Is there a more efficient way to oversample data than random.sample()? - random

I got a big unbalanced classification problem and want to address this issue by oversampling the minor classes. (N(class 1) = 8,5mio, N(class n) = 3000)
For that purpose I want to get 100.000 sample for each of the n classes by
data_oversampled = []
for data_class_filtered in data:
data_oversampled.append(data_class_filtered.sample(n=20000, replace=True))
where data is a list of class specific DataFrames and len(data)=10, data.shape=(9448788,97)
That works as expected but unfortunately takes literally forever. Is there a more efficient way to do the same thing?


Designing an algorithm to check combinations

I´m having serious performance issues with a job that is running everyday and I think i cannot improve the algorithm; so I´m gonnga explain you what is the problem to solve and the algorithm we have, and maybe you have some other ideas to solve the problem better.
So the problem we have to solve is:
There is a set of Rules, ~ 120.000 Rules.
Every rule has a set of combinations of Codes. Codes are basically strings. So we have ~8 combinations per rule. Example of a combination: TTAAT;ZZUHH;GGZZU;WWOOF;SSJJW;FFFOLL
There is a set of Objects, ~800 objects.
Every object has a set of ~200 codes.
We have to check for every Rule, if there is at least one Combination of Codes that is fully contained in the Objects. It means =>
loop in Rules
Loop in Combinations of the rule
Loop in Objects
every code of the combination found in the Object? => create relationship rule/object and continue with the next object
end of loop
end of loop
end of loop
For example, if we have the Rule with this combination of two codes: HHGGT; ZZUUF
And let´s say we have an object with this codes: HHGGT; DHZZU; OIJUH; ZHGTF; HHGGT; JUHZT; ZZUUF; TGRFE; UHZGT; FCDXS
Then we create a relationship between the Object and the Rule because every code of the combination of the rule is contained in the codes of the object => this is what the algorithm has to do.
As you can see this is quite expensive, because we need 120.000 x 8 x 800 = 750 millions of times in the worst-case scenario.
This is a simplified scenario of the real problem; actually what we do in the loops is a little bit more complicated, that´s why we have to reduce this somehow.
I tried to think in a solution but I don´t have any ideas!
Do you see something wrong here?
Best regards and thank you for the time :)
Something like this might work better if I'm understanding correctly (this is in python):
['abc', 'def',],
['aaa', 'sfd',],
['xyy', 'eff',]]
('rrr', 'abc', 'www', 'def'),
('pqs', 'llq', 'aaa', 'sdr'),
('xyy', 'hjk', 'fed', 'eff'),
('pnn', 'rrr', 'mmm', 'qsq')
MapOfCodesToObjects = {}
for obj in OBJECTS:
for code in obj:
if (code in MapOfCodesToObjects):
MapOfCodesToObjects[code] = set({obj})
for rule in RULES:
if (len(rule) == 0):
if (rule[0] in MapOfCodesToObjects):
ValidObjects = MapOfCodesToObjects[rule[0]]
for i in range(1, len(rule)):
if (rule[i] in MapOfCodesToObjects):
codeObjects = MapOfCodesToObjects[rule[i]]
ValidObjects = set()
ValidObjects = ValidObjects.intersection(codeObjects)
if (len(ValidObjects) == 0):
for vo in ValidObjects:
RELATIONS.append((rule, vo))
First you build a map of codes to objects. If there are nObj objects and nCodePerObj codes on average per object, this takes O(nObj*nCodePerObj * log(nObj*nCodePerObj).
Next you iterate through the rules and look up each code in each rule in the map you built. There is a relation if a certain object occurs for every code in the rule, i.e. if it is in the set intersection of the objects for every code in the rule. Since hash lookups have O(1) time complexity on average, and set intersection has time complexity O(min of the lengths of the 2 sets), this will take O(nRule * nCodePerRule * nObjectsPerCode), (note that is nObjectsPerCode, not nCodePerObj, the performance gets worse when one code is included in many objects).

Possibility of saving partial outputs from bulk iteration in Flink Dataset?

