How to add plug-in to xrmtoolbox - dynamics-crm

I have XrmToolBox 2015 and I want to add a new dll (new functionality) to my tool, but I can't find any documentation about it, how can I do that?
** I need to add DeltaAssemblyvsCrm plugin, FYI

You should be able to install any applicable plugins to XrmToolBox from Plugins store. Read more
The Plugins Store is located in the menu Tools > Plugins Store


How can I publish documentation when pushing a NuGet package to

I'm building a Blazor component and want to automate the build process. Currently the package builds properly and is pushed to with its proper license and icon files but I can't find anywhere how to include docs. I have to manually sign in to and update the docs to point to the same github readme link.
Is there any way to automate this process?
The feature is only for website and is not a part of nuget cli now. And you are not the only one who wants to reflect this problem.
There is a similar github link.
After feedback from many users, the Team is working hard to add this feature to nuget cli. You can follow this link to keep track of the progress.
All the data for your package should be included inside the library project (Properties). Once you build the library and upload to Nuget, the links, descriptions and everything else will be displayed when someone searched for your package and previews on visual studio or on Nuget.
Take a look here, you will see where to find everything:

Nuget activate "Include Prerelease" via config file

Visual Studio 2017 offers the option to include prereleases of NuGet package via the GUI, like shown below:
Does anybody knows if it is possible to do this via NuGet.config or via csproj file?
Does anybody knows if it is possible to do this via NuGet.config or via csproj file?
I am afraid you could not activate the option Include Prerelease via NuGet.config or via csproj file.
Because this is a unique feature of Visual Studio instance, we could not use the configuration file of NuGet package management or the project file to change the Visual Studio configuration.
Besides, this is a long-term saved setting, if you check this checkbox, it will not unchecked until you change it next time.
What is more, NuGet team also provide us options -IncludePrerelease and -prerelease, so that we could use the pre-release package without NuGet package management UI.
Check more info from Installing and updating pre-release packages.
Hope this helps.
You mean to have this option set per default when opening the packagemanager ? not possible unfortunately

add the Stripe plugin to Nopcommerce

Stripe for 3.40 -->
So I noticed that when I download the Stripe plugin off the site that the Stripe plugin for Nopcommerce v3.4 does not contain a project file(.csproj) to add the project to Visual studio.
Stripe for 2.65-->
So I went and downloaded the Stripe plugin for Nopcommerce v2.65. I noticed that this downloaded package does contain the Project file(.csproj) for adding to visual studio.
1). can I just use the older Stripe plugin with my new Nopcommerce version?
2). or and, does someone have a way to use the new Stripe plugin?
3). is there a better free shopping cart to use Stripe (asp.MVC)?
This plugin is provided without source code. I's alread compiled and ready for deployment. Hence you cannot add it to Visual Studio solution. So simply upload this plugin to your server and use it
Rename the main folder by removing ''upload'' in the name it should read Payments.Stripe try that and let me know!

Use XspLibrary (OSGI plugin) in Domino Designer

I've build an osgi plug-in to wrap existing jar files. I've been following this guide.
After building the plug-in I deploy it via an update site. I use a widget to import the plug-in into the domino designer.
In "File > Application > Application Management" I can verify that
the plug-in is loaded (i.e. it shows up under
Now I build a new nsf and I can select my plug-in as a Xsp library in the xsp properties. Then it starts to act strange: I can use all exported classes from the plug-in only if I open then plug-in project in the domino designer, too.
If I close the plug-in project I get two compile errors:
"StringUtils cannot be resolved"
"The import org.apache.commons.lang3 cannot be resolved"
Sometimes I also get the following error:
"The project was not build since the build path is incomplete. Cannot find the class file for ...."
Does anybody now why these errors occur? As I already mentioned: opening the plug-in project in the designer resolves all errors.
You need to have the plugin 'unpack' after installation, at the moment your wrapped jars are hiding within your plugin jar. they need to be unpacked for Domino Designer to use them.
Presumably you created a feature project to install the plugin? Go back to the feature project, and the Plug-ins list, select the plugin and then tick the check-box next to 'Unpack the plug-in archive after the installation'
In your update site, clear out your previously built plugins and features and then re-build this new feature into the update site.
Before installing the new version of the feature it might be a good idea to Uninstall your old version in designer:
File -> Application -> Application Management
Then select the feature in the left pane, and then uninstall from the available tasks in the right pane.
Then re-install from your newly built update site, (or via widget deployment as you did before)
After your installation you can inspect the file system location of where your plugins install to:
and verify that the plugin has been un-jarred into a folder instead of being just a jar.
Also, in the Package explorer, if you then open up your XPages application that is using your XspLibrary/Plugin, you should be able to see your plugin in the list of plug-in dependancies, and the icon next to your plugin should be a folder and not a 'jar' icon
Both errors mean that you need to install a dependency of xsplibrary namely apache commons lang 3.x. It is available as an OSGi bundle so you can simply add it to the target platform.

Maven artefact licensing

I was asking why Google doesn't upload android artefacts into the maven central repository. Apparently the answer is that user has to accept license before download.
I know that it is possible (and required) to include a license to the artefact. But is it possible to force user to accept it before downloading and usage?
It's simply not possible cause Maven has no such mechanism. Apart from that it's interactive during the download of artifacts.
JFI: It's sad because NuGet in the .NET World has such functionality (
Stop License Acceptance popup by Auto Accepting Nuget within visual studio
