want, then it is probably better to define t this way:
t = InverseFunction[Function[{Vpx, Vgx}, Evaluate#f[Vpx, Vgx]], 1, 2]
As my late Theoretical Physics professor said, "a simple and beautiful solution is likely to be true".
Here is the piece of code that works:
mu = 20.82; ex = 1.25; kg1 = 1202.76; kp = 76.58; kvb = 126.92;
Ip[Vpx_, Vgx_] = Power[Vpx/kp Log[1 + Exp[kp (1/mu + Vgx/Sqrt[kvb + Vpx^2])]], ex] 2/kg1;
Vp[y_, z_] := x /. FindRoot[Ip[x, z] == y, {x, 80}]
The "real" amplification factor of a tube is the partial derivative of Ip[Vpx, Vgx] by respect to Vgx, with give Vpx. I would be happier if could use the Derivative, but I'm having errors.
I'll try to understand why, but for the moment the definition
[CapitalDelta]x = 10^-6;
[Micro][Ipx_, Vgx_] := Abs[Vp[Ipx, Vgx + [CapitalDelta]x] - Vp[Ipx, Vgx]]/[CapitalDelta]x
works well for me.
Thanks, it was really the starting point of the FindRoot the problem.
I've tried to find a good way to speed up the code for a problem I've been working on. The basic idea of the code is very simple. There are five inputs:
Four 1xm (for some m < n, they can be different sizes) matrices (A, B, C, D) that are pairwise-disjoint subsets of {1,2,...,n} and one nxn symmetric binary matrix (M). The basic idea for the code is to check an inequality for for every combination of elements and if the inequality holds, return the values that cause it to hold, i.e.:
for a = A
for b = B
for c = C
for d = D
if M(a,c) + M(b,d) < M(a,d) + M(b,c)
result = [a b c d];
I know there has to be a better way to do this. First, since it's symmetric, I can cut down half of the items checked since M(a,b) = M(b,a). I've been researching vectorization, found several functions I'd never heard of with MATLAB (since I'm relatively new), but I can't find anything that will particularly help me with this specific problem. I've thought of other ways to approach the problem, but nothing has been perfected, and I just don't know what to do at this point.
For example, I could possibly split this into two cases:
1) The right hand side is 1: then I have to check that both terms on the left side are 0.
2) The right hand side is 2: then I have to check that at least one term on the left hand side is 0.
But, again, I won't be able to avoid nesting.
I appreciate all the help you can offer. Thank you!
You're asking two questions here: (1) is there a more efficient algorithm to perform this search, and (2) how can I vectorize this in MATLAB. The first one is very interesting to think about, but may be a little beyond the scope of this forum. The second one is easier to answer.
As pointed out in the comments below your question, you can vectorize the for loop by enumerating all of the possibilities and checking them all together, and the answers from this question can help:
[a,b,c,d] = ndgrid(A,B,C,D); % Enumerate all combos
a=a(:); b=b(:); c=c(:); d=d(:); % Reshape from 4-D matrices to vectors
ac = sub2ind(size(M),a,c); % Convert subscript pairs to linear indices
bd = sub2ind(size(M),b,d);
ad = sub2ind(size(M),a,d);
bc = sub2ind(size(M),b,c);
mask = (M(ac) + M(bd) < M(ad) + M(bc)); % Test the inequality
results = [a(mask), b(mask), c(mask), d(mask)]; % Select the ones that pass
Again, this isn't an algorithmic change: it still has the same complexity as your nested for loop. The vectorization may cause it to run faster, but it also lacks early termination, so in certain cases it may be slower.
Since M is binary, we can think about this as a graph problem. i,j in {1..n} correspond to nodes, and M(i,j) indicates whether there is an undirected edge connecting them.
Since A,B,C,D are disjoint, that simplifies the problem a bit. We can approach the problem in stages:
Find all (c,d) for which there exists a such that M(a,c) < M(a,d). Let's call this set CD_lt_a, (the subset of C*D such that the "less than" inequality holds for some a).
