Spring Data Rest Does Not Update Default Value in DB - spring-boot

I have a Spring Boot application using Spring Data REST. I have a domain entity called User with a boolean field isTeacher. This field has been already setup by our DBA in the User table with type bit and a default value of 1:
public class User {
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private Long id; // This Id has been setup as auto generated in DB
#Column(name = "IS_TEACHER")
private boolean isTeacher;
And the User repository:
public interface UserRepository extends CrudRepository<User, Long>{
I was able to add a new user by giving the below request and POST to http://localhost:8080/users, a new user was created in the DB having isTeacher value 1:
"isTeacher" : true
However, when I tried to change IS_TEACHER by giving PATCH (or PUT) and this request:
"isTeacher" : false
The response showed that "isTeacher" is still true and the value didn't get changed in the table either. Can someone please let me know why this is happening?

The issue is due to #Data annotation of lombok is ignoring if you have a field that start with isXx it generates getters and setters to boolean with isTeacher for getters and setTeacher for setters then you are not able to update correctly your property, if you put "teacher" when updating should work but you should solve this by overriding that setter.
#Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) private boolean isTeacher;
public void setIsTeacher(boolean isTeacher) {
this.isTeacher = isTeacher;


WebFlux check before save

New to WebFlux.
Tell me how to implement validation before saving
If there is no Customer with this Email || Phone then save, if there is then RuntimeError
I did not find the exact solution, I want it to be beautiful
public Mono<CustomerDto> createCustomer(CustomerDto customerDto) {
return customerRepository.findByEmailOrPhone(customerDto.getEmail(), customerDto.getPhone())
This should be implemented via composite key for ID:
public class CustomerId implements Serializable {
private String email;
private String phone;
public class Customer {
private CustomerId id;
You will replace default ObjectId with custom composite key and gain all database constrains like unique and non-null.
There would be no need for any checks on service layer at all. You would have to translate db exception to business logic exception and finally show a popup to user that he can't use email or phone cause it already exists.
Please take into the account relatively new validation feature that could be used in here as well: https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/

How to do findById for autogenerated id

I have a scenario where I am consuming an event and saving the details in the DB. Now the record that is being stored in the database has the id field autogenerated #GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY).
In my test case I need to check if data is getting stored in the DB or not and is as per expectation.
But I am not sure how will I do findById() of SpringBoot Crud/JPA Repository since I do not know what value got generated.
Any help would be appreciated.
Take a look at save method from CrudRepository interface. Spring executes this method in transaction and after its completion Hibernate will generate identifier in returned entity.
Suppose your entity and repository looks as following:
public class SomeEntity {
private Long id;
private String name;
public SomeEntity(String name){
this.name = name;
public interface SomeRepository extends CrudRepository<SomeEntity, Long> {
After saving entity:
SomeEntity someEntity = someRepository.save(new SomeEntity("Some entity"));
someEntity.getId() will contain actual record id which can be used further in your tests.
I think you are looking for annotation #DirtiesContext .
It is a Test annotation which indicates that the ApplicationContext associated with a test is dirty and should therefore be closed and removed from the context cache. - javadoc
Read Section 9.3.4 - Here
Check - Example ans below as well:
public void save_basic() {
// get a course
Course course = courseJpaRepository.findById(10001L);
assertEquals("JPA ", course.getName());
// update details
course.setName("JPA - Updated");
// check the value
Course course1 = courseJpaRepository.findById(10001L);
assertEquals("JPA - Updated", course1.getName());
BTW - how you can get the id : simply via getter method from the return type of save
EmployeeDetails employeeDetails = emaployeeService.saveEmployeeDetails(employee);
int temp = employeeDetails.getID()
Related Post : Here

Database default field not retrieved when using #Transactional

I have the following simple entity FileRegistry :
#Table(name = "file_store")
public class FileRegistry {
private String name;
* Creation timestamp of the registry
* This value is automatically set by database, so setter method
* has been disabled
#Column(insertable = false, updatable = false)
private LocalDateTime creationDate;
The following FileRepository DAO:
public interface FileRepository extends JpaRepository<FileRegistry, String> { }
and the following Spring Boot test :
#SpringBootTest(classes=PersistTestConfig.class, properties = { "spring.config.name=application,db"})
public class FileRepositoryTest {
FileRepository fileRepository;
void insertFileTest() {
assertNotNull(fileRepository, "Error initializing File repository");
// Check registry before insertion
List<FileRegistry> allFiles = fileRepository.findAll();
assertNotNull(allFiles, "Error retrieving files from registry");
assertThat(allFiles.size(), is(0));
// Insert file
FileRegistry fileRegistry = new FileRegistry();
// Check that the insertion was successful
allFiles = fileRepository.findAll();
assertNotNull(allFiles, "Error retrieving files from registry");
assertThat(allFiles.size(), is(1));
assertEquals("File registry name mismatch", "Test", allFiles.get(0).getName());
Persistence configuration class defined as follows :
public class PersistTestConfig {
The table file_store defined in H2 as :
CREATE TABLE file_store (name VARCHAR NOT NULL, creation_date TIMESTAMP(3) DEFAULT NOW() NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT file_store_pk PRIMARY KEY (name));
Everything works fine except that when I use #Transactional at test level (mainly to benefit from rollbacks i.e. db cleanup on each test) a null value is fetched for the creationDate field :
FileRegistry(name=Test, creationDate=null)
When I remove #Transactional from the test class, the fetched value contains the date as computed by H2 :
FileRegistry(name=Test, creationDate=2019-03-07T17:08:13.392)
I've tried to flush and merge manually the instance to no avail. To be honest, right now I'm a little bit lost on how #Transactional really works, in fact reading the docs and inspecting the code, the underlying JpaRepository implementation (SimpleJpaRepository) is annotated as #Transactional(readOnly = true).
A little help on this subject would be very appreciated.
Ok, figured it out.
Simply issuing a refresh entityManager.refresh(allFiles.get(0)); solves the issue.
I tested also using Hibernate's #Generated(INSERT) specific annotation in the entity creationDate field and it also worked fine.
By the way I've eventually decided to drop this thing in favor of using Spring Data's JpaAuditing features and annotating the field with #CreatedDate annotation to fill the value instead of relying on DB date (by the way, production-wise, you probably shouldn't rely on DB time). To me this is feels more, let's say, "correct" and springy way of doing things.

