ThreeJS and VR (WebXR) debugging - three.js

I have Oculus Quest and I want to support VR mode in my THREEJS app. The question is: how to debug this mode (controls etc.)? Oculus and Firefox Reality browsers don't have chrome devtools. I've tried WebVR and WebXR emulation plugins. WebXR emulation works in Firefox Nightly (dev) build only. But is doesn't work in chromium/chrome canary (special flags are enabled).
How can I emulate webxr in chrome?
Is it possible to use real headset but debug in desktop?

I was able to get WebXR emilation working in chrome canary build by restoring XR-flags to defaults. Only WebVR flag should be enabled.
For debugging I use Firefox (desktop) remote debugging with Firefox Reality (headset connected via USB adb drivers). It seems that chrome remote debugging can do it as well.


Change Chrome Dev Tools Touch Cursor

Im currently developing a web app which is mostly in dark colors. The app is operated via touch, so i set my chrome dev tools to emulate a mobile device. The problem is now that the cursor is dark on dark and i find it hard to find the cursor. Is there a way to somehow change the appearance of the mobile cursor?
I'm on windows 10 and have the latest chrome version 107.0.5304.88
I searched the installation files of chrome to somehow find the icon/picture which is used for the cursor but i don't know much about desktop apps so i didn't find anything
Add device type
Mobile (no touch)

Aframe not working with Vive and Firefox on Windows 10

I can't get to work my code or even the examples provided on on HTC Vive and Firefox 59.0.2 (Windows 10 on a MSI laptop computer with GTX 1060, Geforce drivers Tried also with Firefox Nightly.
The scene loads and the controllers are visible. The headset is not tracked and does not change the scene. Then SteamVR starts and shows a "firefox.exe unresponsive" message. From this point, if I enter VR mode, the headset is not tracked.
Go to NVIDIA Control Panel and set Firefox to use with High Performance Mode. The laptop is probably falling back to integrated graphics.
If you use a VR browser like Supermedium, this is automatically handled for you.

How do I troubleshoot Oculus in Firefox WebVR?

I'm currently using Oculus Rift + Touch in A-Frame (0.6.1). I haven't found any online forum on where to ask. I've tried using Firefox 55 (Which comes with WebVR), but it doesn't detect the Rift.
I can use Firefox Nightly, but it's very unstable, and it comes with different problems. My most recent one, is that the whole screen goes blank whenever I try to enter VR mode. The display is seen in the headset, and the app is able to work flawlessly. But I can't go back to Firefox and check the devtools (which is annoying).
How can I troubleshoot the Oculus Rift so I can connect it to a stable version of Firefox, such as 55?
Tried checking this:
WebVR supported, but no VRDisplays found, suddnly
But it didn't help.
Check about:config in Firefox and make sure the VR flags are enabled (specifically the Oculus one). Sometimes it may be disabled for some reason.

WebVR supported, but no VRDisplays found, suddnly

When I develop webVr content using A-frame , web vr work probably with oculus rift using nightly browser (powered by firefox)
Then after 1 day I restart my computer , Then non of web vr experience work (developed by me or by other ) in nightly browser .
when i test using
The message "WebVR supported, but no VRDisplays found."
so i have problem i don't know where it .
->then I install firefox developer edition (it support web vr)
and I try test , it work probably then crash message from browser appears
so what can I do with this problem ? any solution ?
Note :
-I use web vr and I try it many times this problem doesn't appear
- all oculus experiences from store work
-actually I uninstalled and installed Nightly ,this step doesn't solve the problem .
Have you ever tried installing WebVR Emulation plugin in your Chrome Browser?
With the Emulation plugin, you don't even need the VR device like Oculus Rift, which kind of handy for development directly on desktop non-nightly browser.

Device simulations in firefox browser

We have device emulations in chrome ( developer tools > show drawer > Emulation ).
Where can I find the same in Firefox browser.
It would make sense for a browser vendor to have a device emulator if they actually sell a device of their own that moreover uses their rendering engine.
Since there is such a think as Firefox OS I think this is as close as you will get:
Firefox OS 1.1 Simulator Add-on
A dedicated page for the OS Emulator:
Firefox OS Emulator
