Why won't a VHDL "inout" signal be assigned a value when used as an output - vhdl

I have a VHDL description for a bridge, and the bidirectional signal "mem_data_port0" is not getting assigned any value regardless of what I write to it. The pins on the FPGA are assigned accordingly, but no output.
I have the code below (its for an FPGA going into a larger system, so comments will reflect other system components that are not the FPGA)
FYI: The FPGA is a Lattice LCMXO2-7000HC
Any tips on assigning "mem_data_port0"?
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
--use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
library machxo2;
use machxo2.all;
entity SinglePhasePowerAnalyzerBridge is
output0 : out std_logic; -- dummy, unassigned outputs
output1 : out std_logic;
output2 : out std_logic;
output3 : out std_logic;
output4 : out std_logic;
output5 : out std_logic;
output6 : out std_logic;
output7 : out std_logic;
accq_data_in : in std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); -- accquisition data in
accq_clk : in std_logic; -- accquisition clock in
accq_data_ready : in std_logic; -- data ready in 0: sending voltage/current data, 1: sending frequency data
accq_reset : in std_logic; -- accquisition reset (active low)
accq_voltage_current : in std_logic; -- accquisition select for voltage and current 0: voltage, 1: current
buffer_data_port0 : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); -- buffer data
buffer_address_port0 : in std_logic_vector(12 downto 0); -- buffer address low bits
buffer_address_high_port0 : in std_logic_vector(2 downto 0); -- buffer address high bits
buffer_high_byte_en_port0 : in std_logic; -- high byte enable
buffer_low_byte_en_port0 : in std_logic; -- low byte enable
buffer_write_en_port0 : in std_logic; -- write enable
buffer_output_en_port0 : in std_logic; -- output enable
buffer_memory_en_port0 : in std_logic; -- memory enable
buffer_interrupt_out : out std_logic;
-- pins going to external SRAM memory
mem_data_port0 : inout std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
mem_address_port0 : out std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
mem_address_high_port0 : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
mem_memory_en_port0 : out std_logic := '1';
mem_output_en_port0 : out std_logic := '1';
mem_write_en_port0 : out std_logic := '1';
mem_high_byte_en_port0 : out std_logic := '0';
mem_low_byte_en_port0 : out std_logic := '0';
debug_out : out std_logic -- debug output
end SinglePhasePowerAnalyzerBridge;
architecture rtl of SinglePhasePowerAnalyzerBridge is
signal frequency_storage_buffer : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0); -- frequency buffer
signal voltage_storage_pointer : integer range 0 to 8191;
signal current_storage_pointer : integer range 0 to 8191;
signal signal_accq_data_in : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
signal signal_accq_clk : std_logic;
signal signal_inverse_accq_clk : std_logic;
signal signal_accq_data_ready : std_logic;
signal signal_accq_reset : std_logic;
signal signal_accq_voltage_current : std_logic;
signal signal_delayed_inverse_accq_clk : std_logic;
signal signal_buffer_data_port0 : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
signal signal_buffer_address_port0 : std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
signal signal_buffer_address_high_port0 : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal signal_buffer_high_byte_en_port0 : std_logic;
signal signal_buffer_low_byte_en_port0 : std_logic;
signal signal_buffer_write_en_port0 : std_logic;
signal signal_buffer_output_en_port0 : std_logic;
signal signal_buffer_memory_en_port0 : std_logic;
signal_accq_data_in <= accq_data_in; -- connect all the pins to internal signals
signal_accq_clk <= accq_clk;
signal_accq_data_ready <= accq_data_ready;
signal_accq_reset <= accq_reset;
signal_accq_voltage_current <= accq_voltage_current;
signal_inverse_accq_clk <= not signal_accq_clk;
--debug_out <= signal_delayed_inverse_accq_clk;
signal_buffer_address_port0 <= buffer_address_port0;
signal_buffer_address_high_port0 <= buffer_address_high_port0;
signal_buffer_high_byte_en_port0 <= buffer_high_byte_en_port0;
signal_buffer_low_byte_en_port0 <= buffer_low_byte_en_port0;
signal_buffer_write_en_port0 <= buffer_write_en_port0;
signal_buffer_output_en_port0 <= buffer_output_en_port0;
signal_buffer_memory_en_port0 <= buffer_memory_en_port0;
buffer_interrupt_out <= not signal_accq_data_ready;
output2 <= signal_accq_data_ready; -- dummy outputs, so the input pins are not left uncommected
output3 <= signal_accq_clk;
output4 <= signal_accq_reset;
output5 <= signal_accq_voltage_current;
general_event : process(signal_accq_clk, signal_accq_data_ready, signal_accq_data_in, signal_accq_voltage_current, signal_accq_reset,
signal_buffer_memory_en_port0, signal_buffer_output_en_port0, signal_buffer_write_en_port0, signal_buffer_address_high_port0, signal_buffer_address_port0,
signal_buffer_data_port0, frequency_storage_buffer, signal_accq_reset, signal_accq_data_ready, voltage_storage_pointer, current_storage_pointer)
if(signal_accq_data_ready = '0') then -- when data from the acquisition controller comes in
mem_output_en_port0 <= '1'; -- disable memory output
mem_memory_en_port0 <= '0'; -- enable memory
mem_write_en_port0 <= signal_inverse_accq_clk; -- send the acquisition clock to the memory write enable pin
if(signal_accq_reset = '1') then -- if reset is not activated...