Find all (c,d) for which there exists a such that M(a,c) <= M(a,d), and call this set CD_le_a.
Repeat for b, forming CD_lt_b for M(b,d) < M(b,c) and CD_le_b for M(b,d)<=M(b,c).
One way to satisfy the overall inequality is for M(a,c) < M(a,d) and M(b,d) <= M(b,c), so we can look at the intersection of CD_lt_a and CD_le_b.
The other way is if M(a,c) <= M(a,d) and M(b,d) < M(b,c), so look at the intersection of CD_le_a and CD_lt_b.
With (c,d) known, we can go back and find the (a,b).
And so my implementation is:
% 0. Some preliminaries
% Get the size of each set
mA = numel(A); mB = numel(B); mC = numel(C); mD = numel(D);
% 1. Find all (c,d) for which there exists a such that M(a,c) < M(a,d)
CA_linked = M(C,A);
AD_linked = M(A,D);
CA_not_linked = ~CA_linked;
% Multiplying these matrices tells us, for each (c,d), how many nodes
% in A satisfy this M(a,c)<M(a,d) inequality
% Ugh, we need to cast to double to use the matrix multiplication
CD_lt_a = (CA_not_linked * double(AD_linked)) > 0;
% 2. For M(a,c) <= M(a,d), check that the converse is false for some a
AD_not_linked = ~AD_linked;
CD_le_a = (CA_linked * double(AD_not_linked)) < mA;
% 3. Repeat for b
CB_linked = M(C,B);
BD_linked = M(B,D);
CD_lt_b = (CB_linked * double(~BD_linked)) > 0;
CD_le_b = (~CB_linked * double(BD_linked)) < mB;
% 4. Find the intersection of CD_lt_a and CD_le_b - this is one way
% to satisfy the inequality M(a,c)+M(b,d) < M(a,d)+M(b,c)
CD_satisfy_ineq_1 = CD_lt_a & CD_le_b;
% 5. The other way to satisfy the inequality is CD_le_a & CD_lt_b
CD_satisfy_ineq_2 = CD_le_a & CD_lt_b;
inequality_feasible = any(CD_satisfy_ineq_1(:) | CD_satisfy_ineq_2(:));
Note that you can stop here if feasibility is your only concern. The complexity is A*C*D + B*C*D, which is better than the worst-case A*B*C*D complexity of the for loop. However, early termination means your nested for loops may still be faster in certain cases.
The next block of code enumerates all the a,b,c,d that satisfy the inequality. It's not very well optimized (it appends to a matrix from within a loop), so it can be pretty slow if there are many results.
% 6. With (c,d) known, find a and b
% We can define these functions to help us search
find_a_lt = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' & AD_linked(:,d));
find_a_le = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' | AD_linked(:,d));
find_b_lt = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' & ~BD_linked(:,d));
find_b_le = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' | ~BD_linked(:,d));
% I'm gonna assume there aren't too many results, so I will be appending
% to an array inside of a for loop. Bad for performance, but maybe a bit
% more readable for a StackOverflow answer.
results = zeros(0,4);
% Find those that satisfy it the first way
[c_list,d_list] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_1);
for ii = 1:numel(c_list)
c = c_list(ii); d = d_list(ii);
a = find_a_lt(c,d);
b = find_b_le(c,d);
% a,b might be vectors, in which case all combos are valid
% Many ways to find all combos, gonna use ndgrid()
[a,b] = ndgrid(a,b);
% Append these to the growing list of results
abcd = [a(:), b(:), repmat([c d],[numel(a),1])];
results = [results; abcd];
% Repeat for the second way
[c_list,d_list] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_2);
for ii = 1:numel(c_list)
c = c_list(ii); d = d_list(ii);
a = find_a_le(c,d);
b = find_b_lt(c,d);
% a,b might be vectors, in which case all combos are valid
% Many ways to find all combos, gonna use ndgrid()
[a,b] = ndgrid(a,b);
% Append these to the growing list of results
abcd = [a(:), b(:), repmat([c d],[numel(a),1])];
results = [results; abcd];
% Remove duplicates
results = unique(results, 'rows');
% And actually these a,b,c,d will be indices into A,B,C,D because they
% were obtained from calling find() on submatrices of M.
