Generate random non repeating pairs of numbers within 2 ranges - algorithm

I want to create random pairs of numbers within 2 ranges.
So for example if I want 3 random pairs of numbers where 10 < n1 < 20 and 30 < n2 < 50 then an acceptable output would be this: [[11,35],[15,30],[15,42]] but not [[11,35],[11,35],[12,39]]
I would like an efficient (both computationally and memory wise) algorithm to do this. The language doesn't really matter because I can adapt it later (although Python would be preferred).
So far the best idea I have had is to create a dictionary with all the possible numbers in n1 and as values a list of the numbers which have been used in n2. Then I can just pick a random n1 and find a number which hasn't been used in n1[n2] set.
This isn't very efficient space wise though and I'm hoping for something better. It also seems to be computationally inefficient to find a number not in n1[n2] many times.
I could also do the opposite and have the dictionary populated with all the numbers not used and just pop a random number off the list. But this would use much more space.
Is there any efficient way to do this? Is this a common problem?
Edit: It would be good if this could easily be expanded to more dimensions (so sets of N numbers). But this isn't really needed yet.

An integer pair (x, y) in [min_x, min_x + s) X [min_y, min_y + t) can be mapped to an integer m within the 1D space [min_x * t, (min_x + s) * t) by calculating m = x * t + y - min_y. The inverse mapping from m to (x, y) can be achieved by (m // t, min_y + m % t) in Python.
Therefore the problem is transformed to choosing multiple values from [min_x * t, (min_x + s) * t) without replacement (i.e. no duplicates in the returned sequence). This can be done by simply calling the random.sample function in Python. According to the doc, the underlying implementation is space efficient for sequence inputs. So the entire problem can be done in Python as shown in the following:
from random import sample
# max_x and max_y are exclusive while min_x and min_y are inclusive
t = max_y - min_y
sampled_pairs = [(m//t, min_y + m%t) for m in sample(range(min_x * t, max_x * t), k=3)]


Function including random number that can be inverted without the random number

Given a number x and a random number n, I am looking for two functions F and G so that:
y = F(x, n) where y is different for different values of n
x = G(y)
all numbers are (large, e.g. 256 bit) integers
For instance given a list of numbers k1, k2, k3, f4 generated by applying multiple times F, it is possible to calculate k3 from k4 but not k4 from k3 (the random number prevents the inversion).
The problem is obvious if we allow to use n (or derived) in G (it is basically an asymmetric encryption) but this is not the target.
Any idea?
I found a function that works with infinite precision F = x * pow(coprime(x), n)
x = 29
p = 5
n = 20
def f(x,n):
return x * pow(p,n)
f(x,n) => 2765655517578125
and G becomes
def g(y):
x = y
while x % p == 0:
x = x/p
return x
g(y) = 29
Unfortunately this fails with overflow as soon as numbers become big (limited precision)
Second update: the problem has no solution
In fact let's start from a situation where the problem has a solution, which is when the domain of G and F is R.
In that case choosing a random output from any function F' that has multiple output will work.
For instance if then F(x, n) = acos(x) + 2nπ, where n random is Integer
then G(y) = cos(y). From y is always possible to go back to x, but not the opposite without knowing n.
A similar example can be built with operation with module, which will work with Integer domains without the need of real numbers.
Anyway this will fail when the domain is the same finite set (like on physical memory) for F and G. It can be proved by contradiction.
Let's assume that for finite domains D1=D2 of size N, a function F:D1->D2 exists that produces M outputs where M > 1.
Assuming that the function produces at least one output for each x in D1,
1 either D2 > D1
2 or outputs from F are the same for different values of x (some overlapping must exists)
Now 1 is against the requirement that D1=D2, while 2 is against the requirement that G(y) has a single output value
If we relax 1 and we allow D2 > D1, then we can solve the problem. This can be done by adding n (or a derivation of it) like suggested in some comments. For my specific scenario probably it makes more sense to use a EC public/private key but that is another story.
Many Thanks
Based on your requirements, the following should work. If there is some other requirement that I did not understand from your question, please clarify, because this seems to suffice based on your definition. In that case, I will change or delete this answer.
f(x, n) = x | n;
g(y | n) = y;
where | means concatenation of bits. We can assign a fixed (maximum) number of bits for n and pad with zeros.
there can be no solution for this problem because:
for a constant x1 and variable r you would have an output set with all Integers in it.
for a constant x2 and variable r again you would have an output set with all Integers in it.
so at best you can have a function g which would take a number from the output set of function f and return all possible answers which are infinite.
this is similar to writing a reverse hashing function; which defies logic.