accq_clk_edge : if(rising_edge(signal_accq_clk)) then -- process on clock rising edge
if(signal_accq_voltage_current = '1') then -- if sending current data
mem_data_port0 <= signal_accq_data_in; -- store the data in the current buffer
mem_address_port0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(current_storage_pointer, 13));
mem_address_high_port0 <= "0001"; -- sending current data to memory
current_storage_pointer <= (current_storage_pointer + 1); -- increment the counter
elsif (signal_accq_voltage_current = '0') then -- do the same if sending voltage data
--mem_data_port0 <= signal_accq_data_in; -- store the data in the voltage buffer
mem_data_port0 <= "1111111111111111";
mem_address_port0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(voltage_storage_pointer, 13));
mem_address_high_port0 <= "0000"; -- sending voltage data to memory
voltage_storage_pointer <= (voltage_storage_pointer + 1); -- increment the counter
end if;
end if accq_clk_edge;
else -- if reset is activated...
voltage_storage_pointer <= 0; -- reset everything to 0
current_storage_pointer <= 0; -- reset everything to 0
end if;
--end process accq_event;
elsif (signal_accq_data_ready = '1') then -- if data ready is high, the buffer is in read mode
mem_data_port0 <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ"; -- set memory data lines to input, or read mode
mem_write_en_port0 <= '1'; -- disable writing to the memory
mem_output_en_port0 <= '0'; -- enable memory output
mem_address_port0 <= signal_buffer_address_port0; -- select the appropriate addreess
mem_address_high_port0 (2 downto 0) <= signal_buffer_address_high_port0; -- do the same with the high bits
if(rising_edge(signal_accq_clk) and signal_accq_reset = '1') then -- if the accquisition MCU is writing with the data ready pin high
frequency_storage_buffer <= signal_accq_data_in; -- store the frequency value that it's sending
end if;
if(signal_accq_reset = '0') then -- reset as before if reset is enabled
voltage_storage_pointer <= 0; -- reset everything to 0
current_storage_pointer <= 0; -- reset everything to 0
end if;
if(signal_buffer_memory_en_port0 = '0' and signal_buffer_write_en_port0 = '1' and signal_accq_data_ready = '1' and signal_accq_reset = '1') then -- memory enabled and write enable high...
case signal_buffer_address_high_port0 is
when "000" => signal_buffer_data_port0 <= mem_data_port0; -- output data to downstream MCUs as needed
when "001" => signal_buffer_data_port0 <= mem_data_port0;
when "010" => signal_buffer_data_port0 <= frequency_storage_buffer;
when "011" => signal_buffer_data_port0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(voltage_storage_pointer, 16));
when "100" => signal_buffer_data_port0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(current_storage_pointer, 16));
when "111" => signal_buffer_data_port0 <= "1010000001010110"; -- 0xA056
when others=>
end case;
end if;
if(signal_buffer_output_en_port0 = '0') then
--buffer_data_port0(7 downto 0) <= signal_buffer_data_port0 (15 downto 8);
--buffer_data_port0(15 downto 8) <= signal_buffer_data_port0 (7 downto 0);
buffer_data_port0 <= signal_buffer_data_port0;
buffer_data_port0 <= "ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ";
end if;
end if;
end process general_event;
output6 <= signal_buffer_high_byte_en_port0;
output7 <= signal_buffer_low_byte_en_port0;
end rtl;

I've tried your code on Modelsim. Although I can't comment on the correctness of mem_data_port0's behavior, it does get assigned values depending on the other relevant signals, so for the out direction it works.
If you're talking about the fact that you cannot assign values to it from outside, all I could think of is that you forgot to assign it the high impedance in input mode, but you do, so that's out.
An explanation could be that your entity is not the top level entity, which would render inout ports unusable (inout has no meaning inside the FPGA, only at the design's top level).


data changes with clock

i am new in the fpga filed ,
im trying to sample 2 inputs that rises with clock at the same time.