if ~isempty(results)
results(:,1) = A(results(:,1));
results(:,2) = B(results(:,2));
results(:,3) = C(results(:,3));
results(:,4) = D(results(:,4));
I tested this on the following test case:
m = 1000;
A = (1:m); B = A(end)+(1:m); C = B(end)+(1:m); D = C(end)+(1:m);
M = rand(D(end),D(end)) < 1e-6; M = M | M';
I like to think that first part (see if the inequality is feasible for any a,b,c,d) worked pretty well. The other vectorized answers (that use ndgrid or combvec to enumerate all combinations of a,b,c,d) would require 8 terabytes of memory for a problem of this size!
But I would not recommend running the second part (enumerating all of the results) when there are more than a few hundred c,d that satisfy the inequality, because it will be pretty damn slow.
P.S. I know I answered already, but that answer was about vectorizing such loops in general, and is less specific to your particular problem.
P.P.S. This kinda reminds me of the stable marriage problem. Perhaps some of those references would contain algorithms relevant to your problem as well. I suspect that a true graph-based algorithm could probably achieve the worst-case complexity as this while additionally offering early termination. But I think it would be difficult to implement a graph-based algorithm efficiently in MATLAB.
P.P.P.S. If you only want one of the feasible solutions, you can simplify step 6 to only return a single value, e.g.
find_a_lt = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' & AD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
find_a_le = #(c,d) find(CA_not_linked(c,:)' | AD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
find_b_lt = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' & ~BD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
find_b_le = #(c,d) find(CB_linked(c,:)' | ~BD_linked(:,d), 1, 'first');
if any(CD_satisfy_ineq_1)
[c,d] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_1, 1, 'first');
a = find_a_lt(c,d);
b = find_a_le(c,d);
result = [A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d)];
elseif any(CD_satisfy_ineq_2)
[c,d] = find(CD_satisfy_ineq_2, 1, 'first');
a = find_a_le(c,d);
b = find_a_lt(c,d);
result = [A(a), B(b), C(c), D(d)];
result = zeros(0,4);
If you have access to the Neural Network Toolbox, combvec could be helpful here.
running allCombs = combvec(A,B,C,D) will give you a (4 by m1*m2*m3*m4) matrix that looks like:
a1, a1, a1, a1, a1 ... a1... a2... am1;
b1, b1, b1, b1, b1 ... b2... b1... bm2;
c1, c1, c1, c1, c2 ... c1... c1... cm3;
d1, d2, d3, d4, d1 ... d1... d1... dm4]
You can then use sub2ind and Matrix Indexing to setup the two values you need for your inequality:
indices = [sub2ind(size(M),allCombs(1,:),allCombs(3,:));
testValues = M(indices);
testValues(5,:) = (testValues(1,:) + testValues(2,:) < testValues(3,:) + testValues(4,:))
Your final a,b,c,d indices could be retrieved by saying
Which would print a matrix with all columns which the inequality was true.
This article might be of some use.
Hi I'm trying to implement Gradient Descent algorithm for a function:
My starting point for the algorithm is w = (u,v) = (2,2). The learning rate is eta = 0.01 and bound = 10^-14. Here is my MATLAB code:
function [resultTable, boundIter] = gradientDescent(w, iters, bound, eta)
% FUNCTION [resultTable, boundIter] = gradientDescent(w, its, bound, eta)
% - This function will do gradient descent error minimization for the
% function E(u,v) = (u*exp(v) - 2*v*exp(-u))^2.
