How to handle List<Map<String, Object>> return type from query resolver in .graphqls - spring-boot

I have a graphql implementation, below is my .graphqls file
schema {
query: Query
type Product {
id: Int!
name: String!
description: String!
productTypes: [ProductType]!
type City {
id: Int!
name: String!
type ProductType {
id: Int!
type: String!
product: Int
type Query {
products: [Product]!
cities: [City]!
productTypes: [ProductType]!
This is my query resolver code
public class Query implements GraphQLQueryResolver {
ProductRespository productRespository;
EntityManager em;
CityRepository cityRepository;
ProductTypeRepository productTypeRepository;
public List<Map<String, Object>> products() {
javax.persistence.Query q = em.createQuery("select new
map( as productName, as productId) from Product p");
List<Map<String, Object>> list = q.getResultList();
return list;
public Iterable<City> cities() {
return cityRepository.findAll();
when I am running the application I am getting below error
Type java.util.Map cannot be
mapped to a GraphQL type! Since GraphQL-Java deals with erased types at
runtime, only non-parameterized classes can represent a GraphQL type.
This allows for reverse-lookup by java class in interfaces and union
So how I can handle this kind of return type in Query Section of .graphqls
Thanks in Advance


How to map nested object query in Spring graphql

Using org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-graphql and WebMvc, I would like to handle, in the #Controller, nested fields.
type Movie {
name: String
actor: Actor
type Actor {
name: String
homeAddress: Address
officeAddress: Address
type Address {
street: String
city: String
query {
movie(name: "xyz") {
actor {
homeAddress {
The #Controller handles the first field with:
public Movie movie(#Argument name) {...}
2nd with schemaMapping:
#SchemaMapping(type=“Movie”, field=“actor”)
public Actor actor(Movie movie) {...}
But how to handle the third level field (address)?
#SchemaMapping(typeName=“Actor”, field=“homeAddress”)
public Address homeAddress(Actor actor) {...}
this doesn't work

How to implement query filters and sorting using Graphql SPQR?

How to implement query filters and sorting using Graphql SPQR?
I'm looking for a solution with Graphql SPQR for schema which looks something like this.
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
enumSortOrder {
type Article {
id: String
name: String
createdByUserId: String
createdOn: String
lastUpdatedOn: String
type Feedback {
id: String
feedbackText: String
articleId: String
createdByUserId: String
createdOn: String
lastUpdatedOn: String
type Query {
getAllArticles(pageNumber: Int!, pageSize : Int!, sortOrder: SortOrder!, sortBy: String!): [Article]
getFeedBacksForArticle(articleId: String!): [Feedback]
type Mutation {
createArticle(name: String!, createdByUserId: String!): Article
createNewFeedback(feedbackText: String!, articleId: String!, createdByUserId: String!): Feedback
GraphQL SPQR relies on a code-first approach. You need to create your java classes and resolver and annotate them properly:
public enum SortOrder {
#GraphQLEnumValue(name = "ASC") ASC,
#GraphQLEnumValue(name = "DESC") DESC
public class Article {
//Article implementation here
public class Feedback {
//Feedback implementation here
public class GraphQLResolver {
#GraphQLQuery(name = "getAllArticles", description = "Search articles")
public List<Article> getAllArticles(
#NotNull #GraphQLArgument(name = "pageNumber") int pageNumber,
#NotNull #GraphQLArgument(name = "pageSize") int pageSize,
#NotNull #GraphQLArgument(name = "sortOrder") SortOrder sortOrder,
#NotNull #GraphQLArgument(name = "sortBy") String sortBy) {
//Query implementation here
//implement other queries and mutation
Follow the readme at to expose your graphql resolver.

How to use another variable name or How to flatten entity in JPA Projection for nested object

I'm making an api for querying nested entity with Spring Data JPA Projection.
My Code
The Entity:
class User {
var userId: String
var name: String
var age: Int
#JoinColumn(name = "userId")
var address: Address
class Address {
var userId: String
var street: String
var city: String
var country: String
The Repository:
interface UserView {
val name: String
val address: AddressView
interface AddressView {
val city: String
val country: String
interface UserRepository : JPARepository<User, String> {
fun findAll(): List<UserView>
Expected Response
"name": "example",
"city": "example-city",
"country": "example-country"
My code produces
"name": "example",
"address": {
"city": "example-city",
"country": "example-country"
I Tried
I tried another view to flatten object:
interface UserView {
val name: String
val addressCity: String
val addressCountry: String
But this case, the variable naming is too complicate.
I want to solve this problem with projection. How can I solve this problem?
In JPA, you can do this using #NamedNativeQuery only:
name = "getUser",
query = "SELECT,, FROM User u and Address a where a.userId = ", resultClass=UserView .class)
class User {
For Reference hibernate-named-query
Try this:
data class UserView(name: String, city: String, country: String)
interface UserRepository : JPARepository<User, String> {
#Query(value = "select new your.pkg.UserView(,, from User u")
fun findAllFlat(): List<UserView>
You can use #Value and combine more fields or even access the fields of objects.
From the spring-data-rest documentation:
You can create a projection that combines the two data fields in the preceding example together, as follows:
#Projection(name = "virtual", types = { Person.class })
public interface VirtualProjection {
#Value("#{target.firstName} #{target.lastName}")
String getFullName();
Spring’s #Value annotation lets you plug in a SpEL expression that takes the target object and splices together its firstName and lastName attributes to render a read-only fullName.
Flattening also works for me:
String getDocumentTitle();

Map Java Object

I want to create a service in order to populate dropdown from database. I tried this:
Merchant Class:
export class Merchant {
public id: string,
public name: string,
public state_raw: string,
public users: string,
) {}
Merchant Service:
getList(): Observable<Merchant> {
return this.http.get<Merchant>(environment.api.urls.merchants.base, {});
Rest Api impl:
public ResponseEntity<?> get() {
return merchantRepository
.orElseGet(() -> notFound().build());
SQL query:
public Iterable<Merchants> findAll() {
String hql = "select e from " + Merchants.class.getName() + " e";
TypedQuery<Merchants> query = entityManager.createQuery(hql, Merchants.class);
List<Merchants> merchants = query.getResultList();
return merchants;
But I get this error:
The method map(mapper::toDTO) is undefined for the type Iterable<Merchants>
How should I implement properly this mapping for the response?
Seems like you meant to stream the entities.
public ResponseEntity<?> get() {
return, false)
.orElseGet(() -> notFound().build());

How to implement Custom Scalar in Graphql-java?

I am new to graphql. I am trying to implement custom scalar type "Email". but am getting below error. Could you please help me?
by: Expected a
user-defined GraphQL scalar type with name 'Email' but found none! at
~[graphql-java-tools-4.3.0.jar:na] at
Configurations :
scalar Email
type Greeting {
id: ID!
message: String!
type Query {
getGreeting(id: ID!): Greeting
type Mutation {
newGreeting(message: String!): Greeting!
Version info:
springBootVersion = '1.5.8.RELEASE'
Please help...
Try this:
public class ScalarEMail extends GraphQLScalarType {
public ScalarEMail() {
super("Email", "Scalar Email", new Coercing() {
public Object serialize(Object o) throws CoercingSerializeException {
return ((Email) o).getEmail();
public Object parseValue(Object o) throws CoercingParseValueException {
return serialize(o);
public Object parseLiteral(Object o) throws CoercingParseLiteralException {
return Email.valueOf(((StringValue) o).getValue());
