How to translate default Cookie Restriction Mode message in Magento 2.3.2? - magento

I am trying to transalte the defualt Cookie Restriction Mode Message in Magento 2.3.2. I've tried, adding the whole message in my bg_BG.csv file in my custom child theme where all my other translations are located but the new translation is not applied. I've tried searching for a Block but I do not have one. Is there something which I am not doing correctly?

What you are doing wrong is that you should not add the whole message at once in your custom bg_BG.csv file. If you check the Cookie message itself is split in two parts:
We use cookies to make your experience better.
To comply with the new e-Privacy directive, we need to ask for your consent to set the cookies.
You have to translate both the messages separately. After that deploy static content and clean cache.


Magento 1.9 - Cannot create and save email template

I have tirelessly tried to create and save an email template to no avail. I have tried different locales and all the templates load fine. But whenever I try to save the template I get this error message - "The template Name must not be empty." although the template name field is filled. What could be the problem?
I strongly recommend the Yireo Email Override extenson (see One advantage is templates are stored as files and so can be managed through source control (such as git).
Your problem is mod_security. A fast way to see if that is the problem disable mod_security and try again (
Remember to enable again mod_security then find which rule make you problems
and then make changes to your files (file permission etc.) or you can disable that rules (not recommended).
I had the same issue and addressed it as follows. I deleted most of the content I wanted to have in the email leaving behind just our logo (I suspected the system was rejecting something in the content). I saved the template without most of the content. It saved properly. I then opened up the template and pasted in the rest of my html and saved it.

Magento multi-domain checkout issues

I have a Magento install with multiple domains (, sharing a single checkout URL ( The problem is when I proceed to cart and do to the new domain I get "no items in shopping cart" error. For some reason the session/cookies aren't being passed to the checkout domain.
I'm running Magento 1.7. I've gone to system/config/web/session cookie management and tried all of the following values in the cookie domain field:
Should something else go here?
I also have cookie path field blank (default) and use http only set to yes (default).
I'm not sure what else to do here.
The first place I'd check is your store setup. Remember that you can't easily share a cart across multiple Websites, only Stores and Store Views (to use Magento's nomenclature).
Assuming that's fine, your next problem is ensuring that all of the domains use the same PHP session. You can do this by telling them all to use the same session id. Cookies are an ideal solution for this, but cookies do not work across completely different domains.
This means we have to explicitly tell to session that we wish to load. We can force Magento to load a specific session by passing the session id as the SID GET parameter. You can get this value by calling Mage::getModel("core/session")->getEncryptedSessionId().
You should set web/session/use_frontend_sid to yes in your system configuration.
You should also keep in mind that not specifying a cookie path will make it default to the current path you are on when the cookie is set. You should default it to "/" to make sure it is being set globally for the site.

Magento - Create Customer Account form is missing

On a Magento 1.11.1 site (Pro).
When I go to the URL [site]/customer/account/create I should get the form for creating a customer from the file /frontend/base/default/template/persistent/customer/form/register.phtml in block Mage_Customer_Block_Form_Register. Instead there is no such block included (show hints and show blocks enabled).
The customer login form works [site]/customer/account/login by displaying the form from file /frontend/base/default/template/persistent/customer/form/login.phtml in block Mage_Customer_Block_Form_Login. This works fine.
I'm using basically the modern theme with modifications (in a separate directory).
Also, customers are still able to create an account via the checkout process.
Is there an configuration parameter that might be set that could disable the standalone 'create customer account' functionality?
Could I have some issue with the templating that is getting in the way of displaying this register block?
So far I have not found the program logic that controls whether the register block is included or removed or anything? I've checked on file permissions and everything else I could think of, but there is obviously something I am overlooking or not aware of.
Any pointers on discovering the source of the problem would be appreciated.

Magento User Sessions Being Mixed Up

I was wondering if anyone could help me with the following issue. On our Magento site, enterprise version, a user may log in, and it will say another person's name. Then, if you click on another link, it might go back to your name. The user sessions are clearly being confused. Apparently, this is a full-page caching problem, because our full page cache is often invalidated and, if we turn it off, the user sessions no longer mix up. However, turning it off considerably slows down the site. Switching the sessions from db storage to file storage (and vice versa) did not fix the issue. Does anyone know what the problem could be or how to solve it?
Thanks very much,
You should check with Magento for a patch. I had a similar problem with Gift Certificate field info getting mixed up between sessions. They provided a patch that resolved the problem.
In the header.phtml file you should use this to print the user name
<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('welcome') ?>
Then, you can override the block 'Mage_Page_Block_Html_Welcome' if you wanna customize your message.
this happens when you use "Full Page Cache" because by default, magento exclude some blocks of the full page cache, and the block 'welcome' is one of they. if you are using customization code and message, the user name will be cached too, and other users will see different user names in this section.
it can be dependence on the cache issue. Try to turn cache off (go to admin, system, cache management and disable all cache).
If issue gone - you need to check cache configuration. If not - you have really session issue.
BTW, where you store sessions (files or DB or memcached?)
I found the cause related to Enterprise_PageCache_Model_Processor_Default class, my way is disable it in config.xml, edit src\app\code\core\Enterprise\PageCache\etc\config.xml:
<!-- <cms>enterprise_pagecache/processor_default</cms>-->
This problem was probably caused by Magento not being able to set proper session parameters if it was behind a reverse proxy cache like Varnish (I bet it was the case). Whenever using an intermediate caché system you have to make sure you are using the apropiate module in Apache to forward the X_FORWARDED_FOR http header to Magento like mod_rpaf, otherwise Magento will see al requests coming from the same IP and it will not be able to determine correct session isolation as it will think all requests come from the same client.

Joomla Login module not working in artcle

I am loading the Joomla login module in an article using {loadposition xxx}.
when cache is on it doesn't works and give the error of Invalid Token.
What I figured out is that it is taking value of hidden field of the Joomla token from the cache which is usually generated randomly differently every time login module is loaded.
Can anybody have some idea to make it works?
First you cannot remove the hidden field of the token because this way the form will never work ... It's a required parameter so you have to restore it back and follow these steps
Go to the Module manager
One the module
The first item on the parameters is called "Caching" set it to never.
You better use the plugin Modules Anywhere by
It fix 99$ of the issues that occur because of {loadposition} in regards to module title, content, caching ... etc