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
USE ieee.std_logic_arith;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
ENTITY hold_threat IS
pwr_gt_thresh : IN std_logic;
clk : IN std_logic;
reset : IN std_logic;
hw_seperation_bin_number : in std_logic_vector(12 downto 0);
fft_raw_index : in std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
fft_data_valid : in std_logic;
threat_exists_buffered_pulse : out std_logic;
pwr_gt_thresh_out : out std_logic;
threat_end_index :out std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
threat_start_index :out std_logic_vector (12 downto 0)
END hold_threat;
ARCHITECTURE behavoral OF hold_threat IS
signal s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse : std_logic;
signal s_pwr_gt_thresh_out : std_logic;
signal hw_seperation_bin_number_counter : integer range 0 to 8191;
signal s_fft_start_index : std_logic_vector (13 downto 0);
signal s_fft_end_index : std_logic_vector (12 downto 0);
signal s_new_count : std_logic;
threat_start_index <= s_fft_start_index(12 downto 0);
threat_end_index <= s_fft_end_index;
threat_exists_buffered_pulse <= s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse;
pwr_gt_thresh_out <= s_pwr_gt_thresh_out;
process(reset, clk)
if reset = '1' then
hw_seperation_bin_number_counter <= to_integer(unsigned(hw_seperation_bin_number)) -1 ;
s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse <= '0';
s_fft_start_index <="11" & X"FFF";
s_fft_end_index <= '1' & X"FFF";
s_new_count <= '0' ;
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if(fft_data_valid = '1') then
if (pwr_gt_thresh = '1' ) then
hw_seperation_bin_number_counter <= to_integer(unsigned(hw_seperation_bin_number)) -1;
s_new_count <='1';
s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse <= '1';
if(s_fft_start_index(13) = '1' ) then
s_fft_start_index<= '0'& fft_raw_index;
s_fft_start_index<= s_fft_start_index;
end if;
if( hw_seperation_bin_number_counter = 0 ) and s_new_count ='1'then
s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse <= '0';
s_fft_end_index<= fft_raw_index;
s_new_count <= '0';
elsif (s_new_count ='1') then
hw_seperation_bin_number_counter <= hw_seperation_bin_number_counter - 1;
s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse <= '1';
end if;
end if;
else -- clock , no data valid
s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse <= s_threat_exists_buffered_pulse;
if (s_new_count = '0') then
hw_seperation_bin_number_counter <= to_integer(unsigned(hw_seperation_bin_number)) -1 ;
s_fft_start_index <="11" & X"FFF";
s_fft_end_index <= '1' & X"FFF";
hw_seperation_bin_number_counter <= hw_seperation_bin_number_counter;
s_fft_start_index <=s_fft_start_index;
s_fft_end_index <= s_fft_end_index;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
in the simulation the clock ,pwr_gt_thresh , fft_data_valid rise together at the same time but the condition
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if(fft_data_valid = '1') then
if (pwr_gt_thresh = '1' ) then
is never true .
if i change the simulation so that the data rise before the clock everything works good
why the data and the clock cannot rise together ?
Disclaimer: For more complete details you might want to do some research on "setup time" for clocked logic. And while you're at it, keep reading on "hold time".
In just three sentences:
The signal on a sampled data line needs to fulfill some timing requirements to be "caught" correctly. The time before the clock edge is the setup time. The time the signal has to be stable is the hold time.
Something to think about for fun:
You will come across values of real hardware that specify negative setup times. Was does this mean?

Logic for an FPGA to output an analog clock on a VGA screen

I am implementing an analog clock which will display an hour and minute hand on a vga screen 640x480 with clock centered at 480x480. The clock will update once a minute. The timing diagram below shows the timing for HSYNC and VSYNC and their position relative to a 26.25MHz clock.
This is my first course in VHDL, I want to know what I am missing in clock.vhd and how to write the test bench effectively so I can get the output
I have a separate component called counter.vhd which gets instantiated twice in clock.vhd, one as the horizontal counter and one as the vertical counter.
Here is my code for counter.vhd, clock.vhd and my testbench which is not complete.
entity counter is
Port ( clk : STD_LOGIC;
reset : STD_LOGIC;
ena : STD_LOGIC;
rollover_out : STD_LOGIC;
address : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
sync : STD_LOGIC
-- Generics
generic (count_value :=800;
sync_start :=10;
sync_end :=20
end counter;
architecture Behavioral of counter is
signal temp : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0); -- counts to 800
process (clk, reset)
if (reset = 0) then
temp <="000000";
sync <='1';
rollover_out <='0';
else (clk'event & clk = 1);
rollover_out <='0';
temp <= temp+"000000";
if (temp = count_value - 1) then
temp <="000000"
rollover_out <= '1';
end if;
if (sync_start = temp) then
sync <= '0';
end if;
if (sync_end = temp) then
sync <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end process;
address <= temp (8 downto 1);
-- 800 horizontal sync counter
if (pixel_tick = '1') then -- 25MHz tick
if (h_end='1') then
h_count_next <= (others => '0');
h_count_next <= h_count_reg+1;
end if;
