when i start create-rmi-keystore.bat ,it ask me again and again
it make me cry
[Unknown]: x
[Unknown]: x
[Unknown]: x
[Unknown]: x
[Unknown]: x
[Unknown]: x
CN=x, OU=x, O=x, L=x, ST=x, C=x是否正确?
[否]: yes
[x]: x
[x]: x
[x]: xx
[x]: x
[x]: x
[x]: x
CN=x, OU=x, O=xx, L=x, ST=x, C=x是否正确?
[否]: xx
This secure RMI communication between JMeter master and slaves in distributed testing is something which doesn't make a lot of sense to me therefore I used to turn it off as encrypting and decrypting the data which is not sensitive just consumes resources and doesn't add any value.
So if you don't explicitly require this you can turn the feature off by adding the next line to user.properties file on master and all the slaves:
Once done JMeter will not be looking for the rmi_keystore.jks any more.
Remote hosts and RMI configuration
Apache JMeter Properties Customization Guide
Alternatively you could just copy the aforementioned rmi_keystore.jks file from Linux machine to Windows, you don't need to regenerate it everywhere, it must be present and match on master and slaves
Did you type « yes » for last answer ?
From what I translate, keytool asked « is it correct » and it seems it expected yes/no and didn’t get yes, that’s why it asks again.
It’s not jmeter specific, it’s jdk keytool
I am deciding to use https://go-boringcrypto.storage.googleapis.com/go1.14.15b4.linux-amd64.tar.gz.
I want to know which exact NIST CMVP certificate number will be applicable for the BoringCrypto module this version has?
From quick search on NIST I can find these certs -
a) 3753
b) 3678
c) 3318
d) 2964
Is there a way to find this? This will be helpful if later we decide to upgrade and use some other version.
Answer is option (a) - 3753.
Here is the process to find the CMVP for your go+boringcrypto binary -
Download the binary that you want to use using this link - https://go-boringcrypto.storage.googleapis.com/go1.14.15b4.linux-amd64.tar.gz. (Note: in my project I am using 1.14.15b4, this could be different number in your case)
Unzip it and find file on this path - go/src/crypto/internal/boring/build/build.sh
look for these lines -
# Following http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/140sp/140sp2964.pdf page 18.
if [ ! -e $chroot/boringssl-24e5886c0edfc409c8083d10f9f1120111efd6f5.tar.xz ]; then
wget -O $chroot/boringssl-24e5886c0edfc409c8083d10f9f1120111efd6f5.tar.xz https://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/chromium-boringssl-docs/fips/boringssl-24e5886c0edfc409c8083d10f9f1120111efd6f5.tar.xz
Link for nist cert is - http://csrc.nist.gov/groups/STM/cmvp/documents/140-1/140sp/140sp2964.pdf and version of boringssl is - 24e5886c0edfc409c8083d10f9f1120111efd6f5 , which is matching with the version mentioned in the cert.
In case these lines are not present in your go/src/crypto/internal/boring/build/build.sh file, it will be present in Dockerfile on this path go/src/crypto/internal/boring/build/build.sh.
Followup to Installation of RODBC/ROracle packages on OS X Mavericks...
First of all, I have installed ROracle on Mac OS 10.10.3 (Yosemite) using the answer provided by #joran. Additionally, using the start-up plist file to set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, I can run library(ROracle), and it loads just fine. However, I am unable to connect to my database with a tnsnames.ora file. I have added the TNS_ADMIN variable to the .Renviron file, which RStudio seems to pick up:
> Sys.getenv("TNS_ADMIN")
[1] "opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2/network/admin"
When I run the following, for example
con <- dbConnect(drv = dbDriver("Oracle"), dbname = "db", username = "user", password = "pw")
, I get the error
Error in .oci.Connect(.oci.drv(), username = username, password = password, :
ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
In addition, I have also added the TNS_ADMIN environment variables to .bash_profile, but that didn't help.
NOTE 1: I have already used the tnsnames.ora file to connect to the database with SQL Developer, so I'm fairly confident the issue is something external to the content of the file.
NOTE 2: I can in fact connect using ROracle with something like:
# see example at http://www.oralytics.com/2015/05/loading-json-data-into-oracle-using.html
host <- "localhost"
port <- 1521
service <- "pdb12c"
drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
connect.string <- paste(
"(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=", host, ")(PORT=", port, "))",
"(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=", service, ")))", sep = "")
con <- dbConnect(drv, username = "dmuser", password = "dmuser", dbname = connect.string)
I double checked my tnsnames.ora file and it's in the exact same format as connect.string, so I'm thinking it's just not actually being seen by RStudio, even though Sys.getenv("TNS_ADMIN") gives me the correct path. Alternatively, it could be that the name required by the dbname argument on Mac is different than Windows.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
I've seen many recommendations online for adding environment variables on Yosemite to be accessed by RStudio. The only one that has fully worked for me, at least so far, is to add all environment variables to the plist file. You can add as many variables as you want, which is described by #MortimorGoro in Setting environment variables via launchd.conf no longer works in OS X Yosemite/El Capitan/macOS Sierra?.
