Vue - Pass props to a programmatically component - laravel

I'm making a sidebar that can have dynamic content, using vuex
So, for exaple, I have this app with a Sidebar.vue that can loads a DynamicContent.vue, how do I pass a prop to that DynamicContent.vue inside
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
import store from './store'
import Sidebar from './components/Sidebar'
import DynamicContent from './components/DynamicContent.vue'
Vue.component('sidebar', Sidebar)
const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data() {
return {
dynamicContent: DynamicContent
methods: {
toggleSidebar() {
this.$store.commit('toggleSidebar', dynamicContent)
Notice: I can't pass my props throught that component tag cause the components can have differents props
<component :is="component" />
export default {
computed: {
component() {
return this.$store.state.sidebarComponent
import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuex from 'vuex'
export default new Vuex.Store({
state: {
sidebarOpen: false,
sidebarComponent: null
mutations: {
toggleSidebar(state, component) {
state.sidebarOpen = ! state.sidebarOpen
state.sidebarComponent = component

To dynamically bind props, you can use v-bind this way
<component :is="component" v-bind="componentProps"/>
export default {
computed: {
component() {
return this.$store.state.sidebarComponent
componentProps {
return { prop1: 'value', prop2: 123 }
v-bind takes an object and pass all properties in it as props to component.


how to get each data from response api laravel in vue js 3

Need help , i can get all data from response api but having some problem when try to get data (looping data ) from key "get_item_cards" . Here's my response and code in vue js
Response api
<script setup>
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
name: 'ListNotes',
data() {
return {
cardNotes: [],
mounted() {
// console.log('Page mounted');
methods: {
getListNotes() {
axios.get('http://localhost:8000/api/card').then(res => {
this.cardNotes =
how the best way to get all data & each data from relationship in vue js 3
Since the this.cardNote returns an array with three elements, you can use loop using v-for and access to the get_item_cards array like below,
<div v-for=(note, index) in cardNote>
<div v-for=(item, key) in note.get_item_cards>
<script setup>
import axios from 'axios'
export default {
name: 'ListNotes',
data() {
return {
cardNotes: [],
mounted() {
// console.log('Page mounted');
methods: {
getListNotes() {
axios.get('http://localhost:8000/api/card').then(res => {
this.cardNotes =

How to integrate Stripe Checkout in Laravel Vue app

I am trying to integrate Stripe Checkout into my Laravel Vue.js application. I watched a tutorial on YouTube. However, I get the following error.
Vue Stripe will not work on an insecure host. Make sure that your site
is using TCP/SSL.
<div class="py-8 flex justify-center">
<button class=" bg-blue-500 px-2 py-1 rounded text-white" #click="submit">Pay now!</button>
import { StripeCheckout } from "#vue-stripe/vue-stripe";
import axios from "axios";
export default {
components: {
StripeCheckout ,
data() {
return {
publishableKey: "pk_test_51KtYynFJTg08EEU2sYHLN0LKrnZTuJCazai8jmokQ2096V7IXYjX2XsdGi7xh5jOgSCz5nnn7YfJS5afTtEHRSxk00EUEcmhsj",
sessionId: null,
mounted() {
console.log("Component mounted.");
methods: {
getSession() {
axios.get('getSession').then(res => {
this.sessionId =
}).catch(err => {
submit () {
According to the docs you can register it as a plugin where you can define a testMode option to override the insecure host warning
import Vue from 'vue';
import { StripePlugin } from '#vue-stripe/vue-stripe';
const options = {
testMode: true, // Boolean. To override the insecure host warning
stripeAccount: process.env.STRIPE_ACCOUNT,
apiVersion: process.env.API_VERSION,
locale: process.env.LOCALE,
Vue.use(StripePlugin, options);