Keep uniform distribution after remapping to a new range

Since this is about remapping a uniform distribution to another with a different range, this is not a PHP question specifically although I am using PHP.
I have a cryptographicaly secure random number generator that gives me evenly distributed integers (uniform discrete distribution) between 0 and PHP_INT_MAX.
How do I remap these results to fit into a different range in an efficient manner?
Currently I am using $mappedRandomNumber = $randomNumber % ($range + 1) + $min where $range = $max - $min, but that obvioulsy doesn't work since the first PHP_INT_MAX%$range integers from the range have a higher chance to be picked, breaking the uniformity of the distribution.
Well, having zero knowledge of PHP definitely qualifies me as an expert, so
mentally converting to float U[0,1)
f = r / PHP_MAX_INT
then doing
mapped = min + f*(max - min)
going back to integers
mapped = min + (r * max - r * min)/PHP_MAX_INT
if computation is done via 64bit math, and PHP_MAX_INT being 2^31 it should work
This is what I ended up doing. PRNG 101 (if it does not fit, ignore and generate again). Not very sophisticated, but simple:
public function rand($min = 0, $max = null){
// pow(2,$numBits-1) calculated as (pow(2,$numBits-2)-1) + pow(2,$numBits-2)
// to avoid overflow when $numBits is the number of bits of PHP_INT_MAX
$maxSafe = (int) floor(
((pow(2,8*$this->intByteCount-2)-1) + pow(2,8*$this->intByteCount-2))
($max - $min)
) * ($max - $min);
// discards anything above the last interval N * {0 .. max - min -1}
// that fits in {0 .. 2^(intBitCount-1)-1}
do {
$chars = $this->getRandomBytesString($this->intByteCount);
$n = 0;
for ($i=0;$i<$this->intByteCount;$i++) {$n|=(ord($chars[$i])<<(8*($this->intByteCount-$i-1)));}
} while (abs($n)>$maxSafe);
return (abs($n)%($max-$min+1))+$min;
Any improvements are welcomed.
(Full code on
Here is the sketch how I would do it:
Consider you have uniform random integer distribution in range [A, B) that's what your random number generator provide.
Let L = B - A.
Let P be the highest power of 2 such that P <= L.
Let X be a sample from this range.
First calculate Y = X - A.
If Y >= P, discard it and start with new X until you get an Y that fits.
Now Y contains log2(P) uniformly random bits - zero extend it up to log2(P) bits.
Now we have uniform random bit generator that can be used to provide arbitrary number of random bits as needed.
To generate a number in the target range, let [A_t, B_t) be the target range. Let L_t = B_t - A_t.
Let P_t be the smallest power of 2 such that P_t >= L_t.
Read log2(P_t) random bits and make an integer from it, let's call it X_t.
If X_t >= L_t, discard it and try again until you get a number that fits.
Your random number in the desired range will be L_t + A_t.
Implementation considerations: if your L_t and L are powers of 2, you never have to discard anything. If not, then even in the worst case you should get the right number in less than 2 trials on average.

Weights Optimization in matlab

I have to do optimization in supervised learning to get my weights.
I have to learn the values (w1,w2,w3,w4) such that whenever my vector A = [a1 a2 a3 a4] is 1 the sum w1*a1 + w2*a2 + w3*a3 + w4*a4 becomes greater than 0.5 and when its -1 ( labels ) then it becomes less than 0.5.
Can somebody tell me how I can approach this problem in Matlab ? One way that I know is to do it using evolutionary algorithms, taking a random value vector and then changing to pick the best n values.
Is there any other way that this can be approached ?
You can do it using linprog.
Let A be a matrix of size n by 4 consisting of all n training 4-vecotrs you have. You should also have a vector y with n elements (each either plus or minus 1), representing the label of each training 4-vecvtor.
Using A and y we can write a linear program (look at the doc for the names of the parameters I'm using). Now, you do not have an objective function, so you can simply set f to be f = zeros(4,1);.
The only thing you have is an inequality constraint (< a_i , w > - .5) * y_i >= 0 (where <.,.> is a dot-product between 4-vector a_i and weight vector w).
If my calculations are correct, this constraint can be written as
cmat = bsxfun( #times, A, y );
Overall you get
w = linprog( zeros(4,1), -cmat, .5*y );

