How to implement Custom Scalar in Graphql-java? - graphql

I am new to graphql. I am trying to implement custom scalar type "Email". but am getting below error. Could you please help me?
by: Expected a
user-defined GraphQL scalar type with name 'Email' but found none! at
~[graphql-java-tools-4.3.0.jar:na] at
Configurations :
scalar Email
type Greeting {
id: ID!
message: String!
type Query {
getGreeting(id: ID!): Greeting
type Mutation {
newGreeting(message: String!): Greeting!
Version info:
springBootVersion = '1.5.8.RELEASE'
Please help...

Try this:
public class ScalarEMail extends GraphQLScalarType {
public ScalarEMail() {
super("Email", "Scalar Email", new Coercing() {
public Object serialize(Object o) throws CoercingSerializeException {
return ((Email) o).getEmail();
public Object parseValue(Object o) throws CoercingParseValueException {
return serialize(o);
public Object parseLiteral(Object o) throws CoercingParseLiteralException {
return Email.valueOf(((StringValue) o).getValue());


Spring, how do I store java.lang.Class type in mongodb

I'm trying to store java.lang.Class in MongoDb using ReactiveCrudRepository, but I got this following errors.
data class Letter(
val messageType: Class<*>
Can't find a codec for class java.lang.Class.
I tried implementing my custom conversions, but it converts other properties that has type String to java.lang.Class too.
fun customConversions(): MongoCustomConversions {
val converters = ArrayList<Converter<*, *>>()
converters.add(object: Converter<String, Class<*>> {
override fun convert(source: String): Class<*> {
return Class.forName(source)
converters.add(object: Converter<Class<*>, String> {
override fun convert(source: Class<*>): String {
return MongoCustomConversions(converters)
You could try using Property Converters. See example bellow:
class ReversingValueConverter implements PropertyValueConverter<String, String, ValueConversionContext> {
public String read(String value, ValueConversionContext context) {
return reverse(value);
public String write(String value, ValueConversionContext context) {
return reverse(value);
class Person {
String ssn;
See Spring Data MongoDB Reference Documentation for more information.

Invalid Syntax error while consuming graphql API

I am also facing some issue while hitting Graphql APIs through postman.
POST body
Entries of sample.graphqls file is
query: Query
type Query{
getReports(id: Long): PublishedReportInternal
type PublishedReportInternal{
type ObjectRef{
id : Long
qualifier : String
public ResponseEntity<Object> getReports(String query) {
ExecutionResult execute = graphQLService.getGraphQL().execute(query);
System.out.println("execute result...."+execute);
return new ResponseEntity<>(execute, HttpStatus.OK);
public class CustomDataFetcher implements DataFetcher<PublishedReportInternal> {
PublishRunReportInternalRestService service;
public PublishedReportInternal get(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
System.out.println("Entered into DataFetcher class...");
String reportId=environment.getArgument("id");
System.out.println("reportId is ::"+reportId);
if(!StringUtils.isEmpty(reportId)) {
return service.getReportById(new Long(reportId));
else {
return null;
Below is the implementation of GraphQLService
public class GraphQLService {
private Resource schemaResource;
private GraphQL graphQL;
private CustomDataFetcher customDataFetcher;
private void loadSchema() throws IOException {
// get the schema
File schemaFile = schemaResource.getFile();
// parse schema
TypeDefinitionRegistry typeRegistry = new SchemaParser().parse(schemaFile);
RuntimeWiring wiring = buildRuntimeWiring();
GraphQLSchema schema = new SchemaGenerator().makeExecutableSchema(typeRegistry, wiring);
graphQL = GraphQL.newGraphQL(schema).build();
private RuntimeWiring buildRuntimeWiring() {
return RuntimeWiring.newRuntimeWiring().type("Query", typeWiring -> typeWiring
.dataFetcher("getReports", customDataFetcher)).build();
public GraphQL getGraphQL() {
return graphQL;
Rest endpoint will be
#Path(value = "/getReports")
(value = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
(value = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) ResponseEntity<Object> getReports( String query);
Please try to help here as I am stuck completely with this problem.
Following jar has been used by me for this POC
compile files('libs/new/graphiql-spring-boot-starter-5.0.2.jar')
compile files('libs/new/graphql-java-9.2.jar')
compile files('libs/new/graphql-java-servlet-6.1.2.jar')
compile files('libs/new/graphql-java-tools-5.2.4.jar')
compile files('libs/new/graphql-spring-boot-autoconfigure-5.0.2.jar')
compile files('libs/new/graphql-spring-boot-starter-5.0.2.jar')
compile files('libs/new/java-dataloader-2.0.2.jar')
compile files('libs/new/antlr4-runtime-4.7.1.jar')
compile files('libs/new/reactive-streams-1.0.3.jar')
Above code snippet contains all the information which I have used to perform this POC, but while performing this POC I am consistently getting "Invalid Syntax" error. Please help in resolving this issue.