% 'w' a 1-by-2 vector indicating initial weights w = [u,v]
% 'its' a positive integer indicating the number of gradient descent
% iterations
% 'bound' a real number indicating an error lower bound
% 'eta' a positive real number indicating the learning rate of GD algorithm
% 'resultTable' a iters+1-by-6 table indicating the error, partial
% derivatives and weights for each GD iteration
% 'boundIter' a positive integer specifying the GD iteration when the error
% function got below the given error bound 'bound'
% The error function
E = #(u,v) (u*exp(v) - 2*v*exp(-u))^2;
% Partial derivative of E with respect to u
pEpu = #(u,v) 2*(u*exp(v) - 2*v*exp(-u))*(exp(v) + 2*v*exp(-u));
% Partial derivative of E with respect to v
pEpv = #(u,v) 2*(u*exp(v) - 2*v*exp(-u))*(u*exp(v) - 2*exp(-u));
% Initialize boundIter
boundIter = 0;
% Create a table for holding the results
resultTable = zeros(iters+1, 6);
% Iteration number
resultTable(1, 1) = 0;
% Error at iteration i
resultTable(1, 2) = E(w(1), w(2));
% The value of pEpu at initial w = (u,v)
resultTable(1, 3) = pEpu(w(1), w(2));
% The value of pEpv at initial w = (u,v)
resultTable(1, 4) = pEpv(w(1), w(2));
% Initial u
resultTable(1, 5) = w(1);
% Initial v
resultTable(1, 6) = w(2);
% Loop all the iterations
for i = 2:iters+1
% Save the iteration number
resultTable(i, 1) = i-1;
% Update the weights
temp1 = w(1) - eta*(pEpu(w(1), w(2)));
temp2 = w(2) - eta*(pEpv(w(1), w(2)));
w(1) = temp1;
w(2) = temp2;
% Evaluate the error function at new weights
resultTable(i, 2) = E(w(1), w(2));
% Evaluate pEpu at the new point
resultTable(i, 3) = pEpu(w(1), w(2));
% Evaluate pEpv at the new point
resultTable(i, 4) = pEpv(w(1), w(2));
% Save the new weights
resultTable(i, 5) = w(1);
resultTable(i, 6) = w(2);
% If the error function is below a specified bound save this iteration
% index
if E(w(1), w(2)) < bound
boundIter = i-1;
This is an exercise in my machine learning course, but for some reason my results are all wrong. There must be something wrong in the code. I have tried debugging and debugging it and haven't found anything wrong...can someone identify what is my problem here?...In other words can you check that the code is valid gradient descent algorithm for the given function?
Please let me know if my question is too unclear or if you need more info :)
Thank you for your effort and help! =)
Here is my results for five iterations and what other people got:
PARAMETERS: w = [2,2], eta = 0.01, bound = 10^-14, iters = 5
As discussed below the question: I would say the others are wrong... your minimization leads to smaller values of E(u,v), check:
E(1.4,1.6) = 37.8 >> 3.6 = E(0.63, -1.67)
Not a complete answer but lets go for it:
I added a plotting part in your code, so you can see whats going on.
hold on
The result shows that your algorithm is doing the right thing for that function. So, as other said, or all the others are wrong, or you are not using the right equation from the beggining.
(I apologize for not just commenting, but I'm new to SO and cannot comment.)
It appears that your algorithm is doing the right thing. What you want to be sure is that at each step the energy is shrinking (which it is). There are several reasons why your data points may not agree with the others in the class: they could be wrong (you or others in the class), they perhaps started at a different point, they perhaps used a different step size (what you are calling eta I believe).
Ideally, you don't want to hard-code the number of iterations. You want to continue until you reach a local minimum (which hopefully is the global minimum). To check this, you want both partial derivatives to be zero (or very close). In addition, to make sure you're at a local min (not a local max, or saddle point) you should check the sign of E_uu*E_vv - E_uv^2 and the sign of E_uu look at: for details (the second derivative test, at the top). If you find yourself at a local max or saddle point, your gradient will tell you not to move (since the partial derivatives are 0). Since you know this isn't optimal, you have to just perturb your solution (sometimes called simulated annealing).
Hope this helps.
Solving a complicated formula f(u,v)==0, where
I assign some constant value to u and then solve v.