How can I optimize this indexing algorithm

My Questions
Is there anyway that I can speed up this calculation?
Is there a better algorithm or implementation that I can be use to calculate the same values?
Describing the algorithm
I have a complex indexing problem that I'm struggling to solve in an efficient way.
The goal is to calculate the matrix w_prime using values a combination of values from the equally sized matrices w, dY, and dX.
The value of w_prime(i,j) is calculated as mean( w( indY & indX ) ), where indY and indX are the indices of dY and dX that are equal to i and j respectively.
Here's a simple implementation in matlab of an algorithm to compute w_prime:
for i = 1:size(w_prime,1)
indY = dY == i;
for j = 1:size(w_prime,2)
indX = dX == j;
w_prime(ind) = mean( w( indY & indX ) );
Performance Problems
This implementation is sufficient in example case below; however, in my actual use case w, dY, dX are ~3000x3000 and w_prime is ~60X900. Meaning that each index calculation is happening on a ~9 million elements. Needless this implementation is too slow to be usable. Additionally I'll need to run this code a few dozen times.
Example Calculation
If I want to compute w(1,1)
Find the indices of dY that equal 1, save as indY
Find the indices of dX that equal 1, save as indX
Find intersection of indY and indX save as ind
Save the mean( w(ind) ) to w_prime(1,1)
General Problem Description
I have a set points defined by two vectors X, and T, both are 1XN where N is ~3000. Additionally the values of X and T are integers bound by the intervals (1 60) and (1 900) respectively.
The matrices dX and dT, are simply distance matrices, meaning that they contain the pairwise distances between the points. Ie dx(i,j) is equal abs( x(i) - x(j) ).
They are calculated using: dx = pdist(x);
The matrix w can be thought of as a weight matrix that describes how much influence one point has on another.
The purpose of calculating w_prime(a,b) is to determine the average weight between the sub-set of points that are separated by a in the X dimension and b in the T dimension.
This can be expressed as follows:
This is straightforward with ACCUMARRAY:
nx = max(dX(:));
ny = max(dY(:));
w_prime = accumarray([dX(:),dY(:)],w(:),[nx,ny],#mean,NaN)
The output will be a nx-by-ny sized array with NaNs wherever there was no corresponding pair of indices. If you're sure that there will be a full complement of indices all the time, you can simplify the above calculation to
w_prime = accumarray([dX(:),dY(:)],w(:),[],#mean)
So, what does accumarray do? It looks at the rows of [dX(:),dY(:)]. Each row gives the (i,j) coordinate pair in w_prime to which the row contributes. For all pairs (1,1), it applies the function (#mean) to the corresponding entries in w(:), and writes the output into w_prime(1,1).

