No any plugin found marketplace in Android Studio 3.5 - android-studio-3.5

When I tried to search for a plugin in Android Studio 3.5, it loads then gives 'No results' no matter what plugin I search for. It doesn't show anything in the marketplace.

I have found a solution.
Goto settings > Plugins > settings > manage plugin repositories
Just add this
This is the url for jetbrains plugins
Now try to search plugin in marketplace


How to enable publishing of ClickOnce applications?

I have SKD project Net461. VS 2019. And I dont have options to publish ClickOnce like it look like in:
I was looking for a component in VS installer and I find only one: "Publishing with the ClickOnce application".
I have only this:
And I don't have a publish tab in Project Properties.
Not through the IDE, but I was able to put ClickOnce in a WPF net48 project with new SDK style to run in an easy way when using msbuild /t:publish.
More info at

How to add plug-in to xrmtoolbox

I have XrmToolBox 2015 and I want to add a new dll (new functionality) to my tool, but I can't find any documentation about it, how can I do that?
** I need to add DeltaAssemblyvsCrm plugin, FYI
You should be able to install any applicable plugins to XrmToolBox from Plugins store. Read more
The Plugins Store is located in the menu Tools > Plugins Store

Publish website without roslyn

I am trying to create web application using Visual Studio 2015 and .NET 4.5.1.
When I publish the website, visual studio create folder named roslyn.
I know it's used to compile code on the fly, but unfortunately my hosting provider doesn't allow me to execute the compiler on their server.
How to publish the website without roslyn like previous version of Visual Studio?
I got this error when trying to acces my website.
It seems IIS trying to execute roslyn\csc.exe but my user account doesn't have permission to do that. With previous version of Visual Studio, this error doesn't show up.
I've just faced the same problem. When you create a new web project, two nuget packages automatically added to your project. If you remove them, your problem should be solved. Package names are: "Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform" and "Microsoft.Net.Compilers".
I had the same issue. Followed the steps from here. Basically:
Uninstall the package
Uninstall-package Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform <Your Web API project name>
In your publish profile settings, uncheck "Allow precompiled site to be updatable". You can find this under Settings > Precompile during publishing > configure
After searching the same issued I face, I just came here. I read the above answer which is right.
I give the answer, because of Here is the good article to explain :
Why the publish code have this exe as well as development environment ?
What is the benefit and how to remove?
This is also the very good article, about the history of this exe
After countless effort....and according to this website.
I find that you can use /p:UseWPP_CopyWebApplication=true /p:PipelineDependsOnBuild=false in MSBuild to transform web.config, this also include the roslyn compiler in the build. The output is same as what you get by publishing in Visual Studio into file system
There is an open bug on the roslyn repository about this issue.
In my case all I had to do was to downgrade the dll Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.DotNetCompilerPlatform from version 1.0.6 to 1.0.5.
I have had the same issue in Sept2016 when I took over an existing ASP.NET program. I found that there were multiple versions of the two compiler packages mentioned by Kemal installed in different projects of the solution.
So firstly I updated to get them the same. VS doesn't tell you that updates are available in this scenario (or maybe I missed them ?)
I then had to restart VS2015 for the packages to clean up properly.

Android Studio Gradle not working

I tried lot of different solutions but none of them is working and still getting error
Gradle 'MyApplication' project refresh failed
Error:Error:No cached version listing for available for offline mode.
I tried:
Uninstall/install android studio
Remove .gradle folder from user directory
Change 0.12 to 1.12. in gradle properties
Enable Use local gradle distribution in gradle settings.
any suggestions how can I fix this.
I also tried various solutions mentioned in stackoverflow but none of them is working.
Fixed the issue, please follow these steps
Goto "File->Settings" in the settings window choose "Gradle" and under the "Globle Gradle Settings" unchecked the "offline work" check box and click "Apply" & "ok".
Do Gradle sync or restart the IDE.
Once Gradle build is success, can check the "offline work" again.

Sandcastle 'SHFB Visual Studio Extension Package' project - How to build only on 'Release'?

I am using the Sandcastle 'SHFB Visual Studio Extension Package' - which creates a Sandcastle project inside the Visual Studio solution. The integration is nice, but it automatically builds the documentation project every time I do a build. I'd like it to only build the help project for a "Release" build, but unlike other VS projects, the properties options for the Sandcastle documentation project have the "Configuration" and "Platform" selectors disabled.
I have looked at the other property options, but nothing seems to allow selecting options for WHEN the project should be built. Online searches have turned up instructions for specifying the build-on-release-only option when using the standalone SHFB gui tool, or if using the MSBuild command line for a non-integrated sandcastle project (via a different project's build events), but nothing about configuring an included project.
Having come across this just the other day:
Go to configuration manager for your solution. Uncheck the build option for your documentation project for all but the "release" configuration.