h_count_next <= h_count_reg;
end if;
end process;
-- 525 vertical sync counter
if (pixel_tick = '1') and (h_end = '1') then
if (v_end = '1') then
v_count_next <= (others => '0');
v_count_next <= v_count_reg+1;
end if;
v_count_next <= v_count_reg;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
entity clock is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
hsync : out STD_LOGIC;
vsync : out STD_LOGIC;
video_on : out STD_LOGIC;
p_tick : out STD_LOGIC;
pixel_x : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0);
pixel_y : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(9 downto 0)
end clock;
architecture Behavioral of clock is
-- VGA 640x480 sync parameters
constant HD: integer:=640; -- horizontal display area
constant HF: integer:=16; -- horizontal front porch
constant HB: integer:=48; -- horizontal back porch
constant HR: integer:=96; -- horizontal retrace "sync pulse"
constant VD: integer:=480; -- vertical display area
constant VF: integer:=10; -- vertical front porch
constant VB: integer:=33; -- vertical back porch
constant VR: integer:=2; -- vertical retrace "sync pulse"
-- mod2 counter to generate a 25MHz enable tick
signal mod2_reg : std_logic;
signal mod2_next : std_logic;
-- sync counters for the horizontal and vertical scans
signal v_count_reg : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal v_count_next : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal h_count_reg : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal h_count_next : unsigned(9 downto 0);
-- output buffer
signal v_sync_reg : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal h_sync_reg : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal v_sync_next : unsigned(9 downto 0);
signal h_sync_next : unsigned(9 downto 0);
-- status signal
signal h_end : std_logic;
signal v_end : std_logic;
signal pixel_tick : std_logic;
component counter
generic (count_value :=800;
sync_start :=10;
sync_end :=20
Port (clk : STD_LOGIC;
reset : STD_LOGIC;
ena : STD_LOGIC;
rollover_out : std_logic;
sync : STD_LOGIC;
address : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0)
signal carry : std_logic;
end component;
horizontal: counter
generic map (count_value :=800;
sync_start :=10;
sync_end :=20
PORT MAP (clk <= clk;
reset <= reset;
ena <= '1';
rollover_out <= carry;
sync <= hsync
address <= open
vertical: counter
generic map (count_value :=525;
sync_start := 2;
sync_end := 4
Port map (clk <= clk;
reset <= reset;
ena <= carry;
rollover_out <= open;
sync <= vsync;
address <= open
-- register
if (reset='1') then
mod2_reg <= '0';
v_count_reg <=(others=>'0');
h_count_reg <=(others=>'0');
v_sync_reg <=(others=>'0');
h_sync_reg <=(others=>'0');
elsif(clk' event and clk='1') then
mod2_reg <= mod2_next;
v_count_reg <= v_count_next;
h_count_reg <= h_count_next;
v_sync_reg <= v_sync_next;
h_sync_reg <= h_sync_next;
end if;
end process;
-- mod2 circuit to generate 25MHz enable tick
mod2_next <= not mod2_reg;
-- 25MHz pixel tick
pixel_tick <= '1' when mod2_reg = '1' else '0';
-- status
h_end <= -- end of horizontal counter
'1' when h_count_reg = (HD+HF+HB+HR-1) else --799
v_end <= -- end of vertical counter
'1' when v_count_reg = (VD+VF+VB+VR-1) else --524
-- video on/off
video_on <= '1' when (h_count_reg < HD) and (v_count_reg < VD) else '0';
-- output signals
hsync <= h_sync_reg;
vsync <= v_sync_reg;
pixel_x <= std_logic_vector(h_count_reg);
pixel_y <= std_logic_vector(v_count_reg);
p_tick <= pixel_tick;
end Behavioral;
ENTITY clock_tb IS
END clock_tb;
ARCHITECTURE behavior OF clock_tb IS
-- Component Declaration for the Unit Under Test (UUT)
clk : IN std_logic;
reset : IN std_logic;
hsync : OUT std_logic;
vsync : OUT std_logic;
video_on : OUT std_logic;
p_tick : OUT std_logic;
pixel_x : OUT std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
pixel_y : OUT std_logic_vector(9 downto 0)
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal reset : std_logic := '0';
signal hsync : std_logic;
signal vsync : std_logic;
signal video_on : std_logic;
signal p_tick : std_logic;
signal pixel_x : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal pixel_y : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
-- Clock period definitions
constant clk_period : time := 10 ns;
-- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
uut: clock PORT MAP (
clk => tb_clk,
reset => tb_reset,
hsync => tb_hsync,
vsync => tb_vsync,
video_on => tb_video_on,
p_tick => tb_p_tick,
pixel_x => tb_pixel_x,
pixel_y => tb_pixel_y
-- Clock process definitions
clk_process :process
clk <= '0';
wait for clk_period/2;
clk <= '1';
wait for clk_period/2;
end process;
-- Stimulus process
stim_proc: process
-- hold reset state for 100 ns.
wait for 100 ns;
wait for clk_period*10;
-- insert stimulus here
end process;
If I understand the question correctly, you need to segment your task up into two sections.
First you need a design that when given the 26.25MHz clock will generate the HSYNC, VSYNC and video data signals to be put out on the pins of the FPGA.
Second you need to fill in that video data with an RGB / YCbCr bitmap of pixel data that represent a graphic for the clock hands. This block would take in the video timing signals and the clock and then fill the video data in.
How you generate the clock hands is the tricky part and I suspect where the person running the course is looking for some ingenuity to solve that particular problem.