"Approximate" greatest common divisor

Suppose you have a list of floating point numbers that are approximately multiples of a common quantity, for example
2.468, 3.700, 6.1699
which are approximately all multiples of 1.234. How would you characterize this "approximate gcd", and how would you proceed to compute or estimate it?
Strictly related to my answer to this question.
You can run Euclid's gcd algorithm with anything smaller then 0.01 (or a small number of your choice) being a pseudo 0. With your numbers:
3.700 = 1 * 2.468 + 1.232,
2.468 = 2 * 1.232 + 0.004.
So the pseudo gcd of the first two numbers is 1.232. Now you take the gcd of this with your last number:
6.1699 = 5 * 1.232 + 0.0099.
So 1.232 is the pseudo gcd, and the mutiples are 2,3,5. To improve this result, you may take the linear regression on the data points:
(2,2.468), (3,3.7), (5,6.1699).
The slope is the improved pseudo gcd.
Caveat: the first part of this is algorithm is numerically unstable - if you start with very dirty data, you are in trouble.
Express your measurements as multiples of the lowest one. Thus your list becomes 1.00000, 1.49919, 2.49996. The fractional parts of these values will be very close to 1/Nths, for some value of N dictated by how close your lowest value is to the fundamental frequency. I would suggest looping through increasing N until you find a sufficiently refined match. In this case, for N=1 (that is, assuming X=2.468 is your fundamental frequency) you would find a standard deviation of 0.3333 (two of the three values are .5 off of X * 1), which is unacceptably high. For N=2 (that is, assuming 2.468/2 is your fundamental frequency) you would find a standard deviation of virtually zero (all three values are within .001 of a multiple of X/2), thus 2.468/2 is your approximate GCD.
The major flaw in my plan is that it works best when the lowest measurement is the most accurate, which is likely not the case. This could be mitigated by performing the entire operation multiple times, discarding the lowest value on the list of measurements each time, then use the list of results of each pass to determine a more precise result. Another way to refine the results would be adjust the GCD to minimize the standard deviation between integer multiples of the GCD and the measured values.
This reminds me of the problem of finding good rational-number approximations of real numbers. The standard technique is a continued-fraction expansion:
def rationalizations(x):
assert 0 <= x
ix = int(x)
yield ix, 1
if x == ix: return
for numer, denom in rationalizations(1.0/(x-ix)):
yield denom + ix * numer, numer
We could apply this directly to Jonathan Leffler's and Sparr's approach:
>>> a, b, c = 2.468, 3.700, 6.1699
>>> b/a, c/a
(1.4991896272285252, 2.4999594813614263)
>>> list(itertools.islice(rationalizations(b/a), 3))
[(1, 1), (3, 2), (925, 617)]
>>> list(itertools.islice(rationalizations(c/a), 3))
[(2, 1), (5, 2), (30847, 12339)]
picking off the first good-enough approximation from each sequence. (3/2 and 5/2 here.) Or instead of directly comparing 3.0/2.0 to 1.499189..., you could notice than 925/617 uses much larger integers than 3/2, making 3/2 an excellent place to stop.
It shouldn't much matter which of the numbers you divide by. (Using a/b and c/b you get 2/3 and 5/3, for instance.) Once you have integer ratios, you could refine the implied estimate of the fundamental using shsmurfy's linear regression. Everybody wins!
I'm assuming all of your numbers are multiples of integer values. For the rest of my explanation, A will denote the "root" frequency you are trying to find and B will be an array of the numbers you have to start with.
What you are trying to do is superficially similar to linear regression. You are trying to find a linear model y=mx+b that minimizes the average distance between a linear model and a set of data. In your case, b=0, m is the root frequency, and y represents the given values. The biggest problem is that the independent variables X are not explicitly given. The only thing we know about X is that all of its members must be integers.
Your first task is trying to determine these independent variables. The best method I can think of at the moment assumes that the given frequencies have nearly consecutive indexes (x_1=x_0+n). So B_0/B_1=(x_0)/(x_0+n) given a (hopefully) small integer n. You can then take advantage of the fact that x_0 = n/(B_1-B_0), start with n=1, and keep ratcheting it up until k-rnd(k) is within a certain threshold. After you have x_0 (the initial index), you can approximate the root frequency (A = B_0/x_0). Then you can approximate the other indexes by finding x_n = rnd(B_n/A). This method is not very robust and will probably fail if the error in the data is large.
