When using ConfigurationProperties with a camelCase prefix, how do I solve "Prefix must be in canonical form"? - spring-boot

I had a property configured in my yml as
baz: 7
and a configuration class annotated with
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foobar")
and everything was working fine.
The code in my organization is generally camelCase, so I renamed both the property and prefix to fooBar. IntelliJ is now highlighting the prefix = "foobar" line with the error, "Prefix must be in canonical form". What can I do, while keeping camelCasing in the yml config?

Spring Boot supports multiple formats of property names, but encourages you to access them in a canonical way.
Per Property Binding in Spring Boot 2.0:
It turns out the idea of relaxed property names is much easier to implement if you restrict it to one direction. You should always access properties in code using a canonical form, regardless of how they are represented in the underlying source.
The ConfigurationPropertyName class enforces these canonical naming rules, which basically boil down to “use lowercase kebab-case names”.
So, for example, you should refer to a property in code as person.first-name even if person.firstName or PERSON_FIRSTNAME is used in the underlying source.
You can keep your config yml in camel case:
baz: 7
but change the access in the configuration class annotation to use kebab-case:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foo-bar")


Reading a configuration Value from YAML in Micronaut

How to read a value from application.yml in my Micronaut project? I can clearly see annotation is resolved to proper value (true in this case), but it is not applied to the variable (stays as default false). I've tried using #Value and #ConfigurationProperties
In a comment the OP has indicated that they are doing new FeatureToggleService(). Creating your own instance of the object is the problem. Instead of using new, let the DI container create and manage the instance. If you do, then #Value will be relevant.
See https://github.com/jeffbrown/filiard/blob/f6f704fb95d7821919748bb41968f87d11cee07b/src/main/java/filiard/DemoController.java and https://github.com/jeffbrown/filiard/blob/f6f704fb95d7821919748bb41968f87d11cee07b/src/main/java/filiard/FlagHelper.java for a working example.
Based on additional information this is not the correct answer!!!
As pointed out, #Value can be private, but Micronaut advices against it.
Short answer, it is because it is private. Wrong
From the documentation:
The #Value annotation accepts a string that can have embedded placeholder values (the default value can be provided by specifying a
value after the colon : character). Also try to avoid setting the
member visibility to private, since this requires Micronaut Framework
to use reflection. Prefer to use protected.
Also, consider using #Property instead of #Value. Still valid
The Micronaut framework does not inspect a manually created instance, even if it is instantiated in a #Factory, unlike other frameworks.

How to retrieve full endpoint URL in Quarkus test?

I am looking a solution to retrieve full endpoint URLs within Quarkus application to use it in tests to avoid hard-coding the paths.
The official guide suggests using the #TestHTTPEndpoint and #TestHTTPResource annotations.
If I annotate my test class with #TestHTTPEndpoint(MyResource::class), then all calls via RestAssured without specifying the path work just fine. The problem is, when I try to retrieve the endpoint URL like this (let's say, I need to call multiple endpoints in one test):
lateinit var myResourceUrl: URL
it kind of works, but the injected URL does not include the quarkus.http.root-path value.
Instead of http://localhost:8081/root-path/my-resource I get just http://localhost:8081/my-resource.
Is there a way to retrieve a full endpoint path that includes the quarkus.http.root-path value?
Let's consider the following versions as the current versions.
Quarkus: 2.11.2.Final.
Root cause analysis
The io.quarkus.test.common.http.TestHTTPResourceManager (TestHTTPResourceManager for short) class performs the value injection into the fields annotated with the io.quarkus.test.common.http.TestHTTPEndpoint (TestHTTPEndpoint for short) annotation:
The TestHTTPResourceManager class retrieves an instance of the org.eclipse.microprofile.config.Config (Config for short) from the org.eclipse.microprofile.config.ConfigProvider (ConfigProvider for short) class and uses the test.url configuration property value retrieved from the Config instance (the Config.getValue(…) method call) as the base URL.
The retrieved test.url configuration property value seems to correspond to the test.url system property value that was provided by the io.quarkus.test.common.http.TestHTTPConfigSourceProvider (TestHTTPConfigSourceProvider for short) class.
Possible root cause
For some reason the TestHTTPConfigSourceProvider class does not take into account the quarkus.http.root-path property value, when providing the test.url system property value, which seems to be used as the base URL: quarkus/TestHTTPConfigSourceProvider.java at 2.11.2.Final · quarkusio/quarkus:
static final String TEST_URL_VALUE = "http://${quarkus.http.host:localhost}:${quarkus.http.test-port:8081}${quarkus.servlet.context-path:}";
static final String TEST_URL_KEY = "test.url";
Therefore, it looks like a Quarkus issue: a defect (a bug) or a lack of a feature (or a lack of the feature implementation).
Therefore, it is worth reporting it as a Quarkus issue.
OK, so it seems to be a bug in Quarkus and will be fixed soon.
#TestHTTPResource annotation injects endpoint URL without the quarkus.http.root-path segment · Issue #27416 · quarkusio/quarkus · GitHub.
As a workaround, one could set the quarkus.servlet.context-path property in the test/resources/application.properties file like this:

Spring boot yaml property binding: collection types

I find Spring Boot's (or spring in general) handling of yaml collections to be a bit peculiar. Collections according to yaml specs should be written in .yaml files as:
myCollection: ['foo', 'bar']
- foo
- bar
But neither #Value("${myCollection}") annotation or Environment.getProperty("myCollection", String[].class) (also tried List.class) can read collection properties (returns null). The only method I know of that works is to use #ConfigurationProperties annotation described in spring boot docs.
The problem with #ConfigurationProperties annotation is that (a) it is too verbose if all I want is a single property and (b) it rely on bean injection to get an instance of the #ConfigurationProperties class. Under some circumstances, bean injection is not available and all we have is a reference to Environment (e.g: thru ApplicationContext).
In my particular case, I want to read some properties during ApplicationEnvironmentPreparedEvent event, since it happens before context is built, the listener has to be manually registered and therefore, no bean injection. Via the event argument, I can get a reference to Environment. So, I can read other properties but cannot read collections.
A couple of "solutions" I noted (quoted because I don't find them very satisfactory):
Specify collections in .yaml file as myCollection: foo, bar. But this is not ideal because, the format isn't really yaml anymore.
Read individual elements using an index, for example Environment.getProperty("myCollection[0]", String.class). Will require some not-so-elegant utility methods to read and put all elements into a List.
So, my questions is - What is a good way to read collection-type properties if I cannot use #ConfigurationProperties? Also curious why comma-separated format works but not yaml-style collections.
EDIT: corrected some typos
Quite Frankly Spring boot application.properties and application.yaml or application.yml is meant to load configuration properties.
The #ConfigurationProperties annotation is designed as an abstraction to hide the implementations of configuration properties and support both .properties and .yaml/.yml.
For yaml/yml however Spring uses org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml library underneath to parse the file and load it to a Properties object inside org.springframework.boot.env.YamlPropertySourceLoader and a Collection is mapped as a Set not an array or List. So you try doing the following;
Environment.getProperty("myCollection", Set.class)

How to set Spring camel case property with uppercase environment variable?

I have some code to load a value as such in my Spring application:
public class MyElasticRestService {
private String elasticApiBaseUrl;
According to the Spring docs, I should be able to use a relaxed binding that comes from an uppercase environment variable such as ELASTIC_API_BASE_URL or ELASTICAPI_BASEURL. But I'm confused which is correct. Both don't seem to work so I am wondering how to debug what is actually picked up.
I've loaded Spring Boot Actuator to view the configprops endpoint. But it doesn't have anything on the elasticApi prefix.
What should the correct environment variable be and how can I see how it gets translated and picked up by the application?
The #Value annotation doesn't support relaxed bindings. Therefore you could use a class annotated with #ConfigurationProperties or you use a RelaxedPropertyResolver to get the value from the environment.
According to https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/spring-boot-features.html#boot-features-external-config-vs-value, it is now very possible simply with #Value as long as you use kebab-case (all lower case with dash) for the name e.g. #Value("config.refresh-rate")
Instead of trying to make it an UPPER_SNAKE_CASE, you can put it in your application.yaml file, this way:
elasticApi.baseURL: ${ELASTIC_API_BASE_URL:defaultvalue}
or this way doesn't really matter:
baseURL: ${ELASTIC_API_BASE_URL:defaultvalue}

Default handler mapping for annotation based spring project

I am new to spring framework. Even I dont have any deep concept about annotation.
I am developing a very small application using spring mvc 3 framework and also I used annotation.
I have a confusion. I have one spring-servlet.xml. Here I have not defined any handler mapping. But still it is working. So must be there some default handler mapping. Can you please let me what is this default handler mapping and how I can override it so that I do some customization.
It is all explained in: http://static.springsource.org/spring/docs/3.2.x/spring-framework-reference/html/mvc.html#mvc-config
Also see this question: How to use default-servlet-handler and Where to put default-servlet-handler in Spring MVC configuration
Spring 3.1 and later doesnt need DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping and AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter declaration in the [servelt-name]-servlet.xml
These links might help:
Spring Controller to handle all requests not matched by other Controllers
I had the same problem that I just resolved so I have confirmed the approach below works, although this is with annotations rather than an XML configuration.
You specify URL prefixes at the controller class level and include a request mapping annotation for ** to ensure you match on anything that falls through your other handlers for this class. There's really nothing special or default about this handler other than the fact that you're defining a handler that is guaranteed to match everything under the class level mappings.
Note: This is not magic. Your handlers are still subject to Spring's ordering algorithm regarding the "best match". It would be nice to have an annotation providing for a true default when nothing else matches handler, especially in cases with complex mappings where "**" is useful outside of this catch-all handler. The basic implementation is:
public class MyRestController {
String matchedRequestHandler () {
return "This matches /path1/subpath and /path2/subpath.";
String unmatchedRequestsHandler () {
return "This matches everything else.";
In my actual use case, I needed to handle arbitrary paths to resources inside of the URL pattern and therefore needed to support a variable number of directories. Ideally, that would be handled using a pattern such as:
which works fine by itself, but it isn't compatible with a default handler bound to "**" since the "**" mapping is calculated by Spring as a better match for these types of requests.
Instead, I had to add a bunch of separate entries to my request mapping to support the arbitrary paths within the URL pattern, e.g.
Alternatively, I could have handled everything with a "**" mapping and parsed the URL myself, but that kind of defeats the purpose of using request mappings with path variables. Hopefully Spring's capabilities will evolve in this area in the future.