Start small and build up. Try and get the design together to generate the timing signals and put a flat block of colour or black and white on the screen. It is possible to create a testbench that will then save that pixel data to a file which can be processed into a bitmap, so that you can see what the result would be in simulation before you get to hardware.

Multiple read of register in VHDL and encapsulation leads to wrong value

I currently confront one problem with reading two registers and send their value via proxy to tile on FPGA. There are three input channels for encoded signals which consis of pulses with frequency of 50khz, then the signal were sampled by a local 100Mhz clock on FPGA board. In the module two channels were counted for their pulses and I use bit shift for encapsulation to put the read value from two counter into one 32bits std_bit_vector to send via proxy.
If I only transfer counting value of one channel and sent them via proxy signals, it behaviors always correctly. However when reading two counting value from two register and doing the encapsulation, the 16 higher bits of the shifted value is always increasing faster than it supposed to be. In another word, counting process ifself is correct while there is also no problems with communication between counting module and tile.
I dont know the problem is caused by the process reading too fast from two registers and leads to synchronization problem. One channel input signal only increases by one per 500 counts, while another counting 500 per rotation.One rotation is controlled by hand on the encoder (THen u can imagine the low frequency of the input signals)
THen encapsulation were put in last two lines of the module.
THanks in advance.
THe module of counting is design as following:
library rdt_dtl_proxy_targetlib;
use rdt_dtl_proxy_targetlib.rdt_dtl_proxy_target_cmp_pkg.all;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_ARITH.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity dtl_pmod_rotary is
generic (
WIDTH_DTL_CMD_ADDR : natural:= 32;
WIDTH_DTL_DATA : natural:= 32;
WIDTH_DTL_WR_MASK : natural:= 4
port (
clk : in std_logic;
rst_n : in std_logic;
rotary_a : in std_logic;
rotary_b : in std_logic;
rotary_i : in std_logic;
dtl_cmd_valid_t_proxy0 : in std_logic;
dtl_cmd_accept_t_proxy0 : out std_logic;
dtl_cmd_addr_t_proxy0 : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_CMD_ADDR - 1 downto 0);
dtl_cmd_read_t_proxy0 : in std_logic;
dtl_cmd_block_size_t_proxy0 : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_CMD_BLOCK_SIZE - 1 downto 0);
dtl_wr_valid_t_proxy0 : in std_logic;
dtl_wr_last_t_proxy0 : in std_logic;
dtl_wr_accept_t_proxy0 : out std_logic;
dtl_wr_data_t_proxy0 : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA - 1 downto 0);
dtl_wr_mask_t_proxy0 : in std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_WR_MASK - 1 downto 0);
dtl_rd_last_t_proxy0 : out std_logic;
dtl_rd_valid_t_proxy0 : out std_logic;
dtl_rd_accept_t_proxy0 : in std_logic;
dtl_rd_data_t_proxy0 : out std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA - 1 downto 0)
end dtl_pmod_rotary;
architecture rtl of dtl_pmod_rotary is
signal dtl_rd_data_15 : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA - 1 downto 0);
signal dtl_rd_accept_14 : std_logic;
signal dtl_cmd_block_size_6 : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_CMD_BLOCK_SIZE - 1 downto 0);
signal dtl_wr_data_10 : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA - 1 downto 0);
signal dtl_cmd_read_5 : std_logic;
signal dtl_rd_last_12 : std_logic;
signal dtl_rst_n_1 : std_logic;
signal dtl_wr_valid_7 : std_logic;
signal dtl_wr_accept_9 : std_logic;
signal dtl_wr_last_8 : std_logic;
signal dtl_cmd_addr_4 : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_CMD_ADDR - 1 downto 0);
signal dtl_cmd_valid_2 : std_logic;
signal dtl_clk_0 : std_logic;
signal dtl_rd_valid_13 : std_logic;
signal dtl_wr_mask_11 : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_WR_MASK - 1 downto 0);
signal dtl_cmd_accept_3 : std_logic;
-- signals for counting
signal cnt_r : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal cnt_r_a : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal cnt_r_b : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal cnt_r_i : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal cnt_nxt_a : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal cnt_nxt_b : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal cnt_nxt_i : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal cnt_ref_i : std_logic_vector(WIDTH_DTL_DATA-1 downto 0) := X"00000000";
signal rotary_a_r : std_logic; --register storing data from rotary_a.
signal rotary_a_2r : std_logic; --register storing data from rotary_a_r
signal rotary_b_r : std_logic; --register storing data from rotary_b.
signal rotary_b_2r : std_logic; --register storing data from rotary_b_r
signal rotary_i_r : std_logic; --register storing data from rotary_i.