If you want a better approximation of the root frequency A, you can use linear regression to minimize the error of the linear model now that you have the corresponding dependent variables. The easiest method to do so uses least squares fitting. Wolfram's Mathworld has a in-depth mathematical treatment of the issue, but a fairly simple explanation can be found with some googling.
Interesting question...not easy.
I suppose I would look at the ratios of the sample values:
3.700 / 2.468 = 1.499...
6.1699 / 2.468 = 2.4999...
6.1699 / 3.700 = 1.6675...
And I'd then be looking for a simple ratio of integers in those results.
1.499 ~= 3/2
2.4999 ~= 5/2
1.6675 ~= 5/3
I haven't chased it through, but somewhere along the line, you decide that an error of 1:1000 or something is good enough, and you back-track to find the base approximate GCD.
The solution which I've seen and used myself is to choose some constant, say 1000, multiply all numbers by this constant, round them to integers, find the GCD of these integers using the standard algorithm and then divide the result by the said constant (1000). The larger the constant, the higher the precision.
This is a reformulaiton of shsmurfy's solution when you a priori choose 3 positive tolerances (e1,e2,e3)
The problem is then to search smallest positive integers (n1,n2,n3) and thus largest root frequency f such that:
f1 = n1*f +/- e1
f2 = n2*f +/- e2
f3 = n3*f +/- e3
We assume 0 <= f1 <= f2 <= f3
If we fix n1, then we get these relations:
f is in interval I1=[(f1-e1)/n1 , (f1+e1)/n1]
n2 is in interval I2=[n1*(f2-e2)/(f1+e1) , n1*(f2+e2)/(f1-e1)]
n3 is in interval I3=[n1*(f3-e3)/(f1+e1) , n1*(f3+e3)/(f1-e1)]
We start with n1 = 1, then increment n1 until the interval I2 and I3 contain an integer - that is floor(I2min) different from floor(I2max) same with I3
We then choose smallest integer n2 in interval I2, and smallest integer n3 in interval I3.
Assuming normal distribution of floating point errors, the most probable estimate of root frequency f is the one minimizing
J = (f1/n1 - f)^2 + (f2/n2 - f)^2 + (f3/n3 - f)^2
That is
f = (f1/n1 + f2/n2 + f3/n3)/3
If there are several integers n2,n3 in intervals I2,I3 we could also choose the pair that minimize the residue
Another variant could be to continue iteration and try to minimize another criterium like min(J(n1))*n1, until f falls below a certain frequency (n1 reaches an upper limit)...
I found this question looking for answers for mine in MathStackExchange (here and here).
I've only managed (yet) to measure the appeal of a fundamental frequency given a list of harmonic frequencies (following the sound/music nomenclature), which can be useful if you have a reduced number of options and is feasible to compute the appeal of each one and then choose the best fit.
C&P from my question in MSE (there the formatting is prettier):
being v the list {v_1, v_2, ..., v_n}, ordered from lower to higher
mean_sin(v, x) = sum(sin(2*pi*v_i/x), for i in {1, ...,n})/n
mean_cos(v, x) = sum(cos(2*pi*v_i/x), for i in {1, ...,n})/n
gcd_appeal(v, x) = 1 - sqrt(mean_sin(v, x)^2 + (mean_cos(v, x) - 1)^2)/2, which yields a number in the interval [0,1].
The goal is to find the x that maximizes the appeal. Here is the (gcd_appeal) graph for your example [2.468, 3.700, 6.1699], where you find that the optimum GCD is at x = 1.2337899957639993
You may find handy this JAVA code to calculate the (fuzzy) divisibility (aka gcd_appeal) of a divisor relative to a list of dividends; you can use it to test which of your candidates makes the best divisor. The code looks ugly because I tried to optimize it for performance.
//returns the mean divisibility of dividend/divisor as a value in the range [0 and 1]
// 0 means no divisibility at all
// 1 means full divisibility
public double divisibility(double divisor, double... dividends) {
double n = dividends.length;
double factor = 2.0 / divisor;
double sum_x = -n;
double sum_y = 0.0;
double[] coord = new double[2];
for (double v : dividends) {
coordinates(v * factor, coord);
sum_x += coord[0];
sum_y += coord[1];
double err = 1.0 - Math.sqrt(sum_x * sum_x + sum_y * sum_y) / (2.0 * n);
//Might happen due to approximation error
return err >= 0.0 ? err : 0.0;
private void coordinates(double x, double[] out) {
//Bhaskara performant approximation to
//out[0] = Math.cos(Math.PI*x);
//out[1] = Math.sin(Math.PI*x);
long cos_int_part = (long) (x + 0.5);
long sin_int_part = (long) x;
double rem = x - cos_int_part;
if (cos_int_part != sin_int_part) {
double common_s = 4.0 * rem;
double cos_rem_s = common_s * rem - 1.0;
double sin_rem_s = cos_rem_s + common_s + 1.0;
out[0] = (((cos_int_part & 1L) * 8L - 4L) * cos_rem_s) / (cos_rem_s + 5.0);
out[1] = (((sin_int_part & 1L) * 8L - 4L) * sin_rem_s) / (sin_rem_s + 5.0);
} else {
double common_s = 4.0 * rem - 4.0;
double sin_rem_s = common_s * rem;
double cos_rem_s = sin_rem_s + common_s + 3.0;
double common_2 = ((cos_int_part & 1L) * 8L - 4L);
out[0] = (common_2 * cos_rem_s) / (cos_rem_s + 5.0);
out[1] = (common_2 * sin_rem_s) / (sin_rem_s + 5.0);