I am doing an iterative computation using flink dataset API.
But the result of each iteration is a part of my complete solution.
(If more details required: I am computing lattice nodes level-wise starting from top towards bottom in each iteration, see Formal Concept Analysis)
If I use flink dataset API with bulk iteration without saving my result, the code will look like below:
val start = env.fromElements((0, BitSet.empty))
val end = start.iterateWithTermination(size) { inp =>
val result = ObjData.mapPartition(new MyMapPartition).withBroadcastSet(inp, "concepts").groupBy(0).reduceGroup(new MyReduceGroup)
But, if I try to write partial results within iteration (_.writeAsText()) or any action, I will get error:
org.apache.flink.api.common.InvalidProgramException: A data set that is part of an iteration was used as a sink or action. Did you forget to close the iteration?
The alternative without bulk iteration seems to be below:
var start = env.fromElements((0, BitSet.empty))
var count = 1L
var all = count
while (count > 0){
start = ObjData.mapPartition(new MyMapPartition).withBroadcastSet(start, "concepts").groupBy(0).reduceGroup(new MyReduceGroup)
count = start.count()
all = all + count
println("total nodes: " + all)
But this approach is exceptionally slow on smallest input data, iteration version takes <30 seconds and loop version takes >3 minutes.
I guess flink is not able to create optimal plan to execute the loop.
Any workaround I should try? Is some modification to flink is possible to be able to save partial results on hadoop etc.?
Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to output intermediate results from a bulk iteration. You can only output the final result at the end of the iteration.
Also, as you correctly noticed, Flink cannot efficiently unroll a while-loop or for-loop, so that won't work either.
If your intermediate results are not that big, one thing you can try is appending your intermediate results in the partial solution and then output everything in the end of the iteration. A similar approach is implemented in the TransitiveClosureNaive example, where paths discovered in an iteration are accumulated in the next partial solution.

Spark: Collect/parallelize on RDD is "faster" than "doing nothing" on RDD

I'm trying to improve my Spark app code understanding "collect", and I'm dealing with this code:
val triple = => x.split('#'))
.map(x => (x(1),x(0),x(2)))
.sortBy(x => (x._1,x._2))
val idx = sc.parallelize(triple)
Basically I'm creating a [String,String,String] RDD with an unneccesary (imho) collect/parallelize step (200k elements in the original RDD).
The Spark guide says: "Collect: Return all the elements of the dataset as an array at the driver program. This is usually useful after a filter or other operation that returns a sufficiently small subset of the data."
BTW: 200k is sufficiently small?
I feel that this code should be "lighter" (with no collect-parallelize):
val triple = => x.split('#'))
.map(x => (x(1),x(0),x(2)))
.sortBy(x => (x._1,x._2))
val idx = triple
But after having runned (local not distributed) the same app many times, I always get faster times with the first code which in my opinion is doing an extra job (first collect then parallelize).
The entire app (not just this code snippet) takes on average 48 seconds in the first case, and at least 52 seconds in the second case.
How is this possible?
Thanks in advance
I think it is because the dataset is too small, in the later case you suffered the scheduling of shuffle to do the sort which could be faster when operating locally. when your dataset grows, it may even not possible to collect into driver.

Ruby - Optimize code finding the optimal choice from an array

I asked a question that was basically a knapsack problem - I needed to find the combination of several different array of objects that gave the optimal output. So for example, the highest sum "value" from the objects with respect to a limit on the "cost" of each object. The answer I received here was the following-
.select{ |arr| arr.reduce(0) { |sum,h| sum + h[:cost] } < 30 }
.max_by{ |arr| arr.reduce(0) { |sum,h| sum + h[:value] } }
Which works great, but as I get into 6 arrays with ~40 choices each, the possible combinations get upwards of 4 million and take too long to process. I made some changes to the code that made processing faster -
#creating the array doesn't take too long
combinations = a.product(b,c,d,e)
possibles = []
combinations.each do |array_of_objects|
#max_cost is a numeric parameter, and I can't have the same exact object used twice
if !(array_of_objects.sum(&:salary) > max_cost) or !(array_of_objects.uniq.count < array_of_objects.count)
possibles << array_of_objects
possibles.max_by{ |ar| ar.sum(&:std_proj) }
Breaking it into two separate arrays helped the performance a lot as I only had to check the max_by for many less possible combinations that fit the criteria.
Does anyone see a way to optimize this code? Since I'm typically dealing with tens of thousands or millions of combinations, any little bit could greatly help. Thanks.
If we are talking about millions of rows, and the operations are like unique and max.
I suggest you to solve it by using DISINCT and MAX() in your query and You can even use WHERE filtering by cost.
Looping over the objects in Ruby, is clearly more expensive.