So my solution here was to just add TNS_ADMIN to plist!
For those of you that got here but are on Windows 7, on my workstation I have to use a TNSnames.ora file (also utilizing TNS_ADMIN environment variable)(Located in: C:\app - see 2nd screenshot), I got the following to work:
channel <- odbcConnect("PERMIT_DEV_odbc",
believeNRows = FALSE)
testsql <- "select sysdate from dual;"
query <- sqlQuery(channel = channel,
query = testsql)
1 Click on the Start button (in windows 7)
2 Start typing, "odbc" and look for "set up data sources (ODBC)" or something like that.
3 Add your connection based off your TNS file.
4 there's also a "test connection" button you should use to verify connectivity!
Hope this helps!
I am writing a shell script that will read OpenDJ installation properties from a file and install OpenDJ.
I have read their documentation and prepared the properties file with required data.
#enableStartTLS = true
#ldapsPort = 1636
rootUserDN=cn=Directory Manager
#usePkcs11Keystore = true
#keyStorePassword = password
When I run command from opendj unzipped setup it prompts me for license agreement to accpet even after putting --no-promt option i.e -n .
./setup -n -i --propertiesFilePath openDJ.properties
Due to this my installation does not proceed. What am i missing here.
I got the answer , there is paramter called --acceptLicense that can be passed. Thier use manual is bit unreadable form i missed it.
If documentation is unclear, you should create a ticket for improvement on the OpenDJ project issue tracking system
I am making a Mac OS X App (sandboxed) which reads from an installed config file in /etc/myfolder. When I am trying to read the file using NSFileHandle, I am getting the following error in Console:
sandboxd: ([3251]) MyApp(3251) deny file-read-data /private/etc/myfolder/myconfig.conf
I have set the following entitlements in my Entitilements file, but I still get denied by sandboxd.
EDIT: It seems that I have misused
I set it as a Boolean. I was under the impression that setting it to YES will enable all file reads using absolute paths. The value of the above entitlement must be the absolute path that will be permitted.
You need to use com.apple.security.temporary-exception.files.absolute-path.read-only and the absolute path /private/etc/myfolder/myconfig.conf - the (10.8.3) sandbox doesn't seem to accept the /etc/myfolder/myconfig.conf path containing the symbolic link.
Note: If you are sandboxing for the Mac App Store you will probably face a near impossible task getting your app accepted with a temporary entitlement to read files in /etc. You would be better off storing this file in your app's container - in the MAS every app is an island surrounded by shark infested waters.
I'm using iODBC on OS X 10.6.8 agains MySQL (mysql-connector-odbc-5.1.8) from a C program that I'm writing, but tracing of all ODBC library calls, which is supposed to be turned off by default, is turned on.
I have found a set of odbc.ini and odbcinst.ini files in /etc and in /Library/ODBC/, but none of them contains "Trace = yes", and adding an [ODBC] section with "Tracing = no" to any of these files doesn't seem to do anything. I also do not have any private .odbc.ini or .odbcinst.ini files in the working directory nor in my home directory nor anywhere else.
The only way I can turn tracing off is to call SQLSetConnectAttr() to set SQL_ATTR_TRACE to SQL_OPT_TRACE_OFF after allocating a connection handle, but at that point, the trace file, sql.log, has already been created in the working directory.
Any help with tracking down where tracing is turned on (it's supposed to be off by default), alternatively, how to turn it off so that the log file never gets created, would be appreciated.
I'm not sure why you would be using odbc instead of the standard connector, but have you tried setting the option for the TraceFile to /dev/null in odbc.ini. This may at least remove the file if you can't get the Trace = OFF to work by itself.
Trace = OFF
TraceFile = /dev/null
Don't have my Mac at the office to test this, but seems like it should work.
The default settings files for ODBC on Mac OS X are found at --
The first two are for system-level settings and DSNs; the latter are for user-level.
Some buggy installers and libraries create files at --
These can lead to trouble. This command will reveal all potentially trouble-making files --
sudo find / \( -name '.odbc*.ini' -or -name 'odbc*.ini' \) -ls
Best is to --
blend the content of existing non-default files into the default locations, and drop the non-default files
create symlinks from the buggy .odbc[inst].ini locations to the default files
update the iODBC components on your Mac
enjoy trouble free ODBC use
(ObDisclaimer: I am an employee of OpenLink Software, who maintain and support the iODBC project, which is the ODBC Driver Manager chosen by Apple for Mac OS X, bundled since Jaguar (10.2.x).)