Vuejs custom Modal event bus is not firing

I have created my own custom Modal plugin in vuejs to be added to my Laravel 8 app. The problem I am facing is opening the modal.
I have created the plugin in my app.js file
const Modal = {
install (Vue) {
this.event = new Vue()
Vue.prototype.$modal = {
show (modal, params = {}) {
Modal.event.$emit('show', modal, params)
$event: this.event
I have created two vue components for my modal
<!-- AppModal //-->
<transition name="modal">
<div v-if="visible">
<div class="app-modal" #click.prevent="$modal.hide(name)"></div>
<div class="app-modal-inner">
<slot name="body" :params="params"/>
export default {
name: "AppModal",
data () {
return {
params: {},
visible: false,
props: {
name: {
required: true,
type: String,
methods: {
setVisible () {
this.visible = true
setHidden () {
this.visible = false
beforeMount() {
this.$modal.$event.$on('show', (modal, params) => {
if ( !== modal) {
this.params = params
<!-- AppNonMemberRegisterModal //-->
<app-modal name="register">
<template slot="header">
<h1 class="text-lg-left text-4xl border border-b-2">Register Now</h1>
<template slot="body" slot-scope="{ params }">
<p>You need to register in order to share, comment and like on the site</p>
import AppModal from "../AppModal";
export default {
name: "AppNonMemberRegisterModal",
components: { AppModal },
Where I am firing the event I import the AppNonMemberRegisterModal and I have the following click event: #click.prevent="$'register')".
When the following code is reached Modal.event.$emit('show', modal, params) I get the following error messages in my cnosole console.log(Modal)
Vue 3 removes the Event API (i.e., $on, $off, etc.). The migration guide recommends using tiny-emitter to create your own event bus. That example shows how to create a global bus, but it seems your plugin just needs a local bus, which you could create like this:
// eventBus.js
import Emitter from 'tiny-emitter'
export function createEventBus() {
const emitter = new Emitter()
return {
$on: (...args) => emitter.on(...args),
$once: (...args) => emitter.once(...args),
$off: (...args) =>,
$emit: (...args) => emitter.emit(...args)
Then in your plugin, create a global with app.config.globalProperties, referring to the locally created event bus:
// myPlugin.js
import { createEventBus } from './eventBus'
export default {
install(app) {
const eventBus = createEventBus()
app.config.globalProperties.$modal = {
show (modal, params = {}) {
eventBus.$emit('show', modal, params)
$event: eventBus
And install it:
// main.js
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import myPlugin from './myPlugin'
Also be aware that your slot usage in AppRegisterModal.vue needs to be updated to the latest syntax (v-slot or # shorthand):
<app-modal name="register">
<template slot="header">
<template #header>
<template slot="body" slot-scope="{ params }">
<template #body="{ params }">

export 'default' not found when importing package with vuejs and laravel inertia

I've installed a new laravel 8 jetstream with inertia and trying to use tiptap for wysiwy but webpack is giving the error below:
WARNING in ./node_modules/tiptap/dist/tiptap.esm.js 111:4-21
export 'default' (imported as 'Vue') was not found in 'vue'
<editor-content :editor="editor" />
import AppLayout from "#/Layouts/AppLayout";
import { Editor, EditorContent } from 'tiptap'
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
editor: null,
mounted() {
this.editor = new Editor({
content: '<p>This is just a boring paragraph</p>',

Vue.js input validation w VeeValidate - How to avoid onInput action while invalid

I am validating a input field ( required , min length 3 ) with VeeValidate plugin.. it's working fine
but how I can avoid the onInput action to be called ( to avoid commit in store when the input becomes invalid ( as soon as input aria-invalid switch to false )
shortly said : Is there anyway to switch calling/not Calling onInput: 'changeTitle' when the input field aria-invalid is false/true ?
thanks for feedback
<em>Change the title of your shopping list here</em>
<input name="title" data-vv-delay="1000" v-validate="'required|min:3'" :class="{'input': true, 'is-danger': errors.has('required') }" :value="title" #input="onInput({ title: $, id: id })"/>
<p v-show="errors.has('title')">{{ errors.first('title') }}</p>
<style scoped>
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'
export default {
props: ['title', 'id'],
methods: mapActions({ // dispatching actions in components
onInput: 'changeTitle'
import * as types from './mutation_types'
import api from '../api'
import getters from './getters'
export default {
changeTitle: (store, data) => {
store.commit(types.CHANGE_TITLE, data)
updateList: (store, id) => {
let shoppingList = getters.getListById(store.state, id)
return api.updateShoppingList(shoppingList)
.then(response => {
return response
.catch(error => {
throw error
I tried to capture the input value with #input="testValidation) and check for a valid input value (required)
if valid ( aria-invalid: false) then I emit the input value, but the props are not updated in the parent component and the vuex action 'changeTitle' is not triggered
<em>Change the title of your shopping list here</em>
<input name="title" ref="inputTitle" data-vv-delay="1000" v-validate="'required'" :class="{'input': true, 'is-danger': errors.has('required') }" :value="title" #input="testValidation({ title: $, id: id })"/>
<p v-show="errors.has('title')">{{ errors.first('title') }}</p>
import { mapActions } from 'vuex'
import Vue from 'vue'
import VeeValidate from 'vee-validate'
export default {
props: ['title', 'id'],
methods: {
testValidation: function (value) {
const ariaInvalid = this.$refs.inputTitle.getAttribute('aria-invalid')
if (ariaInvalid === 'false') {
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.$emit('input', value) // should change props in parent components
} else {
console.log('INVALID !') // do not change props
onInput: 'changeTitle' // update store
like you access the errors collection in the VUE template, you can also access the same errors collection in your testValidation method
so replace
const ariaInvalid = this.$refs.inputTitle.getAttribute('aria-invalid')
const ariaInvalid = this.$validator.errors.has('title')