Build fixed interval dataset from random interval dataset using stale data

Update: I've provided a brief analysis of the three answers at the bottom of the question text and explained my choices.
My Question: What is the most efficient method of building a fixed interval dataset from a random interval dataset using stale data?
Some background: The above is a common problem in statistics. Frequently, one has a sequence of observations occurring at random times. Call it Input. But one wants a sequence of observations occurring say, every 5 minutes. Call it Output. One of the most common methods to build this dataset is using stale data, i.e. set each observation in Output equal to the most recently occurring observation in Input.
So, here is some code to build example datasets:
TInput = 100;
TOutput = 50;
InputTimeStamp = 730486 + cumsum(0.001 * rand(TInput, 1));
Input = [InputTimeStamp, randn(TInput, 1)];
OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.001:TOutput * 0.001 - 0.001)';
Output = [OutputTimeStamp, NaN(TOutput, 1)];
Both datasets start at close to midnight at the turn of the millennium. However, the timestamps in Input occur at random intervals while the timestamps in Output occur at fixed intervals. For simplicity, I have ensured that the first observation in Input always occurs before the first observation in Output. Feel free to make this assumption in any answers.
Currently, I solve the problem like this:
sMax = size(Output, 1);
tMax = size(Input, 1);
s = 1;
t = 2;
%#Loop over input data
while t <= tMax
if Input(t, 1) > Output(s, 1)
%#If current obs in Input occurs after current obs in output then set current obs in output equal to previous obs in input
Output(s, 2:end) = Input(t-1, 2:end);
s = s + 1;
%#Check if we've filled out all observations in output
if s > sMax
%#This step is necessary in case we need to use the same input observation twice in a row
t = t - 1;
t = t + 1;
if t > tMax
%#If all remaining observations in output occur after last observation in input, then use last obs in input for all remaining obs in output
Output(s:end, 2:end) = Input(end, 2:end);
Surely there is a more efficient, or at least, more elegant way to solve this problem? As I mentioned, this is a common problem in statistics. Perhaps Matlab has some in-built function I'm not aware of? Any help would be much appreciated as I use this routine a LOT for some large datasets.
THE ANSWERS: Hi all, I've analyzed the three answers, and as they stand, Angainor's is the best.
ChthonicDaemon's answer, while clearly the easiest to implement, is really slow. This is true even when the conversion to a timeseries object is done outside of the speed test. I'm guessing the resample function has a lot of overhead at the moment. I am running 2011b, so it is possible Mathworks have improved it in the intervening time. Also, this method needs an additional line for the case where Output ends more than one observation after Input.
Rody's answer runs only slightly slower than Angainor's (unsurprising given they both employ the histc approach), however, it seems to have some problems. First, the method of assigning the last observation in Output is not robust to the last observation in Input occurring after the last observation in Output. This is an easy fix. But there is a second problem which I think stems from having InputTimeStamp as the first input to histc instead of the OutputTimeStamp adopted by Angainor. The problem emerges if you change OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.001:TOutput * 0.001 - 0.001)'; to OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.0001:TOutput * 0.0001 - 0.0001)'; when setting up the example inputs.
Angainor's appears robust to everything I threw at it, plus it was the fastest.
I did a lot of speed tests for different input specifications - the following numbers are fairly representative:
My naive loop: Elapsed time is 8.579535 seconds.
Angainor: Elapsed time is 0.661756 seconds.
Rody: Elapsed time is 0.913304 seconds.
ChthonicDaemon: Elapsed time is 22.916844 seconds.
I'm +1-ing Angainor's solution and marking the question solved.
This "stale data" approach is known as a zero order hold in signal and timeseries fields. Searching for this quickly brings up many solutions. If you have Matlab 2012b, this is all built in to the timeseries class by using the resample function, so you would simply do
TInput = 100;
TOutput = 50;
InputTimeStamp = 730486 + cumsum(0.001 * rand(TInput, 1));
InputData = randn(TInput, 1);
InputTimeSeries = timeseries(InputData, InputTimeStamp);
OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.001:TOutput * 0.001 - 0.001);
OutputTimeSeries = resample(InputTimeSeries, OutputTimeStamp, 'zoh'); % zoh stands for zero order hold
Here is my take on the problem. histc is the way to go:
% find Output timestamps in Input bins
N = histc(Output(:,1), Input(:,1));
% find counts in the non-empty bins
counts = N(find(N));
% find Input signal value associated with every bin
val = Input(find(N),2);
% now, replicate every entry entry in val
% as many times as specified in counts
index = zeros(1,sum(counts));
index(cumsum([1 counts(1:end-1)'])) = 1;
index = cumsum(index);
val_rep = val(index)
% finish the signal with last entry from Input, as needed
val_rep(end+1:size(Output,1)) = Input(end,2);
% done
Output(:,2) = val_rep;
I checked against your procedure for a few different input models (I changed the number of Output timestamps) and the results are the same. However, I am still not sure I understood your problem, so if something is wrong here let me know.