I can solve it without for-loop, but encounter errors by adding For[] enclosing the codes,
where saying
Set::write: Tag Times in "Solve[] with exact coefficients solns is Protected.
A simple example to illustrate my idea:
For[ i = 1, i < 5, i++,
f = x^2 + y^2 - 10;
x = i;
eqn = (f == 0);
soln = Solve[eqn, y]
will get error:
Set::write: "Tag Times in (-9+y^2) is Protected."
Only when I add For[ ] at the outside of the code
(inner 4-line code works fine without for loop)
So it seems that there is an variable assignment permission issue in the for loop
How can I avoid it?
I no longer have Mathematica 7 installed, and your code runs (although with no printed output...) on Mathematica 10. Based on the error message, it sounds like you need to Clear[f] before trying to reassign it.
For[i = 1, i < 5, i++,
f = x^2 + y^2 - 10;
x = i;
eqn = (f == 0);
soln = Solve[eqn, y];
However, you're still really mixing things up. Consider what happens with your code as the loop executes. First it starts with i=1 and says:
Clear[f] -- or don't, this isn't the only issue
f = x^2 + y^2 - 10 -- This gives me an expression with symbols x and y
x=i -- This sets x=1 since i=1 already
At this point, the expression for f has become y^2 - 9`. Next time it comes around, it will repeat:
f = x^2 + y^2 - 10 -- But x is no longer a symbol!! So now it still treats x=1...
This becomes a nightmare. I could try to hack your code into working with the fewest changes (e.g. make it Clear[f,x] or something), but that's not really the best advice I can give.
A better overall construction would be something like:
Your function f is a function, so you should make it a function like f[x_,y_]=something. Better yet, just make the entire equation into a function as above. That way, you never actually modify the values of x or y and don't get caught with issues in your loop.
And before you use this new code I've given you, clear everything or just quit the Kernel.
Can Mathematica do Bayes Rule conditional probability calculations, without doing the calculation manually? If so how?
I have been searching both the Mathemtaica doco and the web for a hint but cannot find anything. I am not after how to do Bayes Rule manually via Mathematica, I want to know if there is a way to define the conditional probabilities and calculate other ones automagically.
So to use the toy example assuming Bernoulli distributions
P(Cancer+) = 0.01
P(Cancer-) = 0.99
P(Test+|Cancer+) = 0.9
P(Test-|Cancer+) = 0.1
P(Test+|Cancer-) = 0.2
P(Test-|Cancer-) = 0.8
Is it possible to work out
P(Cancer+|Test+) = 0.0434
So using the below.
Print["P(C+) = ", PCancerT=BernoulliDistribution[0.01]];
Print["P(C-) = ", PCancerF=BernoulliDistribution[0.99]];
Print["P(T+|C+) = ", PTestTGivenCancerT=BernoulliDistribution[0.9]];
Print["P(T-|C+) = ", PTestFGivenCancerT=BernoulliDistribution[0.1]];
Print["P(T+|C-) = ", PTestTGivenCancerF=BernoulliDistribution[0.2]];
Print["P(T-|C-) = ", PTestFGivenCancerF=BernoulliDistribution[0.8]];
Print["P(T+,C+) = ", PTestTAndCancerT = Probability[vCT&&vTTCT,{vCT\[Distributed]PCancerT,vTTCT\[Distributed]PTestTGivenCancerT}]];
Print["P(T-,C+) = ", PTestFAndCancerT = Probability[vCT&&vTFCF,{vCT\[Distributed]PCancerT,vTFCF\[Distributed]PTestFGivenCancerT}]];
Print["P(T+,C-) = ", PTestTAndCancerF = Probability[vCF&&vTTCF,{vCF\[Distributed]PCancerF,vTTCF\[Distributed]PTestTGivenCancerF}]];
Print["P(T-,C-) = ", PTestFAndCancerF = Probability[vCF&&vTTCF,{vCF\[Distributed]PCancerF,vTTCF\[Distributed]PTestFGivenCancerF}]];
Print["P(C+|T+) = ?"];
Print["P(C+|T-) = ?"];
Print["P(C-|T+) = ?"];
Print["P(C-|T-) = ?"];
I can work out the joint probabilities by defining all the probability tables manually, but is there a way to get Mathematica to do the heavy lifting?