How do I get Spring's Data Rest Repository to retrieve data by its name instead of its id

I am using Spring Data's Rest Repositories from spring-boot-starter-data-rest, with Couchbase being used as the underlining DBMS.
My Pojo for the object is setup as so.
public class Item{
#Id #GeneratedValue(strategy = UNIQUE)
private String id;
private String name;
//other items and getters and setters here
And say the Item has an id of "xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx" and name of "testItem".
Problem is, that when I want to access the item, I need to be accessible by /items/testItem, but instead it is accessible by /items/xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx.
How do I get use its name instead of its generated id, to get the data.
I found out the answer to my own question.
I just need to override the config for the EntityLookup.
public class SpringDataRestCustomization extends RepositoryRestConfigurerAdapter {
public void configureRepositoryRestConfiguration(RepositoryRestConfiguration config) {
Found the info here, though the method name changed slightly.
If you want query the item by name and want it perform as querying by id,you should make sure the name is unique too.You cant identify a explicit object by name if all objects have a same name,right?
With jpa you could do it like:
private String name;

Spring Data Rest - sort by nested property

I have a database service using Spring Boot 1.5.1 and Spring Data Rest. I am storing my entities in a MySQL database, and accessing them over REST using Spring's PagingAndSortingRepository. I found this which states that sorting by nested parameters is supported, but I cannot find a way to sort by nested fields.
I have these classes:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
protected Address address;
#ManyToOne(targetEntity = Name.class, cascade = {
#JoinColumn(name = "NAME_PERSON_ID")
protected Name name;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
#Entity(name = "Name")
#Table(name = "NAME")
public class Name{
protected String firstName;
protected String lastName;
protected Long id;
// Setter, getters, etc.
For example, when using the method:
Page<Person> findByAddress_Id(#Param("id") String id, Pageable pageable);
And calling the URI http://localhost:8080/people/search/findByAddress_Id?id=1&sort=name_lastName,desc, the sort parameter is completely ignored by Spring.
The parameters sort=name.lastName and sort=nameLastName did not work either.
Am I forming the Rest request wrong, or missing some configuration?
Thank you!
The workaround I found is to create an extra read-only property for sorting purposes only. Building on the example above:
#Entity(name = "Person")
#Table(name = "PERSON")
public class Person {
// read only, for sorting purposes only
// #JsonIgnore // we can hide it from the clients, if needed
#RestResource(exported=false) // read only so we can map 2 fields to the same database column
#JoinColumn(name = "address_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Address address;
// We still want the linkable association created to work as before so we manually override the relation and path
#RestResource(exported=true, rel="address", path="address")
private Address addressLink;
The drawback for the proposed workaround is that we now have to explicitly duplicate all the properties for which we want to support nested sorting.
LATER EDIT: another drawback is that we cannot hide the embedded property from the clients. In my original answer, I was suggesting we can add #JsonIgnore, but apparently that breaks the sort.
I debugged through that and it looks like the issue that Alan mentioned.
I found workaround that could help:
Create own controller, inject your repo and optionally projection factory (if you need projections). Implement get method to delegate call to your repository
public class PeopleController {
PersonRepository repository;
//PagedResourcesAssembler<MyDTO> resourceAssembler;
public Page<Person> getByAddress(#PathVariable("addressId") Long addressId, Pageable page) {
// spring doesn't spoil your sort here ...
Page<Person> page = repository.findByAddress_Id(addressId, page)
// optionally, apply projection
// to return DTO/specifically loaded Entity objects ...
// return type would be then PagedResources<Resource<MyDTO>>
// return resourceAssembler.toResource(page.map(...))
return page;
This works for me with 2.6.8.RELEASE; the issue seems to be in all versions.
From Spring Data REST documentation:
Sorting by linkable associations (that is, links to top-level resources) is not supported.
An alternative that I found was use #ResResource(exported=false).
This is not valid (expecially for legacy Spring Data REST projects) because avoid that the resource/entity will be loaded HTTP links:
BeanDeserializerBuilder updateBuilder throws
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.MismatchedInputException: Cannot construct instance of ' com...' no String-argument constructor/factory method to deserialize from String value
I tried activate sort by linkable associations with help of annotations but without success because we need always need override the mappPropertyPath method of JacksonMappingAwareSortTranslator.SortTranslator detect the annotation:
if (associations.isLinkableAssociation(persistentProperty)) {
if(!persistentProperty.isAnnotationPresent(SortByLinkableAssociation.class)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
public #interface SortByLinkableAssociation {
At project mark association as #SortByLinkableAssociation:
private Name name;
Really I didn't find a clear and success solution to this issue but decide to expose it to let think about it or even Spring team take in consideration to include at nexts releases.
Please see https://stackoverflow.com/a/66135148/6673169 for possible workaround/hack, when we wanted sorting by linked entity.