signal rotary_i_2r : std_logic; --register storing data from rotary_i_r
dtl_clk_0 <= clk;
dtl_rst_n_1 <= rst_n;
dtl_cmd_valid_2 <= dtl_cmd_valid_t_proxy0;
dtl_cmd_accept_t_proxy0 <= dtl_cmd_accept_3;
dtl_cmd_addr_4 <= dtl_cmd_addr_t_proxy0;
dtl_cmd_read_5 <= dtl_cmd_read_t_proxy0;
dtl_cmd_block_size_6 <= dtl_cmd_block_size_t_proxy0;
dtl_wr_valid_7 <= dtl_wr_valid_t_proxy0;
dtl_wr_last_8 <= dtl_wr_last_t_proxy0;
dtl_wr_accept_t_proxy0 <= dtl_wr_accept_9;
dtl_wr_data_10 <= dtl_wr_data_t_proxy0;
dtl_wr_mask_11 <= dtl_wr_mask_t_proxy0;
dtl_rd_last_t_proxy0 <= dtl_rd_last_12;
dtl_rd_valid_t_proxy0 <= dtl_rd_valid_13;
dtl_rd_accept_14 <= dtl_rd_accept_t_proxy0;
dtl_rd_data_t_proxy0 <= dtl_rd_data_15;
-- Begin child instances
proxy0 : rdt_dtl_proxy_target
generic map (
port map (
dtl_clk => dtl_clk_0,
dtl_rst_n => dtl_rst_n_1,
dtl_cmd_accept_t => dtl_cmd_accept_3,
dtl_cmd_addr_t => dtl_cmd_addr_4,
dtl_cmd_block_size_t => dtl_cmd_block_size_6,
dtl_cmd_read_t => dtl_cmd_read_5,
dtl_cmd_valid_t => dtl_cmd_valid_2,
dtl_rd_accept_t => dtl_rd_accept_14,
dtl_rd_data_t => dtl_rd_data_15,
dtl_rd_last_t => dtl_rd_last_12,
dtl_rd_valid_t => dtl_rd_valid_13,
dtl_wr_accept_t => dtl_wr_accept_9,
dtl_wr_data_t => dtl_wr_data_10,
dtl_wr_last_t => dtl_wr_last_8,
dtl_wr_mask_t => dtl_wr_mask_11,
dtl_wr_valid_t => dtl_wr_valid_7,
cmd_accept => '1', --target accept handshake,input port of Proxy
cmd_addr => open,
cmd_block_size => open,
cmd_read => open, --output port of Proxy
cmd_valid => open, --output port of Proxy
rd_accept => open, --output port of Proxy, return the accept info from initializer
--rd_data => x"00000003", --test value
rd_data => cnt_r, --input port of proxy, for sending the counter value
rd_last => '1',
rd_valid => '1',
wr_accept => '0', --return value to Proxy indicating prepared for receiving written data from initiator
wr_data => open, --receive data from Proxy that written by initializer
wr_last => open,
wr_mask => open,
wr_valid => open
-- Counting pulses
-- combinatorial process
comb_counter_process_a : process(rotary_a_r, rotary_a_2r)
if rotary_a_r = '1' and rotary_a_2r = '0' then
cnt_nxt_a <= cnt_r_a + 1;
cnt_nxt_a <= cnt_r_a;
end if;
end process;
-- sequential process with synchronous reset
seq_counter_process_a : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst_n = '0' then
cnt_r_a <= (others => '0');
rotary_a_r <= '0';
rotary_a_2r <= '0';
-- registering
cnt_r_a <= cnt_nxt_a ;
rotary_a_2r <= rotary_a_r;
rotary_a_r <= rotary_a;
--cnt_r <= cnt_r_a(8 downto 0);
end if;
end if;
end process;
comb_counter_process_b : process(rotary_b_r, rotary_b_2r)
if rotary_b_r = '1' and rotary_b_2r = '0' then
cnt_nxt_b <= cnt_r_b + 1;
cnt_nxt_b <= cnt_r_b;
end if;
end process;
-- sequential process with synchronous reset
seq_counter_process_b : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst_n = '0' then
cnt_r_b <= (others => '0');
rotary_b_r <= '0';
rotary_b_2r <= '0';
-- registering
cnt_r_b <= cnt_nxt_b;
rotary_b_2r <= rotary_b_r;
rotary_b_r <= rotary_b;
--cnt_r(31 downto 16) <= X"ABCD";
end if;
end if;
end process;
comb_counter_process_i : process(rotary_i_r, rotary_i_2r)
if rotary_i_r = '1' and rotary_i_2r = '0' then
cnt_nxt_i <= cnt_r_i + 1;
cnt_nxt_i <= cnt_r_i;
end if;
end process;
-- sequential process with synchronous reset
seq_counter_process_i : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if rst_n = '0' then
cnt_r_i <= (others => '0');
rotary_i_r <= '0';
rotary_i_2r <= '0';
-- registering
cnt_r_i <= cnt_nxt_i;
rotary_i_2r <= rotary_i_r;
rotary_i_r <= rotary_i;
--cnt_r(15 downto 0) <= X"1234"; --the digits for cnt_r_i may change
end if;
end if;
end process;
cnt_r(31 downto 16) <= cnt_r_b(15 downto 0);
cnt_r(15 downto 0) <= cnt_r_i(15 downto 0);
end rtl;

State_Machine VHDL Code, can you please check why it doesn't work ! it synthesises ok

i have an assignment to write a state machine in VHDL to take control of a small built MC ( consists of 4 flip-flops,2 MUX4to1, MUX1to4, ROM, ALU,Inport ).
i have written different codes and tried several methods however simulating it shows no results, i get 'U' for results.
