JRebel does not working with Spring-Boot app in Intellij IDEA - spring-boot

I have set up JRebel in Intellij IDEA for spring-boot project, I have followed all the steps to install it in the correct way, but it is still not working, I have the following pom.xml configuration:
Box is also checked:
The funny thing is when I do changes in the source code and then go to the bytecode or .properties I can see the changes that have been made, but nothing is changing on the front-end...
Every time I compile the changed file I can see the following message in the event log:
From which I can conclude that changes should be applied.
I'm using out of the box servlet container which provides spring-boot, if I'm not wrong it is - Tomcat.
If any one knows, can you help me where am I wrong?

how do you start your SpringBoot application? With start buttons in IntelliJ or using the command line? I think you can remove the JRebel plugin from Maven pom.xml if you make sure that checking boxes in the JRebel panel generates a file called "rebel.xml". If the rebel.xml pom is generated, just verify it's content if it points to the folder with your compiled classes. After that, run "mvn clean compile package" and rerun your application again. If you start your application using buttons in IntelliJ, use JRebel buttons instead of normal ones. If from the command line, follow instructions in the plugin menu.


Spring boot: resolve JSPs from jar dependencies

Unfortunately haven't found an answer in official documentation. Maybe what I'm trying to do is not supported event by Tomcat, but still. Is it possible to make spring-boot/Tomcat to resolve JSP pages from .jar file that is in the classpath?
I have a spring-boot (2) application that is packed as a war file. There are a numerous jsp pages in 'webapp/view' folder, and appropriate MVC configuration:
public class MVCConf implements WebMvcConfigurer {
// ...
public ViewResolver internalResourceViewResolver() {
return new InternalResourceViewResolver(){{
// ...
All these pages are being resolved. Okay.
But. The project is a multi-module maven one. It supports builds with different dependencies (my own modules) depending on maven profiles.
I need to make application to resolve JSPs from those optional dependencies that are included into runtime as jars in a classpath.
And I'm getting Whitelabel error that says that JSP files can not be found.
Is it even possible to make it work? And if it is, than how?
P.S.: I have already tried to make some magic with copying JSPs into "root" spring-boot application itself and it works, but this way is dirty and tricky.
I don't think it is worth to publish the whole pom.xml, but here is the maven-dependency-plugin section that works in my case:
<!-- ... -->
<!-- this skip property is set by maven profile in same pom.xml - no magic here -->
<!-- there are webapp/view/*.jsp files in some_module's structure -->
<!-- ... -->
The only problem here is that it works only when you launch the executable .war. Launching this application from IDE (IntelliJ IDEA) need some additional steps to be made. And that's another one disadvantage of this solution, to my mind. The first one is a dirty pom.xml.
BUT!. I have found another solution that is more suitable, I think.
Actually I have moved from Tomcat to Jetty, and solution above works fine even there. There's no need in hacking the build anymore.
Now I put my .jsp files into src/main/webapp/META-INF/resources/view/some_module folder in some_module dependency and resolve it by path 'some_module/someJsp' via standard Spring's #Controllers.
I apologize that I haven't found this topic earlier. Now this is a duplicate. But who knows, maybe someone will apply solution with maven dependency plugin.

How to compile JSPs via Maven, but without failing on errors?

I've just started working on a large project that has many JSPs, many of which were created long ago, and some of which were generated. I would like to use the jetty-jspc-maven-plugin from org.eclipse.jetty to compile our JSPs for use in Tomcat 8.5. Unfortunately, some of the JSPs do not compile cleanly, and when there is a compilation problem, the maven build fails and stops.
The JspcMojo class does most of the work. It has an embedded class, JspcMojo.JettyJspC that extends org.apache.jasper.JspC and has a failOnError property. The documentation for JettyJspC says, "JettyJspC Add some extra setters to standard JspC class to help configure it for running in maven." So, it seems like I ought to be able to set the failOnError property to false and be done. I have tried all of the following, without success. How can I pass the failOnError property from maven to the JSP compiler?
BTW, compiling JSPs using ant is fairly well documented. I want to do the equivalent using maven.
Under the configuration section, you can use a subelement of the jspc element, like so:
<!-- The comma separated list of patterns for file extensions to be processed. -->

