We using CS Cart about 5 years already, never had a problems before. But yesterday we found a strange bug.
We noticed that probably only index not working. We redirected index to other page now.
We made print screen of index bug: https://imgur.com/nRPIIGM
Any ideas how to fix this?
Please rename the file .../controllers/customer/index.php to .../controllers/customer/index.post.php and will solve the error
There is a special case in Laravel production server. There is a character "a" on button every page.
Or even in table.
and a very interesting thing is that when I load the page. It will show "a" again!
Those words are from lang/panel.php. However, I checked the file and I do not found any typo in the file. I also tried to clear cache and it is useless. Is there any way to solve this problem. I have no idea what wrong in this case. Local project does not have this problem.
I had a problem like that. All my pages had a caracter "a" on the top left corner. It was the first thing showed when pages where loaded. After searching in my code I found a "a" before "<?php" in the file .../config/mail.php
I'm not sure whether this is a bug or not, so I'm just going to ask this. I created a view (and block) with a 'Comment: Post date' field with 'Time ago (with "ago" appended)' as Date format. I didn't fill in a custom date format.
Everything is previewed perfectly, but when I go to my dashboard, I only see the "ago": the actual numbers (hours, minutes, seconds...) aren't displayed.
I cleared caches, but nothing happened. I'm still using the default Seven 7.23 administration theme for my dashboard and I didn't set a custom template file or anything else. I just created the view.
How can I solve this?
Edit: I exported my view, so you can read the code here.
Try clearing your cache in drupal. Admin > Configuration > Performance > Clear All Caches
I noticed you said you added Comment: Post Date. If you did not mean to display the time of comments on the node then my guess is that would be your issue. If not comments exist, you have nothing to get the last time.
If you wanted to get the last time of the save for the node then you will need to switch to last updated to fix your issue.
Edit: It seems odd to me that everything is working in the views preview section but not on the actual page. This leads me to think it might have something to do with the user you are viewing it with. Are you logged in when you test it, or are you opening it in a different browser on a new session? Check the user permissions for your content field type and make sure "can view" is checked.
I don't know what causes the problem, but I solved it temporally. I changed the Date format to 'Time ago' an added the 'ago' manually via the 'Rewrite results' function.
I am a rookie, and I\’m taking over another developer\’s website.
Now my problem is that I have already set Best Value in the Adm, and the Toolbar shows Position as default, But products are still displayed by price.
The position option works only when I click it.
so I think that the previous developer has changed something, but I don\’t know where.
Please somebody give me some advice where to check.
Thanks in advance.
You can check magento\app\design\frontend\default\YOURTHEME\template\catalog\product\list\toolbar.phtml
for magento 1.7just around line 81
Hello i am having an error in my magento webshop. On certain grouped products. There should be a div class listing for every row. But on some grouped product pages the listing for the first row goes wrong. Which then results in the whole page going wrong. When i check the page source. I see that the second row has been put inside the first row. For an example http://msk.clicksite.nl/pleisters-en-antidruk/anti-druk-middelen?p=1. The strange thing is if you go to page 2 the error is gone.
I hope someone has experienced this problem or knows what is going wrong.
Thanks in advance.
The problem is in your product description. You have an open tag that's messing your design up.
<div class="product-content">
<ul><li>Zelfklevend beschermpleister 2 mm.</li> <li>Ook verkrijgbaar als fleecy foam 5 mm.</...
To fix it, go into your product description and remove the unordered list formatting <ul><li>. A permanent solution would be to go to your template and edit the code that's truncating the description. Strip all of the html from it and you should be all set. Try /app/design/frontend/YOUR_PACKAGE/YOUR_THEME/catalog/product/list.phtml
Does anyone know where I could find a FREE module that displays articles along with images on multiple columns like here http://raxo.org/demo.html ?
I've been on this for a few days now, I just know there is something out there..
Try Gavick News Show Pro. http://tools.gavick.com/newshowpro.html
Eventually, back then, I edited the template myself. Couldn't find a module that did exactly what I wanted.