Code below, please check for obvious errors which I've probably missed.
i think the problem is that the stjatemachine doesn't transition through the states or doesn't execute the code inside each state.
-- Company:
-- Engineer:
-- Create Date: 07:48:47 10/26/2014
-- Design Name:
-- Module Name: STATE_MACHINE - Behavioral
-- Project Name:
-- Target Devices:
-- Tool versions:
-- Description:
-- Dependencies:
-- Revision:
-- Revision 0.01 - File Created
-- Additional Comments:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL;-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
port (
--General Ports
Re_Run_Programme : in STD_LOGIC;
--Process A parts
Programme_Start : in STD_LOGIC;
Data_From_ROM : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
ADDR_To_ROM : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (5 downto 0);
Programme_Status: out STD_LOGIC;
--Process B Part
--Process C Parts
MUX_FF_Select : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
MUX1_Select : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
MUX2_Select : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
ALU_Select : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 downto 0);
EN_A_Ports : out STD_LOGIC;
EN_B_Ports : out STD_LOGIC;
BUS_Select : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (1 downto 0);
Reset : out STD_LOGIC
architecture Behavioral of STATE_MACHINE is
type State_Type is (State_A,State_B,State_C,State_D);
signal State,Next_State : State_Type;
signal Counter : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);
--signal MO_A : STD_LOGIC;
--signal MO_B : STD_LOGIC;
--signal MO_C : STD_LOGIC;
--signal MO_D : STD_LOGIC;
signal FF_Instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); -- 00
signal MUX_ALU_Instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); -- 01
signal BUS_A_B_Ports_Instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0); -- 10
signal Reset_Instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
signal FF_Path : STD_LOGIC;
signal MUX_ALU_Path : STD_LOGIC;
signal BUS_A_B_Ports_Path : STD_LOGIC;
signal Reset_Path : STD_LOGIC;
signal EN_OUT_reg : STD_LOGIC;
--signal Next_Call : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
signal Instruction_Finder : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0);
signal Instruction_Identifier : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
signal Instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
signal Call_Next_Instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);
FF_Instruction <= "00000000";
MUX_ALU_Instruction <= "01000000";
BUS_A_B_Ports_Instruction <= "10000000";
Reset_Instruction <= "11000000";
Instruction_Finder <= "11000000";
Counter <= "000000";
Call_Next_Instruction <= "000000";
--Re Run the programme
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if (Re_Run_Programme = '1') then
State <= State_A;
-- MO_A <= '0';
State <= Next_State;
end if;
end if;
end Process;
--next state
Next_State <= State;
case State is
--#### STATE A #####
when State_A =>
--if falling_edge(CLK) then
ADDR_To_ROM <= Call_Next_Instruction;
--EN_OUT <= '1';
--if falling_edge (CLK) then
--Instruction <= DATA_From_ROM;
--end if;
Next_State <= State_B;
--end if;
--#### STATE B #####
when State_B =>
EN_OUT <= '1';
Instruction <= DATA_From_ROM;
Instruction_Identifier <= (Instruction and Instruction_Finder);
case (Instruction_Identifier) is
when "00000000" => FF_Path <= '1';
when "01000000" => MUX_ALU_Path <= '1';
when "10000000" => BUS_A_B_Ports_Path <= '1';
when "11000000" => Reset_Path <= '1';
when others => null;
end case;
Next_State <= State_C after 40ns;
--#### STATE C #####
when State_C =>
if ((FF_Path = '1') and (Counter = 2)) then
MUX_FF_Select <= "00";
end if;
if ((FF_Path = '1') and (Counter = 4)) then
MUX_FF_Select <= "00" after 20ns;
end if;
if (falling_edge(CLK) and (MUX_ALU_Path = '1')) then
MUX1_Select <= "00";
MUX2_Select <= "00";
end if;
if ( rising_edge(CLK) and BUS_A_B_Ports_Path = '1') then
if Counter = 1 then
BUS_Select <= "01";
end if;
if Counter = 3 then
BUS_Select <= "10";
end if;
EN_A_Ports <= '1';
EN_B_Ports <= '1';
end if;
if ( rising_edge(CLK) and Reset_Path = '1') then
Reset <= '1';
end if;
Next_State <= State_D after 60ns;
--#### STATE D #####
when State_D =>
EN_OUT <= '0';
Counter <= Counter + 1;
if Counter > 5 then
Next_State <= State_D;
end if;
Call_Next_Instruction <= Counter;
Next_State <= State_A;
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
github link to code: https://github.com/quasarMind/StateMachine.git
Besides comments by Bill Lynch and Brian Drummond addressing synthesis eligibility a reason why the model gets all 'U's appears to revolve around multiple drivers for
Instruction_Finder, Counter and Call_Next_Instruction. One driver is initialized the other delivering all 'U's, the two resolve to all 'U's.