Always run proguard-maven-plugin before install phase

What I am trying to do, is to obfuscate a certain packages in a multi module application, before it gets installed to my local repository, so that the final package will be an EAR file which contains obfuscated jars.
I tried to obfuscate the jars during EAR building process without success. Now i want to build the EAR with obfuscated jars instead ob obfuscating then during the build.
So I've got the following plugin configuration:
So there are two problems for me:
Progruard always runs after the install phase, so that the EAR build always gets the not obfuscated jars
I always have to add proguard:proguard to the maven command, which of course fails in a multi module project where some modules don't have to be obfuscated
So my questions:
How can I obfuscate the package before it gets installed?
How can I make plugins like this one run on default without adding <phase>:<goal> to the maven call?
It seems that for the proguard plugin to work, JAR files are needed. Perhaps you can achieve this by attaching the proguard plugin's proguard goal to the package phase (and not process-classes phase) of the default Maven build life cycle as proposed here by Alexey Shmalko. It's not clear to me if you are using the maven-shade-plugin, but if you are, then place the proguard plugin configuration your in pom.xml after that of maven-shade-plugin (this is because both these plugin attach to the same phase: package).
My expectation is that since package phase is achieved before install phase, it should give you the effect you are looking for.

Incomplete WAR automatically uploaded by Maven

To ease up the deployment process of my Jave EE application, I instructed Maven to automatically copy the resulting WAR file to the application server.
<execution><!-- Run our version calculation script -->
<id>Copy to Application Server</id>
scp /home/user/.m2/repository/com/wolf/apix/1.0/apix-1.0.war user#srv-web:/opt/wildfly-8.2.0.Final/standalone/deployments/apix.war
Unfortunately, this fails! The WAR is successfully transmitted to the application server, but it's mixed with old and new code. My assumption is that Maven tries to send it while still being in the WAR creation process, because when I run the copy script copy-to-appserver.sh manually after the deployment, everything works fine with it on the application server.
My question is, what do I have to change, so that Maven only accesses the WAR file when its creation / manipulation is complete?
Your plugin is being executed prematurely in the generate-sources phase
Run it in the last phase by changing the phase to deploy
In addition running the plugin in the correct phase, as suggested by 6ton, you might also want to consider using the Maven WildFly plugin, which specifically designed to solve your problem. That way, you can get rid of that nasty, nasty script.
I would recommend to separate the build process and the deployment process cause the deploy life cycle phase is intended to upload the artifacts to a remote repository.

Cannot use PAX-URL's assembly protocol with auto started bundles in Felix config.properties

I'm trying to use PAX-URL so I can have non-packed bundles assembled on the fly.
If I put pax-url-assembly-1.2.1.jar in the autostart bundles, and then type
install assembly:path/to/my/folder
everything works. The trouble is, I want to give felix those folders in the config file using > felix.auto.start.1=assembly:path/to/my/folder
If I do so, I get an "Unknown protocol: assembly" exception.
I've tried loading PAX-URL at level 1 and set the default start level of all other bundles to 10. Won't help. I think it's the "System Bundle" itself that reads the configuration before any bundle is loaded and therefore "assembly" is not understood.
My guess is I need to tell Felix to load PAX-URL right when Felix itself starts.
Any ideas? Did I get it all wrong? :)
Try putting PAX-URL into bundle folder in Apache Felix and launch it with -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.ops4j.pax.url options.
Here is a post describing Apache Felix development in Eclipse
One more thing!
If you are using Declarative Services with the maven-SCR-plugin, pax-url won't find the servicecomponents.xml, since the plugin by default puts it directly in target (as opposed to target/classes). For this to work, you'll have to add a config stanza to your scr plugin changing the output directory, like so:
<!-- Without this, PAX-URL won't work -->