Is there a way to define and calculate these kind of conditional probabilities?
Many thanks for any assistance, even it its “You can’t... stop trying” :)
PS : was this an attempt at doing something along these lines? Symbolic Conditional Expectation in Mathematica
Actually... I worked this out symbolically in the past, and it covers a lot of simple (unchained) probabilities. I guess it wouldn't be that hard to add chaining(see below). You're welcome to reply with augmentation. The symbolic approach is far more flexible than working with Bernoulli distributions and creating a proc for Bayes theorem and thinking about the right way to apply it every time.
NOTE: The functions are not bound, like in the post above ((0 < pC < 1) && (0 < pTC < 1) && (0 < pTNC < 1)) because sometimes you want "unweighted" results, which produce numbers outside of 0-1 range, then you can bring back into the range by dividing by some normalizing probability or product of probabilities. If you do want to add bounds for error checking, do this:
P[A_ /;0<=A<=1] := some_function_of_A;
use Esc+cond+Esc to enter \\[Conditioned] symbol in Mathematica.
Intersection[A_Symbol, B_Symbol] := {A, B}
Intersection[A_Not, B_Symbol] := {A, B}
Intersection[A_Symbol, B_Not] := {A, B}
P[Int_List/; Length#Int == 2] := P[Int[[2]] \[Conditioned] Int[[1]]] P[Int[[1]]]
(*// P(B) given knowledge of P(A) //*)
P[B_, A_] := If[NumericQ#B, B,
P[B \[Conditioned] A] P[A] + P[B \[Conditioned] Not#A] P[Not#A]]
P[Not#B_, A_: 1] := If[NumericQ#A, 1 - P[B], 1 - P[B, A]]
P[A_ \[Conditioned] B_] := P[A \[Intersection] B]/P[B, A]
P[Not#A_ \[Conditioned] B_] := 1 - P[A \[Conditioned] B];
You then use it as such:
Don't need "not cancer" since P[!Cancer] yields 0.99 (Esc+not+Esc types a very pretty logical not symbol, but Not[A], !A or \[Not]A work just fine too)
P[Test \[Conditioned] Cancer] = 0.9
P[Test \[Conditioned] ! Cancer] = 0.2
again: P[!Test \\[Conditioned] Cancer] will be 1-P[Test \\[Conditioned] Cancer] by definition, unless you override it.
Now let's query this model:
P[Test, Cancer]
P[!Test, Cancer]
P[Cancer \[Conditioned] Test]
P[!Cancer \[Conditioned] Test]
P[Cancer \[Conditioned] !Test]
P[!Cancer \[Conditioned] !Test]
I guess it would be a nice idea to define P(B|A1,A2,A3,...,An), anyone up for coding the chain rule using NestList or something like it? I didn't need it for my project, but it wouldn't be that difficult to add, should someone need it.
I wouldn't complicate the issue with Print statements and BernoulliDistributions. You know the probabilities, so the simplest thing to do is to calculate them directly, but perhaps using vectors to get P(B), and using the fact that pr(cancer) = 1-pr(not cancer) and so on.
Bayes' Theorem states that P(A|B)=(P(A ⋂ B))/(P(B))
The intersection is calculated as the conditional probability (test given cancer) times the probability of cancer.
So something like the following should work:
conditionalProb[pC_, pTC_, pTNC_] /;
(0 < pC < 1) && (0 < pTC < 1) && (0 < pTNC < 1) :=
(pTC * pC)/({pTC, pTNC}.{pC, 1 - pC})
conditionalProb[0.01, 0.9, 0.2]
And yes, the Probability functionality in version 8 does allow you to calculate conditional probabilities "automagically", but for a problem like this with Bernoulli-distributed events, it's overkill.