For purposes of simulating to see what your state machine actually does (and sidestepping the issue of synthesis), set default values for these three signals in their declarations and comment out the additional concurrent signal assignment statements, e.g.:
signal Counter : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal Instruction_Finder : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) := "11000000";
signal Call_Next_Instruction : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) := (others => '0');
-- Instruction_Finder <= "11000000";
-- Counter <= "000000";
-- Call_Next_Instruction <= "000000";
Most synthesis vendors will honor default values for signals for FPGA targets, otherwise you can add a reset.

Why Does This VHDL Work in Sumulation and Does not Work on the Virtex 5 Device

I have spent the whole day trying to solve the following problem. I am building a small averaging multichannel oscilloscope and I have the following module for storing the signal:
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
entity storage is
clk_in : in std_logic;
reset : in std_logic;
element_in : in std_logic;
data_in : in std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
addr : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
add : in std_logic; -- add = '1' means add to RAM
-- add = '0' means write to RAM
dump : in std_logic;
element_out : out std_logic;
data_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
end storage;
architecture rtl of storage is
component bram is
clk : in std_logic;
we : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
di : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
do : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
end component bram;
type state is (st_startwait, st_add, st_write);
signal current_state : state := st_startwait;
signal next_state : state := st_startwait;
signal start : std_logic;
signal we : std_logic;
signal en : std_logic;
signal di : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal do : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
signal data : std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);
ram : bram port map
clk => clk_in,
we => we,
en => en,
addr => addr,
di => di,
do => do
process(clk_in, reset, start)
if rising_edge(clk_in) then
if (reset = '1') then
current_state <= st_startwait;
start <= '0';
current_state <= next_state;
if (element_in = '1') then
start <= '1';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
process(current_state, start, dump)
variable acc : std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
element_out <= '0';
en <= '1';
we <= '0';
case current_state is
when st_startwait =>
if (start = '1') then
acc(11 downto 0) := data_in;
acc(31 downto 12) := (others => '0');
next_state <= st_add;
next_state <= st_startwait;
end if;
when st_add =>
if (add = '1') then
acc := acc + do;
end if;
we <= '1';
di <= acc;
next_state <= st_write;
when st_write =>
if (dump = '1') then
data_out <= acc;
element_out <= '1';
end if;
next_state <= st_startwait;
end case;
end process;
end rtl;
Below is the BRAM module as copied from the XST manual. This is a no-change type of BRAM and I believe there is the problem. The symptom is that, while this simulates fine, I read only zeroes from the memory when I use the design on the device.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
entity bram is
clk : in std_logic;
we : in std_logic;
en : in std_logic;
addr : in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
di : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
do : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0)
end bram;
architecture rtl of bram is
type ram_type is array (0 to 999) of std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal buf : ram_type;
process(clk, en, we)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if en = '1' then
if we = '1' then
buf(conv_integer(addr)) <= di;
do <= buf(conv_integer(addr));
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end rtl;
What follows is a description of the chip use and the expected output. "clk_in" is a 50 MHz clock. "element_in" is '1' for 20 ns and '0' for 60 ns. "addr_in" iterates from 0 to 999 and changes every 80 ns. "element_in", "data_in", and "addr" are all aligned and synchronous. Now "add" is '1' for 1000 elements, then both "add" and "dump" are zero for 8000 elements and, finally "dump" is '1' for 1000 elements. Now, if I have a test bench that supplies "data_in" from 0 to 999, I expect data_out to be 0, 10, 20, 30, ..., 9990 when "dump" is '1'. That is according to the simulation. In reality I get 0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 999....
Some initial issues to address are listed below.
The process(current_state, start, dump) in storage entity looks like it is
intended to implement a combinatorial element (gates), but the signal (port)
data_in is not in the sensitivity list.
This is very likely to cause a difference between simulation and synthesis
behavior, since simulation will typically only react to the signals in the
sensitivity list, where synthesis will implement the combinatorial design and
react on all used signals, but may give a warning about incomplete sensitivity
list or inferred latches. If you are using VHDL-2008 then use can use a
sensitivity list of (all) to have the process sensitivity to all used
signals, and otherwise you need to add missing signals manually.
The case current_state is in process(current_state, start, dump) lacks an
when others => ..., so the synthesis tool has probably given you a warning
about inferred latches. This should be fixed by adding the when others =>
with and assign all signals driven by the process to the relevant value.
The use clause lists:
use IEEE.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use IEEE.numeric_std.all;
But both of these should not be used at the same time, since they declare some
of the same identifiers, for example is unsigned declared in both. Since the
RAM uses std_logic_unsigned I suggest that you stick with that only, and
delete use of numeric_std. For new code I would though recommend use of
Also the process(clk_in, reset, start) in storage entity implements a
sequential element (flip flop) sensitive to only rising edge of clk_in, so
the two last signals in sensitivity list ..., reset, start) are unnecessary,
but does not cause a problem.
