How to get emails directly without storing in webmail inbox? - outlook

I am facing problem regarding Outlook app. I have successfully connected webmail with outlook app, but when I delete email from Webmail then it also delete from Outlook. I don't want to delete from my ourlook app. It should keep it for my record.
One of my friend told me that he is getting mail directly from the sender to outlook app without storing a single mail on webmail server.
How can I customize settings to get my issue resolved?

If mail connection is IMAP, a delete will remove the mail everywhere.
If mail connection is POP3, it will not.


How can I access deleted email from Gmail api?

I need to access deleted email in my domain. But I listed users messages from Gmail API, it returns just undeleted emails. 
Is there anyway to accessing deleted email body, header ,etc. ?
If you've deleted a message permanently, by clicking Delete Forever in your Spam or Trash, you won’t be able to recover the message using the Gmail interface or using Gmail API. An option would be, to file a report to Gmail team.

Lravel 5.6 : emails sent using mail facade go to junk for only hotmail and outlook addresses

i'm setting up automatic emails for events like user registration and change password etc. the problem is that the emails go to junk for Hotmail,outlook whereas work fine for gmail.
I have tested my email for junk content and gave me a score of 8.5/10 and i don't want to ask my recipients to manually add me to safe senders list
You need to verify your server and sender for it appear in inbox. Have a look at SPF and DKIM.
You can also use other email services such as mailchimp, amazon ses etc

Mails sent using javamail aren't found in the sent folder of Outlook

I am using javamail for Sending mails using Office365 account. I couldn't find the sent mails in the sent folder of my outlook. Interestingly, I could find the mails in sent folder if I use EWS for sending mail. What am i missing here?
Currently, messages sent though Office 365 SMTP are not copied to the Sent Items folder.
That might change in the future.

After merging a Mandrill account into Mailchimp, how can I accept a verification email if my sending domain is not setup to receive emails?

We've been using Mandrill for years to deploy our app's signup confirmation and password reset emails. This has worked perfectly as we've had SPF and DKIM records added to the DNS configuration according to Mandrill's documentation for verifying sending domains.
However, after merging the Mandrill account with a new Mailchimp account--which is mandated by April 27th--it's requiring me to send a verification email to an address at that domain. The problem is that we don't have a mail server set up to receive emails. The domain is only used to send the "" emails.
Any ideas on how I might resolve this? Mailchimp is not giving an option to undo the merge, so effectively I have an app that users are not able to sign up for at the moment, which is problematic to say the least.
You'll want to configure at least one mailbox on that domain somehow to receive mail. That's the only way to confirm ownership of the domain.

form to mail not getting to exchange server recipient

this is terrible for me now. i used php mail function and also use Contact Form 7 plugins too on my wordpress theme. also smtp plugins too. change many smtp server. but not work. mail function and Contact Form 7 both working fine on other mail account (gmail, yahoo. hotmail or any other pop mail) not just my client pop account. because they use microsoft exchange server.
for test issue i did something like i sent mail to frist to one gmail account and i setup in gmail auto fwd to one them that pop account . it working well but this problem is in mail show where it is from ( .. i don't want to show that gmail address. or i want direct send to that pop account.
server is godaddy
guys any solution ?
Google doesn't allow you to send from other addresses unless you are hosting your domain with them.