how to change value after controller in spring RESTful

I want change data after #RestController class in Spring
I need to change the fields data based on the specified language.
public enum Gender {
the controller:
#RequestMapping(value = "/get/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public User get(#PathVariable Long id) throws Exception {
log.debug("Entering get( id={} )", id);
User user = null;
try {
user = UserService.get(id);
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("Error occurred in get().", e);
throw e;
return user;
this output:
fisrtName: 'john',
lastName: 'doe',
gender: 'man'
change to this output:
fisrtName: 'john',
lastName: 'doe',
gender: 'homme'
I assume user.gender is a enum. Then you could add a custom Serializer and Deserializer to your JSON Mapper (hopefully Jackson).
public class TranslatedGenderJsonComponent {
public static class TranslatedGenderSerializer extends StdSerializer<Gender> {
public TranslatedGenderSerializer () {
public void serialize(
Gender gender, JsonGenerator generator, SerializerProvider provider)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
String translatedGender = myTranslateFunction(gender);
generator.writeString(translatedGender );
public static class TranslatedGenderDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<Gender> {
public TranslatedGenderDeserializer () {
public Gender deserialize(JsonParser jp, DeserializationContext ctxt)
throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
JsonToken currentToken = jp.getCurrentToken();
if (currentToken.equals(JsonToken.VALUE_STRING)) {
String text jp.getText().trim();
Gender gender = myInverseTranslateFunction(text);
return gender;
} else if (currentToken.equals(JsonToken.VALUE_NULL)) {
return getNullValue();
} else {
throw ctxt.mappingException(Gender.class);
This code is not tested, it is just written in the browser! (I am quite unsure with the deserializer/parser code.) But I hope it will guide you to a solution.
I changed code:
the controller:
GlobalMassengerAdvice globalMassenger;
#RequestMapping(value = "/get/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public User get(#PathVariable Long id) throws Exception {
log.debug("Entering get( id={} )", id);
User user = null;
try {
user = userService.get(id);
String value = globalMassenger.getMessage(user.getGender().name());
user.setGender( value );
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug("Error occurred in get().", e);
throw e;
return user;
I add new Class (GlobalMassengerAdvice):
public class GlobalMassengerAdvice {
private MessageSource messageSource;
public String getMessage(final String messageKey, final Object... messageParameters) {
Locale locale = LocaleContextHolder.getLocale();
String result = null;
try {
result = messageSource.getMessage(messageKey, messageParameters, locale);
} catch (NoSuchMessageException e) {
result = messageKey;
return result;

HotChocolate GraphQL Configure not being called

I have a Query:
public class Query : ObjectType
protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor<Query> descriptor)
Console.WriteLine("Hit Configure");
public IQueryable<DataStory> GetDataStories([Service]MicipContext context)
return context.DataStories;
And in Startup.cs:
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddGraphQL(sp =>
var schema = SchemaBuilder.New()
.BindResolver<Query>(c => c.To<Query>())
return schema;
And my schema graphql:
type Query {
dataStories: [DataStory!]!
type DataStory {
id: Int!
title: String!
When I call the query with:
query GetDataStories {
dataStories {
The resolver returns correctly but my configure method is never called. What am I doing wrong? Shouldn't Configure be called at some point?
Figured out that Hot Chocolate has not added support for pagination/sort/filter on schema first projects. We are doing schema first so we have to implement it ourselves.

Map Java Object

I want to create a service in order to populate dropdown from database. I tried this:
Merchant Class:
export class Merchant {
public id: string,
public name: string,
public state_raw: string,
public users: string,
) {}
Merchant Service:
getList(): Observable<Merchant> {
return this.http.get<Merchant>(environment.api.urls.merchants.base, {});
Rest Api impl:
public ResponseEntity<?> get() {
return merchantRepository
.orElseGet(() -> notFound().build());
SQL query:
public Iterable<Merchants> findAll() {
String hql = "select e from " + Merchants.class.getName() + " e";
TypedQuery<Merchants> query = entityManager.createQuery(hql, Merchants.class);
List<Merchants> merchants = query.getResultList();
return merchants;
But I get this error:
The method map(mapper::toDTO) is undefined for the type Iterable<Merchants>
How should I implement properly this mapping for the response?
Seems like you meant to stream the entities.
public ResponseEntity<?> get() {
return, false)
.orElseGet(() -> notFound().build());
