How to fix the error message "the system cannot find the path specified"? - windows

I am trying to run a file in the Outputs_2019 but the command prompt is not recognizing the folder. When I tried to open the folder in the command prompt I get the error message:"the system cannot find the path specified"
I ran the folder path"file:///C:/Users/jfoum/Documents/Outputs/Ouputs_2019" in the google chrome browser and it works.
My end result would be to open a file in that Outputs_2019 folder. I took a screenshot of the issue. Thanks for the help! Please see picture here


How do you change the download directory for youtube-dl

I am using youtube-dl for a Discord Music Bot, everything works perfectly until I use the 'play' command. An error occurs "Command raised an exception: DownloadError: ERROR: unable to open for writing: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'National Anthem of USSR-U06jlgpMtQs.webm.part'" from what I have read (and what the error says) it is because youtube-dl doesn't have permission to download filed to a certain folder. So I'd imagine that an easy solution is to just change the download directory. I can't find anything on how to do it for python, so any help would be greatly appreciated!
Found on github's documentation for it.
Locate youtube-dl's config file from:
System-wide config : /etc/youtube-dl.conf
User-wide config : ~/.config/youtube-dl.conf
If non-existent, you can create it yourself.
Example file contents:
-o A:/path/to/file/%(title)s.%(ext)s
Flag to specify a file path.
Setting up config file.
Spent some time to figure out on Windows 10 and it might help someone in the future.
I've downloaded youtube-dl.exe from the latest build and downloaded by executing, youtube-dl.exe URL, from my home directory. The program says downloaded completed but *** it was not there so I issued the command again, and it says there already exist file ##$#%!##%$. Well, I found out -o option to change the name of the downloaded file and it finally helped me to search for the file and the following location was the default directory.
Go to C:\Users[YOUR USER NAME GOES HERE]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore

How to find this path ~/.jupyter/

Because I can't open my Jupyter
it show
Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time,
to login with a token:
0:97: execution error: "http://localhost:8890/tree?token=b322d4e463b5458e6545c58e49120e1a7081d36e01c6f531" doesn’t understand the “open location” message. (-1708)
so I google this solution is I need to go to
on my mac and edit the file
but I don't know how to go the ~/.jupyter/ ...
You'll probably need to show hidden files on your Mac. .jupyter is a hidden folder in your Home directory.

TortoiseGit - launch repobrowser command produces "no working directory found"

From the command line I am attempting to open the repobrowser by using the following command:
TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:repobrowser
Once the command is executed a dialog displaying "No working directory found." is displayed. I have even tried pointing to where I think the repo is by the following:
TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:repobrowser /path:"" /notempfile
This produces the same error. I have done something similar using TortoiseSVN which brings up a URL dialog box.
I have looked in the settings to see if a path may be set for temporary files, but I didn't find any. Why is this error happening and how do I correct it?
With (Tortoise)Git it is not possible view a remote repository in the repository browser w/o cloning it first.
TortoiseGitProc.exe /command:repobrowser w/o the /path: parameter only works if the current directory is a working tree or (bare) local repository.

Application is not launching from command line full path, because a depend file is not loading

When i tried to open the abc.exe by double clicking, it is working fine but when i tried to open from command prompt with full path it throw an error due to a dependent file.
Command is - "C:\Program Files\work\project\abc.exe"
and dependent file "abc.txt" also placed at "C:\Program Files\work\project"
when i do the cd C:\Program Files\work\project and then try to open the abc.exe, it is working fine.
At all other systems it is working fine buy at my pc it is giving error.
I checked the registry seeting and path but did not see and difference.
Please suggest me how to solve this issue.

iReport-5.6.0 is not working

I installed iReport-5.6.0 on my system. I have jadk - 1.6.0_37 installed on my machine.
When I double click on iReport icon on my desktop, initially it shows loading cursor for 1-2 seconds and then disappeares. After that there is no responce.
I am not getting exactly what happening or what do I need to configure.
I edited ireport.config file and added path "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_37\bin". But its giving me following message:
When I am clicking on Ok its sying need to specify userdir using command --userdir.
Can someone please help me to configure this?
I got the solution :)
I replaced installation directory from "program files/jaspersoft/" to "program files(x86)" and updated my jdk path in ireport.config. Now its working fine.
